Post Game

Welcome to the post game of MAFIA FOREVER. Both me and Gmax had a lot of fun hosting this, and people we've spoken to seemed to have a lot of fun playing as well. The Disney Force dominated the game, through the expert moling of Stoo, as well as mixture of bad Superhero luck and extremely incompetent real world leadership from Earthworm (helped by his partner in being-a-(BAN ME PLEASE) LightWolf). I'm gonna analyse each player individually, then give out a few well-deserved awards.

Also, this sheet has all the roles, as well as priority, and each action carried out at night.

And if you want a nice picture of your character as a souvenir, you can find them all at my dedicated photobucket album.

The Real World

Dear Fishy,

You are Horatio Caine.

You are the badass forensic investigator from CSI: Miami. You wear shades, and when you are around any crime is solvable. You even once survived getting shot in the face. No one fucks with you. You will be using your skills to help the Real World fight the attackers who are threatening the peace.

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Investigating and analysing USER." By the morning you will have discovered this users role.

You win if the Real World wins.
Inspected Batman early, but never attempted to get him lynched, which resulted in a villager being lynched. Apart from that, nothing wrong with play. Was smart in not telling Earthworm her role, and because of this Stoo never found out. Also made a good decision in trusting AceMatador, who protected her well. People thought he was the inspector himself for a while. I regret not giving Horatio Caine the item 'Sunglasses.'


Dear Jimbo,

You are King Leonidas.

The Spartans are a true warrior race, and you are their leader. As the king of Sparta you are a feared and respected man. War is your life and your art, and you will do anything to defend your people from the enemy. Give them nothing, but take from them EVERYTHING!

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Defending USER with the Spartan army." This user will be immune from being killed during the night. You cannot protect yourself, for that is very ignoble.

You win if the Real World wins.
Didn't survive long enough to do much at all, but in the short time he was alive managed to troll the village spectacularly, getting a ton of users to post THIS IS SPARTA!, all of them under the impression he would get a kill. Jimbo then told them that the Persians stole all his swords, but he was left with the shields, so he could protect people. Funny stuff. Died because of Earthworm's pretty pathetic attempt to make the Superheroes think AceMatador was the BG and Jimbo was being protected.

6/10 (+1 for trolling)

Dear LightWolf,

You are Jack Bauer.

You are the director of CTU Los Angeles, one of the finest counter terrorist units in the country. Nothing will stop you from serving your country, and you have been called upon once more. The USA is under grave danger from a new terrorist threat. Only one man can stop them. Jacks back.

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Arresting USER under suspicion of terrorist activity." You will arrest this user just as the night starts, and any night action they were previously making will fail. You cannot arrest the same user two nights in a row.

You win if the Real World wins.
Requested a fucking stupid fake role PM, which no one would ever believe, and was extremely annoying for us to write. He didn't even use it in the end, as far as I care. Fuck you, LightWolf. Also came us with the moronic plan to abuse the request-a-false-PM system, in order to try and clean users. That really backfired, as people just wrote their own. Tip: don't try and abuse game mechanics, especially those made to help people. Also Jack Bauer had the best night action description in the game.


Dear Ace Matador.,

You are Vito Corleone.

You are the head of one of the most feared Mafia families in America. As the head of a crime syndicate naturally your business isn't exactly legal, but now you've decided to work for the greater good. Besides, if everyone dies to some fictional mother fuckers, who would there be left to bribe, blackmail and extort?

Because of your great influence in the criminal underworld whenever you vote during the day your vote will count double.

You also have a Bullet. The Bullet is an item and can be lost or given away through other means. This Bullet is capable of killing someone, but you have no way of firing it.

You win if the Real World wins.
This was his first game, and I was very pleased with him. Managed to contact Fishy, and provide her with good cover from Earthworms mole-ridden village, as well as being her public voice. Ended up dying a hero (double targeted by Wolverine and Akuma) as people thought he was the real inspector. Well played.


Dear pookar,

You are Claude Rains.

THEY DON'T SEE YOU! YOU'RE THE INVISIBLE MAN! NO ONE SEES YOU! Ever since the company thought they killed you you've been lying low. Not hard for an invisible man. Recently you've noticed a new threat, and you are going to help stop everyone in the world dying. Hey, you don't like them, but you don't want them dead either!

