League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Sooooooooooooo, Karma is going to be free for this rotation.....honestly, I have never been angrier to be back home (no Internet for LoL).

For the sake of not spamming: does anyone think Riot will release Viktor, since he was spoiled and all? Part of me feels like they'll be spiteful about it, but meh.
For the sake of not spamming: does anyone think Riot will release Viktor, since he was spoiled and all? Part of me feels like they'll be spiteful about it, but meh.
IGN Preview

Even though it was leaked it seems as he will be most likely released.

IGN previewed all of his abilities and there's a video in the article.

Pretty Awesome Kit except for maybe his death ray.
Oh my frickin lord the whole metagame is gonna change because of this frickin insta carry champ. His AP ratios better be really frickin low. But ofc Riot is gonna fall back on him having 4 item slots. (Boots are slot 2) He can still build Rabadons and Morello's and carry like the whole frickin team on his back. So frickin pissed right now.
P.S. Just realised how many times I said frick in this post.
question to all: how the hell do you counter a leblanc in mid? certain champions just outright LOSE to a good LeBlanc, and it's not even a matter of "play smart and you'll beat her". it's a matter of "hug your turret and she'll still W+Q+R you for half health every 30 seconds and if you recall a lot she'll just gank bottom". gragas at the moment seems like a powerful champion against her, as does xerath (but only if you play really safe). discuss.


Banned deucer.
Many people joke about it, but I actually run 13 health pots in lane against LeBlanc. Whilst some people do joke about it, it works without a doubt, you can beat LeBlanc. I think scarra did it once too idk?


Banned deucer.
um i guess start null mantle and pots . 13 pots is stupid and doesnt promote anything. a good leblanc will shit on uyou but lategame she is "counterable" by stacking mr and she only has single target burst with cooldowns that are huge.. so yea i guess i dunno really
I noticed that too. You don't see her much except for free week. (And even then I noticed she is starting to be used more.) I usually play as a Tank or ranged AD so when I see her in team select I pick Shen. Wait in bush. Wait... Wait... When she jumps, taunt, bring your AD carry with you for an easy kill. Otherwise, IDK. I saw a Ryze start with a Null-Magic Mantle once cause he knew he was gonna lane against her. He actually ended up wining the lane. Though 1v5-ing her twice might have helped.


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the best way to deal with her is by sending a tanky champion mid. warwick, cho, whatever. standard mages will usually lose. personally i think xerath is a shitty pick against her simply because his w is an invitation to get raped, and he's not going to win a burst war either.
I have noticed Leblanc has farming problems though, mostly a direct consequence of her bad mana problem. As you know most of her gold comes from kills/assists, maybe you can use this as an advantage

edit: trying to mention the fact if you pushed waves she can't get farm well.

double edit: Yet another 17-3 Trundle game. :(
kassadin with a flat mr page and null mantle/2 pots does fine too

honestly the best way is to pick a champion that pushes waves fast and won't melt instantly, like the aforemented cho'gath and yorick (though yorick is kinda weak now)
Xerath isn't a bad choice against her, but you will almost always have to be in the fog of war to her. She can't farm very well, so you stand a decent chance against her by pushing her back to her tower. Besides for Xerath, it's just about early MR and sustain. LB kind of relies on getting kills to get her gold early on, so playing like you're deathly afraid of her helps a LOT. I'd go so far as to say getting a Negatron Cloak. Realize that if she doesn't get kills, she'll either farm poorly, or farm decently but b a lot (if she uses her spells on minions). Her innate troubles with that means she can't outright buy the expensive items AP champs want. So if you can farm up to a Cloak early on, you'll be stopping a lot of damage from her.

While the ability doesn't exist for all champs (and I don't recommend all the champs I name to go up against her), breaking her combos with your own spells helps too. Sivir and Nocturne both possess spell shields, Morgana has a shield to stave off silence, and Fizz and Vlad both have untargetable states. Come to think of it, a good Fizz might do well against LB. Yes, she has the range advantage, but she loses a lot of her burst potential if she can't land her Sigils (it's really the key to surviving; stop the Sigils), and he has his own gap closers to counter hers. He does lack the sustain a champ like Morgana and Gragas have, but he's perfectly capable of bursting her back.
Like I posted before, Ryze imo has the best chance to beat LeBlanc in lane. Because, if I'm right, most Ryze players get Mercs, And Banshees Veil as their first 2 core items. He can probably harass her too with his Spell Flux and Snare when she jumps on him.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Most Ryze players get Tear as their first core item, and Frozen Heart is preferable for the cooldown but against a strong ap mid I'd get mr first. Though LeBlanc will silence Ryze when she jumps in and then jump out before he can snare.


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is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Championis a Two-Time Past WCoP Champion
ryze will have a really late banshees because he's gonna get fucked up if he attempts to trade hits. he's probably one of the worst champions to play against her.

fizz could definitely do well but only if he has good timing to dodge the sigil. i've played lb vs vlad many times, and having pool doesn't really save him. even if he pools the first q, just wait to q him again. he can't really farm against her for shit either.
If you want a pretty hard Leblanc counter play Cass. To beat Leblanc you pretty much have to dominate her before she gets to 6 and Cass can do that. The range on her Q will keep you at a safe distance from everything except Distortion-> Sigil which is a pretty mana intensive and inefficient way of harrassing, and a good jungler will gank leblanc while her distortion is down. Otherwise just keep trying to land Q's on her, and if you can throw in some E's and you should be able to harrass her out of lane or at least deny her CS. Her lane will pretty much always be pushed so she won't really be able to gank. The only thing you have to actually be careful of is her Ethereal chain, if you can dodge the slow delayed skill shot, worst case scenario against Leblanc she won't get fed at all of off you.

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