International WiFi Tournament -International Challenge- WON BY Cybertron

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Oh, after retiring for a night, it looks like my score was lagging, too.

I went from 1553 last night to 1646 when I returned.
(...It also went from 58 battles to 94, heh...)
I've played 50+ battles and had probably less than 10 disconnections so far. I can't help but think that those with 50+ disconnections is due to some extent to their connection. Maybe try sitting in a different location in the house? Closer to the router maybe? Maybe that might help.

But over 50 disconnections is absurd.
oh, I played you. First smogon user I battled lol. Didn't really pay attention to the screen when you can see names etc. What was your rating? gg man
Nejiki from California. I had 1666 when it was last updated, but it should be slightly higher from today's battles.


blatant Nintendo fanboy
Donno if this guy is a Smogon member, but a guy named Barry from the UK disconnected on me after I beat him fairly. Seemed to have a team that represents knowledge of the VGCs.

EDIT: It might have been a connection error if that's the case. But it definitely said the typical disconnect message, so I'm not sure. 2nd time this happened today.
They DC'd on me too. It could have been a legitimate wifi DC, but it seems extraordinarily suspicious to me that a person's wifi would disappear at the moment their last mon gets 4/0'd and the win/lose screen starts to pop up.
Wow I just had a repectable opponent (Think there name was David and they're using a rain team) forfeit when there Ludicolo went against my Dragonite and Garchomp. If this was someone from this site total props.
Yes. Every time it happened though I soon got a connection error, so try reconnecting and trying again.
I haven't been getting any errors. It just sits on "Searching for opponent..." I tried disconnecting manually and reconnecting a couple of times, but no dice. I'm just letting it sit now to see if it ever finds someone. It's been running for about 25 minutes or so at this point. :-/

EDIT: Of course as soon as I typed this I found an opponent. XD
Yeah I get long search times for opponents too. I think it may be because either A) The Nintendo servers suck for wifi(Most likely) or B) Too many people online
Bonta from Chile just disconnected after I defeated him 4-0. He had a 1693 rating, which was higher than mine. Just when I thought I was going to get a major boost. -__-

Disconnections on the whole makes this tournament and other WiFi tournaments useless. The players that actually do put in the work and does a countless number of battles get the most disconnects and gets booted from the tournament when they put in the most hours. I guess this tournament is more for the practice than it is for the actual rankings itself.
Bonta from Chile just disconnected after I defeated him 4-0. He had a 1693 rating, which was higher than mine. Just when I thought I was going to get a major boost. -__-

Disconnections on the whole makes this tournament and other WiFi tournaments useless. The players that actually do put in the work and does a countless number of battles get the most disconnects and gets booted from the tournament when they put in the most hours. I guess this tournament is more for the practice than it is for the actual rankings itself.

Yeah Im almost ready to give up on rankings despite my 1800's points. Soo many freakin dc's and now battles take like 20 somethin minutes to find.
Bonta from Chile just disconnected after I defeated him 4-0. He had a 1693 rating, which was higher than mine. Just when I thought I was going to get a major boost. -__-

Disconnections on the whole makes this tournament and other WiFi tournaments useless. The players that actually do put in the work and does a countless number of battles get the most disconnects and gets booted from the tournament when they put in the most hours. I guess this tournament is more for the practice than it is for the actual rankings itself.
Really don't chime in that much on the main forums here, but isn't really that the point of this? To take and field test something? I think we all take this way too seriously sometimes, including myself. I think this was made to be a warm-up to the in-person events and if you have something that doesn't work, either fix it beforehand or not go altogether.

Just had a battle where every single hax he got against me mattered. It was so annoying, but just something tells me not to disconnect because of how it feels when others disconnect on me.
Wow, it's taking a long time to find matches...

I agree that it is kind of to practice for real life events, but some people can't make it to real VGC tourneys and some people just like to get a high ranking!

D/C rate OVER 50% now...
Really don't chime in that much on the main forums here, but isn't really that the point of this? To take and field test something? I think we all take this way too seriously sometimes, including myself. I think this was made to be a warm-up to the in-person events and if you have something that doesn't work, either fix it beforehand or not go altogether.

I think it's a chance to try out your team from your own home against players from all around the world, and I think that in that regard it is a competitive tournament, not just a warm-up. Some people can't go to the VGC events this year and this is a chance for them to try out the metagame*. I've noticed a big step-up in quality today now that some of the less serious players have given up, and I'm seeing great teams and prediction from 1550s. And I will have, and do already have, huge respect for those coming out with the highest rankings, taking on such a diverse range of teams and coming out on top over 90% of the time.

*(cynics, read: to keep them interested in Pokémon so that they want to compete in VGC13 and buy BW2 in the process. Which tbh is probably the reason TPCi have in mind. But I like to pretend that it's not =] )
Ok just went back on after yesterday's exploits and my score is now 1748 from 56 matches........which means either I have played 2 more matches than I have down or two of the DC'd results counted :|

Still 44 Wins 10 Losses 16 DC's
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