drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

what is the effective dose of nutmeg..?
wikipedia says it will kill you before you get high

so um yeah, unless you're going to perform a lol extraction then don't bother

and if you're going to the trouble of doing an extraction at least make it for something worthwhile, like DMT
while on the topic of "legal drugs"...
can you vaporize salvia? or is it only really effective when smoked


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
I'm lucky in that I've found some beers that I genuinely like, to the point that I'd probably drink them even if they weren't alcoholic so I've been going through a lot of that lately. I rarely drink to the point of being drunk...just until I get that subtle high that is normally accompanied by a long relaxing sigh.

I tried cocaine about a year ago and was very disappointed. I was quite drunk at the time and after taking it, I didn't really feel any different. My friend who I was with at the time takes it a little more regularly and assured me it was just a bad batch. I guess that's a risk you're always gonna run with cocaine...there's so many bulking agents and whatnot that you never know exactly what you're getting. The only certainty is that the percentage of it that is cocaine won't be very high. I'd probably be interested if I was assured of a reasonably pure batch but until then I'd rather not gamble with 50 quid.
I haven't done nay drugs, I doubt I ever will. Not because I'm a prude or anything, but for me they would be a cop-out. My pain is my pain, and I have to deal with it.
I haven't done nay drugs, I doubt I ever will. Not because I'm a prude or anything, but for me they would be a cop-out. My pain is my pain, and I have to deal with it.

I agree with this, although I do go around with alcohol every once in awhile. I just prefer being sober.

Also, I am an Art Teacher. So... That kind of rules out everything for the sake of drug testing and stuff.

I HAVE considered doing shrooms at least once. I DID smoke weed one time in my life. I smoked a lot for about half an hour, and I didn't feel a freaking thing. I since then just never cared.
I haven't done nay drugs, I doubt I ever will. Not because I'm a prude or anything, but for me they would be a cop-out. My pain is my pain, and I have to deal with it.
I don't smoke pot or drink alcohol to cope with pain, but I just like being high/drunk more than being sober. Music is better, food is better, etc. etc.

It's easier for me to be happy when I'm drunk or high, but if I was sad before I smoked a joint, I'm probably going to be sad afterward.
I agree with this, although I do go around with alcohol every once in awhile. I just prefer being sober.

Also, I am an Art Teacher. So... That kind of rules out everything for the sake of drug testing and stuff.

I HAVE considered doing shrooms at least once. I DID smoke weed one time in my life. I smoked a lot for about half an hour, and I didn't feel a freaking thing. I since then just never cared.

protip: you didn't inhale
Oh I inhaled the shit out of it.

I had about 5 people with me who did it on an every day basis, I am pretty sure one of them would have said "you didn't do it right." But thanks for acting like you were there. :]
Oh, I've been one of those five people, and there's generally an unspoken admission that 'that person is making a prat of themselves, lets leave them to it, d'aw'. But thanks for getting all passive aggressive. :]
Oh okay, I will just chalk that up for some unspoken rule among people who smoke weed all the time introducing it to someone new. They consider first timers to not know what they are doing, and tell them they do great! All of them do!

Seriously, I got a minor buzz, lasted about 10 minutes, and that was it. Is that impossible? I have heard of this being a case in some people in which they have to smoke a lot to feel it all. From what I have gathered, it just is rare.

I mean, sure, I can understand where you are coming from, I am sure this is a common situation. But seriously, you weren't there.


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
Well the first time is always kinda like that, because you're probably nervous/don't know what to expect out of it. Once you ease up and let yourself go, it becomes more enjoyable. I'm no expert, I'm just going by what my first time was like and other people I know as well.
Were you koffing like a pansy (BAN ME PLEASE)?
did it feel like you were going to vomit out your lungs if you didn't get some water?
If you answered no to both of these questions, chances are you didn't inhale enough
I remember the first time I smoked
then the next time, an afgan friend held me down and plugged my nose and made sure the only way I was getting gasses into my lungs was through the joint.
I got really really high from that.

If I was sad before I smoked a joint, I'm probably going to be sad afterward.
Well I did end up coughing a whole crap load, haha. I don't remember if i needed water though.

Well the first time is always kinda like that, because you're probably nervous/don't know what to expect out of it. Once you ease up and let yourself go, it becomes more enjoyable. I'm no expert, I'm just going by what my first time was like and other people I know as well.
This is what I think ended up happening the most. At least thats what I was told.
im only 15 and i smoke weed but i just recently got caught so i'm grounded, weekly tests, etc. i have a few questions. has anyone smoked legal kush? i have a few friends who said it gives you a nice high and it won't show up on a test which is perfect. i also have another question. people tell me weed stays in your system for one month if your doing a piss test. idk if that's true but is there any way to reduce that time? my friends say that the ONLY way to help reduce it is to sweat. i also hear that there are detox pills but i'm not sure if they work. and i drink occasionally but only for dances and parties. in my opinion, weed is better when i'm just chillin at home but booze is better for like.. a party type situation. another thing, my friend is always nagging at me to shroom with him. what's it like cos i'm kinda iffy on shroomin'.
My advice is "you're fifteen don't do drugs."
i honestly didn't come here to have people tell me not to do drugs. first of all, what does age have anything to do with it? fuck man. if i enjoy something and it opens up my mind in a new, wonderful way then why shouldn't i do drugs? i enjoy being high as opposed to being sober. i'm not stupid and i can maintain myself so honestly what's the problem? and it's fucking high school man who doesn't try drugs in high school -______-
you defs didn't inhale. god knows how many times i've had someone say "trust me i did inhale im just the only person in the world who doesn't feel the effects of weed!"

nigga please

BIG loven

Not so little anymore
oddish on fire quit buzzkillin,

maybe rararabbit just got really really really bad shit mexican dirt weed or something NO ONE IS IMMUNE BS
I don't think I am immune at all, I just think the alcohol I had in me and the fact I was a little tense had something to do with it. I felt a little different but that was about it. It might HAVE been some really crappy stuff, I have no clue.

Either way, I have heard before it usually isnt until the second time where someone truly experiences the effects of smoking weed.

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