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Stealing USERs belongings." You will use your powers of invisibility to sneak up on this user and steal all his items.

You win if the Real World wins.
Stole an item near the end, the Vest, and played reasonably well. And he wasn't a (BAN ME PLEASE) like the rest of his team. Also had some pretty funny conversations with Isy. By the way, Claude Rains is one of my favourite characters in this game, he found a loophole in his Heroes contract where he gets paid for every episode, even those he didn't feature in, as he can claim he was in the episode, but cannot be seen as he is invisible. Great man.


Dear Earthworm,

You are Captain Jack Sparrow.

Alright Jack? How you doing? Hope lifes been treating you well, because it's about to get a helluva lot worse. This aint pirates or krakens you have to fight this time. Nah. The newest fools to be threatening your gold aren't even real. Deal with them. Savvy?

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Not today, USER." You will taunt this user all night, and if they try to kill you they will fail, but you will appear dead.

If you target a user who ends your life, you will be able to send a PM stating "Night/Day X - Return." You will be returned publicly to the game, and that day will be forever remembered as the day they *almost* caught Captain Jack Sparrow.

You win if the Real World wins.
This idiot attempted to carry out LightWolf's plan to abuse the fake pm system. He asked literally everyone to request a fake PM, and anyone who couldn't get one he asusmed already had one. Seemed to forget that people are capable of writing their own PMs, and didnt suspect Isy or Stoo at all, who wrote their own fake PMs. Ended up telling Stoo a ton of stuff as a result of this misplaced trust, which gave the Disney Force the tools needed to win. Don't abuse game mechanics next time, (BAN ME PLEASE). It lost you the game. In unrelated news Jack Sparrow is a perfect rogue.


Dear iKitsune,

You are The Last Samurai.

You were played by Tom Cruise, and your in-film name was pretty boring, so we gave you your more popular title instead. You were an American soldier who travelled to feudal Japan, and you were touched emotionally by the ancient and sacred ways of the Samurai. You will be serving your duty in this game to fight off the invaders who are putting your people at risk.

You have the Samurai Armour. The Samurai Armour is an item, and can be given away or lost through other means. This ancient armour was made in the depths of Japan. Whilst you hold the Samurai Armour you cannot be killed during the night. However, the armour is so heavy anyone holding it cannot perform a night action.

You win if the Real World wins.
I really like this role, and the Samurai Armour is probably my favourite item in the game, even though I am told Samurai Armour is not heavy, it is extremely light. Anyway, iKitsune posted whilst silenced. It was a sad way for the bulletproof best to die, but the last guy to godkill himself (Stoo in Simpsons) ended up sweeping this game. Big things will come from Mr. Kitsune.


Dear Fishin,

You are Robert Pirés.

You are a very successful footballer, having won the '98 World Cup and 2000 European cup with France, as well as making over 180 caps for Arsenal, winning titles along the way. Too bad everyone remembers that awful penalty. You've flown in from Spain (fuck Villareal) to use your trickery and skills on the wing to help fight off the attackers.

You are proud of your French upbringing, and because of this whenever you post in the main topic it must be in French. Unless told otherwise you must post at least once a day, and your posts must be more than three sentences long each. If you ever post in non-French, make a post less than three sentences long, or fail to post during any day, you will die automatically. I recommend you find a dictionary and translate the word 'lynch.'

Now THIS is a fun posting restriction.

You win if the Real World wins.
Robert Pirés was the last role added, as Avatar told me we needed an extra villager, but with a weak role. Basically just a vote. I decided to make a troll role, and Fishin took itin his stride. He showed nothing but pure dedication. He spent a total of 60 dollars hiring a private French tutor, who taught him the basics needed to survive. Fishin had a real talent for French, and he plans to take his studies further. Unfortunately he died, as a result of Earthworm rushing a lynch, despite knowing Fishin's posting restrictions. Au revoir!!

6/10 (For his raw passion)

Dear Toothache,

You are Osama Bin Laden.

You are one of the worlds most infamous terrorists. Not surprising, since you lead Al Qaeda and have been behind the planning of terrorist attacks all over the world. Hell, you're so damn famous I misspelt Al Qaeda and FireFox automatically corrected it for me. That's when you know your organisation has made it in the world. Recently some new terrorists are threatening your reign as the most-feared men alive. You'll stop them, in the name of Muhammed.

