League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

in your build you're getting atmas so late already you might as well just get the randuins instead and excange atmas for mallet. something like wits end -> phage -> randuins -> mallet -> warmogs or atmas depending on whether you need the damage or the health. and if you have to you can just sell wriggles for whichever you didnt pick late game.

as far as frozen heart goes, yes frozen heart is still an okay buy on some manaless champs, but frozen heart on a manaless champ whose ult doesnt work off cooldowns and already gives some passive armor really makes it not that worth while. and cdr = att spd on shyv is a bad argument just buy attack speed if you want it.
Atma's is no where near as good as it used to be but it's still more cost effective than a BF Sword on any character. Don't know anything about Shyvanna, but Atma's is still far from unusable.
people always tunneled on atma's before even when it was a bad item choice

the rule has always been, and will continue to be - do not buy atma's on someone who wastes the crit stat. atma's lee sin makes me vomit. atmogs gangplank is still gr8, atmogs nidalee is still gr8 etc
I fail to see why crit is wasted on leesin but considered good on GP. Lee has his very rapid attacks that can crit while gps only ability that can crit is on a decently long cd. Assuming a realistic team fight lee won't auto twice every time he casts a spell so i think the 2 probably equal out dps wise on a target. I personally like Maw over atamas unless they have 3 ads anyway so i usually don't build it anyhow.
Serious...? The only champ you pulled from ranked with more than 3 games played is Sion, and for a reason: half of them don't even belong in ranked. I don't even remember those games, but I know 29 CS with a jungler is hard to believe even in a 15 minute steamroll (I like to come out with 20 CS well before 4 minutes most of the time). One of those whopping two games probably ended with 0 CS and a leave(hint: disconnect[random factors outside of bad team]).

I could play-by-play every recent game, like the Nocturne game with only one person on our team coming out positive or doing any trace better than I, but why? It seems a matter of necessity that 1200, even 1400 games would be no different at all, that the placing period makes no sense at all considering I'm much better than when I was 1200, that there's minimum one person forced into a role every team every game, and that it'll take like a 70% win ratio for me to make it to the same ELO as a 55% win ratio player because I dodged during placing. Ranking is arbitrary, League of Legends is arbitrary.
As someone who was once in the 1100s during season 1 your post flies in the face of everything I have experienced as a main jungler in solo queue. While some games are definitely a toss up thanks to leavers, trolls, feeders, etc. you are more likely to have those on the enemy team than your own assuming YOU are not one. Playing a consistent game and working on mechanics WILL let you rise in elo. Think about it this way: if you can always have a positive impact player on one team with 4 random skilled players vs 5 random skilled players on the other, the one with the consistent player will come out on top more times than not thanks to MATH! (Editor's note: you probably shouldn't trust anything he says about math)

The only one holding you back from reaching your true elo range is YOU doing stupid shit like troll taric, all you are doing is giving yourself an excuse as to why your elo is low, why you shouldn't care, and why you're actually really good. Communicate in team chat ahead of time let them know what roles you can play best. LEARN SUPPORT' everyone has to know support it is the nature of last pick. ALWAYS try to win solo queue, it is a fickle beast and even if you are down 20k gold you can win because people get cocky and try to do risky shit.

I am done ranting now resume your regularly scheduled forum browsing.
Next free week roster is up on the Korean site.

Miss Fortune

Prepare for Make it Rain spam and DEMACIAAAAAAAAAA from every brush you just happen to be idly strolling by.

I didn't really play that much last free week due to a Varus infestation making normal queues a pain, but when I did play, like all I played was Leona...


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hahha, i'm like completely mindfucked right now; cathadora just dispensed some of the greatest wisdom in this thread in some of the worst english of all time ?_?

also yeah i don't feel like i took advantage of this free week too much but leona was about the only champion i was interested in soooo
Next free week roster is up on the Korean site.

Miss Fortune

Prepare for Make it Rain spam and DEMACIAAAAAAAAAA from every brush you just happen to be idly strolling by.

I didn't really play that much last free week due to a Varus infestation making normal queues a pain, but when I did play, like all I played was Leona...

also cass, nautilus and shyvana but KENNEN <3

edit: also i love how google translates that website, swibana is my new favourite champion

edit 2: free week isn't over yet, so you should all play tf because he is super fun even if i die so much as him (it's not that easy to pull a gold card with 200 ping!)


let's play bw lc!
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free week cass is going to make me look dumb when i pick cass :(

at least kennen, morde, and sona make up for it


Who let marco in here????
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free garchomp

Notable freebies this week for me are: Cass/Shyv/Mordhuekaiser. Dont feel like trying Naut just yet but he's interesting

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