Gen VII: Pokémon Sun and Moon (New info Post #5834)

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I don't like having to use the QR to find the habitat.

At least there's the internet.
I'm sure someone will post all the QR codes somewhere on the internet.

Also, do you think Lillie (the mysterious assistant) is secretly a member of the evil team?

I also think the evil team's goal is to stop Earth's rotation to make it always Day/Night depending on the version. Let me know what you think.
No but what I saw was that the QR code thing gives you an in-depth map of the route, and shows EXACTLY where the pokemon can be found, because it seems that each patch of grass could actually contain different pokemon. Looking at the Pokedex/Sassy Rotom, it seems like the habitat feature is gone, and so to actually catch 'em all, you have to find these QR codes so you can figure out where to get the pokemon you wan

Did anyone else see that the grass seems out of the way, and it doesn't seem like you have to fight wild pokemon to move on through a route

We don't know if Sassy Rotom can be used in battle yet, but it would be pretty weird, because traditionally you get the pokedex at the beginning, so you would basically start with a rotom, already in a form, and a starter
I really dont want them to implement a QR code way of getting the Pokemon. It seems inevitable, so I guess now I can only hope for that feature just being a small add on and not something essential. Also, if it is not longer necessary to traverse through the tall grass to advance in the game, well let's just say there will be dark days ahead... Fortunately I don't think that will happen. And I like the name "sassy rotom". It would probably complete my life (not actually) if the rotomdex was similar to the core guides in the portal series. The obvious exception would be that I wouldn't want them to turn against me and try to kill me, lol. Although that would be an interesting twist. Jk
Since Rotom dex is mentioned in the trailer to be a new way for people and Pokemon to communicate, it'd be hilarious if it could act as a really rude "translator" of sorts for 'mons you encounter as a side thing. Like some goofy Hey You Pikachu sort of nonsense, lol. That'd certainly be an entertaining endgame activity.
I really dont want them to implement a QR code way of getting the Pokemon. It seems inevitable, so I guess now I can only hope for that feature just being a small add on and not something essential. Also, if it is not longer necessary to traverse through the tall grass to advance in the game, well let's just say there will be dark days ahead... Fortunately I don't think that will happen. And I like the name "sassy rotom". It would probably complete my life (not actually) if the rotomdex was similar to the core guides in the portal series. The obvious exception would be that I wouldn't want them to turn against me and try to kill me, lol. Although that would be an interesting twist. Jk
no did you see the maps and gameplay tho, the grass is off to the side

I just updated my sig for it

Since Rotom dex is mentioned in the trailer to be a new way for people and Pokemon to communicate, it'd be hilarious if it could act as a really rude "translator" of sorts for 'mons you encounter as a side thing. Like some goofy Hey You Pikachu sort of nonsense, lol. That'd certainly be an entertaining endgame activity.
Yeah, I kinda get that vibe from it. It says " hey there, easy on the goods" and "Its a whole new way for people and pokemon to communicate...yay.(sarcasm implied)"
so it shall now be known as Sir Sassy Rotom
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I just learned something thanks to this!
So Hau's favorite food is stated to be malasada. I didn't know what that is, so I looked it up. Wikipedia describes them as "made of egg-sized balls of yeast dough that are deep-fried in oil and coated with granulated sugar." As someone who grew up in Louisiana, this sounds (more or less) like a beignet.
I don't blame him for keeping an eye out for any place that might sell them. I want some myself.
I watched a Verlisify video recently, which was talking about malasadas...He said he seemed like the guy who would say "hey rival, want to battle? Oh wait. I found a malasada store...Bye"


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Trailer time (don't worry, I'm not posting the videos here, I'm just going to link to them)!

