League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Nasus, Sion, and Singed are some of the most fun 1350 champs. Jax, Morgana, and maybe Veigar will carry the best. Amumu and Fiddle are amazing if you plan to jungle. Janna and Alistar are great supports.

But at 450, Ashe and Annie are amazing if you don't have them.
Eh, Ashe is honestly a pretty terrible champion unless you're playing in Top Elo tournament play, where she's amazing. The reason for this is simple: counterability.

Ashe tends to be countered by blinking assassins (and a few other champs), and there are plenty of them. But none commonly played in High Elo outside Akali and maybe Kassadin/Irelia. Since Akali can be banned out, Ashe ends up having very few counters at High Elo play.

But let's go down to the level where the rest of us play. Suddenly there are a lot more Yi, Tryndamere, LeBlanc, Katarina, Teemo, and Rammus, and Xin floating around, which makes Ashe's job a lot harder.

One of my friends has about 1000 Ashe games under his belt, and was 1800 Elo in S1. Even he complains that he has to play other champs when his Elo falls a bit, since Ashe isn't too useful at lower Elos because her counters are everywhere.
nope, it's jax.

you seem to be forgetting him an awful lot recently.
yeah sometimes i just forget he exists ._.

masterful said:
Really? I know you're a much better player than I am, but whenever I play Garen, it always goes with early domination, like 8-0 to 10-1 or such, but then he falls way off late game. I always thought he was just for early game, kinda like Shaco, but couldn't really carry late game
it's hard to 'fall way off' when your main damage ability has a 4.2 scaling. i will agree that his utility diminishes as the game progresses due to the fact that people start moving faster and he HAS to flash to jump on someone where as irelia and talon can just dgf and blink straight to the squishies. he is still awesome lol
garen is not very relevant past 20 minutes unless you feed him hardcore.

Jax on the other hand can feed like a boss early and then simply dominate past 40 if you farm up instead of suiciding mid or something. Of course you could always buy Tryndamere too if you are confident you can use that ult right (it is really easy to get fed on him btw).
Been playing patheon and Got my first triple using his ult and smashing a %10 Kass %18 talon and full comboing to kill Ashe. Pretty much popped myself right there for pantheons tower diving ability.
well congrats

hey guys i need some help. i've been meaning to pick up singed when i get the chance but i don't really understand his laning phase. obviously you simply farm with Q as soon as you hit six but the hardest part is surviving until then and I can't really cope with the harass that people tend to throw at me top lane, especially in low elo where they don't care as much about CS and instead care more about "OH I'M GONNA HIT THIS GUY"

i can understand starting cloth+5 pots to gain some semblance of control in lane but you can't do this every game, and obviously singed fares better against most tanky melee top since he can actually CS compared to some kind of melee counterpick top like an enemy AP carry or a Corki/Vayne/other AD carry pick.

tl;dr - how do you lane solo top with singed when you can get harassed out so easily by any ranged enemy or constant jungle ganks pre-six

post-six is easy since you're INVINCIBLE but i see high ELO players farming up hard and getting a 7 minute catalyst while I'm typically stuck buying philo or hog or a doran's shield or something around then.
tl;dr - how do you lane solo top with singed when you can get harassed out so easily by any ranged enemy or constant jungle ganks pre-six

post-six is easy since you're INVINCIBLE but i see high ELO players farming up hard and getting a 7 minute catalyst while I'm typically stuck buying philo or hog or a doran's shield or something around then.
Well, I'm... not high ELO but I can get a Catalyst pretty quickly, rush it and your laning phase gets a lot easier. If you have to recall before you can buy a Catalyst buy pots with any leftover gold, not sure if this helps at all.

I find Garen doesn't fall off late game because of the way his ult scales.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
I start farming as soon as I get poison trail with Singed. Running by minions and double-tapping Q gets me all the farm in the lane without really pushing it. When you have 2 levels in poison trail you can start killing your opponent (not that you will, but I get the upper hand in a lane at Level 3). Hitting Shift+4 constantly is essential to laning as Singed.

Also, sometimes boots are more important than rushing Catalyst. See Singed's best defensive stat is his movement speed, and if your opponent can catch you (and they probably can when almost every champ starts with boots these days) then you are dicked if they can outdamage your poison.

Cleanse is better on Singed that Flash is on any champ (except maybe Amumu). There isn't a single game where Cleanse doesn't save my life and secure kills multiple times.

