Mafia vs Village 1v1 ME SCRUB Mafia - Game Over, Scrubs win - Postgame in final update


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus

"Guys it's not too late to unvote" protested Jalmont as he was brutally eviscerated.

Dear Jalmont,
You are J.D.

You are the narrator and protagonist of the TV show Scrubs, which I’ve never watched. Wikipedia claims that your two biggest personality quirks are your tendency to daydream and your bromance with Turk. I’ll take their word for it.

Each night, you may reply to this conversation with “Night X - Pretend USER is Turk”. Motivated by this fantasy, you will become determined to protect USER from any killers that night. Bonus points if you pretend Turk is Turk.

In addition, you may reply to this conversation with “Night X - Operate on USER”. USER will be placed under a general anesthetic, which will prevent them from completing any actions that night.

You are allied with the Pros Wearing Scrubs. You win if the Pros Wearing Scrubs win.
Which means that the Pros Wearing Scrubs have been eliminated.

Dear friends,

I’m not gonna lie. The only reason your faction makes sense thematically is because you are cool characters - one might go so far as to say “pros” - from a television show called Scrubs. And now you both want to kill everyone else… for some reason. Just roll with it, OK?

Your team consists of:
UllarWarlord - Turk - Inspector, Silencer
Jalmont - J.D. - Bodyguard, Hooker

You’ve already disposed of Glass Joe and Rick Perry, so you know that neither of them are in the game. Use this information however you wish. You should also note that all Scrub roles contain some variation of the word “scrub” in the final flavor sentence.

Each night, you may reply to this conversation with “Night X - Killing USER”. The effect of this should be self explanatory. Please specify which of you will perform the kill - if you do not, I will assume that whoever sent the action is performing the kill.

You two have a bit of a bromance going on. As such, whenever the two of you vote together, your combined vote will carry a weight of 3 rather than 2. In addition, when one of you dies, the other will fly into a rage: he will gain all the powers of the one that died and will be able to kill two users per night instead of one.

You are allied with the Pros Wearing Scrubs. You win if the Pros Wearing Scrubs eliminate all threats.
It is now Night 4. Night 4 ends 11/14 at 12:30 PM CST.
dat town that has a tracker, a watcher, two inspectors, a vigilante, a martyr, a reverse martyr, and a bodyguard and god knows what else in a game with 16 people and manages to luck their way to winning

it must be really nice to have such a large handicap to make up for shitty play!


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is a Community Contributor
To make up for forcing a deadline extension last night, actions have been sent out 40 minutes after the day ended. Let's see how short we can make this night! :s

Mafia, be quick with your kill please ;)


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Well, guess that's it then.

Serious Bananas gracefully surrenders by jumping headfirst into a woodchipper.

Dear Serious Bananas,
You are the_sea_prince.

Legend tells of a mythical Smogon user who never lost a game of mafia. They say he appeared out of the blue one day, quickly won the first 3 games he ever played, then disappeared into the ether, ephemeral as the wind. That user is you, and though in reality you DID eventually lose a game (though Mafia Rising shouldn’t really count), you’re back to prove just how pro you really are.

There are some who doubt your mafia ability. Because of this, the first time an investigative role is used on you, it will act as if your role PM was the following:
Dear Serious Bananas,
You are the_sea_prince.

One of the most oblivious Smogon users of all time, you somehow lucked your way into winning most of the few mafia games you played. You did manage to make one attempt at village leadership, but the other players recognized you for the scrub you were and ignored you, and then you got godkilled.

Because your opinion is held in such low regard, your vote in the daily lynch carries a weight of -1.

You are allied with the Scrubs. You win if the Scrubs eliminate all threats.
You are allied with the Pros. You win if the Pros eliminate all threats.
And thus, the Pros have been eliminated.

Dear friends,

Look at these fucking scrubs. Stumbling around all over the place, completely ruining the atmosphere for such talented individuals as yourselves. It’s time to take them up on their offer to fite u irl… and take them down once and for all.

Your team consists of:
Expulso - Gabe Newell - Hooker
Empoof - Fox McCloud - Inspector
kingofmars - Clarence BEEFTANK - Unstoppable
Serious Bananas - the_sea_prince - Mole

You’ve already successfully destroyed Lord Robert Arryn, Ralph Nader, and Prepubescent Neville Longbottom, and as such you know that they are not in this game. Use this information however you wish. You should also note that all Scrub roles contain some variation of the word “scrub” in the final flavor sentence.

