Glasses: Bane of video gamers.

So I'll start off by saying I've been having glasses since 4th grade and now I'm in high school. Having glasses in high school really just sucks for numerous reasons.

So I've been told that playing video games and watching TV constantly really destroys your eyesight, but I'm not entirely sure. I don't even know what I can do to even remotely fix this problem. Sure, I could go contacts but I've heard so many mishaps with them that it doesn't seem entirely promising.

Have any of you all had glasses and soon didn't have a need for them? Have glasses impacted your high school or college life in any way?


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If you don't want glasses, and you don't want the responsibility of contacts, try daily contact lenses. They're thinner than regular lenses since they don't have to hold up for a month or so, and you throw them out when you're done using them. I've had them over a year now, and I absolutely love them. You can't even feel them on your eyes.
I had LASIK on my right eye. Now I don't need glasses or contacts! I was odd because my left eye was completely perfect but my right eye was awful. The plus side is that I didn't have to blow too much money on LASIK because I only did one eye. The downside is that it cost about 2.5k.


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I have pretty bad eyesight but it just runs in my family so I don't really worry about it.

Activities like running improve your eyesight (or so i have read) and I run at least 5 miles every week day so I'm almost positive it's genetic.

I am pretty sure i'll need them for the rest of my life though but I'm not gonna let it bother me


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You can disregard most things that supposedly damage your eyesight. However, constant straining and lack of sleep will have a negative effect.

Bad eyesight is predominantly genetic.

I have worn glasses since I was 11, and I have never had a problem with it.


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I have had glasses since I was something like 7, and both Mum & Dad have terrible vision. I play a few to many video games, yet my eyesight is slowly improving. And I hope I can keep wearing glasses for a while, too.
So I'll start off by saying I've been having glasses since 4th grade and now I'm in high school. Having glasses in high school really just sucks for numerous reasons.

So I've been told that playing video games and watching TV constantly really destroys your eyesight, but I'm not entirely sure. I don't even know what I can do to even remotely fix this problem. Sure, I could go contacts but I've heard so many mishaps with them that it doesn't seem entirely promising.

Have any of you all had glasses and soon didn't have a need for them? Have glasses impacted your high school or college life in any way?
Not true at all. I've had many people tell me they're afraid to wear contacts because they might "go behind their eyes" or something else. I used to be like that too, I hated touching my eye and everything, but ever since I started wearing contacts that's gone away. Actually, I sleep with them like every night...Haven't taken off my current pair for 2 months...Yeah that's not good and I don't recommend that but that's just lazyness/stupidity on my part.


One Pixel
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Glasses are cool.

Except when they break. I broke mine 5 times last year, because they were those asian black ones playing football. Costed 150 dollars to replace the frame every damn time.
I wear glasses too, I've worn them since I was 15 IIRC. I don't mind them that much, but I'd like to do LASIK one day hopefully.
The only mishap I ever heard with contacts was my ex slicing his eyeball open when he used the old-school hard contact lenses. He was fine.

I used soft ones for years and the most annoying thing about them is dropping one on the floor when you're trying to put them in and taking hours to find it, thus being late for work or school.

I wear glasses now. I have done since I was eight. They work fine; my eyes are steadily getting worse (I think), but I'm not too bothered. Just have to get stronger glasses!
watching TV or playing a lot of video games does NOT harm your eyesight. i've spent a very significant amount of time daily in front of tv/computer since i can remember and my eyesight is perfect =\
i suppose it's mostly genetic. and i don't know why you think glasses suck -_-
i never needed glasses at all either and I'm pretty much the same way like kumar here and nothing ever happens to my eyes /:


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I've had to wear glasses since I was 4, and it doesn't bother me in the least. My parents were pretty strict about my game playing when I was growing up, so I can't see that having much of a contributing factor to my eyesight. I've contemplated the idea of contacts or laser eye surgery, and tbh I've wore glasses for so long I'm not used to the idea of being without them. The idea of contacts in particular do bother me, but I've not tried them and I'm not likely to either, but that's just my personal choice.
I had horrible vision when I was in kindergarten. I was nearly blind in my left eye (my right one worked just fine). My vision steadily improved from grade school up through high school, and I am now a glasses-free university student. I even drive without glasses now, and I was a gamer the whole time. Video games definitely don't destroy your vision, that's an out-and-out lie by the anti-videogame lobbyists to get parents to stop letting their children play video games.