English Trailer:
0:18: This is interesting, Solgaleo's symbol is a sun (albeit blue, but it matches Solgaleo being a sun deity)...
0:46: ... BUT Lunala's is an eye (sure it could be a stylized moon, however it looks nothing like the Moon version logo).
1:07: "Cousin", "Yeah", any more Hawaiian stereotyping you want to shove in GF? Though now that he said "yeah" I can't help but hear Kukui's dialogue in FFX's Wakka's voice.
1:11: So in her stock art she's very angry but the gameplay showing her is seemingly scared/nervous... she's a tsundere, isn't she?
1:14: "That gave me chicken skin"... what? *goes to Google* Okay, apparently "chicken skin" is a Hawaiian version of saying "goose bumps". Wait, shouldn't it be "Combusken skin", what is this "chicken" you speak of?
1:21: Oh we'll get to Rotom Pokedex (Rotom-D for short) in another video, but some quick things here. First off, OMG IT TALKS! Finally we can get answers that have plagued human and Pokemon relationship for centuries! What do they think of humans and how we treat them? Are they okay with being used to battle, entertain, and work for us? Please Rotom-D, share us your Poke-wisdom... huh? No I don't want to check which Pokemon I've seen and caught, I want answers! ... No, I don't want to check a Pokemon's length and height, I want to know how you Pokemon feel? ... You feel like just being my Pokedex, *sigh* fine.
1:24: The next gen of Pokedex is only complete when a Rotom is in it... doesn't that seem a bit inconvenient? Like to me that sounds like what an old generation of Pokedex would need to do before getting strong enough batteries.
1:27: Joking aside, this does make me wonder if maybe we'll see more Pokemon being used for things. Like imagine instead of a bike we got a saddle and are able to ride around on certain Pokemon like in XY but in more than a few scripted areas. Pokemon are such versatile creatures yet what you can do in the games is quite limited when you think about it.

Meremere Island:
0:05: Oh character designers, just can't help yourselves when it comes to the female swimmers, can you? :P

0:00: I'm guessing he's in the middle of one of his sessions of studying Pokemon moves (and from the looks of the lab he's not the only one that has taken hits). BTW, it looks like our shirtless Professor has gotten a bit of attention...

Tahu Hau:
0:07: LOOK! Behind Hau! Are those the Strange Souvenir's family?!

0:08: Seriously, is no one thinking of the ramifications of finally making a device which lets a Pokemon talk through it?!
0:11: Oh, great, so throughout your journey you're going to have Rotom-D watching you, that ain't creepy...
Anyway, so looks like one of Rotom-D's function is being an overhead map and tracking where you're going (which could be helpful in big areas). Also it looks like you can set a flag point, could be handy to keep track what you need/want to do. Of coure it could also be Rotom-D's doing, telling you to go there/recommending a location of interest from conversations you can have (so it's not only watching you, it's also listening on your conversation).
0:15: With 4 main islands it gives GF a lot of opportunity to not only add all sorts of Pokemon but also easily split up the dex like they did in XY. Each of the main islands will have its own dex (with one for the Alola region overall on top).
0:17: Others have mentioned this already, but looks like when you go over a Pokemon in the dex it'll show its evolutions too. And what has this revealed? The Starters are a 3 stage evolution. STOP THE PRESSES!
Overall Rotom-D is turning out to be an interesting idea full of features (though of course I must ask, will there be a DexNav feature?). Hopefully Rotom-D will also not be a Navi and keep quiet until you want to hear what it has to say (though it'll always be watching a listening). Though I wonder if at any point you can have Rotom-D battle? I get the Pokedex won't work without it (GOOD DESIGN) but if all my Pokemon are knocked out I wouldn't mind maybe having Rotom come out and help out if it could. The only way around this I can see is if Rotom belongs to Kukui thus it only listens to him (though maybe give us the option in the post game or a reward for seeing/catching all the Alola Pokemon?).

I guess I should also give my quick opinion of the QR codes. It's a nice idea, trying to have players share what Pokemon they've seen... at least until Serebii posts up all the QR codes. Hopefully they plan on doing more things with the QR than just filling the dex (come on Super Secret Bases, sure it didn't work as well as you intended in ORAS but that's because of the stupid limitations you put on it, the idea on its own is sound).

And now for the map... next time. Honestly there's no way I can top DHR-107's indepth analysis of the map so far. So instead I'm going to read what he says and add any additional thoughts I have. And as said in the first post, thanks Cresselia~~ for posting PokeBeach's hi-def map.
I don't think Lunala is gonna be THAT fast; the fastest a cover legend has ever been is Lugia at 110 iirc, (not counting Mega Rayquaza.) That said, if Game Freak were to change things up, I'd be down.
I was about to correct you on Lugia's speed- and then I checked it. It's actually 110 base speed. After all this time dabbling in Ubers, I had no idea it was that fast.