Each night starting with Night 1, you may reply to this conversation with “Night X - Kill USER”. The effect of this should be self explanatory. Please specify which member of your team will perform the kill; if a member is not specified, I will assume that whoever sent the action is performing the kill.

You are allied with the Pros. You win if the Pros eliminate all threats.
Congratulations to the Scrubs for winning 1v1 Me Scrub Mafia.

Dear Celever,
You are Ash Ketchum.

Despite having achieved incredible success as a Pokemon trainer in multiple regions, you seem to always come down with a case of amnesia at the start of each season and completely forget how to train Pokemon. This has led many to believe that you are simply some scrub who gets incredibly lucky.

Your previous successes have fooled some into thinking that you’re actually competent. Because of this, the first time you are targeted by an investigative role, their results will come back as if this were your role:
Dear Celever,
You are Ash Ketchum.

You are a legendary Pokemon trainer who has achieved varying levels of success in the Pokemon leagues of multiple regions. Despite starting fresh with a new party every season, you always manage to put together a team of successful Pokemon revolving around your unstoppable Pikachu, making you quite a pro.

Each night, you may reply to this conversation with “Night X - Have Pikachu guard USER”. Pikachu will shock anyone who tries to target USER, preventing roles from affecting them that night. Pikachu is not immune to bullets, however, so killers will still get through.

You are allied with the Pros. You win if the Pros eliminate all threats.
You are allied with the Scrubs. You win if the Scrubs eliminate all threats.
Dear munchyoshi,
You are Hestia.

Everyone knows about the major Greek gods of Mount Olympus - Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis… yet everyone seems to forget you. Despite being one of the original 12 gods, you always seem to be overlooked, because let’s face it - hearth is kind of a scrub power.

Each night, you may reply to this conversation with “Night X - Protecting USER’s hearth”. You will guard the hearth of USER and prevent any killers from reaching him that night.

You are allied with the Scrubs. You win if the Scrubs eliminate all threats.
Dear sunny004,
You are Uncle Grimmly.

Everyone who’s played Luigi’s Mansion dreads reaching the blackout. Having to stop every few steps due to ghosts spawning is pretty frustrating, and your presence in the wardrobe room isn’t helping. You don’t even do anything; you just stand in the mirror, making really scrubby attempts to spook people - unsuccessfully, of course.

Each night, you may reply to this conversation with “Night X - Try to spook USER”. You will follow USER around in a feeble attempt to frighten them, and in the process you will see anyone they target that night.

You are allied with the Scrubs. You win if the Scrubs eliminate all threats.
Dear penguin344,
You are Julian Zhu.

No one knows you as Julian - to the competitive Smash Bros. community, you are simply Zhu. And though you are a talented player in your own right, with some considering you to be one of the best Falco players in the world, to the general populace you are known simply as that one scrub who got himself Wombo Comboed.

Each night, you may reply to this conversation with “Night X - USER ain’t Falco”. If USER attempts to Wombo Combo (kill) you that night, you will not die.

You are allied with the Scrubs. You win if the Scrubs eliminate all threats.
Dear PokeguyNXB,
You are Mark Goldberg.

In a past life, you were a mediocre UFC broadcaster for Fox. Not too terrible, but not exactly legendary. Then Fox decided to try you out on a football game, and you became both those things. Getting names wrong, forgetting who played for which team, miscalling the down and distance… when it comes to football broadcasting, you’re quite the scrub.

Each night, you may reply to this conversation with “Night X - USER1 punts it to USER2”. Even if this wasn’t his initial plan, USER1 will feel compelled to stick to the broadcast, and so will target USER2 with any and all actions that he was using that night.

You are allied with the Scrubs. You win if the Scrubs eliminate all threats.
This game was actually made over the span of about a week. Why host this game and not Wayne Bradier, which has been ready since late July? The main reason is the amount of free-for-all mafia games that have saturated Circus Maximus over the past couple of months. Pretty much all of our small games were FFA, and I wanted to host a more traditional game to give newer players and people who dislike the FFA format a chance to play outside of a big game.