You have the Bomb. The Bomb is an item and can be given away or lost through other means. The Bomb was wired to detonate by one of your minions, but he forgot to tell you when. All you know is that soon the Bomb is going to explode, and whoever is holding it will die. You are willing to die for the cause of holy jihad, but maybe not this soon!

You win if the Real World wins.
I really like this role, but sadly Toothache was lynched during his weekend away. He didn't get to do anything at all. I was looking forward to seeing the Bomb frantically passed around all the factions. The Bomb was a pretty great item, and FireFox correcting Al Qauda is a true story!! Crazy.


Dear cyzir_visheen

You are The Terminator.

You are the latest model in the series of robots designed to return to the past to hunt down Sarah Connor. However, despite hunting far and wide for her, you have not been able to track her down. You were about to return to your own time when the fictional characters' arrival on this world destabilized the time continuum, rendering you unable to return until they die. Your only objective is to kill Sarah Connor, you will not use weapons for any other purpose, so to help the real world defeat these discrepancies you must use the information you have.

Based on the information you were programmed with before you left for the current time, you know that on Night 5, something big will take place. Something or someone is gonna go up in smoke. It may not sound like much, but use this information wisely.

You win if The Real World wins.
This was a really unfortunate role to get, sorry Cyzir! He seemed to think he would gain use of a role on Night 5, but in reality that is just the night in which Osama's bomb would detonate. This role is bad, probably even worse than Pirés, but someone has to get it. Me and Gmax always laughed at the thought of someone thinking OH FUCK IM THE TERMINATOR then realising they have no night role at all, nevermind the aiblity to terminate users.


Dear demon238,

You are Trinity.

You always knew there was something wrong with the world. You were right. After Morpheus freed your mind you were opened up to the truth. The world is a lie. The world is a prison created by machines, and you must fight. The machines have a new mysterious ally, and you will do your best to combat them.

You have the Gun. The Gun is an item, and can be given away or lost through other means. Whilst holding the gun you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Loading Gun." You can only do this if you are holding at least one bullet. If you successfully load the gun it will be now known as the Loaded Gun. You cannot load a Loaded Gun, but it can still be given away or lost through other means.

Whilst you hold the Loaded Gun you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Dodge this, USER." This user will be killed. After you kill a user the Loaded Gun will revert back to the Gun, and the bullet you used will be gone forever.

You also have a Bullet. The Bullet is an item, and can be lost or given away through other means. You know what the Bullet is for.

You win if the Real World wins.
Only got to load his gun before dying on Night One. Jedil accidentally told demon238 that he was Bagheera, which gave dak enough reason to kill him. Probably the villages best role besides hooker. A shame he died so early. I think I gave Trinity good limitations, she had to take one night to load her gun, and another night to fire it. This prevented the village from killing right away, and also made them more suspectible to Mufasa.

6/10 (+2 for interrogation of Jedil, -1 for dying because of it)

The Disney Force - WINNERS

Dear Stoo,

You are Mufasa.

You are the King of Pride Rock, and you know how to run a kingdom. In the film you were killed by your treacherous brother Scar, in his desperate attempt to take over your kingdom. Let's pretend that didn't happen. You, and some of your other Disney comrades, have invaded the real world. Your kingdom will soon be larger. Good luck, Mufasa.

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Roaring at USER." You will scare this user so much that any night action they were previously making will fail. You cannot target the same user two nights in a row.

You may also send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Mauling USER." This user will be killed, as long as no one else allied with the Disney Force attempts to kill a user. If more than one user allied with the Disney Force attempts to kill in a single night all kills will fail. You can only do this on odd numbered nights.

You can both roar at a user and maul a user in a single night.

The other members of the Disney Force are dak, Isy and Jedil. With them you will plan your destiny.

You win if the Disney Force wins.
Stoo wrote his first fake PM (Dhalsim) himself, and therefore passed Earthworm's "test" when asked to request some shitty anime character, as I was able to write it. He was then given access to Earthworm's spreadsheet, and was able to pick off all the village's best roles. Played masterfully, the village probably still trust him. About his role, just a standard hooker, with the killing power of his team. I really like how we handled the killing power of the mafias.


