NOC Fallout New Vegas NOC [GAME OVER - Wastelanders Win]

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I mean, regardless of my lack of targeting anyone, we just kill von. If he's the last mafia, we win. If he's not mafia, we kill pokeguy. If he's mafia and the game isn't over somehow, we probably still kill pokeguy. Let's just end the game. vote vonFielder


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I'll just take it as a compliment that even after being caught red handed and admitting to being caught, you guys are still uncertain as to which one of us is mafia. Yeah, I'm pretty damn good at this... but sometimes you just get inspected/tracked/watched. This game has already gone on too damn long.

lynch vonFiedler
It's confirmed at this point that there's only one mafia left... but this doesn't make sense. How could I have tracked Mithril visiting Celever... when he didn't? This IS extremely bizarre... vonFiedler can you please claim? I'd like to know how you targeted two people
He could have "visited" the target, but the resolution of the night action was unsuccessful because of the roleblock. Unless Mithril is lying (if Von is town).
With 5 out of 6 votes, vonFiedler is today's lynch target. Was PokeguyNXB correct in his tracking? Is vonFiedler really the last Legionary?

Dear vonFiedler,

you are Caesar.

“We have cities of our own, but nothing compared to Vegas. Finally, my Legion will have its Rome.”

While you were once a member of the peaceful Followers of the Apocalypse, you have since risen to leadership in the Legion. Inspired by the ancient Romans, you managed to unite many a tribe on the east side of the Colorado River under the Flag of the Bull. Your leadership is legendary, as is your knowledge on pre-war history.

You are the Legion Roleblocker. Every night, you may send a PM to the hosts, titled “Night X - Invite <USER> to The Fort’’. Successfully doing so will make that user spend the night in your camp on the banks of the Colorado River, preventing them from performing their night action.

As a member of the Legion, you are allowed to talk to your fellow bad-guys in The Fort, which is the conversation on Smogon going by the same name.

You are allied with Caesar’s Legion. You win when the Legion eliminates the Wastelanders, or if nothing can prevent the same.
With Caesar dead, the Legion is no more - not only is its leader dead, that leader was also the last living member of the Legion in the game. This means that the Wastelanders have managed to beat the Legion in the race to Hoover Dam! No longer will the slavers terrorize the lands on the banks of the Colorado River, and no longer will they raid the settlements of the Mojave. Now all factions can go back to their infighting...

This post marks the end of the game. Everyone may talk about the game again; a longer post-game will follow in a while (probably not this week as I'll be busy, but I have some more time to commit after that), but you may of course ask questions about whatever, and Gale and I will try to answer them to our best abilities. So please tell us what worked and what didn't, and what could be improved for possible later games.

To start off some discussion, here are the remaining role PMs of Odd Ghost, Fatecrashers, PokeguyNXB, Jalmont and Mithril:

Dear PokeguyNXB,

you are Benny.

“Anyhow, baby, you didn’t come here for vengeance. You came to get clued in.”

Once you were a simple member of a tribe, but since then you have made a name for yourself as head of the Chairmen who run the Tops Casino on the Strip. From your suite there, you were planning a takeover of New Vegas, but that plan will have to wait for now. You’ve proven yourself a skilled tracker, able to follow even the best delivery men all the way through the Mojave Desert.

You are a Wastelander Tracker. Every night, you may send a PM to the hosts, titled “Night X - Track <USER>’’. Successfully doing so will inform you of who your target had visited that night.

You are allied with the Wastelanders. You win if the Wastelanders eliminate Caesar’s Legion or if nothing can prevent the same.
Dear Mithril,

you are Victor.

“Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit.”

You are the resident robot of the town of Goodsprings, where you lived in a shack long before the other inhabitants there showed up. What you did before that? Not a clue - the loose circuitry in your system causes you to forget some things sometimes. The people of Goodsprings think you’re a bit weird, as you don’t appear to work for Mr. House like the other Securitrons do, but you’ve earned your reputation in town as a helpful, merry robot.

You are a Vanilla Wastelander. You have no night action.