The village was designed to have a lot of information gathering power, but not too much night power otherwise. I definitely went overboard on this - full inspector alongside tracker/watcher with a gimped name checker to boot is quite a bit of information gathering, and most of the village lynches were a direct result of sunny004 or soul_survivor/Raidenchu catching someone in a lie. There were probably too many redirector roles too - I thought it was a fair trade for the lack of a safeguard or hooker, but it was probably too powerful overall. Miller and rogue were intended to cause mistrust within the village, but for some reason people accepted Celever without question and though there was a bit of suspicion on penguin near the end of the game, it was never enough to get him onto the chopping block.

The mafia was directly designed to fuck with the village - a hooker and a mole to thwart information gathering, an inspector to pick out kill targets, and Clarence BEEFTANK to completely negate any attempts at protection on the village's part. Honestly, I thought the faction was designed pretty well, as despite some terrible strokes of misfortune (sorry kom :[) they managed to remain relevant almost to the end. The only thing that I would have done differently is that I actually would have given the mole a negative vote so he could prove himself and be useful after his cloak was broken - looking back I have no idea why he didn't have it from the beginning.

The wolf duo was basically a souped-up version of the duo that got absolutely shitstomped back in Yet Another Stupid Mafia. The power boost given by one member's death was absolutely critical to the duo's near victory near the end of the game, and I think overall the pair was designed very well.

Timeline of Events
N0: Blue_Tornado hits kingofmars with his martyr and nothing happens, leading b_t to trust kom almost unequivocally and setting up the Pros quite nicely early on. Infinity.Cypher, however, actually hits him with the name check, but for some reason never bothers to tell anyone involved in village leadership and nothing comes of it. The village does manage to catch a break when Ullar gets tracked by sunny, who sees him visiting two people - a direct contradiction to his claim.

D1: B_T manages to get the village organized despite being silenced, and the steamroller quickly comes for UllarWarlord. Ullar eventually claims solo wolf to B_T and Celever in hopes that he can trade control of his actions for his life, but nothing comes of it. At this point, B_T adds penguin344, whose role PM he had gotten from Ullar, to his sheet.

N1: kom does his BEEFTANK thing and nails B_T through munchyoshi's protection. Jalmont unfortunately squanders his first night of double-killing by wasting one trying to hit B_T himself, which the BG protection does manage to block. More Cowbell is randed as Jalmont's other target, and poor Infinity.Cypher takes a vigilante explosion to the face and perishes. Erstwhile tracker sunny again gets lucky, catching Expulso hooking penguin when he claimed not to have a night action yet. By far the biggest stroke of luck, however, was B_T's dying action: he martyred soul_survivor, who had been previously idling his watcher ability. This allowed kingofmars to be seen visiting B_T when he had previously been free and clear. All in all, it was a really shitty night for the Pros.

D2: Confusion over who, if anyone, had access to B_T's sheet comes to an end when Celever says fuck it and steps up as new leader, creating an entirely new sheet. He was eventually able to hook up with penguin and compare notes with B_T's old sheet, but I'm not actually 100% sure when that happened. What DID happen on D2 is that soul_survivor got subbed for Raidenchu, who managed to get on IRC long enough to claim his results to Celever, leading to kom being expunged from the village's circle of trust. It was Expulso, however, who was lynched, thanks to Celever considering sunny slightly more trustworthy than Raiden.

N2: Another shitty night for the Pros, thanks to the combined powers of crossfire and Jalmont having higher priority than kingofmars led to the hapless kom dying and the Pros' kill failing altogether. The village, however, didn't fare much better, as sunny managed only to hit smashlloyd on his off night and Raiden was hooked, not to mention the death of inspector Haunted.Shadow. Celever's original plan was to keep kom alive and have Pokeguy redirect him onto preferred kill targets, but that wouldn't have worked, so the crossfire really screwed the Pros over.

D3: No obvious lynch target presented itself. Haunted.Shadow had managed to "clean" Serious Bananas, Jalmont was relatively trusted, and Empoof hadn't made any obvious slip-ups. Pokeguy and smashlloyd were also under some suspicion, the former for having yet to prove his role, the latter for reasons unknown to me. Celever decided to roll the dice and lynch Empoof, whose fakeclaim was "worded weirdly" in Celever's words. The gamble paid off, and the Pros were all but screwed at this point.

N3: This night ALMOST went very well for anti-village forces - almost. Jalmont aimed for Raiden and munchyoshi, two very important village roles. The former he managed to kill, but the latter kill was redirected to Cancerous instead. Not a huge problem. Unfortunately, Jalmont had listed hooking Infinity.Cypher in his final (and he did specify that they were final) list of actions, despite me giving him a decent heads-up that he should change this. Infinity.Cypher, you might recall, had been dead for a few nights at this point. Would this hook have helped Jalmont towards victory? Perhaps. But what's done is done. The other potential stroke of luck for the forces of evil came when Pokeguy was tracked as targeting Raiden, who died, casting extreme suspicion on Pokeguy.