Dear dak,

You are Aladdin.

You are a common Indian peasant, and the Sultan didn't find you fit for his beloved daughter, Jasmine. However, after your thrilling defeat of Jafar, his opinion changed. Anyway, you have now invaded the real world with the Disney Force, and together you will win this war. Maybe.

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Wishing to know about USER." You will ask the Genie about this user, and you will find out which character they are.

You may also send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Stabbing USER with sharp swords." This user will be killed, as long as no one else allied with the Disney Force attempts to kill a user. If more than one user allied with the Disney Force attempts to kill in ea single night all kills will fail. You can only do this on odd numbered nights.

You can both wish to know about a user and stab a user in a single night.

You also have the Vest. The Vest is an item, and can be given away or lost through other means. Whilst you are holding the Vest anyone who inspects you will be given a false result. You will appear to be Duke Nukem, a neutral role who can flex his muscles at users, which forces them to target him.

The other members of the Disney Force are Stoo, Isy and Jedil. With them you will plan your destiny.

You win if the Disney Force wins.
Aladdin's inspection was incredibly weak, but he was able to kill and had a good item to make his role better. Both the Magic Carpet and Magical Lamp were considered as items, but Vest is a great troll item. dak was able to get his Duke Nukem claim out early, as well as leaking info on Serenity being Wolverine. After being inspected the village didn't doubt his role until it was too late, and he was able to lead his team succesfully.


Dear Isy,

You are Mulan.

You must be swift as the coursing river, with all the force of a great typhoon, all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as... the dark side of the moon. With these four qualities you cannot lose. You will help the Disney Force win this war in your father's place. Bring your family honour.

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Stealing USERs armour and joining the Chinese army." You will steal any items this user may be holding. You know that there is an item in the game which hinders most users, but you are able to use it efficiently.

You may also send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Firing rocket at USER." This user will be killed, as long as no one else allied with the Disney Force attempts to kill a user. If more than one user allied with the Disney Force attempts to kill in a single night all kills will fail. You can only do this on odd numbered nights.

You can both steal from a user and fire a rocket at a user in a single night.

The other members of the Disney Force are Stoo, dak and Jedil. With them you will plan your destiny.

You win if the Disney Force wins.
Mulan is a staple in any Disney themed game, and Isy successfully brought his family honour. he made a good false claim under high-pressure circumstances, and he was trusted by the village. Fucked around with pookar a bit, which was funny. Sadly his actual role wasn't too useful, as all the good items were destroyed after like the first day/night cycle. He did steal the surfboard though.


Dear Jedil,

You are Bagheera.

You are the black panther who protects Mowgli. You work with Balou to ensure Mowgli is safe from Shere Kahn, the tiger who hates humans. What a fucker. You have travelled to this strange world to protect your fellow Disney characters from the new enemy.

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Guarding USER." The user you guard will be immune from being lynched during the following day. You cannot guard yourself.

You may also send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Pouncing on USER." You will pounce on this user during the night, and claw them to death, as long as no one else allied with the Disney Force attempts to kill a user. If more than one user allied with the Disney Force attempts to kill in a single night all kills will fail. You can only do this on odd numbered nights.

You can both guard a user and pounce on a user in a single night.

The other members of the Disney Force are Stoo, dak and Isy. With them you will plan your destiny.

You win if the Disney Force wins.
The only member of the Disney Force to play badly. Accidentally told demon238 that he was Bagheera, but he quickly righted his mistake by having demon238 killed. Was also lucky that Fishin never followed up on demon238s info that Jedil = Bagheera. Fishin thought that Jedil had read the wrong role pm. Also, his role was cool, but never took effect sadly. One of the few original (I think) roles in the game. And Bagheera is easily the second best character in the Jungle Book (the villain Shere Kahn didn't fit with the rest of the Disney Force).


Superhero Union

Dear Serenity,

You are Wolverine.

The adamantium within your body is both a curse and a blessing. The pain you experience each time you release your claws is unbearable, but they make you one of the most efficient killing machines ever. You will now restore order to this accursed world. You are an intimidating man. People are afraid of you. A word, and a snick from your blades as they unsheathe is all it takes to make them do as you bid. And if all else fails, you can just rip them to shreds.

