A tier list graveyard is no place for a young prince

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tierlist of every pet in taming.io

Tierlist of how hype every smash bros. character is
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every minecraft enchant (i am speedrunning bein bored rn)
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tierlist of how good (american) fast food places are (note: i am mad bored pls help)
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botw character tierlist with pretty much no rhyme or reason (no totk bc i haven’t beat)
revali is both the funny bird man and one of my favorite serious characters in the game as well as being a badass, easy S
link is a manifestation of the player and ive done some cool stuff
zelda is the best character based on story but otherwise meh
calamity ganon as just itself is lame, but considering it as the while calamity/malice situation makes it cooler, it pretty mich sets the tone of the entire game
kohga silly lil man
sidon silly big man
hestu silly medium size man
maz kosha has no impact on the story but the atmosphere for the final dlc fight is peak
yunobo is my child, i shall protect him
idk why ppl like kass so much, good character design and music but not much going on
mipha is rlly basic but not offensive
impa is a loredump personified, but one with a really cool story cutscene
purah is silly
urbosa is a different flavor of basic from mipha but still basic, fight me
rhoam is the same as impa
riju is also kinda forgettable (b tier is entirely ppl that i dont really care abt lol)
teba is only there for 5 mins
dorephan is there for 1 min
daruk makes my very soul cringe for some reason idk
robbie is a combination of forgettable and mot really there that hurts
paya is kinda the same as robbie but also annoying
old man is the tutorial and wont let me get a paraglider
deku tree is the one thing standing between me and screwing around with the master sword, why is that cutscene so long
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Ranking Gen 1 Mons Via Puntability

(File's blurry because I had to mess around to fix it. Might try again with it later.)
To The Moon: Can punt this very far due to being (sometimes) round and small.
Could Punt: Exactly as it sounds. Probably not as far as To The Moon.
Hard To Punt: You might not be able to punt this normally.
Need Strong Legs: This should be renamed to Need Inhuman Strength but these might be more possible than the next tier if you had that impossible strength.
Physically Impossible: Diglett is in the ground, there are ghosts (Gastly is small and round but no you cannot punt it), and you probably can't punt slime.
Not a perfect list but oh well. Might edit this later.
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Aight I made a tier list! And since idk where else to put it I was told to put it here!


I also wrote up explanations, but it kinda took me an hour and got insanely inspired while doing them and it ended up super long. I'm just putting this as a heads up for those who don't like reading giant walls of text.

