Autumn Friendly 2012

Im almost on my way to my goal for the night of 1950 at 1926-30 with this next update haha. I've been lucky to get 3 straight matches with 1690-1730 opponents and none of them d/c'd.

Im currently at 67-5

@Overgro. Rankings are announced usually a week after(or a few days after) the tournament I believe.
Hitmontop has been one of the top 5 or so mons in doubles since basically always. Not sure who you were practicing against to have never seen any...
Might just be me not noticing when they died to all the weather teams I've been testing, I guess... but outside of "not dying to terrakion pre-beatup", I don't know what's so good about him. Sure, he's a decent TR guy, intimidate is good, and close combat hits a lot of things... but still.

If I'd have known I had a weakness to him, I might have Cressaliaed up, or ran Alazakam or something...

I'm sitting at 1825, but for some reason I keep getting disconnects and can't find other players. I might just call it quits for the night.

Expert Evan

every battle has a smell!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Looks like I'm putting team:ee to rest since it has trouble against higher ranked players. team:goatee continues to march on as I've had some close matches, few of which ended in forfeits and I've been reporting certain disconnectors on OmegaDonut's online spreadsheet.

Now back to the action as here appears to be an example of a team that probably spent a ton of time breeding instead of the little amount of time it takes me to RNG most pokemon:
I think the reason some people don't know about hitmontop is it is so OU no one uses it anymore but since its use went down, people figured it was safe to play it again. just my explanation, anyways.

I've seen a lot of Volc + Hitmontop combos. And people use Rock Slide to much, its not as good as it seems unless its STAB, then it is OK. doesn't it have like 75 BP? Unless you want to flinchax that much, I'd use Stone Edge.
Just ran into an Assist team, lol this is clearly a joke team, but it's different. xD Spacial Rends and Shadow Forces flying everywhere. :p
BV: 28-22011-05337

Just ran into possibly my biggest scare of the tournament. I ended battling a guy with 1550 rating. Wasn't expecting too much trouble, and then the 1st turn happens,(how does Fakeout miss anyway, and im making a note for FireBlast>Flamethrower). I felt I was going to lose most of the way through but some questionable moves by him leads to my win.

I probably got 3-4 points from that battle so I should be at 1939-1940.
BV: 22-22011-05337

Just ran into possibly my biggest scare of the tournament. I ended battling a guy with 1550 rating. Wasn't expecting too much trouble, and then the 1st turn happens,(how does Fakeout miss anyway, and im making a note for FireBlast>Flamethrower). I felt I was going to lose most of the way through but some questionable moves by him leads to my win.

I probably got 3-4 points from that battle so I should be at 1939-1940.
My Wi-Fi (at least I'm pretty sure it's mine) keeps on dropping on me and I got disconnected a bunch of times after I won my matches. Pretty sure it just spazzed out again but this time in the middle of a battle, which sucks :/

I didn't get to play too much today, but I managed to win all my games today and break 1900 with a rating of 1909 and 68 recorded matches. I think I lost 6 of those matches and had... maybe 8 disconnections? Either way, pretty good numbers and I'm pleased with the progress I made, especially considering how little time I have to play :D


is a Contributor Alumnus
I think I'm done for the night after this farce. Shiny Charizard in a CHERISH BALL. How in the hell does that garbage pass the hack check not once, but the second time for the battle video upload? 34-8-11.

BV: 28-22011-05337

Just ran into possibly my biggest scare of the tournament. I ended battling a guy with 1550 rating. Wasn't expecting too much trouble, and then the 1st turn happens,(how does Fakeout miss anyway, and im making a note for FireBlast>Flamethrower). I felt I was going to lose most of the way through but some questionable moves by him leads to my win.

I probably got 3-4 points from that battle so I should be at 1939-1940.
Oh man I wish there was a legal Cherish Ball Latias. Nice to see you beat someone using blatant hacks.

voodoo pimp

marco pimp
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus

Instance of me screwing up and having that screw up save my life later on.

Pokecheck mirror:
I know the feeling, I accidentally clicked Tailwind instead of Rain Dance in one battle and it actually worked out better for me in the end.

Anyway, I'm done for the night, sitting just under 1700. Nothing remarkable in the last few battles, just getting tired.
Still the wrong video ID. It's actually 28-22011-05337. Took me a few tries, but after I changed the numbers around a bit I figured it out, lol.
I really shoud get some rest haha. Though I managed to nab another good match(my last of the night).

BV#78-50401-68131(I triple checked this haha)


Oh man I wish there was a legal Cherish Ball Latias. Nice to see you beat someone using blatant hacks.
Oh wow didn't notice in the midst of battle. Though I must admit latias looks pretty cool in a cherish ball, though I thought you can't upload battle videos of hacks like these(Cherishball, Dracometeor on a pokemon that shouldn't learn it etc).
Not sure if he's from Smogon or not, but GG, Jordan from Washington. One of the few 1700+ guys I held up against to the finish
Video: 82-75162-43212
That's me, haha. Good game. I really liked your team-it provided a break from the onslaught of Cresselia+Metagross leads.

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