Do You Guys Buy Your Games...

...or do you just download them? I just realized that the majority of my friends download their games as ROMs. I've never done this before, which makes me feel like I've wasted a LOT of money. But is it good ROMing games like Pokemon which have an online feature?


One Pixel
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If it's worth it.

For one thing, games like Modern Warefare 2 or the really really old zelda games are not worth buying simply because of MP issues or others, or if no one plays em anymore, or if the company doesn't sell em

Games like Battlefield, oh hell yes I buy.
Absolutely not. I've come to the realization that I haven't played most of any RPGs outside of Pokemon and all of them are available as a ROM somewhere.

If there're great games available for free, I hesitate to pay $50-60 for the latest and greatest. After all, I could have bought another computer that runs said games better with 10 games paid for.
While downloading games saves you a ton of money, you're not paying the company that makes the games. I'll download games that I don't like if my friends play them and want me to try it, but for games like Pokemon, Anything by Square, and EA Sports games, I buy them so that they continue to make more. Unrelated note, it's the same with music for me. I buy from artists I like and download from ones I don't like as much. I want the ones I like to continue making good things while the ones I don't care about....well, I don't care about.
For the games worth paying for but are illegally downloaded, it should be considered that said downloader would at least boast the game's enjoyability through the inenret. Otherwise, fuck em.
Yeah getting stuff for free is great until the people making games cannot afford to make them anymore because of piracy. I don't download any games unless they are vaporware, which is no longer supported and you are unable to buy it.
Its good that most of you guys still buy your games. I only download music, too, Age of Kings. :)

I thought I was like the only one who still bought games... and I felt like I was wasting money. But downloaded games are glitchy and cannot play online... and it just doesn't seem right.
Depends on the game; sometimes I'll download something then buy it if it's good. I'm not shelling out fifty bucks for something I play once.
Illegal downloading is a good way to get your computer infected with all kinds of shit anyway. It's the perfect target because you are already guilty of doing something illegal and cannot seek any recourse against them without blowing yourself in.
But usenet and torrents are the way to go. Hundreds of leechers couldn't amount to a package of songs addled with viruses.

And who the hell uses LIMEWHIRE!!!
Illegal downloading is a good way to get your computer infected with all kinds of shit anyway. It's the perfect target because you are already guilty of doing something illegal and cannot seek any recourse against them without blowing yourself in.
Not really, also you have your vaporware definition wrong.

Anyway since Kristy Haruka is probably not an undercover ESA agent, I mostly play old games so it's roms for me.
I like to download my games because I'm poor and failing that way. However, if the games have real-world applications (like Pokemon), and/or don't work so well on the DS emulators (like, idunno, any PS2 game), I'll try and shell out the money to purchase them. :< Being broke means I have to be really picky, though...
Yeah but like games like Pokemon just can't be ROMs. They're glitchy and you usually play them for a long amount of time so its hard to just go on the computer all the time to play them. Also, they have online which is a huge part of competitive playing.
Yeah but like games like Pokemon just can't be ROMs. They're glitchy and you usually play them for a long amount of time so its hard to just go on the computer all the time to play them. Also, they have online which is a huge part of competitive playing.
Well, you can always buy a DS flash cart and play the ROM on a DS with full functionality and online capabilty.

That being said. I say you shouldn't do that. I've pirated games my whole life. And up until recently, I've justified it and worked around it, and in the end, I've come to the conclusion it's very close to stealing.

I know all the arguments against it, as I said, that's how I used to justify it, but like, the only difference between you downloading a ROM and you shoplifting a game is that you aren't stealing the hardware, which honestly, usually doesn't top $5.

I've stopped pirating games, and it's a load off my chest. I don't go anal on people who do, but yeah. I do still play emulators of older games of past generations.

I mean, if the company itself isn't selling them anymore, I don't feel so bad. Maybe I'm backward, but whatever.
Considering sites have been taken down for hosting NES games and the like, I believe the Virtual Store in Nintendo was created just to be an ass towards consumers who play ROMs.
Well, you can always buy a DS flash cart and play the ROM on a DS with full functionality and online capabilty.

That being said. I say you shouldn't do that. I've pirated games my whole life. And up until recently, I've justified it and worked around it, and in the end, I've come to the conclusion it's very close to stealing.

I know all the arguments against it, as I said, that's how I used to justify it, but like, the only difference between you downloading a ROM and you shoplifting a game is that you aren't stealing the hardware, which honestly, usually doesn't top $5.

I've stopped pirating games, and it's a load off my chest. I don't go anal on people who do, but yeah. I do still play emulators of older games of past generations.

I mean, if the company itself isn't selling them anymore, I don't feel so bad. Maybe I'm backward, but whatever.
This is very nice. ^^; I'm glad some people still have a conscience. :3


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I buy all my games. I don't understand where people get the time to pirate games. I hardly have time to play the ones I own. When I was a child, I had more time than money. But nowadays, I definitely have more money than time. I'm trying to spend less though. Keep buying games I'll never get around to playing. Last year I spent about $900. This year I hope to bring it down a little bit more.

It'd also be poor form to pirate the industry that I hope to be a part of some day. The absolute worst is people who pirate indie games. Jesus. There are two guys desperately trying to make ends meet and you can't throw 'em a bit of money for their work? Seriously?
Considering sites have been taken down for hosting NES games and the like, I believe the Virtual Store in Nintendo was created just to be an ass towards consumers who play ROMs.
Ok, you've made absolutely no sense in most of your posts but this one just needs to be explained.


or Varl
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Like Firestorm, I don't have a copious amount of time so I buy the few games I do want to play. And even then, the few games I get tend to have tons and tons of replay value (think online multiplayer) so they keep me occupied for a long time.
I buy them, with only a few exceptions (generally really old games that would either be sold used at Gamestop, or on Ebay). I like to support the developers that make the games I love.

I also personally find stealing a $50-60 dollar game distasteful.

Although to be honest I am a bit of a hypocrite. I watch all of my anime online, and I'm pretty sure most of them are illegally uploaded.
I've pirated a good amount of games (and music), but until I've bought my PS3 (which is the only locked console as of yet IIRC) and started to buy games, I've stopped pirating games (not that I play my Wii or DS anyway). Heck, I may even start buying music now, and I don't regret paying money for the PS3 games because I want the developers to make more and more games.

Not really trying to bash the Wii or anything, but Wii games are pirated the easiest of all home consoles, especially when you can soft mod them. That being said, I've noticed a bit of a decline in quality Wii games (mainly from third-party developers), either that or I've been out of the gaming world due to school for too long. I was questioning whether or not piracy is a part of this.

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