D tier
Lice and fleas are not exactly cute, badass or interesting looking. That's not bad on its own, however, the fact they actively drink human blood and carry potentially dangerous diseases makes them pretty bad. The one special skill either of these two have is that fleas have the largest jumps in the animal kingdom relative to their bodies. It's impressive ngl, but they still use it to bite people sadly. Flies aren't as directly harmful as the former two, but they're still pretty bad. They hang around garbage and contaminate any food they come in contact with (in large amounts ofc). They also make their signature buzzing sound, which can also get INCREDIBLY annoying. With that said, they're slightly better than lice and fleas since they don't go and drink people blood, but that's not saying much...
C tier
Cockroaches, much like flies, like hanging around in garbage and contaminate the food they come in contact with. However, what makes them escape D tier is the fact that a lot of species are actually not as harmful and can even be kept as pets, as well as their capacity of surviving impossible stuff, which at least makes them a lil more interesting. As for silverfish, bristletails and stoneflies, they're not particularly harmful in any way, but they rly aren't remarkable in any way. Guess that's the byproduct of being some of the most primitive insects.
B tier
Now we're getting into the better stuff! Wasps are pretty ferocious, with their bright coloring and buzzing being so infamous that many other insects mimic them in order to survive. Wasps can also be potent predators due to their painful stings and strong jaws. However, they're INCREDIBLY irritable, and their stings are no joke, so they stay in B. Mayflies are pretty cute looking, and they are some of the insects that spend their infancy in water formations before growing wings and leaving. However, mayflies have the one disadvantage of not having ANY mouthparts, so they have just one day to fly around, find a mate, make eggs with said mate and then die. It's kinda sad rly, so they land in B. Caddisflies are very similar, except they have more than a single day to enjoy their wings! The larval forms of some also make webs in which to shelter themselves in, which is pretty cool too! Ultimately they don't have much of other fancy stuff, so B seems fair enough.
A tier
Oooooh now comes the great stuff! Lacewings are pretty elegant looking, with their fragile build and large transparent wings. However, they also count with their more famous larval form, antlions! When they're like this, antlions create small funnels on the ground, that they'll then sit in the bottom of to wait and catch unfortunate insects that pass by. It's a pretty nifty tactic. Scorpionflies are actually not related to scorpions but they're still as epic! Scorpionflies have a pretty conspicuous stinger, which, believe it or not, is actually for mating purposes only, since they aren't capable of delivering poison with it. Still, they're pretty badass looking, and they also scavenge for dead insects, so they play a role in keeping the ecosystem healthy. Termites (third one from left to right is a worker while second one right to left is a juvenile queen) have an insane amount of coordination. They are pretty capable of making huge nests inside wood or dirt mound. They also feed on dead wood, which can be sorta annoying to humans and their houses, but ultimately help return the nutrients to the soil. Snakeflies are named as such due to their long necks that, individually, look like little snakes. Throughout all their lives they feed on pest insects that are harmful to plants. It's kinda sad, but ultimately it's for everyone's good....
Stick bugs are pretty conspicuous appearance mimicking an inanimate stick. They even have adapted to making the movements of sticks in the wind. Sadly they don't have much special things about them besides that, but it's still a very unique adaptation. Earwigs are also insanely recognizable, thanks to their forceps in their tails. These aren't for decoration either, since they actively use it for hunting, defending themselves and carrying prey to their burrow. Despite its menacing appearance, earwigs' forceps actually can't perforate human skin and aren't poisonous, so u can actually pick one up with the only harm being a slight pinch! (But preferably don't cuz it'll put great stress on the poor insect). Fairyflies are some of the most adorably small insects out there, with some only measuring 0.139 mm. They certainly are pretty cute, but they also have a parasitic side. Specifically, their larva parasitize other insects' eggs, specifically pest species. Much like snakeflies, they sadly have to eliminate other insects, but it's for the best of the whole ecosystem. Finally, web spinners are pretty badass looking. Much like their name implies, they spin webs to live in, sometimes in colonies! Despite that, they actually don't use them to hunt, and instead have a vegetarian lifestyle. They sadly don't have much defense aparts from the wings some of them have, so they depend a lot on their webs for protection.
S tier
Finally, la creme de la creme! Omega based insects! Dragonflies have practically never changed a bit in millions of years, and for good reason! They have binocular vision that allows them to precisely predict their prey's moves and act accordingly. They also have an also badass nymph form, that have an extendable jaw that they use to catch tadpoles, small fish and other water insects. Grasshoppers have the flea's talent of jumping insane distances, but without drinking blood! They are very drought resistant so it's not uncommon to find them in desertic regions. Some species have also developed spines on their legs, which they use for active hunting and self defense! Mantids are pretty much THE badass insect, to the point they inspired a Kung Fu style! Their hunting style is simple, camouflaging in the environment waiting for prey, and then grappling them with their arms to then eat them. There's a great variety of the colors and patterns they take, all depending on their hunting grounds (ones that hunt in leaves are green, ones that hunt in bark are brown and edgy, ones that hunt in flowers are colorful and with petal shapes, etc ). Now, an aspect they're famous for is that the female often eats the male's head after mating. However, this isn't entirely true. While they do that sometimes it's mostly when the female doesn't have enough nutrients to lay the eggs. If the female is well nutritioned tho, she'll leave the male alone. Butterflies are THE most colorful and varied insects out there. There's thousands of colorations and wing designs and shapes, making for an incredibly rich order. Their caterpillar forms are also incredibly varied, gaining varied adaptations for survival, like mimicry, poisonous spines, emitting irritating squeals, literally suplexing the offender and many many more. They sadly lose all those traits upon metamorphosis, but they compensate by becoming pollinators for diverse flowering plants, which is massively helpful. Beetles are also quite diverse, to the point most terrestrial living things are beetles! Despite that, they all share a similar body type, with their wings being covered by a hard shell. Their diet is also quite diverse, ranging from plant fluids, leaves, bark, roots and even other insects. They're kinda slow fliers, but their other attributes make this easy to overlook. Gladiator bugs are basically what u get when u cross a mantis and a stick bug. They're pretty active hunters, using their camouflage to close in on their prey before striking with their frontal legs. It's a neat little hunting style ngl. Barkflies, much like fairyflies, are adorably smol, with some only measuring 1 mm. Aparts from that they don't rly have much special, tho in this case I just think they're neat. Dobsonflies are absolutely terrifying, tho thankfully they don't want anything with humans. They have a similar life cycle to dragonflies, except they don't have nearly the same hunting efficiency as them. As a matter of fact, only larvae actually eat. Much like mayflies, once they reach adulthood they lose their mouthparts and die rather quickly (tho not as fast as mayflies). As larvae they feed on larvae of other insects, including dragonflies. Like fairyflies, u just think they're neat! Finally, true bugs, the irl bug types! They have many adaptations for diverse situations. Their diets are diverse, ranging wide between sap, fruit and other insects. Some of them also count with heavy chemical defense, which they utilize when they feel threatened, while others can inject poison through their proboscis. Overall, quite the rainbow of an order.

So yeah that's it rly. Thx to anyone who bothered reading through all of it, I rly put effort into it. If I ever make another tier list for anything else I may also dump it here!
Ranking Gen 4 mons on how well they'd play Football(soccer)
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I know some people will disagree with this list but here are some explanation on how i ranked things.
1. I'm ranking this as if no moves can be used and no abilities work
2. A lot of mons that are, "Big Fat Walls" -my brother, are ranked pretty highly bc they're walls and they'd block shots and whatnot
3. Speed is factored here, only stat that is really considered (not all the time but yea)
4. Flying is a major advantage(flying is basically as much as a boost as being a big wall)
Not a bad list but why is Gliscor so low? Do you think he'd puncture the ball? Bronzong feels like a good goalie too. He could probably levitate flip to kick the ball.