D4: I'll be honest, at day start I thought Jalmont was most likely to win. Celever and sunny trusted him, and more importantly, didn't trust Pokeguy, and even penguin was starting to come under suspicion after Celever realized that the one who cleaned him was the goddamned wolf. And then... they decided to lynch Jalmont. For no discernible reason. The post in the thread claiming he had targeted two people? Complete lie. Jalmont was never tracked, and a watcher never spotted him. Even with all the suspicion on Pokeguy, they went for Jalmont. And he took the bait, confirming their suspicion. It was a decent play by the village, but really it was just lucky as hell. With Jalmont dead, Serious Bananas didn't have nearly enough firepower to finish the rest of the village off before they inevitably randed him, and the Scrubs took victory.

More Cowbell - William Henry Harrison - Mayor - Scrubs - Died via lethal injection N1
I don't think More Cowbell actually did much of anything, mostly because of how early he died. He voted for Ullar in the first lynch and then got randed by Jalmont.

Blue_Tornado - The Diamond from Mafia Mafia 2 - Martyr - Scrubs - Run over N1
Blue_Tornado did a great job of getting the village organized and rolling, even when silenced, and his sniffing out of Ullar was a good play on his part. I have to dock him a few points for trusting kingofmars so thoroughly, but in fairness to him it was a very convincing setup. Overall, good job.

Infinity.Cypher - Mark Sanchez - Last name checker - Scrubs - Exploded N1
Cypher didn't do so well this game, mainly due to not claiming his result to B_T... or claiming at all, actually. His lack of claim led directly to him being shot by the vigilante, and the information he had could have saved the village from kingofmars even earlier than they already did.

Haunted.Shadow - Brooke Baldwin - Inspector - Scrubs - Died via lethal injection N2
Haunted.Shadow was easily the unluckiest villager. Real life issues caused him to miss deadline and not even send an action Night 0, he "cleaned" Serious Bananas on Night 1, and then on Night 2 he got randed by Jalmont before he could inspect... Jalmont. Missing the first deadline was pretty bad, but after that his luck was just in the toilet, so most of his misfortune was not his fault.

soul_survivor Raidenchu - The Cabbage Merchant - Watcher - Scrubs - Died via lethal injection N3
Neither soul_survivor or Raidenchu showed outstanding levels of activity, with soul_sur having to be subbed out. Raidenchu was incredibly confused upon entering the game, but managed to claim to Celever and give crucial results implicating kingofmars, so props for that. He then was pretty idle until he died as a result of Jalmont inspecting him.

Cancerous - Jar Jar Binks - Reverse Martyr - Scrubs - Died via lethal injection N3
Cancerous's name was brought up quite a bit on Day 1 due to some apparently shady IRC practices, but I think this is more a result of Cancerous' personality than of any sort of mafia deficiency. He played pretty decently, taking orders from village leadership until he served his purpose by dying in place of the BG.

smashlloyd20 - Michael Bay - Vigilante - Scrubs - "Lynched" N3
For some reason, smashlloyd never found himself fully trusted by the village leadership, even after he proved himself by blowing up Cypher. Outside of that, he didn't do much, dying to Bananas after being inspected before he could get his second kill off.

Celever - Ash Ketchum - Miller - Scrubs - Won N4
As much as it pains me to say, Celever actually played pretty damn well this game. He did a great job of helping the village recover after the death of B_T's sheet, being so trustworthy that people were willing to claim to a miller. What impressed me the most was that he correctly lynched Empoof and Jalmont based on what apparently were just gut feelings. Definitely one of the best players for the Scrubs.

munchyoshi - Hestia - Bodyguard - Scrubs - Won N4
Munch played pretty solidly, following Celever's orders and keeping a low profile in order to survive. He was mostly protecting Celever despite the fact that his protection might have been better on a power role, but I don't know if that was his decision or if it was at Celever's behest, so I can't really judge him for that.

sunny004 - Uncle Grimmly - Tracker - Scrubs - Won N4
Sunny played outstandingly for a newcomer, effectively tag-teaming with Celever to dictate village actions and figure out who the bad guys were. He somehow managed to avoid getting randkilled or even randspected, and his own randtargets were en pointe.

penguin344 - Julian Zhu - Rogue - Scrubs - Won N4
My one complaint where penguin's concerned is that he didn't step up after B_T's death, considering he had his sheet. This is slightly redeemed by the fact that he eventually hooked up with Celever to compare notes, and the rest of his play was pretty solid.