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I highly recommend contacts. It may be discouraging at first to get them in your eye, but after a few days or weeks, you should be able to put both of them in in under 30 seconds. The only "mishaps" that could happen is if you don't clean yours properly, or you don't take them out when you're supposed to (showering, swimming). Of course one could fall out if you rub your eye too aggressively, but soft contacts are supposed to be disposed of every two weeks anyway.

Deck Knight

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I've been a video gamer since I was 5 and have excellent (20/15) vision.

Eyesight is nearly all genetic unless you work in a job with a lot of solid airborne debris like woodworking or metalworking.


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Not true at all. I've had many people tell me they're afraid to wear contacts because they might "go behind their eyes" or something else. I used to be like that too, I hated touching my eye and everything, but ever since I started wearing contacts that's gone away. Actually, I sleep with them like every night...Haven't taken off my current pair for 2 months...Yeah that's not good and I don't recommend that but that's just lazyness/stupidity on my part.
how can you possible say "not true at all"

he told you that he had heard about mishaps with contact lenses. do you know his memory better than he does?

the thread title really ought to be "Video games: Bane of eyesight". i was expecting a tale video gaming thwarted by spectacles, but i guess not

i'm surprised to see so many people voice support for poor eyesight being predominantly genetic. you can verifiably damage your eyesight by doing a hell of a lot of things. it is true that people have panicked and over-reacted to our use of screens and the like in the present day, but there is still cause for concern

So I've been told that playing video games and watching TV constantly really destroys your eyesight, but I'm not entirely sure. I don't even know what I can do to even remotely fix this problem. Sure, I could go contacts but I've heard so many mishaps with them that it doesn't seem entirely promising.
i'm not suggesting you do, but there is a blindingly obvious alternative if you're that concerned about your eyesight. cut back on the video games/screen use
my eyesight started to go bad when i was around 10 and has been getting worse ever since. i asked my eye doctor whether or not video games and watching tv would speed up the deterioration and he said that it was unlikely due to the fact that my eyes were progressing at their predicted rate(and will stop getting worse once i am finished growing). i plan to have eye surgery as soon as i am able because i really don't like wearing glasses or putting contacts in, a few of my family members have had it done and all of them have had positive results.

as for contacts i started on hard lenses, which suck the moisture out of your eyes like a dry sponge, and moved to soft lenses in 11th grade. contacts definitely improve your sight more than glasses. everything is much sharper and my nightvision, which sucks pretty badly, is average when i wear them.
I also had to wear glasses starting near junior year of high school about 4 years ago, I'd always noticed my vision was sorta off, but it wasn't until I was applying for a driver's license that we realized how bad it was. Thankfully I don't need to wear them all the time, just when driving or needing to look far away.

Uh, options for ditching glasses pretty much boils down to either contacts or lasik to repair them. If you're afraid of the "traditional" contacts, they have alternatives out there (one of them is some sort of eye drop thing that basically acts like a contact lens, or something like that).
I like my glasses. I don't see how it is a problem. If highschool kids are making fun of you for wearing glasses, that is a very pathetic highschool. They are annoying if you go swimming/such though =\, but if you have decent eyesight, that doesn't matter.

I do hope to get LASIk one day though. But it isn't because glasses annoy me. I would just prefer to have good eyesight lol.
Not true at all. I've had many people tell me they're afraid to wear contacts because they might "go behind their eyes" or something else. I used to be like that too, I hated touching my eye and everything, but ever since I started wearing contacts that's gone away. Actually, I sleep with them like every night...Haven't taken off my current pair for 2 months...Yeah that's not good and I don't recommend that but that's just lazyness/stupidity on my part.
My wife did that, and eventually her eyes began developing ulcers in places where calcium and other minerals had built up behind the lens. It was caught early enough to save her eyes from major damage, but what damage has been caused is permanent. Certainly don't recommend it.
I'm one of those guys who wear glasses as a result of my own youthful idiocy of kneeling two feet from the telly screen.

However, I've no quarrels, for I like my glasses. True, they may seem like a nuisance, but it's all about getting the right pair to suit you.

Also, the thread maker needs to have his eyeballs slit with broken beer bottles for daring to call specs the bane of video gamers. Rather, they can be a boon.
actually the strain of videogames may have caused your eyes to grow in a way that puts pressure on your retina therefore ruining your vision.

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