It's as fast as the Lati twins, faster than Rayquaza... What the hell?



Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
I was about to correct you on Lugia's speed- and then I checked it. It's actually 110 base speed. After all this time dabbling in Ubers, I had no idea it was that fast.

It's as fast as the Lati twins, faster than Rayquaza... What the hell?

And with all that speed, it's a defensive Pokemon (which is alright, means it's most likely to pull off a Roost before getting attacked and can set up screens and/or Tailwind).


is a Community Contributor Alumnus
So I was watching a GameXplain video about the news and reading the comments (gasp!), and somebody pointed something out that was really interesting.

What if the giant tree near the alter thing has something to do with Zygarde?

It's been hypothesized by many people that the X and Y Legendary Trio are based off of creatures from Norse mythology, and one of the more important aspects of the legends is the gigantic tree, Yggdrasill.

It may just be a cool location where we catch Zygarde (and Xerneas and Yveltal), but it could be something more that's actually important to the story.
He is really hot, just not as hot as Sycamore. He's at least an 8/10 mind

Also, I doubt Sunsteel Strike and Moongeist Beam are dual-type moves purely for the fact the website probably would have said that before ability ignorance.
Something I wanted to point out-
In the Japanese trailer we saw some npc's in bikinis. Of course, this is nothing new, as the swimmer trainer class often appears in the similar clothing. In X and Y, the female player could wear a top called the midriff halter top. It was supposed to represent beach wear. Since this is in Hawaii---Known for its beaches, we could see more than just two beach wear clothing. I have to doubt though that Nintendo will allow a 10 yr old avatar to travel across a region in only their undergarments though. What do you think?
I don't know why but I get the feeling that X&Y's character customization won't come back. Game Freak has the habit of keeping certain special features exclusive to their debut region: Hoenn's Secret Bases, Unova's Dream World and Sinnoh's Underground to name a few. I think we'll be allowed to choose our skin tone and that's it. Hell, the very fact we haven't heard anything about Mega Evolution yet makes me fearful that they might be dropping it for something else, given that in the artwork you can see something that resembles, but isn't a keystone, wrapped around the male protagonist's wrist.

I'm probably jumping the gun here and seriously hoping that I am wrong.
I don't know why but I get the feeling that X&Y's character customization won't come back. Game Freak has the habit of keeping certain special features exclusive to their debut region: Hoenn's Secret Bases, Unova's Dream World and Sinnoh's Underground to name a few. I think we'll be allowed to choose our skin tone and that's it. Hell, the very fact we haven't heard anything about Mega Evolution yet makes me fearful that they might be dropping it for something else, given that in the artwork you can see something that resembles, but isn't a keystone, wrapped around the male protagonist's wrist.

I'm probably jumping the gun here and seriously hoping that I am wrong.
Dropping customization is possible (but I really hope it won't be), but dropping Mega Evolution is something I see as absolutely impossible. They're major form changes which essentially means that dropping them is about as bad as dropping entire species. Thus far the only 'form' that has ever been dropped is Spiky-Eared Pichu, which we were told right from the get-go could not be transferred, has a lot of lore reason for that, and is literally just a Pichu with a spiky ear. Dropping Megas is about as likely as dropping Rotom-Wash, Deoxys-Speed or... I dunno, Raticate. It's just not going to happen.
The big difference with Mega Evolution is that it's a new battle mechanic. Things that they've dropped before - Pokémon following you, contests, secret bases, battle frontier etc - are things that aren't dropped from battles themselves. Abolishing Mega Evolution would be less along the lines of dropping contests and more along the lines of dropping the dark-type.
I don't know why but I get the feeling that X&Y's character customization won't come back. Game Freak has the habit of keeping certain special features exclusive to their debut region: Hoenn's Secret Bases, Unova's Dream World and Sinnoh's Underground to name a few. I think we'll be allowed to choose our skin tone and that's it. Hell, the very fact we haven't heard anything about Mega Evolution yet makes me fearful that they might be dropping it for something else, given that in the artwork you can see something that resembles, but isn't a keystone, wrapped around the male protagonist's wrist.