In other news, I am liking Riven. She seems a lot like Skarner. Based around low CD abilities, kinda weak in lane until you get a double kill at level 6, and then you get a quadra in your first game. I like champs like those.
it's hard to 'fall way off' when your main damage ability has a 4.2 scaling. i will agree that his utility diminishes as the game progresses due to the fact that people start moving faster and he HAS to flash to jump on someone where as irelia and talon can just dgf and blink straight to the squishies. he is still awesome lol
I have played the fuck out of Garen, and almost every single game I can go 6-0 and up early game and get decent items, like Infinity Edge and Frozen mallet and stuff (fuck Sunfire, it just makes you worse late game), but almost every game his power just drops a ton later on, probably because his ult doesn't scale, outside of based off how tanky his opponent is, his utility becomes almost nonexistent, and he has literally no gap closer outside of Decisive Strike, with its stunning 35% boost for 4 whole seconds. It pretty much means he HAS to get Boots of Swiftness, which is sucky enough, and that he doesn't scale aw amazingly well as some champs, ie. Jax, do, late game. He is an early game dominator, but rarely a "carry" in the most pure sense of the word.

well congrats

hey guys i need some help. i've been meaning to pick up singed when i get the chance but i don't really understand his laning phase. obviously you simply farm with Q as soon as you hit six but the hardest part is surviving until then and I can't really cope with the harass that people tend to throw at me top lane, especially in low elo where they don't care as much about CS and instead care more about "OH I'M GONNA HIT THIS GUY"

i can understand starting cloth+5 pots to gain some semblance of control in lane but you can't do this every game, and obviously singed fares better against most tanky melee top since he can actually CS compared to some kind of melee counterpick top like an enemy AP carry or a Corki/Vayne/other AD carry pick.

tl;dr - how do you lane solo top with singed when you can get harassed out so easily by any ranged enemy or constant jungle ganks pre-six

post-six is easy since you're INVINCIBLE but i see high ELO players farming up hard and getting a 7 minute catalyst while I'm typically stuck buying philo or hog or a doran's shield or something around then.
If they don't care about CS early game oyu just have to play super cautious and you'll still get more farmed than them, and they will be completely useless. That's true with any non-ranged champ. If they harass the fuck out of you, and expend a ton of their time, mana, and energy doing so, which they most certainly will have to, as you are Singed, after all, they will be as weak late game as a Garen and you can just 1v5 their team.
I understand his laning a lot better now. I played him in a practice 1v1 with a good friend of mine (who was sitting next to me actually). I don't have dodge seals. I don't have movespeed quints. My friend picked Teemo and I started cloth+5 pots against his boots+3 pots start. Basically, if the enemy harasses you, they'll miss CS, and you can CS at tower decently. If they don't harass you, you can farm. I understand the tradeoff a lot better now - Teleport also goes miles toward improving your laning.

By the way, what are thoughts on Malphite as a counter-pick to enemy melee AD top laners like Irelia or Jax? Run armor quints and armor seals, start with cloth armor, go roughly a 0/14/16 mastery set or even 0/21/9 if you want, and max E first. The attack speed debuff is substantial while you can trade harass all day since you start with cloth armor.
Morgana week sucks, I wanted to try out Leblanc!

Anyways, guys I'd like to try out ranked games as I think I'm prepared. I just have a few questions; what does it mean in the character selection lobby when you are the team captain, 2nd pick ... all the way down to 5th? I've heard 5th is generally support and team captain generally picks a carry is this true? How important is the 2nd player?
Also, someone run down how typically a ranked game goes opposed to normal?
Hey people.

Downloaded LoL today, since one of my friends plays it frequently, and I wanted to see why. Just played people vs bots (because I don't need TWO teams telling me that I suck).

Which apparently, I do. I cannot, for the life of me, seem to do well with anyone that isn't Fiddlesticks. I tried Shen, Malaphite, and Warwick (bought him because I thought I'd use a quick life-stealing aggro guy/wolf thing), and usually just end up dying horribly. Less so with Fiddlesticks, and I can't go nuts like other people do with champion kills. Most I can do is stay alive in firefights with a beefy Drain, lol.

My friend is telling me that I shouldn't have started with Fiddlesticks first, as it's not the easiest of champions to learn the game with. Thoughts?


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Anyways, guys I'd like to try out ranked games as I think I'm prepared. I just have a few questions; what does it mean in the character selection lobby when you are the team captain, 2nd pick ... all the way down to 5th? I've heard 5th is generally support and team captain generally picks a carry is this true? How important is the 2nd player?
Also, someone run down how typically a ranked game goes opposed to normal?
Well in an ideal world, 5 people work together to make sure all necessary positions are filled.