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Threaten USER1 to target USER2". If USER1 is acting that night their target will now become USER2. You cannot target the same USER1 two nights in a row. USER1 and USER2 must always be different users. You will find some users are able to resist being threatened by you.

You may also send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Shredding USER to pieces". You will kill that user during that night, as long as no one else allied with the Superhero Union attempts to kill a user. If more than one user allied with the Superhero Union attempts to kill in a single night all kills will fail. You can only do this on even numbered nights.

You can both threaten a user and shred a user to pieces in a single night.

The other members of the Superhero Union are Junior, Misaki-chi and Kumar. You will do well to plan with them.

You win if the Superhero Union wins.
Wolverine was probably the best role in the game, having re-direction and killing power. Also my favourite character in the Superhero Union. Rev wasn't too active, but had a very funny redirect on night one (Shade owes Rev an eternal debt) and made some good kills once the rest of her team died, making her a lone wolf(erine). Played well and valiantly until the end, never surrendering.


Dear Junior,

You are The Silver Surfer.

You are the herald of Galactus, the mightiest being in the universe. He has imbued you with a tiny portion of his "Power Cosmic", a little of which goes a long way. This world is in dire straits. You plan to rescue it along with the other members of the Superhero Union. With the unstoppable might of the Power Cosmic on your side you cannot lose. Godspeed you, Norrin Radd.

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Using Power Cosmic on USER". The following morning you will have discovered the alliance of this user.

You may also send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Firing Cosmic Blast at USER". You will kill this user that night, as long as no one else allied with the Superhero Union attempts to kill a user. If more than one user allied with the Superhero Union attempts to kill in a single night all kills will fail. You can only do this on even numbered nights.

You can use both the Power Comic and the Cosmic Blast in a single night.

You also have the Surfboard. The Surfboard is an item and can be given away or lost through other means. This surfboard was created for you by Galactus, and with it you can travel the universe in seconds. Whilst you hold the Surfboard you will be so swift, that any role which would attempt to prevent you from acting will fail. This means hookers.

The other members of the Superhero Union are Serenity, Misaki-chi and Kumar. You will do well to plan with them.

You win if the Superhero Union wins.
Silver Surfer, like Aladdin, was the weakest role on the Superhero Union, but he, also like Aladdin, had a cool item to make up for it. Junior played well, and with Kumar's aid designed a very believable false claim (Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova), and did a lot of planning and work for his team.


Dear Misaki-chi,

You are Batman.

Ever since your mother and father were killed on that fateful night you knew your destiny. You trained to the peak of physical perfection and donned a mask. You are the dark knight of justice, and it is your sworn duty to fight crime. The world is a corrupt place and, with the help of other Superheroes, you will clean up the streets.

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Tying up USER." You will tie this user up as the night starts, and he will be bound and gagged so well that he will be unable to speak at all during the following day. You cannot target the same user two nights in a row.

You may also send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Locking USER up." This user will be locked away for life, and for the purposes of the game they will be dead. This will only if no one else allied with the Superhero Union attempts to kill a user. If more than one user allied with the Superhero Union attempts to kill in a single night all kills will fail. You can only do this on even numbered nights.

You can both tie up a user and lock a user up in a single night.

The other members of the Superhero Union are Serenity, Junior and Kumar. You will do well to plan with them.

You win if the Superhero Union wins.
Batman was a standard silencer, and I enjoyed his method of killing. Batman has been in like 75% of all mafia games, which is pretty funny as well. jumpluff was unlucky to be inspected on Night One, however, whilst alive she managed to get iKitsune godkilled, and did a lot of planning with Junior. Was also able to analyse Earthworm's actions and determine that Jimbo was the village BG.


Dear Kumar,

You are Nightcrawler.

As a blue, demon-like mutant you have always been the target of prejudice and abuse. From your home in Germany, to the Munich circus, and even to your loving home in X Manor. Not any more. You, and other superheroes, have invaded the real world, and you will kill all those who hate you so.

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Vanishing USER." You will teleport this user into the night, away from anyone who may be attempting to kill them. You cannot choose to teleport yourself. You must protect your brethren.

You may also send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Slashing USER to death." This user will be killed, as long as no one else allied with the Superhero Union attempts to kill a user. If more than one user allied with the Superhero Union attempts to kill in a single night all kills will fail. You can only do this on even numbered nights.