You are allied with the Wastelanders. You win if the Wastelanders eliminate Caesar’s Legion or if nothing can prevent the same.
Mithril's role here needs some more explanation: the role was not actually Vanilla. The role PM hints to it ("the loose circuitry in your system causes you to forget some things sometimes"), but apart from that only Gale and I knew Mithril's true role, as a Sleepwalker. A Sleepwalker randomly visits one living player in the game, and was implemented as a way to balance out the village having both a Tracker and a Watcher. The role borders on bastard modding, since information is explicitly withheld, but after discussing it with Da Letter El we decided to go with the role anyways. In the end the role didn't have much impact on the game at all; all it did was cause some confusion as to what Mithril did on N3 during the last day, but not more than that.

Dear Fatecrashers,

you are Tabitha.

“No self-respecting soldier of Utobitha should ever be seen running like a scared little human.”

You are a nightkin, leading the State of Utobitha from the top of Black Mountain, an irradiated mountain right in the middle of the Mojave Desert. The mountain serves as the broadcasting station for Black Mountain Radio, which you host alongside Rhonda, a disabled Mr. Handy robot that you consider your best friend. Years of stealth boy abuse haven’t treated you well, leading to severe schizophrenia, like most other nightkin.

You are a Wastelander Broadcaster. Every day and night, you may send a PM to the hosts, titled “Day X / Night X - Broadcast <Message> to the Mojave’’. In this PM, you may write a message that will be posted in the game thread by one of the hosts. You may do this once every day, and once every night. It will not be announced who broadcasted the message.

You are allied with the Wastelanders. You win if the Wastelanders eliminate Caesar’s Legion or if nothing can prevent the same.
Dear Odd Ghost,

you are Mother Pearl.

“Those howitzers of ours aren’t just for entertainment, child!”

You are the eldest and wisest member of the Boomers, a band of vault dwellers originally from Vault 34, which was stocked to the brim with weapons and explosives - the Boomers have since taken those weapons and escaped the Vault, retreating to Nellis Air Force Base. Normally, you and the Boomers keep to yourself, keeping savages at a distance with superior firepower, but the looming threat of the Legion caused you to finally come out of your shell and pick up the fight.

You are a Vanilla Wastelander. You have no night action.

You are allied with the Wastelanders. You win if the Wastelanders eliminate Caesar’s Legion or if nothing can prevent the same.
Dear Jalmont,

you are Elder McNamara.

“You took an extreme risk in coming here. My policy towards trespassers has not been… lenient.”

While the Brotherhood of Steel thrives on the East Coast, the Mojave chapter is all but dead - and you are the one leading that dying group. Without your leadership, however, the Brotherhood would cease to exist altogether. Normally your group sticks to themselves, hiding away from the New California Republic, but with the rising threat of the Legion, you will have to work together with the other Wastelanders to even survive at all.

You are a Vanilla Wastelander. You have no night action.

You are allied with the Wastelanders. You win if the Wastelanders eliminate Caesar’s Legion or if nothing can prevent the same.
Complete role pm of the 'Courier'
Dear Amianki,

you are the Courier.

“You’re playing the hand you’ve been dealt, but you don’t let it rest, you shuffle and stack, and a gamble… a gamble that may pay off? But how?”
  • The Forecaster on the Courier
Your past remains largely unknown - not only to others, but to you as well. The past doesn’t matter, however, because what matters is what happens now. You are the Courier, and when you set your mind to things, you get things done. However, the delivery of a mysterious Platinum Chip proves more challenging than previous jobs. Suddenly you find yourself caught up in a conflict spanning all of the Mojave Desert, as the Wastelanders and Caesar’s Legion are set to clash. Who you side with is entirely up to you.

You are the Courier. You have no night action, except for Night 0. On Night 0, you must send a PM to the hosts titled “Night 0 - Side with <FACTION>”, with <FACTION> being either the Wastelanders, the Legion, or neither. This choice will decide how the rest of the game will play out for you.

Should you choose to side with the Wastelanders, your win condition will become “You are allied with the Wastelanders. You win if the Wastelanders eliminate Caesar’s Legion or if nothing can prevent the same.”

Should you choose to side with the Legion, your win condition will become “You are allied with Caesar’s Legion. You win when the Legion eliminates the Wastelanders, or if nothing can prevent the same.” Siding with the Legion will not reveal its members, and you will not be able to discuss anything with them outside of the game thread.