In reality, most people want to play AD carries so your team captain will probably pick that. Then the next guy picks what he wants. And if the 5th is a support or jungle its because no one else is. Or the 5th just does his own thing too.
Hey people.

Downloaded LoL today, since one of my friends plays it frequently, and I wanted to see why. Just played people vs bots (because I don't need TWO teams telling me that I suck).

Which apparently, I do. I cannot, for the life of me, seem to do well with anyone that isn't Fiddlesticks. I tried Shen, Malaphite, and Warwick (bought him because I thought I'd use a quick life-stealing aggro guy/wolf thing), and usually just end up dying horribly. Less so with Fiddlesticks, and I can't go nuts like other people do with champion kills. Most I can do is stay alive in firefights with a beefy Drain, lol.

My friend is telling me that I shouldn't have started with Fiddlesticks first, as it's not the easiest of champions to learn the game with. Thoughts?
It's almost cliche at this point, but Annie is a wonderful champion to learn the game with, especially since her Q promotes learning how to last hit, which is one of the most important basic skills in LoL. There are also few things as satisfying a dropping a gigantic bear on your opponents and insta-gibbing them when your passive stun is up. She's also only 450ip, so exceptionally cheap. I'm still relatively new to this game myself (Lvl 14), so best of luck to you!
Naybe it's just me, but I've found Annie to be a rather difficult champion to play simply because you have to dump all your abilities onto your target at once for it to work.
me being the foolish new player i am, i bought orianna at level 10 and am now saving the rest of my ip for runes

notice the hard bar on the player summary x(

i'm having an ok time adjusting, i really like the way orianna plays but at the same time i'm making some AWFUL decisions (just ask tyler)
Naybe it's just me, but I've found Annie to be a rather difficult champion to play simply because you have to dump all your abilities onto your target at once for it to work.
I have never found Annie's combo particularly hard to perform, the only thing difficult about her I find is just keeping track of the number of spell casts until your next stun (which is helpfully displayed on screen). But hey, that's just me. What's really good about Annie is that her Q is legitimately the best last hitting teaching tool in the game because of the mana refunding mechanic.
Well in an ideal world, 5 people work together to make sure all necessary positions are filled.

In reality, most people want to play AD carries so your team captain will probably pick that. Then the next guy picks what he wants. And if the 5th is a support or jungle its because no one else is. Or the 5th just does his own thing too.
Alrighty, just try and fill up all the roles and I should be fine!

Hey people.

Downloaded LoL today, since one of my friends plays it frequently, and I wanted to see why. Just played people vs bots (because I don't need TWO teams telling me that I suck).

Which apparently, I do. I cannot, for the life of me, seem to do well with anyone that isn't Fiddlesticks. I tried Shen, Malaphite, and Warwick (bought him because I thought I'd use a quick life-stealing aggro guy/wolf thing), and usually just end up dying horribly. Less so with Fiddlesticks, and I can't go nuts like other people do with champion kills. Most I can do is stay alive in firefights with a beefy Drain, lol.

My friend is telling me that I shouldn't have started with Fiddlesticks first, as it's not the easiest of champions to learn the game with. Thoughts?
IMO Fiddlesticks is still fine to start learning the game with as he is pretty cheap and not too hard to learn/master. He has one of the best skills in the game (3 second fear which almost equivalent to a 3 second disable/stun) and his ultimate is pretty neat! Most people at your level underestimate Fiddle's Drain skill and still try to attack you while you slowly wittle them down.
But if you want to learn the how to use mages efficiently (everyone and their mother has already mentioned this) Annie is one of the easiest mages to learn and she teaches you very important game techniques (last hitting, combo-ing spells, positioning) + she is 450ip. Can't say no to that!

Don't worry about the fact you can't do to well with many champions, as long as you are trying as many different roles you can you are learning and that's all that really matters.

EDIT: also want to mention that there's a smogon chatroom in LoL if you actively play, all you need to do to enter is just search for 'Smogon' in the bottom right of your client. When I started the game I asked a few q's there and it helped
and he has literally no gap closer outside of Decisive Strike, with its stunning 35% boost for 4 whole seconds.
Have you ever thought of using Youmuu's? People shit their pants when they see something running towards them at 532 MS. I've caused Flashes by people thinking I was going to attack them.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
The last time I played Garen was with someone who was level 1 or something so everyone was bad and I went 25/0 or somethin. Still lost. Didn't feel like I was carrying anything, just getting a kill per teamfight then running out of ways to chase people. Wouldn't have gone down that way with Singed.
Alrighty, just try and fill up all the roles and I should be fine!



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