Did you like High School?

Starting my Sophmore year after summer's over, and I thought Freshman year was a breeze. I'm not the most sociable person, but between the school's advanced Choir, and the ROTC Drill Team, I've made some good friends. My grades were great first sememster, so I transferred into Honors classes after Christmas. During the middle of the sememster my grades started to drop everywhere except history. I pulled through in the end with above average grades all around. ^^ I kinda can't wait until Summer's over, I kinda miss the Drill Team.
I liked high school, but I find it quite amusing that someone who has never lived life outside of high school is trying to get away with saying this.
This is true, but I've still been involved in communities outside of high school, and I mean, I've seen how the world works, generally. I've seen how people work, and that's the common link between all these communities. If you aren't sociable in an environment that is, at its core, all about the society, you are not going to enjoy your time there.
I guess it depends on what you went to school for. I went (and will next year) mainly for the people and to hangout for the 7.5 or so hours we were there. So far high school has been a blast and I still have senior year. If you are going to high school for an education and to maintain a 5.0 and a 100% in all of your classes (and etc.) I can see how you would like for high school to end.

I don't think life can get much better than this...
amen husk, school brings you together with friends you otherwise dont see, and gives people a sense of structure about their lives. <3 high school, its so fun
High school seemed like a lame episode of 91210. Then, again, I went to a high school with a bunch of rich folks. Hell, Willow Bend, a very rich housing development, is right across the street from where I went. Well, I went there for the last two years of high school.

Of course, for the first two years, I went to an older development. Back in the day, I was ridiculed for hanging out the with nerdy kids, or so they say. For instance, I was spit on, teased around, you know the drill. Regardless, I knew who my friends were, fortunately.

All in all, I could say the should've, but some people I wouldn't of met without the high school experience.
I hold not much opinion about high school because nothing really happened. I'll go to uni this year and see if anything changes (Not quite likely)
Though I got a door smashed to my eyebrow so now my face looks like this : -_~
I'm only 18 and I just graduated so I can't compare to college but I liked high school and apparently it liked me.

I'm kind of a special case compared to most because my high school was kind of "different" - about 50 kids per grade, very new (we were the second graduating class), private school in Hawaii mostly made of whites/Asians, no football team or major athletics program, etc. etc.

Regarding actual academics I'm of the opinion that American high school education is BASICALLY a joke especially considering I wasn't given the kind of options that I would have liked (my cousin in Singapore is taking calculus, and she's in the equivalent of 10th grade. I had to take it in senior year just like everybody else) so I basically didn't study at all and got away with a 3.9 (4.5 or something "weighted") so yeah.
man absolutely hate high school. going to be a senior next year and the day i leave will be the best day of my life. my high school just massively depresses me and i just sleep all day while being depressed. im extremely sociable everywhere else in the world so i do not know why this is but it is. will probably look back on high school as a terrible time in my life really.
I'm loving high school. I go get to hang out with my friends. I actually don't mind school...its just the homework I mind. I am going into my Sophmore year after this summer and I never get picked on..I have friends that are Seniors so like I have it pretty good.
In college now.

High school was decent, though I loathed the more narrow-minded cliques. I heard many stories of drug abuse (and my dad even smelled some) but I never actually encountered anything.

High school was a breeze, but not all that enjoyable for me. I wasn't very sociable then, so I kept to myself and tended to my various interests. I have since disposed of my shell and made a lot of friends, consequently making college the best period of my life.
I'm gonna be a junior next year. I think HS has been good to me. Meeting all the new people has been the best part of these first two years. I think it will only get better.
High school is good if you stay with good people. I met a lot of people last year in my freshman year through my academics, and the people I hung out with are some of my best new friends. It all depends on who you hang out with and your personality. For some, it's awesome, and others dreadful.

It's going to suck next year because all of my senior friends are leaving, but MySpace keeps me in touch, ;]
im going to be a senior this coming year but i will miss 11th grade it was the best year for me. i feel that after high school is over i wont see any of my friends ever again. So far high school is great for me.
Hell, I'm going to be a sophomore next year. High school so far is pretty chill, though. I've been to a couple of parties with lots of alcohol too, but I always stay sober and don't do drugs.
I hated high school, mostly because I was a prehistoric emo (since the term probably wasn't widely used back in the mid 90s, although I didn't dress emo or listen to emo music, but I was emo, trust me) and also a pseudodevout hypocrite Christian at the time, along with having undiagnosed Asperger's Syndrome, all of the above led to me dropping out at 15 and getting my Good Enough Diploma around my 17th birthday.

