All girl bands


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I was drinking with some friends of mine the other day, and one of them was talking about the band Haim. Anyway, when they mentioned it was an all girl group I made some joke about how that is a bad sign. I was just being a dick and I apologise to everyone reading this thread. Anyway, Haim turned out to be probably ok, but sounded far too much like something from the 80s for me to really appreciate.

But it did sorta start me thinking about what a dearth of good all girl bands there are. The only ones I can come up with that I really like are 60s pop groups (eg. the Ronnettes or Diana Ross and the Supremes). There surely must be some good all girl bands out there that mostly takes responsibility for their own music but it seems that almost always women musicians work solo or with a bunch of dudes.

So I am turning to smogon, the official source for all my opinions, to help me out with suggestions and possibly also some amateur psychological insight as to the cause of this lack.


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Well if we are counting non-American bands, I am a big fan of Japanese all-girl Jazz groups...yes, that does sound very specific, but there are actually quite a few.


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I've actually seen Haim live whilst they were supporting Florence + the Machine. I don't rate their music that much but they were pretty good to see live.

Anyway, I'm a big fan of Warpaint who were fantastic live when I saw them, I would definitely recommend them.

I'm not really sure why there aren't that many girl bands though, most bands I listen to are predominantly male and I really can't think of a reason for it. From my experience it's mostly guys that play stuff like Electric Guitar or Drums but I don't know how much that gender stereotype is true or why it would exist if it is.

Also, I really hate Korean girl/boy bands, they are just the same as manufactured pop that we get in the UK/America but with weirder clothes. /musicsnobrant


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That sounds pretty interesting. Any recommendations?
One that I really like is called Tokyo Brass Style. For the most part I like their renditions of anime/film theme songs, but I think they do original music as well.

I actually didn't know they were an all-girl group for a while, as obviously their name doesn't really give a clue and there are no vocals. This is true for most of these kinds of groups actually; I just like their music and then find out later on when Googling them that they happen to be an exclusively female band.


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It's not your typical thought when you think of band since they do folk-y music and they're just a duo, but I'm a big fan of Indigo Girls. (yes they have non-lesbian fans!) They'll go on tour with a very small backing band that does have guys, but they are fully capable of playing the majority of their songs with just their guitars/banjos etc.


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Ok here is a theory:

Most rock bands are formed by people to help them get laid. The people who are doing this are almost all male. Then once the band is formed, some other people will get dragged in by virtue of being a friend of the original people that can play drums or something. Some of the people dragged in like this will be female, hence occasional female band members.

So an all female band either has to be formed by a male who subsequently drops out (extremely unlikely), a woman who feels like forming a band is going to help them have more sex and who is willing to go to great lengths to have more sex (seems fairly unlikely?) or is formed for some other reason than more sex (probably not all that likely either, and possibly has an unforeseen negative impact on the quality of the band?).

I think I have pretty much closed this case.
I quite liked Daydreams & Nightmares by Those Dancing Days, but sadly the group has been on hiatus for these last two years.


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Crucified Barbara is pretty good, if you're into that style :)

Also, Mia Coldheart is hot as fuck :B


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I really liked days are gone :(
Anyways in terms of other all girl groups the first that come to mind are savages and potty mouth (released a pretty solid debut album called hell bent)


or Varl
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sleater-kinney.. wild flag.. basically carrie brownstein

edit, oh yeah plumtree for scott pilgrim fans
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Ok here is a theory:

Most rock bands are formed by people to help them get laid. The people who are doing this are almost all male. Then once the band is formed, some other people will get dragged in by virtue of being a friend of the original people that can play drums or something. Some of the people dragged in like this will be female, hence occasional female band members.
I disagree, there is no such thing as a popular band who formed for the sole reason to get laid. Considering a band without passion for music and willpower to succeed is always destined to fail, getting laid "alone" is definitely not enough motivation for a band to succeed.

Also many male bands are formed by or include gay men. Considering how easy it is for a gay male to get laid, there definitely has to be a different reason why they would form or join a band.

The reason why popular female bands aren't that common is the same reason why males dominate pretty much anything else(like science, art, business whatever). Men always try to succeed and compete to reach the top of ladder and are often willing to sacrifice all their time and dedication to it.


Bloo Wannabe
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All-female bands / groups are much more popular in foreign countries than in the US.

I'm pretty sure that Girls Generation is the most popular Korean group at the moment, and they are all-female.

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