Fulgrate Art thread.

MamOwOswine Thanks! Funny, I don't draw for a week and somebody actually replies. :catdab

@Anybodyingeneral I found these old designs for a Princess from the last time I used a similar style to the one I use now. I will modify her a bit and make her a rival princess, and her knight will have to be reworked, since despite the different eye shape, the hair and colors are too similar to the angry knight.

I found it! The Knight and Princess of early '12. I don't think I've ever shown these designs online or the original image host it was on got deleted years ago. This is the first instance of an "angry knight" that I could find.

In the spoiler, is the History of the Knights 10th to the 18th era, image intense.

For the above knight, the "prototype" sketch of the same year was this neurotic looking knight, lol.

I would say, this is my favorite era of designs, for example, the dragon villain looked menacing:

I was gonna do the whole rival princesses things during the time I was using a really toonish style a while back, but it never panned out.
HONK Thanks, thanks.
The last page is awesome now that I compare it to other pages in this thread. Too bad I haven't drawn anything new yet.

@Meanwhile Some more old art, from my best year(I remember studying how to write movie/tv scripts and that enthusiasm transferred into teh art, lol, but I think I hid away this art and it might not have ever seen the light of day until now. (Was saving these designs for a future project.)

If put her against the current Princess, it is a perfect rivalry of Optimism vs Gloomy. This optimism Princess will use a Wand instead of magnifier though, lol(I haven't decided what her element is yet, but she might make use of Space or Yang, or something.). I definitely have to differentiate this knight more, probably make him arrogant and cocky or whatever.

More old art:

And the moment it went from the neutral prototype sketch to the optimistic design:

Now to compare it to the time periods that followed.

This pic, which I don't think I've posted, is the final art piece of the game characters that I made a while back when I made some apps.

This was the Knight and Princess that I made the year before the game characters, but the year after the designs at the top of this post.

So many reboots, I need to properly document them, and call them by their real iteration(2nd gen, 3rd gen, etc.), instead by the year they where made in, lol.
Redesigned the Knight of the optimist Princess, although I might have to redesign his eyes a bit more, but changed his hair to spiky instead of down so it wouldn't clash with the other knight.


Gloomy Princess and Raging Knight.

I just realized, based on pics of the trio I drew with the old Princess, vs the trio I keep drawing the new Princess in, they would have a 3vs3, I wonder who would win?

There is a trio that trained together in a particular martial arts for like several years, so they all have the same fighting techniques. Not pictured is this white tiger dude who is part of the trio. I need to redraw the monkey guys face though.

Dragon dude.

TIME TRAVELERS, they are the grandchildren of a certain pair of characters in present time.
The dirty deed is done, I have created a sight that reflects the state of our current times.
A piece that showcases the uglyness of society in general. Anger, hatred, disgust, bullying, anguish, sorrow, and pettiness. All these rolled into one to become the image that is below.

It's the true duel of fates, seethed in the dark side, and dripping with maliciousness. They fight for their lives, having spent all their super powers, and now left with nothing more than their fisty cuffs, as they batter both mind and body, having become weary of each other.


Do not avert your gaze, friend, this is the ugly truth of reality.
A vision of pure madness as two sides vie for dominance over the other, to the utter, gritty, bitter end.



It's been a while since I've last drawn, I've only done photo editing or video editing, but no sketches... until now!!!

Luffy and Carrot from One Piece, like you didn't know anyway.
It's been a while since I've drawn. : / Anyways, these are some sketches I did while testing out different art programs back in like June 1st/Late May.

Then I tried to draw those three, and I totally forgot the style I used before, and my brain defaults to THIS style for some reason if I haven't drawn in a looonngg time. :psyduck

Then I tried drawing again today, with purpose this time, and wanted to try out a different style before going back to the normal style that I was using before for this series. :cat

A rival to the Fury Knight and Gloom Princess:

The IgKnighte and the Gust Princess. I was initially thinking, he'd look like the hero of the story, and the Fury Knight is the "bad guy", to the eyes of the people, but in fact, the Fury Knight is just a misunderstood Anti-Hero, since the story follows him:

But if I change the story around, it would just be played "straight" with the Fire Knight "IgKnighte" being the main character. D: I'd still stick to the main story of the Fury Knight being misunderstood and actually trying to stop the real villain in all this.