Should you choose to remain Neutral, your win condition will become “You are the Wild Card. You win when Caesar, Mr. House and President Kimball are dead.” In order to fulfill your win condition, you must have voted for either Mr. House or President Kimball on the day they are lynched - if you fail to do so, or if both are killed by the Legion, you will receive a new Wastelander-aligned target that you need to lynch. If you remain Neutral, you may send a PM to the hosts at night, titled “Night X - Check if <USER> is an enemy”. Doing so will tell you whether or not you need the targeted person dead. You may use this action up to three times in the game.

Regardless of who you side with, you must be alive to win the game. Some players’ night actions will act somewhat differently based on the alliance you chose. If you are Neutral and win the game, the game will still continue.
Also, congratulations Pokeguy! Imo waiting till the very end to catch the last mafia, as a village tracker in a NOC game, requires a lot of patience.

I actually think this game was pretty well balanced. I still think post restrictor is a silly role though. I think it's ok if it's like flavor-type post restrict that's inherent in the role pm, otherwise it just distracts from the game and is kinda a nuisance to be honest.

The Courier role was also pretty ass tbh - I think joining the mafia would have been the best way to win the game from the courier's perspective (as you don't need to worry about getting nightkilled). But otherwise that was just a really hard role to win as (and it didn't really add much to the game).

Do the hosts have graveyard/mafia convos to share? that would be cool

i think everyone played well by the end, although i do wonder why the mafia decided to bus themselves on d4 considering i think both celever and von were seen as pretty village by the rest of the town. given that everyone was so apathetic with their scum reads, i'm surprised you guys didn't just push a villager. (although i thought von was pretty village after the day so i guess it probably would've worked)

(also we really shouldn't have C/Ping role pms in a NOC game)


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given that von effectively led the lynch on sunny i don't think he could afford to bus a villager the next day or his credibility would be completely shot, and with me spiffy and mithril pretty much confirmed villagers the options were seriously limited anyway, sacrificing celever the post restrictor is quite ingenious and would no doubt have worked if it wasn't for the tracker

also the courier's role pm doesn't say siding with the legion stops them from killing you in anyway, i would've just sided with the village, that looks like the easiest option

i think giving the mafia the announcer instead of the restrictor would have provided a bigger tactical advantage since the announcer role is easily provable and gets you an easy in with the village, would it be too much of an advantage in noc though
Added to the Courier role PM, other roles were to change slightly depending on the side the Courier chose;

Neutral: Courier gets a weak investigative role
Sided with Village: if the Legion Post Restrictor visits the Courier, the Courier dies
Sided with Mafia: if the Wastelander Tracker tracks the Courier, he learns of the Courier's alignment

Parts from Goodsprings Cemetery (the deadchat) and The Fort (the Legion chat) will be included in the post-game. People in the deadchat knew a lot more already, since Gale and I gave quite a bit of information at the request of some dead players. The Fort has some cool fireworks between von and Celever.

Also, no c/p'ing in the next NOC game is duly noted.
i mean but was von's credibility truly shot? no one questioned the sunny lynch anyways. i don't really see why they would decide to sacrifice celever given that celever was arguably more village at the time and nobody was really going for him. perhaps they meant to sacrifice von (although i doubt that)? i dunno, i just think both the remaining mafia players were in a pretty good position that it would be way too risky to attempt a bus that really came out of nowhere for no gain but for von town cred? like i feel it would've been maybe better to push a mass claim, and then sacrifice von/celever by CC'ing tracker, but then again i guess they had no way to really know a tracker existed.

IDK i still feel like celever had a pretty good town position and von had a good enough town position that sacrificing one of them didn't really make too much sense. in thinking about, i'm also surprised both of them were against the mass claim (but i'm guessing that was because neither had fakes???)

yep i forgot that the mafia wouldn't be informed that the courier is even potentially on their team. LOL that makes winning even harder then. probably the best way to play would be to go neutral and claim and ask for everyone to ignore them


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i mean but was von's credibility truly shot? no one questioned the sunny lynch anyways. i don't really see why they would decide to sacrifice celever given that celever was arguably more village at the time and nobody was really going for him. perhaps they meant to sacrifice von (although i doubt that)? i dunno, i just think both the remaining mafia players were in a pretty good position that it would be way too risky to attempt a bus that really came out of nowhere for no gain but for von town cred? like i feel it would've been maybe better to push a mass claim, and then sacrifice von/celever by CC'ing tracker, but then again i guess they had no way to really know a tracker existed.