I'm probably jumping the gun here and seriously hoping that I am wrong.
I highly doubt they would drop something as big as mega evolution, or even replace it with something like burst evolution. It will be interesting to see what they do, seeing as ash greninja and the item in the Sun and Moon logo appear to add up to another battle mechanic, which I personally think might make the games a bit too "busy" per say. And whereas trainer customization was nice, I don't think it will be the end of the world if it is not included.
I highly doubt they would drop something as big as mega evolution, or even replace it with something like burst evolution. It will be interesting to see what they do, seeing as ash greninja and the item in the Sun and Moon logo appear to add up to another battle mechanic, which I personally think might make the games a bit too "busy" per say. And whereas trainer customization was nice, I don't think it will be the end of the world if it is not included.
well, they never stopped using stuff they included within the battle system (the only thing I can think of are maybe the overkill of evolutions of old Pokémon in Gen 2-4 which stopped in Gen 5 and didn't get a boost in Gen 6 except for Sylveon [and the megas *cough*]).

unfortunately they dropped so many good stuff over the generations. the only Generation that didn't drop much important stuff that was introduced before was Gen II where you just had everything from Gen I that you loved (even the old areas and gym leaders) and added a lot more stuff. The only thing missing back there was the original storyline and some Pokémon like the legendary birds or Mewtwo that you couldn't get.

If I could pick a single thing (which wouldn't really be a single thing) I hate the most about the Pokémon franchise is the reliable and consistent dropping of established and well-working features. :(
I don't know why but I get the feeling that X&Y's character customization won't come back. Game Freak has the habit of keeping certain special features exclusive to their debut region: Hoenn's Secret Bases, Unova's Dream World and Sinnoh's Underground to name a few. I think we'll be allowed to choose our skin tone and that's it. Hell, the very fact we haven't heard anything about Mega Evolution yet makes me fearful that they might be dropping it for something else, given that in the artwork you can see something that resembles, but isn't a keystone, wrapped around the male protagonist's wrist.

I'm probably jumping the gun here and seriously hoping that I am wrong.
We have already seen it, the clothes changed a little bit in the 1st trailer. It wasn't really the exclusive thing for Kalos, as it is only there so the player can express themselves better.

And dream world was announced for XY, but then later dropped, and was removed only because of its unpopularity. I bet you that those crystals are mega key stones also. Maybe the new region uses a different kind of key stone without the dna symbol. I mean, in gen 6 alone, the mega ring was renamed already, obviously showing that it is a work in progress

The only other thing is they are to change the legends formes
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Even if they do, no legendary has changed form within their game of origin (barring Xerneas' "active" and "dormant" forms). It usually takes until the next game or a remake until they get some snazzy new power up.
Even if they do, no legendary has changed form within their game of origin (barring Xerneas' "active" and "dormant" forms). It usually takes until the next game or a remake until they get some snazzy new power up.
That may be true, but Nintendo has been shaking it up recently, and I don't know if we can believe that. Even if the types are finally making more sense, they feel counterintuitive to a degree, and so a form change could allow them to regain the types that they "should've" had
guarantee that these legendaries change forms or something
There isnt anything suggesting they change formes. Considering most of the legendaries don't, and the ones that can are mostly Mythical Pokemon, there isnt a ton of reason to expect them to unless there are hints at it.

Also on the mega evolution thing not possibly being in SuMo: I would like to chime in that Triple and Rotation Battles are still a thing, despite not being seen much in the main part of the game. (Granted, I can, and kinda hope to, see them removing Sky Battles in SuMo.) If I had to guess the Keystones in Alola look different than those in Kalos/Hoenn.
There isnt anything suggesting they change formes. Considering most of the legendaries don't, and the ones that can are mostly Mythical Pokemon, there isnt a ton of reason to expect them to unless there are hints at it.

Also on the mega evolution thing not possibly being in SuMo: I would like to chime in that Triple and Rotation Battles are still a thing, despite not being seen much in the main part of the game. (Granted, I can, and kinda hope to, see them removing Sky Battles in SuMo.) If I had to guess the Keystones in Alola look different than those in Kalos/Hoenn.
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