Help with acne?


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teens are greasy, you're gonna have acne until your hormones chill out


its okay.
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Make sure you don't dry your face with the same towel you use to take a shower, all the bacteria is there and stuff. Use toilet paper or a disposable towel.

I find Sulfur soap to work well. Just wash your face in the morning and at night.
People debate the effectiveness of benzoyl peroxide, but I *think* it works for me. Get a good cleanser, get some benzoyl peroxide, and then moisturize. Do this every morning and night. If you get sweaty and some point during the day, do not go to sleep without taking a shower. Maintain a good diet, and exercise to a solid sweat often. Take a shower soon after if you do work out.

Also what vader said is 100 percent true. Sometimes the hormones just win out no matter what you do, but do what you can to reduce that.


don't forget
Stress is one of the factors that causes acne, so chill. If you keep stressing over this, it'll just get worse. Go take a walk and grab some fresh air, this should help.


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I used to get some pretty painful acne when I was younger, so I was taken in to see a dermatologist. He mentioned that while Proactiv is good, it is incredibly overpriced for what you need to do. I was recommended to use Cetaphil, which is pretty inexpensive and is carried at most Walmarts.

That being said, there is no fast way to get rid of acne. It takes time to get it all worked out, so practice patience. I have really only two suggestions for you. The first is to wash your face dutifully. Make it your thing; wash your face twice a day, once when you wake up and once before bed. Be thorough, but not rough. Along with this, don't pick at your acne; that will definitely only make it worse and you risk scarring. Try to remove or minimize that habit if at all possible.

My other piece of advice is that acne, although derived quite a bit from genetics, is also associated with stress. Although the onset is not immediate, stress in your life can gradually bring about more acne. I dunno where I read it, but I thought I heard a rough statistic that your current stress level will change how your acne is in about two weeks. Meaning: if you're very stressed right now, your acne would be bad in two weeks. Not sure how spot on that is, but note that stress definitely contributes to acne. My advice here is to just chill out and try to make life less stressful, whether it be by finding more time to relax or discovering some new hobbies.

There's not a good way to remove acne immediately. Understand that a lot of it is genetic, so there is not much you can do about that. Take control of the things you can (wash your face, chill out, eat right), and you should see an improvement.
I second Birkal's suggestion to wash your face with Cetaphil. A good way to prevent acne long term is to drink lots of water, so you could take up a sport or just remember to drink a certain amount of water in addition to other suggestions (chilling out, proactiv, etc.)

Also, here's a little food for thought: No matter what you look like, there's always someone out there with more acne than you =)


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
god do i get a singular satisfaction from popping whiteheads and seeing the innards emerge in a subtle spout of grossness

the best thing you can do is just keep your face fresh and clean - any sweating whatsoever will possibly clog your pores and your diet greatly affects the quality of your body/skin. i never get black heads but i get pesky whiteheads every now and then which i always feel the need to POP

don't do that, unless you like enduring the extra week long healing process you incur by doing what i am nearly obsessed with doing

otherwise, hormones are going to win the battle until they decide they've had enough glory. i'm not sure how old you are, but the teenage years are rife with shit you don't really want to deal with, but rest assured it will not last forever.
I have a rather cheap face cream that you can get from pediatricians/doctors that gets rid of it, literally, in just a few days if applied properly. The only problem is, it gives your face a sunburn, so if you're going outside often, always wear sunscreen.
Sleeping well also helps prevent acne. Exercise is also great as sweating gets rid of your bodily toxins that can build up underneath your skin and form pimples. It's just a matter of time before they go away, most teenagers have acne, so I wouldn't fret too much.


Makin' PK Love
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My only advice that people haven't already given in this thread is


Popping pimples leads to scarring and if your acne is severe enough can leave you looking pock-marked long after you've stopped having any real acne (using myself as an example).
In response to ^

Actually, there's a time where you should pop them. When they become white-heads and look a little swelled, that's when you pop them. If you leave them and let them get past that stage, they become blackheads, which are much harder to get rid of.

