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  • breast size is immaterial to whether I will stay with a girl or not, but I hate touching A cups and love touching D cups
    good point to the first, and don't presume its cause they are franch. I am opposed to pro sports funding when I pay upwards of 75 per ticket.

    you know if every province was as self centred as quebec, no province would vote for federal parties and we'd all vote for provincial interest ones. That means ontario would dominate more than they already do!
    it hampered the legality of a referendum and the handouts it gets (I mean the ones all provinces get, but they are legally part of the country).

    Blue bombers play in winnipeg, not edmonton.
    Calgary can afford it, but the city is being fuckers about the zoning. It's the same with the CFL stadium. At least the albertan arena needs suit teams that actually exist rather than those of a city that lost their team. Do you have any info on the winnipeg arena?

    It was the alberta premier that told Quebec to fuck off. Maybe if Quebec feels so inclined as to beg for federal money they should sign the constitution.
    stop over to see the royal alberta museum and some smogoners. Then I'm off to the Eastern States- Baltimore, Washington D.C. and New York City.
    any chance you can come to toronto to see me on March 3rd, in the evening?
    Hey, so I recently played through Pokemon Blue (first time since i was like 8) and fell in love with generation 1 all over again (possibly as a backlash to B/W and the 2930292039208 pokemon there are now). I decided to check out the competitive scene for Gen 1 because I was obviously not a competitive player in those younger days. After reading most of the analysis entries on the strategy dex I looked to the forum for more insight. The point of this message is just to thank you for your posts on the forum, they are all so detailed and insightful and informational for someone who is fairly ignorant to the RBY metagame and is interested to learn about it.
    Man why are you so against the rest of Canada in your signature? It seems like compensation, like when a man with a small penis tries to hide the fact that a man with a huge penis has a huge penis. It still says stop, I can read through your social barriers. Maybe try legislation next time! lol
    Now if only I had a translator, :P

    Willing to offer French lessons, Sir Vincent?
    Québécoise en plus. xp Mais bon, sa fait toujours plaisir de savoir qu'on est pas seul ici à y jouer xp
    fuck off I'm Albertan, which isn't much better than American. How about "France -10" or "Quebec: All the french none of the flavor"? I have honed my troll skills, you see.

    Yeah that does tend to happen doesn't it? I do tend to be a bit more transient. At least I'm not dying that I know of, HAH!
    Doing awesome now. Things are stabilizing quite nicely for me, finally. I'll even get the hallucination shit resolved by mid september hopefully. As you can tell in Cong, I'm pretty much back to form. How have you been???

    Maybe France Jr was a misnomer. Perhaps Diet France?
    hmm, c'est bien de savoir que mon dernier visiteur est québécois :D
    Bon aller je sais que sa fait un peu "random" mais bon, c'est sa que j'avais à dire, j'ai une réputation à me créer et il faut que je m'habitue au forum, à plus!
    Je vous remercie, cela signifie un lot en provenance d'un locuteur natif!

    Oui, le Québec était belle. J'ai particulièrement aimé les vieux bâtiments et la sensation de charme de la ville.
    Il a été âges depuis que je suis au Québec, est-il encore la belle ville que je me souviens?
    Je visiterai ce chat avec plaisir lorsque j'apprendrai comment il fonctionne; en effet, je n'y connais absolument rien puisque c'est la première fois que je vais l'utiliser. Sinon, j'aime bien l'idée de ''franciser'' le chat de smogon. Itaque j'irai y faire un tour dès que possible. :D
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