drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

Thanks for the input but these are things that I already knew. But seeing as how that whole spine thing isnt true, I now have no reason not to do acid. I may report back here one of these days when I find the right opportunity for a trip.

Soul Fly

is a Contributor Alumnus
Seasoned Advice please, for good weed-hash trip because most of my trips are lethargy and paranoia ridden. Fuck that.


to find better ways to say what nobody says
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
Seasoned Advice please, for good weed-hash trip because most of my trips are lethargy and paranoia ridden. Fuck that.
not really sure what youre asking about could you be more specific. if you just want advice on getting high without lethargy and paranoia: the more you smoke the more used to it you'll be and you'll handle it better.

btw even though weed can be psychedelic (especially in edibles that contain dairy/saturated fat), it's not usually called a 'trip' or 'tripping' when you smoke weed. so if youre asking about getting high while tripping on a hallucinogen, I recommend it to anyone that normally enjoys weed. If you don't normally like it, probably shouldn't do it while tripping.
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Soul Fly

is a Contributor Alumnus
From where I come... weed highs are also considered a trip, albeit of a different connotation than say... dropping acid. To define the general experience and sensations during the period. I ask with that context.

The point about edibles sounds valid though.. Hash brownies here I come.


to find better ways to say what nobody says
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Hmm, I'm not really the paranoid type, but when I smoke Ill definitely get more anxious about how im percieved by the people around me, but I'm not gonna freak out about like 'oh what if the cops walk through' or more fanciful anxieties like that. Part of having good experiences whether on drugs or not, but especially on drugs, is some thought regulation practices. If you start going down a dark line of thoughts thats making you feel anxious, try to step away from it and think about something else. Weed makes it easy to step away from anxious thought patterns which is one of the reason people with really bad anxiety sometimes medicate with weed.

Possibly don't smoke around lots of people, or people you don't feel as comfortable with.

for the lethargy: Compensate with some stimulants maybe? Caffeine+weed is a great combination, tobacco and weed ('spliff') is also common, but pretty bad for you and doing combinations of drugs changes how dependency and tolerance are acquired.


protected by a silver spoon
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From where I come... weed highs are also considered a trip, albeit of a different connotation than say... dropping acid. To define the general experience and sensations during the period. I ask with that context.

The point about edibles sounds valid though.. Hash brownies here I come.
here's my take

I think your tolerance is low and you are smoking more than you should be. hash is also stronger than weed, which is probably a contributing factor. hash also has a tendency to be more sedating because it has more thc and fewer terpenes than unprocessed flower. edibles also suffer from this, as they are made using a fat extraction to get the thc out of the weed. eating edibles will probably just knock you out from the sound of how your weed highs are atm with just smoked hash/weed. edibles are stronger than combustion because the thc has been decarboxylated, making it more bioavailable, as well as staying in your system continuously until metabolized. to contrast, an equivalent quantity of combusted herb will have some smoke drift off into the air and the smoke you exhale still has usable thc that you can't access, which is why shotgunning works. with edibles, all that thc goes right into your bloodstream and, unlike smoking, there's very little way to tell how much it will affect you and once you've eaten it you're kind of locked in for the next 6-8 hours.

tl;dr lay off the hash and try smoking less weed per sesh, I think that will solve your problems. if you have the resources available, selecting a sativa-dominant strain over the ubiquitous indica may help. I personally prefer indica for the stoney bodyhigh and help getting to sleep, but sativas are known for promoting activity and alertness, which is what it sounds like you want from yr weed.

happy (smoke) trails :toast:


formerly known as clifford the big red pawg
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Anyone here into opiates? What are your experiences with them?

I started out with codeine when I was 15. I quickly moved to doing morphine and fentanyl, which completely wrecked my tolerance to the point where I need to pop half a gram of morphine to get any kind of high off of it anymore, and even then that just wrecks my sleep for a week. I gum 2-3 75μg fentanyl patches a month, and I much prefer it to morphine since it's shorter acting and doesn't give me the same kind of opi rage that morphine does. I'm not physically dependent on them, thank god, but I'm definitely mentally dependent on them. Is there any way I can lower my tolerance? From what I can find, there isn't much I can do about it besides using DXM when I take them to slow down my tolerance from growing even further, but outside of just not taking them for months, I think it's just permanently fucked. At least benzos can help lower the amount I need to take to get a good nod on.
DMT and lsd have really been eye-opening things for me, I see the world in a more-open minded perspective now. Not saying you should try them but in my case, they did benefit me.


formerly known as clifford the big red pawg
is a Programmer Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Psychedelics are the one family of drugs I've never had the opportunity to try. Wish I knew anyone to buy them from around here, since I don't entirely trust research chemicals enough to order them online instead
Bit drunk right now so I figured I'd stumble into this thread. I have always wanted to try psychedelics, but I'm wary of buying something with bad additives, is there a trick to telling whether what you buy is pure or not? Also how does alcohol mix with psychedelics? I'm assuming badly... but if anyone has some experiences with the two mixing, I'm curious and would love to hear about them.


to find better ways to say what nobody says
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when i was a wee freshman, a few of my neighbors on campus got expelled after a crazy acid+molly+alcohol bender that ended with them smashing a car window and leaving a letter that implied that harry potter was a real thing (can't recall the exact delusion).

