A Whole NU World - Round 3

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A Nu World - Round 3!


Welcome to the Nu World Tournament! Of late i've seen a sharp rise in people willing to play NU, especially after the article in the smog. NU is different to other tiers and metagames. It has little to no usable Steel or Dragon types and instead has a wide variety of completely different pokemon that help make NU the suprisingly challenging, balanced and fun tier that it is today.

  • All NU Pokemon and all NFE's (in the NFE list) are allowed to participate.
  • Evasion Clause​
  • Freeze Clause​
  • OHKO Clause​
  • Self-KO Clause​
  • Sleep Clause​
  • Species Clause​
  • No scouting!​
Round 3 pairings

hr. vs Kaxtar
PrayingMantis vs j.franky
seafunks vs Leman
-Mind- vs rename card
Toaster vs reachzero
aldaron vs zarator
class vs timssu
pharoah vs reyscarface
pride vs TheFourthChaser
negator vs fabbles
joel vs arin
ace matador vs justinawe
apologies vs blackbuddah
locopoke vs the real elmo
megan fox vs Maris
dcj vs abutorn

Deadline is the 24th of march!
hr. vs HSA
PrayingMantis vs j.franky
seafunks vs Leman
-Mind- vs rename card
Toaster vs reachzero
vs zarator
class vs timssu
pharoah vs reyscarface
pride vs TheFourthChaser
negator vs fabbles
joel vs arin
ace matador vs justinawe
apologies vs blackbuddah
vs the real elmo
megan fox vs Maris
dcj vs abutorn​
hr. vs HSA
PrayingMantis vs j.franky
seafunks vs Leman
-Mind- vs rename card
Toaster vs reachzero
aldaron vs zarator
class vs timssu
pharoah vs reyscarface
pride vs TheFourthChaser
negator vs fabbles
joel vs arin
ace matador vs justinawe
apologies vs blackbuddah
locopoke vs the real elmo
megan fox vs Maris
dcj vs abutorn​
hr. vs HSA

PrayingMantis vs j.franky
vs Leman
-Mind- vs rename card
Toaster vs reachzero
aldaron vs zarator
class vs timssu
pharoah vs reyscarface
pride vs TheFourthChaser
negator vs fabbles
joel vs arin
ace matador vs justinawe
apologies vs blackbuddah
locopoke vs the real elmo
megan fox vs Maris
dcj vs abutorn​
Due to me missing out on kaxtars post saying that he won, HSA has been replaced by Kaxtar. This means the new matchup is

hr. vs Kaxtar

6A9 Ace Matador

veni, vidi, vici, VERSACE, VERSACE VERSACE
ok i plan to 6-0 justinawe with just a ninetailes and a relincath...

unless he haxes me ridiculously or has an immense team advantage.


Espy <3
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Won 1-0 in a close game against Arin, although I did get some hax at the end, not 100% sure if it made a difference. gg.
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