IDK i still feel like celever had a pretty good town position and von had a good enough town position that sacrificing one of them didn't really make too much sense. in thinking about, i'm also surprised both of them were against the mass claim (but i'm guessing that was because neither had fakes???)

yep i forgot that the mafia wouldn't be informed that the courier is even potentially on their team. LOL that makes winning even harder then. probably the best way to play would be to go neutral and claim and ask for everyone to ignore them
It wasn't a planned buss. von was going to be lynched yesterday (you and Spiffy were gunning for him, and there weren't any other targets). I decided to jump on, but von couldn't handle it and fought back.

If von hadn't fought back, we would have won. Whatever though, what's happened happened
lol damn amianki needed buttered, bananas, and von dead, that's a tall order
Yeah, I investigated Serious Bananas -> VonFiedler the first two nights because I was trying to see if people who I expected would be alive for a while were people I needed dead. You can imagine why I suddenly started getting majorly disengaged even though I was planning on how to accomplish that.

My plan for day three was to try to push VonFiedler to be the nightkill and see if I could snag the town lynch on the one I couldn't get, then fake a super scumread on the last target and hope I didn't get nightkilled. It turns out that wasn't really all that bad despite Von being the scum in the trio. If I hadn't been apathy lynched on day three, I would've won the game alongside town unless scum decided to NK me. Once ButteredToffee's inevitable lynch went through (and Serious Bananas being killed obv), I would've just super buddied VonFiedler until the end of time until the other scum got lynched, then out myself for the joint win.

Bonus: I was townreading Celever pretty hard until I started actually looking at the game on day 3. All my thoughts were completely genuine. And yes Celever, you were kind of obvious by associations with flipped scum >_>. There were two people I got who potentially were going to replace in; one can see through me instantly and would've been able to catch me if I tried to fake cases (which is why I suddenly pushed Celever), and the other has enough of an idea of how I play that he probably would've been able to catch me if he engaged with me enough. I can blend in with town for a while as scum, but people who have experience with me generally know how to crack me open.
And yes, I was fully expecting scum to win this game after I got lynched and was told who they were. They had the perfect position to just stick together and try to snipe down anyone who had potential to destroy their synergy and bussing each other completely destroyed that strategy.

Generally, bussing is an awful idea. If there's a plan in place and you will gain more than you lose by sacrificing a scum member (which is pretty steep; having to secure an extra mislynch is a very high price), then bussing is fine.I don't know how people on this site generally think as scum, but it would've been a great idea to just keep the fighting going without actually trying to get the other person lynched because it would've been a perfect excuse as to why the two of you are still alive. My scumplan most of the time is to have town set up its own traps and impale themselves on it, so it would've been a pretty good strategy.


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There was absolutely nothing wise about bussing a mafia on Day 5. Even coming out of it looking more town than I had ever believed possible (this shouldn't be seen as a brag, I ADMITTED to being mafia and some people still thought Pokeguy might be lying), there was a serious night kill problem in that Spiffy and Fate were 100% clean, but the rest of the players could have any number of roles to fuck us over. Does anyone think Celever could have just avoided being tracked? Or that, after failing spectacularly to bus me, he would have stood a better chance at mislyinching two players in a row?

If I were mafia, you would be dead.

If I had the power, I would nightkill you, it really is as simple as that. Like town or scum I would nightkill you, because you're not fun to play with, probably due to your personal vendettas against a few people.
Whether TOWN or SCUM, Celever would kill me. I came into this game. I listened to Celever's input. I gave him almost every night action, including kills he used to set me up to bus (going after people like BT and not Spiffy). I ignored all of Celever's posts, and each snide little guttersnipe like, because I knew that if I acknowledged his existence in the game I would get him lynched (due to his scummy posts). I even tried to win for HD after Day 5, even though it'd also be a win for Celever. And yet the guy who says he will kill/lynch me in any game regardless of setup accuses ME of having a vendetta.

At some point, maybe at the start of the game, maybe after a certain argument on Night 1, Celever decided that he was going to kill me. Even before the BPV talk, Celever jumped into Day 5 talking about how scummy I was (even though my position was pretty good at the time), and even when Jalmont/Spiffy weren't lynching me, demanded my head. Had I let him, Day 6 would have ended the exact same way. Had we both just lived through Day 5, another day for the village to be fairly inactive and lynch out of apathy, we CERTAINLY would have won.