Now I gotta do the modern redesign of the "Holy Knight and the Hex Princess".

I really want to call the Fury Knight something more punnish and themed, like "MidKnight" or "Knightfall", and "Nighty Knight" is too childish and fitting for a toony version. I might end up going with "Infiknight". EDIT: Maybe he'll be called the Doom Knight, since he serves the Gloom Princess, thus they shall be referred to as Doom and Gloom, lol.

And I'm still trying to think if I should really go with non-human species for the majority, like currently, nearly all knights are "Metalloids" or basically bio-metal humanoids, which might be weird to some.
Maybe to heck with it all the knights humans and make the Princesses belong to non-human species.

As for the Gust Princess's weapon, I'm still thinking about it, might be a hand fan or windmill or some other wind tool. The Fire Knight/Igknighte might get a broad bladed Katana or European Broadsword of some kind.
Did the Princess in that alternative style:

Now the trio is finished in it:

I'm torn between this style and the normal style I use.
Each has their pros and cons, yet it's so hard to decide which to pick if I had to pick. Perhaps I use the normal style for games, and the alternative style for comics, but if I want the same series, then it's gotta be either or.
Did this yesterday and forgot to post, I was thinking of changing the kapagirl's colors, I'm most likely going to use the red haired variant. I also added freckles to see how she would look with it.

What do you think of the kappagirl?
Is it an interesting design? Weird? Should I go back to the drawing board and redesign her? I must have a kappa girl in the roster, lol.
MamOwOswine Thanks, the only reason she wouldn't get the red hair is if this dragon got the red hair, since she too has greenish skin.

Which, is the spiritual successors of these designs, the Dragon girl that hid out in a tower and pretended to be a Princess and the Wind Knight that thinks she is a Princess despite others telling him that it's obviously a dragon.

On another forum, somebody said they preferred the 2017 Kappa girl design, but if I used that, she'd be way too short, although, ironically enough, the original kappa girl from 2015 fits the modern style, she's just skinnier than the newer Kappa.
It's gotta come down to one of these color sets for the protagonists. :catthinks

EDIT: I noticed the Princess is a bit off model, I need to make a new inked pic of her to color and use. D:
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I tried coloring the dragongirl, but it's difficult trying to figure out a color scheme that won't clash with another characters scheme.

That won't be her final outfit, I'm still trying to figure out what sort of wardrobe she would have, and whether it be medieval or modern. :catshades Or let her be like some of the other animalish characters and just forego fashion. :catthinks
Trying to still determine the Dragon girls colors.

By the way, she's wearing something called "Soul Armor", which is similar to "Soul Weapons" in that they are made/forged using the essence of the person like their hair/stats/etc. She used to be covered in scales all over, so she sacrificed that to make highly durable, self-repairing, scaled cloth and now has smooth skin.

By the way, the knight dudes skin is suppose to be reflective like his armor, since he is a Metalloid, aka a Bio-metal living organism.

As I have it written, he is from the "Bronze" race, which is considered the lowest class.(Although an alternate version has Aluminum as the lowest, lol). Silver, Gold, and Platinum are the races of the higher class. He's trying to overcome his class disadvantage and prove that the shimmer of his skin doesn't define him. :psyduck

The guy in the above post is of the "Silver" race of Mettaloids(although I might call them Metallions instead), and although he had an averagely promising future, when they did the element test on him, and found him to have the "Dark" element, the town tried to destroy him, but he managed to escape to the the Dark side of the planet.

Oh yeah, I should mention, this story takes place on a world that has one side perpetually in night time, and the other side always in day time. Obviously, all the lower class people are forced to the dark side, while the rich and higher class people stay on the day side.

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