Palkia is also way too big to not be A. Headbutt game on point too.


Assist Skitty was banned from NatDex Ubers
is a Site Content Manageris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
>regigigas finally loses slow start
>it's for a football match

also is size not a factor here? cuz palkia doesn't need special powers to kick that tiny ball into the next dimension


and boom goes the brainbox
is a Community Contributor
Mega Pokèmon (such as Lucario-Mega, Lopunny-Mega, Gallade-Mega, Abomasnow-Mega, and Garchomp-Mega, all of which erroneously appear within your tier-list) were not present in Generation Four. They were not introduced until what some would call the "Kalos" games. Please do some research before making posts like this.


and boom goes the brainbox
is a Community Contributor
Ranking Gen 4 mons on how well they'd play Football(soccer)
View attachment 544079
I know some people will disagree with this list but here are some explanation on how i ranked things.
1. I'm ranking this as if no moves can be used and no abilities work
2. A lot of mons that are, "Big Fat Walls" -my brother, are ranked pretty highly bc they're walls and they'd block shots and whatnot
3. Speed is factored here, only stat that is really considered (not all the time but yea)
4. Flying is a major advantage(flying is basically as much as a boost as being a big wall)
My above post is a reply to this message. I apologise if this was not clear. Mods, if you feel the need to merge these posts, I give you my full approval.
Ranking Gen 4 mons on how well they'd play Football(soccer)
View attachment 544079
I know some people will disagree with this list but here are some explanation on how i ranked things.
1. I'm ranking this as if no moves can be used and no abilities work
2. A lot of mons that are, "Big Fat Walls" -my brother, are ranked pretty highly bc they're walls and they'd block shots and whatnot
3. Speed is factored here, only stat that is really considered (not all the time but yea)
4. Flying is a major advantage(flying is basically as much as a boost as being a big wall)
Mothim, Rotom heat, rotom wash, yanmega and darkrai all have legs.
Ok revitalizing this thread with arguably the greatest and most objectively correct tier list of all time.


This is a tier list of all the tier lists posted on this thread. Posted reasonings because I'm willing to fight and also it's really hard to see what is what.

If you disagree, you're wrong


Ninjago hell yeah

Bones: good tier + just going off looks is based
Puntability: great idea and very good execution

Days of the week: somewhat basic, but great rankings
Kirby: valid points all around
Cartoon characters: i’m pretty sure that most of them are all minors so enjoy the jail zone buddy but respectable TL. dunno why meg from hercules only B though thats my girl.
Smash hype TL: very solid list, a bit basic of an idea but executed very well. f olimar (and alf)
American food: again, bit basic of a prompt but great ratings again
Football TL: good list, good ideas, but fails to consider how strong potential keepers could be. Togekiss would be like prime buffon

1st letters: valid, starts off the post
2nd letters: big miss with me ngl but i respect the bid
Fruit: not bad with more respectable rankings though banana is high imo
Water: can’t complain, respectable water tier list
Elden ring death: solid list
Magic color combos: again a solid list cant complain
Chess openings: putting bongcloud legendary would be trying too hard, legit is a great placement.
BOTW TL: i heard too much about this game so C rank
Bugs TL: Bugs TL

Type tier list: pokemon tl on a pokemon website. Couldn’t come up with something more clever?
Japanese Hiragana: whatever, less originality
F1: included george russell and alex albon’s pictures. Lucky it isnt F
Car: smash/pass car is fine but it made me remember the guy who had a romantic relationship with a car so D tier
Portland Supermarket: the tanland of america
Years TL 1-2: very personal which makes it hard for me to prove you wrong which is why i am doing this.
Elden ring weapons: deaths but less cool
Taming.io: i have never heard of this in my life
Weird mons TL: yeah weird mons TL

T Swift: putting her greatest three albums in C is CRAZY bad
UK Supermarket: brit, opinion ignored
Friends pals TL: had to click on the image to open it up
Mario Kart: good idea but putting excite bike last and big blue first gotta be the worst take i’ve ever heard
Arceus: its just types basically + fairy arceus only arceus
Enchantment: just took a mid meme and took away the little bit that was funny
TV Shows: ben ten last says it all. Gotta be more educated about your content.
Last 3: didn’t explain i have no idea what im looking at


Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs superfan
is a Pre-Contributor
View attachment 544253
its a good day when i can post my ridiculous opinions
The only thing I really hate here is the idea of Walking Wake in what’s essentially your version of A Tier. Not because it’s a bad Paradox Pokémon by any means, but because every time I see these guys I remind myself of the incredible missed potential the legendary beasts had. Giving them Past Forms would have been a perfect excuse to bring their “original” versions that died in the Burned Tower into the games finally.

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