PokeguyNXB - Mark Goldberg - Redirector - Scrubs - Won N4
Fun fact: the person I described in the role PM is named MIKE Goldberg, and nobody noticed - including, until about 20 minutes ago, myself. The man behind the role, Pokeguy, was another guy that was never trusted, partially because his redirect targets had a tendency to either not have an action or to die. I still don't know how he managed to not get lynched when he was seen targeting Raidenchu, so if you talked yourself out of that, props.

Expulso - Gabe Newell - Hooker - Pros - Lynched D2
Expulso was definitely the weakest link on the Pros. He was very rarely on IRC, was pretty lazy, and got caught out pretty early. You don't seem like an idiot, so you've got some potential, but playing mafia well requires lots of communication with your teammates, so keep that in mind if you decide to play in the future.

kingofmars - Clarence BEEFTANK - Unblockable Kiler - Pros - Died via lethal injection N2
kom played extremely well, and during the early portion of the game was the main planning force behind the Pros. He played well enough that both B_T and Celever were absolutely convinced that he was village, and he only got caught due to a stroke of absolutely abysmal luck, then died to a complete rand. You definitely deserved to live longer than you did.

Empoof - Fox McCloud - Inspector - Pros - Lynched D3
Yea, I totally rewrote this role after I saw Empoof's signup post. Empoof generally played pretty well from a planning and communicating standpoint, but his shaky fakeclaim ultimately led to his downfall.

Serious Bananas - the_sea_prince - Mole - Pros - Surrendered N4
The recipient of my favorite role in the game flavor-wise, Serious Bananas played pretty well for most of the game, helping Empoof with planning after kingofmars died. He was probably correct to surrender in the end, as 5v1 are not very good odds.

UllarWarlord - Turk - Inspector/Silencer - Pros Wearing Scrubs - Lynched D1
Ullar found himself on the chopping block pretty quickly due to a randtrack from sunny. He did a good job in that he nearly managed to escape death and had B_T convinced for a bit that he was a lone wolf, but B_T managed to make the right call and go through with the lynch, and that was the end of that.

Jalmont - JD - Hooker/Bodyguard - Pros Wearing Scrubs - Lynched D4
It's a shame that Jalmont was lynched on a complete guess at the end of the game, because he definitely played well enough to earn a win. He had everyone convinced that he was a villager, and had munchyoshi not voted he had a very solid plan to stealth with Serious Bananas, which could have given him a very easy win. Let it be known that I was kinda rooting for you :(

Final Thoughts/Awards
Lucky randtargeting played a pretty big role in the final results of this game, which was pretty unfortunate. Still, it was a fun game to host, and I hope that it was a pretty fun game to play!

And now, some awards.

Best Scrub: Celever
Best Pro: kingofmars
Best PWS: Jalmont

Best luck: sunny004
Worst luck: kingofmars (honorable mention: Haunted.Shadow)

Most active player: Celever (honorable mention: sunny004)
Least active player: Infinity.Cypher

Ugliest spreadsheet: Celever's sheet, first iteration

Best play: kingofmars claiming not to have a night action, causing him to be trusted (honorable mention: Celever's gut feeling lynches on two bad guys)
Worst play: Infinity.Cypher concealing his results (honorable mention: Haunted.Shadow idling N0)
Luckiest play: The chain of events that led to kingofmars being discovered
Unluckiest play: Pokeguy's target dying the night he gets tracked

MVPs: Celever/sunny004

Thanks for playing!

I will be hosting Wayne Bradier Mafia, my FFA sequel to Wayne Brady Mafia, whenever there is sufficient interest. If you'd be interested in playing, feel free to post here letting me know.
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I will be hosting Wayne Bradier Mafia, my FFA sequel to Wayne Brady Mafia, whenever there is sufficient interest. If you'd be interested in playing, feel free to post here letting me know.
If enough people gain interest like me I'd definitley play!

EDIT: I actually have no idea why we lynched Jalmont lol

EDIT 2: I remembered!

