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  • Hello! I'm your opp at Smogon Classic Final match VGC22. If you see this message, please send dm to tsuyuvgc at discord.
    Hi, we are paired for the sixth round of the VGC Swiss tour. When can you play? I'm GMT-3
    Hey there, VGC swiss tour r5, im gmt+1, i should be able to play during the weekend or friday evening!
    Ideally with notice tho
    Yo when are you free to play for spikemuth?
    Hey, can you do it 23pm gmt+2 today?
    Sorry, I'm not free today. I'll also probably be busy for some of tomorrow, so if you send what times/time range you're available in tomorrow that would be good
    I think the time that best works for me tomorrow is at 2:30 gmt+2
    When do you want to play for Spikemuth?
    Hi, if you want we can chat on discord bc i check it more frequently, DarkJorch#5424. I'm Gmt+2 so tell me when you can and i'll try to accommodate to your hours.
    hello wanna play for vgc now
    um hello can you not ignore me on main i literally see you are online and I've been waiting over 30 minutes
    can we please play now we are both online and i am tired and wanna sleep
    Yo VGC SSNL I'm GMT +1, I've seen your Smogon PM nevertheless I prefer schedule on public walls. I can play usually any day between 3 and 9 PM unless I'm busy.
    Monday, Thursday, Friday and weekend and I'm not sure of what my schedule will be made of yet.
    Tuesday and Wednesday I've nothing big planned.

    When can you play ?
    Are you free to play this weekend? I've got a different set at Sunday 5 PM GMT-4, so we could do either before or after that.
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