After you pop them, though, is when you don't wanna pick them. There are types of acne that scar, and types that don't, but picking at popped ones makes them ugly.
I had acne really bad about 2 years ago and got some antibiotics from my dermatologist which worked really well (I assume you already talked to one because you have a prescription cream, but a dermatologist is still the best to turn to because people go through puberty very differently). However, I wouldn't recommend going to a pill unless your acne gets noticeably worse, because unnecessary antibiotics are always a bad idea. It seems like most of your acne is in one or two spots on your face, which might mean that you're rubbing/touching those spots often without noticing it. Try to pay attention to that and stop the habit if you notice that you're doing it.

Unfortunately, everyone's body reacts differently to puberty, so wanting to be completely acne-free is an impossible dream to most. Just try to remember that as long as you don't give yourself acne scars, this will be a temporary problem that will go away eventually.


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Take one(or two if they are worse then the pics show) a day at the same time for a week and they will all be gone guaranteed.

Don't wait for it to be gone by itself, sure it may work for the majority of the population but occasionally there are people who suffer from it until their late twenties.
There is a chance, like others have pointed out, that you're just stuck with acne until your hormones calm down. I have pretty severe acne as well, and tried pretty much anything that is readily available; I've been to dermatologists, used clyndamycin, benzoyl peroxide, and it still doesn't go away. Both my parents were cursed with acne into their twenties, which means I'm pretty much fucked. In some cases, the best you can do is try to keep the acne to a minimum.
Lol it's only temporary. I never really had it but I don't think it's a big deal exactly. Well the people who have it all over their face is pretty bad but otherwise most people have it and it'll go eventually. No big deal in the long run.
Lol it's only temporary. I never really had it but I don't think it's a big deal exactly. Well the people who have it all over their face is pretty bad but otherwise most people have it and it'll go eventually. No big deal in the long run.
Even though it's only temporary (it can stick around for 10 years, if not more, though), I wouldn't be surprised if acne is the #1 reason of insecurities among teenagers. It is a pretty big deal, I'd say; there is a reason there is a huge market for products counteracting acne and the likes. You say you never really had it, and count yourself lucky for that; it makes you considerably less attractive, and even hurts at times. In the long run it can still be a big deal, since acne may leave scars all over your face.
Exercising reduces acne (as long as you take a shower afterwards). I notice that I get more acne during phases where I'm more sedentary.
I got tired from this acne thingy, in a last ditch attempt I started using a moisturizer on my face and it's paying dividends....paying dividends? Gosh I sound 5o years old...

Anyway, don't pop, wash regularly, don't overuse products because they dry the living hell out the skin and produce more acne, don't oversleep because you don't oil to build up, and there is such a thing as adult acne so chillax.


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With Acne theres the possibility it will stay there for a while, you dont know how long it will last but theres the offchance it could leave you scars etc there for years. If you want to really really get rid of Acne forever use this. Basically its an insanely powerful medicine which will ALWAYS remove Acne (and little zits) forever and ever. Of course consult with your dermatologist first because not everyone can go on with it. Its so powerful that you cant drink, stay out in the sun for big periods of time, yada yada yada. But it does work, and its probably the best method to get rid of acne forever. Just letting you know this method exists, I probably wouldnt recommend it anyways because of all the shit you have to do / not do lol.
Even though it's only temporary (it can stick around for 10 years, if not more, though), I wouldn't be surprised if acne is the #1 reason of insecurities among teenagers. It is a pretty big deal, I'd say; there is a reason there is a huge market for products counteracting acne and the likes. You say you never really had it, and count yourself lucky for that; it makes you considerably less attractive, and even hurts at times. In the long run it can still be a big deal, since acne may leave scars all over your face.
To be fair, the amount of insecurities teenagers have is fuelled quite signifigantly by the insecurities of others, through bullying or whatever means.

Acne is a problem, but really, unless you have it extremely bad, it's not worth complaining over - imo anyway.

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