Pokeguy did do what he was told and targeted Raiden. My track came up with that only target, and we assumed that the Pros only had access to one night kill, with JD inexplicably (At the time) having 2, so our suspicion was kinda cleared. At that point, it was down to Bananas, penguin, and Jalmont. We kinda guessed (so I actually was right lol) based off of their behavior. Penguin seemed very towny, more so than Jalmont/Bananas, so we kinda trusted the godfather and baited Jalmont.
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sorry unclesam i guess i just didn't have the wisdom to realize that somehow the watcher, soul_survivor, was martyred by Blue_Tornado and that he inexplicably did not see me yet saw kingofkongs was when soul_survivor's role PM which I had had from day 1 says that he will see "anyone" who targets the user he targets, which, in this case was BT

i don't know what i was thinking!!!
postgame thoughts:

sorry but the village played terrible this game. that is not to say everyone was bad, indeed, celever/sunny's play was really smart given their lack of information - not a "cheap" tactic at all, although maybe sam will tell me some "cheap" tactics so i can abuse them next time ???

but the reality is the village had some amazing fortune which comes with the fact that they literally have so much room for error in their play and the fact they have/had so many ways to find mafia. there is 0 room for error as mafia - i should've been instantly punished for wasting a kill on a leader who would have obviously been protected. but when you have an inspector who idles, inspects a mafia as village but doesn't tell anyone, another inspection role that essentially acts like a full inspector in terms of finding mafia, a tracker/watcher, and 3 protection roles in a game with, what, 16 people? the fact that the game came down to guessing is incredibly sad given how loaded the village was (note that that's probably not celever/sunny's fault if they didn't actually have the result of me targetting BT).

the fact that the village was able to get away with having people to claim twice is pretty sad. if i didn't have the "opportunity" or the "time" to claim i would get lynched.

what does it say about the state of mafia when a miller role is valued higher than a vigilante, a tracker, and an inspector? a reverse martyr protecting the bg protecting a miller solely because the miller is "leading"? why are people ok with a miller leading ????

controversial idea, but role PMs shouldn't be allowed to be C/P'd. they really shouldn't. there's no need to bail the village out by giving them another means to find mafia. does anyone actually enjoy writing fakes? i don't.

this isn't to say me or the mafia played amazing and were robbed. (i dunno maybe the mafia did play amazing?) but why can't the village be punished for playing poorly? why can they be bailed out so easily?? every mafia action one takes is extraordinarily dangerous, especially when most every single fake claim is really weak. maybe bg every 2 nights is a shitty claim, but what to claim instead? silencer?? that's honestly probably the best claim that sucks anyways. there is no danger in lynching, but a ton in killing due to crossfire.

don't get me wrong, it's not really walrein's fault (unblockable killer was a really solid idea for balance) for everything, but things are too easy for the village. the village had good players, but for the most part (and most of the time) they got away with being lazy. immediately adding a player to the sheet because he was cleared by a known mafia member? ok.

being lazy isn't punished at all. so why should anyone bother trying when you can let 1 person do that and you're fine? that's not what should happen


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Correction: the watcher did see you target B_T alongside kingofmars. It was marked incorrectly in my sheet, which is why it was stated incorrectly in postgame, but the watcher did in fact see you as intended. So yea that kinda sucks.
I wasn't "completely convinced" kok was village at all, I was just inclined to think he was village > mafia, him and 4~5 other players. Good fakeclaim.

Penguin made me worry when he didn't do anything with the sheet and for the first few cycles after my death I was paranoid I gave sheet access to mafia!penguin and no one else. Thanks for that!

I was ready to lynch Poke for his claim alone because I thought martyr, reverse martyr and redirector was completely unreal. Uh. And we had a watcher on top of that? I'm gonna tentatively say that we had too much power. The other guy I was ready to kill immediately was Jalmont because I thought the role inspector was mafia, but I ended up getting rid of inactive cypher instead because he wasn't replying to PMs and I just assumed Walrein made him mafia off of that.
Yeah sorry about that blue_tornado, I was never really sure if Celever was clean and wasn't in a position where I could really step up to lead effectively due to a lack of time irl. I was using your sheet throughout the game and it is the reason why Celever didn't lynch me though.

the last cycle i seriously thought Celever was the last mafia because he kept trying to set up this "the last mafia is either you or serious bananas" thing, leading me to think the plan was to kill serious bananas, lynch me, kill someone else, try to win.

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