My scores placed me in the top 2% of that year's graduating class (which included my older brother, heh) but it's not like I got any scholarships for it or anything. I was just glad to be free of that stupidass isolated social pocket that was High School.
High School Opinion

Just finished my junior year a couple weeks ago.

School = sucky whenever you DON'T have someone to have fun with, and I do not mean that in any way that is dirty, I mean friend-wise


Freshman year - overworked, overstressed, even though it was the EASIEST year out of all of them so far, the overworked and overstressed was my fall because I tried to go to smart school, band and student council the entire time

Sophomore year - kept same crazy schedule and decided "enough! I can't take this anymore!" causing me to quit student council after sophomore year. also was the first year of me having a boyfriend, which caused my grades to slip in English

Junior year - instead of taking something stupid in the fall, joined quiz bowl (professional trivia) in the winter and loved it! ended up with low grades in my smart classes (my mother claims it was my current boyfriend's fault, but I NEVER SAW HIM IN SCHOOL because he went to the smart school in the afternoon while I went in the morning). oh, research = heck in a handbasket, and that is no joke. oh, and our homecoming went to suckiness, so I didn't go to our snowcoming (winter formal) or spring luau (because they didn't allow out of school dates)

Overall, I have no opinion on high school until I leave it. ONE MORE YEAR! XD
I never realized how many little kids there are in here. High school was a freakin party, I went to school, got high, and got laid. In that order, usually...Loads of hot chicks everywhere, and they were easy as hell, not like college. In college most of 'em want to get to know you or whatever, pft. But you know what they say, you never know how great things are till they're over, High school can be the greatest place, so long as you take advantage of the opportunities in front of you.
I never realized how many little kids there are in here. High school was a freakin party, I went to school, got high, and got laid. In that order, usually...Loads of hot chicks everywhere, and they were easy as hell, not like college. In college most of 'em want to get to know you or whatever, pft. But you know what they say, you never know how great things are till they're over, High school can be the greatest place, so long as you take advantage of the opportunities in front of you.

I just finished high school yesterday with the completion of my last exam, so we will see what results day brings and what uni I'm off to. Should be a laugh though, hopefully.
I have people telling me after graduation that they're glad to be out of high school because they didn't have many friends, or everyone there was an asshole. Of course, I went to the same school they did, and had a blast. High school is an environment that's extremely kind to sociable people, and extremely unkind/unforgiving to people who aren't sociable.
I used to be fairly sociable. Then high school came in and kicked the shit out of my self confidence. It hardly gave me any long term friends and the few ones I had ended up ditching me.

You can't just generalize like this.
I used to be fairly sociable. Then high school came in and kicked the shit out of my self confidence. It hardly gave me any long term friends and the few ones I had ended up ditching me.

You can't just generalize like this.

I was characterized as relatively funny (if not somewhat cynical) and thus the majority of my class knew me. My time in high school was not some type of slip into obscurity wherein I wallowed in self-pity over my sad lot in life. On the contrary, as noted, I was "popular" (perhaps notorious in some respects), smart, had an assortment of at least reasonably solid friends (at at least one of whom I now consider a essentially brother). I dated (what's more, the girl I started seeing (and continue to see) in senior year was/is incredibly hot and far out of me league) maintained high marks, got into a good university.

High school will forever be remembered by me as a piece of shit experience populated by spiritless drones and idiots of the highest (or lowest if you prefer) claiber. You don't have to be some pathetic, anti-social emo-kid to hate high school. High school sucking is certainly mutually exclusive of one's personality. Overly generalizing is a mistake.
Surprisingly enough, considering I'm an openly gay guy, almost a flamer, I'm extremely popular, and enjoy High School quite a bit. I find myself missing it now. Damn...

Middle School on the other hand, killed my self esteem.

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