fishfly hate thread


the saint
is a Pre-Contributor
i hate fishflies so much i hope they stop existing forever starting today. theyre like 3 inches long and theyre fucking EVERYWHERE


look at these fuckers. when i woke up there were like 20 of them (not an exaggeration) on my window and they were swarming the outside of my house. our backyard had literally HUNDREDS and they were all around the raspberry bushes we have so we couldn't pick them today either so all of them are going to waste. today was also garbage day so i had to go into the backyard where i left the garbage and i swear to god it was like those scenes in cartoons with the locust swarms.

the worst part is that they're everywhere for WEEKS its not like one or two days. sometimes they go away for a day and you get your hopes up and BOOM they're back and worse than ever. their corpses smell like rotten fish too so even after they all die the entire area still smells vile

DID YOU KNOW THAT flishflies literally DO NOT HAVE MOUTHs. they only have functioning digestive systems as larvae. so their only purpose as adults is to reproduce and die. literally the most useless animal of all time
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