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  • Cool man, btw I know u dnt have the rachi but I was wondering if u could get ur hands on one since u have good connections here
    yeah you too man and nah im not on much just pop on now and then im mainily on fc still u still go on np?
    sup nj Dragonrage from nw here was wondering if u had a hp ground jirachi i rly need one
    Well...naughty would give more options...w/ flamethrower, a sash can be used on the set, and there'd be no hinderance via nature...
    Lol...other vm didn't stick. I hatched 2, 1 naughty 1 mild...naughty has better IVs/would work w/ the flamethrower set...
    Well, I'm starting the chimmies now....had to get some stuff cloned.
    Thanks! There is, in additional comment I credit you for the original set.
    And no, not guaranteed, only if it's approved.
    Sweet thanks man!
    I'm going to do some testing and mess with EVs, I'll VM you when I make a thread!
    I'll also, obviously give you credit.
    Would you mind me making a analysis for your anti-lead gross?
    Nature: Naive
    Item: Life Orb
    Ability: Clear Body
    EVs: 120 AtK / 252 SpA / 8 Speed / 130 HP
    ~ Zen Headbutt
    ~ Grass Knot
    ~ Hidden Power Ground/Ice
    ~ Bullet Punch
    good idea, but I see a huuuuge hail weakness which the common abomasnow/mamoswine leads could re-ape you with...mamo especially, seeing as snow cloak theoretically shaves 15% accuracy/sp.atk off all your
    skarmory'd be there in case you run into something like celebi, who could reape
    hmm...for SS doubles, you generally need at least 2 'floaters', and 4 other pkmn who can offer good type coverage. Skarmory, swampert, scarftran, tyrannitar/ complete...
    hmm...if not rotom, then your safest bet is weezing. Weezing gives you a physical wall to take hits, and tends to lure out heatrans that can get ohko'd by earthquake...that and you need a teammate that you can use your stab w/o worry...
    W/ hippo, you need something that'll counter all 3 of the pkmn that could destroy hippo, them being aerodactyl, celebi, and swampert. Mowerotom covers them all, and resists EQ
    For smeargle...I'd suggest 'me first' and 'sucker punch' as the final 2 moves...or magic coat if you wanna bounce-back enemy roserade sleep a lead you have 3 decent options. Rotom-ezbake and electivire are ironically what I use....electivire resists discharge, rotom resists earthquake, and the only thing not hit for 60-70% is levi-zone. Another option could be azelf and gyarados. Gyarados removes the threat of azelf getting 2h-phys-swept, and azelf gives coverage against pkmn immune to gyarados. 3rd option is weezing/cresselia and blissey. Dual walls as leads tends to be favorable, and can get rid of your opponent's sweepers when used correctly. Want moves/EVs?
    I have a bunch of good doubles tactics if you're interested...just depends on tier...
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