I've been scared str8 (in regards to drinking and acid) ever since, so can't speak to what it's like. probably a glass of wine or a beer will do little harm, other than add to your dehydration. smoke weed instead.
Alcohol and weed is such a beautiful combo, nothing but awesome times had (for me) when I combine the two... but I'll stick to your advice and avoid elevating my risk for expulsion or felony charges and not mix alcohol with anything but weed.


protect the wetlands
is a Contributor Alumnus
So I am probably going to try weed for the very first time in near future. I can't smoke weed due to health issues, but I am in the position that I am being offered to try edibles in the form of brownies that my friends are making.

How much should I have for my first time, what should I expect and what do I need to know?
I've never done edibles but from what i've heard the high is a lot different from smoking (not that you would know what thats like '- ') and lasts a lot longer (8 hours is like average apparently)
The effect isnt immediate, could take over an hour before you start feeling anything so be ready for that
I'd also be very careful about how much you take it is extremely easy to od on edibles which is a terrible experience. Since you've never done anything with weed i wouldnt go more than 1/2 gram. youd probably be fine with 1/4 g even
oh yeah i wouldnt recommend drinking any alcohol either since being high is great by itself ^_^


protected by a silver spoon
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just take whatever your friends recommend since theyre making it. if you start having a bad time just remember it'll end pretty soon. write down the time you take it and plan for it to end 6-10 hours after you eat it depending on your metabolism and the potency of the product


Banned deucer.
So I am probably going to try weed for the very first time in near future. I can't smoke weed due to health issues, but I am in the position that I am being offered to try edibles in the form of brownies that my friends are making.

How much should I have for my first time, what should I expect and what do I need to know?
the first time i had edibles i threw up like 30mins later. but that's cause im apparently allergic to hazelnut and my friend used nutella on the crackers so yeah. my second trip was really nice, but a lot stronger than just straight up smoking. like i would close my eyes and see soft orange weaving patterns and shit. also i felt weightless at times, like i was floating off my seat, which never happens when i smoke. it was really an incredible experience and one that i would recommend. ive probably done edibles 15-20 times and only had that one negative. in regards to how much you should take just do whatever your friends are doing unless youre significantly bigger/smaller than them, in which case eat a little more/less, because weight is a factor in how high you get. i would expect it to fully last anywhere from 3 to 8 hours depending on how much you eat, the potency of your strain etc.

have you ever experienced any other drugs before or is this your first trip?
I eat a lot of edibles these days (all candies though, haven't actually had any baked goods) and i have an, uh, interesting tendency to eat 2 or 3 in a day, supplemented with copious smoking.

As such I feel compelled to reassure you; my tolerance is obviously significantly higher than yours but this shit is potent - it is proper medicine. A strong edible will likely have you hella stoned all day (I took two when I woke up one day and was stoned until bed time), but I mean worst case scenario you can just go to sleep, because you will be exhausted after a while, definitely once you start coming down. Moral of the story being "don't worry, have fun" - it's not like you're taking LSD or meth where shit has the potential to go really sour for a few hours, and leave you lost in the twisted depths of your own mind for what feels like an eternity.

as an aside, the high might sneak up on you, I find an hour-ish after the fact I realize I am wicked fuckin' stoned, it's more sudden than even smoking, which is more or less instant, more subtle too (though I suppose that is how it goes with so passive a route of administration)

Bad Ass

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i'm taking LSD tomorrow for the first time, 250 ug. what should i expect and are there any tips that wouldnt be obvious at first thought?


protected by a silver spoon
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if you start to have a bad time, change the music and remember you arent gonna be high forever. write down the time you take it so youll have a timeframe of when it will end. have a sitter if you have never taken psychedelics before. and have fun!

His Eminence Lord Poppington II

proverb:the fish who eats most dies still too
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my most troubling thing was a feeling of restlessness (more specifically a need to do /something/ but not knowing what), but yea just play some music and just chill out. it only happened to me when i was sitting there w/ friends without music and trying to think of things to talk about

Bad Ass

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is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis the 2nd Grand Slam Winneris a Past SPL Championis a Three-Time Past WCoP Champion
i took it with friends, so i wasn't worried about a bad trip so much. restlessness was the best way to describe most of the trip, actually, you hit the nail on the head with that one. still making sense of my experience so i won't give any report.
Does anyone have much experience with 25C? Got a tab of it (850ug) and have heard very mixed opinions about it from friends. Pretty unsure about it as I have limited experience with psychedelics (done lsd once) Is it worth doing?


Banned deucer.
uhhhhh either you'll have a nice mellow trip or your head will explode and you'll freak the fuck out and start breaking shit. 3/10 would not recommend. trade it for some shrooms or something, psychedelics that have been documented to permanently damage the frontal cortex are not the best

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