This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated.
so is celever blacklisted now too?

e: also doubting pokeguy had nothing to do with you (and you weren't awfully explicit in giving up), but more to do with the fact that there was a result discrepancy that didn't make sense. there wasn't any need to rush through things anyways even if you didn't quit right off the bat

e2: I also think you would've lynched d5 regardless of any bussing shenanigans.
Other thoughts/things I noticed:

Lol @ how four of the five informal votes for me on Day 1 were the three mafia and the neutral.

Also the ONLY THREE PLAYERS that I got into back and forth arguments with for an extended period of time were the three mafia so screw you guys for saying that I was wasting my time :((((((((

Wish we looked more into the people accusing me of role fishing for HD's role after he flipped scum because von and Celever like immediately jumped on me for it. Speaking of which, can we all agree that if someone softclaims a power role they should claim immediately in the future? I was appalled at how little support I got on that. Especially on Day 1 mafia are either going to hook or kill the claimed power role if they are being truthful. I'm glad ButteredToast kept us on track with the Haunted Diamond lynch Day 2 that I pussied out on so thanks for that.

I think the village got pretty lucky throughout the game. If Haunted Diamond actually bothered to claim like he should have when he was being lynched Day 2 we might have been forced into another mislynch and allowed him to live too long. Celever and von fighting helped us a lot too. I'd also say that our power roles were still a bit too strong but the sleepwalker kind of balanced that. I liked that inclusion btw.

Good job to Pokeguy for sitting on his info until he got a guaranteed guilty and laying low to avoid getting night killed. I also think we got fairly lucky with our power role slots on the village because SB and Pokeguy were definitely not getting nightkilled unless they got inspected.

I would have been so pissed at von if he was actually village and tunnneled me all game but he was scum so I guess it's excusable. :)

Luv Fatecrashers <3 sorry for going after you early on

Yeah I definitely would have lynched von Day 5 if he and Celever hadn't started fighting but I can't speak for anyone else.

More Cowbell said:
Your Powder Gangers outfit (and general annoying behavior) makes you unwanted by the other Wastelanders, though - during lynches, you will be lynched one vote before majority (L-1: for example, if 6 votes is majority, you are lynched at 5).
I was really annoyed that my BPV role had this caveat to it because I needed to die before LYLO and the damn BPV made that difficult. That's another reason why I fully claimed after my BPV went off: so the mafia would be forced to kill me as a clean.

Agree that in the future we shouldn't be able to quote results or role PMs publicly in NOC.

Overall I had a lot of fun and thanks hosts for hosting!


I Like Chopin
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I'm not arguing that Spiffy/Jalmont wouldn't have lynched me if allowed on Day 5. Exactly the opposite. That was Celever's plan. He'd only have needed two other players to join him while he was making a ruckus, and with the general apathy it wouldn't have been too hard.

But that's very different from a lynch being a thing that WOULD have happened without Celever going after it. If you two were so in favor of lynching me, how come one of you didn't vote me at all, and the other only after prodding from Celever?

There was already talk brewing about Odd Ghost behaving oddly, and Pokeguy had never really stopped being mostly idle. It wasn't a matter of pushing a lynch onto someone else, but just letting an apathetic village go after an easy target. Even the hosts said so. So why was this plan abandoned for one that would result in the mafia being completely unable to keep up in kills?
I'm sorry for acting like a brat on day 2 but I was honestly under pressure irl and I was getting subbed out so I cba to deal with people picking on my fake claim and stuff.
Spiffy you were such a pain to play against so I guess that's why they killed you over the watcher.
This is what I had left for my sub to claim i didn't die:

Dear Haunted Diamond,

you are Chief Hanlon.

“Different people see different things, and sometimes the meaning gets twisted, lost in static from person to person.”

You are the chief commander of the NCR rangers, one of the most powerful forces in the wasteland. Despite your old age and lack of presence in the field, you're still one of the most influential men amongst the rangers with over four decades of experience. The most valuable thing about you, however, is your familiarity with the legion and its tactics.

You are a Wastelander Role Cop. Every night, you may send a PM to the hosts, titled “Night X - Observe <USER>’’. Successfully doing so will grant you the role name of the user you targeted.

You are allied with the Wastelanders. You win if the Wastelanders eliminate Caesar’s Legion or if nothing can prevent the same.
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