You can both teleport a user and kill a user in a single night.

The other members of the Superhero Union are Serenity, Junior and Misaki-chi. You will do well to plan with them.

You win if the Superhero Union wins.
The Superhero's equivalent to Bagheera, standard BG. Kumar contributed to two false claims (t.A.T.u twins and George Bush) which were both very good, and did a lot of early planning and work. Was unlucky to be randkilled (?) by Twash early on. Nightcrawler is a nice character.



Dear Shade,

You are Bruce Lee.

You are the greatest martial artist who has ever lived, and you have made some of the finest films in history. With the ensuing battle you have decided it is time to capture some new footage for your next great film. Remember, don't think... feel.

Whenever you post in the main topic you must include a famous Bruce Lee quote. Alternatively you can just shout WATAAAAAH or HI-YAAAAAAH! If you ever fail to do this you will be removed from the game.

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Sparring with USER." You will spar with this user all night whilst your camera-man records it. If a user is killed during the same night you target them you will have made a great scene for your next film. If they aren't killed nothing will happen. Once you have made enough scenes you will be removed from the game.

You win if you make four scenes before you die or the game ends.
Got very lucky on Night One, but we thought his luck dried up later. However, Shade did not give up, and he contacted Junior, and got Serenity's name as a Superhero. After sparring with her target he got closer to completing his role. Unluckily for Shade, the Disney Force decided to kill him off for fun, and he failed to complete his role. Also, Bruce Lee was my second favourite character, and favourite role, in the entire game. This must have been a great role to play, posting restrictions are always funny.


Dear Twash,

You are Akuma.

Your mission is to find a fighter worthy of being killed by you. Most see you as the personification of pure evil, but its not like that. You just want a good fight. Well, you found one. This entire game is filled with strong warriors, and it will be their honour to be defeated by the great Akuma. You will pave the battlefield with their blood. They'd better prepare themselves, for they are about to die one thousand deaths.

During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Raging Demon USER." This user will be destroyed by the might of your Shungokusatsu. You can kill one user each night.

If you are targeted by a role which would prevent your role, you will kill whoever targeted you instead. You are not yet consumed by the Satsui no Hadou. You will be told when you are.

You win if you are the last user alive.
Had a very good false claim (Harry Potter) which made him appear harmless to the mafia, as well as trusted by the village. Eventually it was noticed that there were too many villagers, and Twash was inspected. Still, he did well. A lot of his kills were double-targeted by the mafia as well. Also, the Satsui no Hadou thing meant he was immune from being killed or lynched during Night One, Day One, Night Two and Day Two. After this he was fully consumed with rage and he could die. We didn't want the wolf to die early, as then there would be too few kills. He lasted for a while on his own anyway. The 'hookers dying' only applied to Jack Bauer, Akuma was simply not affected by Mufasa or Wolverine. This was so mafia factions did not lose 1/4 of their team due to a random hook early game or something.



Most Valuable Real Worlder - AceMatador.

Played very well for his first game, successfully protecting Fishy the inspector from the mafia for many nights, and eventually dying an extremely heroic death. Well done!

Most Valuable Superhero - Junior

Did the majority of his teams planning, and was able to read Earthworms lies like a book. He was given access to a false spreadsheet, and he knew almost right away. Good game.

Most Valuable Disney Character - Stoo

Big Lion King Stoo made an expert false claim, and using a mixture of his raw power and dazzling finesse he worked his way into a position of authority in the Real World. He was able to pick off the most important Real World roles, and played a huge part in his teams victory.

Best Troll - Jimbo

There were only two contenders for best troll, Jimbo and Isy. Jimbo takes it as he transcended Isy's late game trolling of Fishy and pookar, with his early game hoax on the village. Many users posted THIS IS SPARTA!, Fishin even did so in French, under the impression that Jimbo would gain a kill. After he didn't get the kill he played it off cool. Should have been Iceman.

Best False-claim - Isy

Other contenders were Stoo (obviously) and Junior/Kumar. I think Isy's claim of Morpheus was better than Stoo's martyr claim, as it didn't clash with dak's necessary claim of Duke Nukem. Isy also made his very quickly, whilst under great pressure. Kumar and Junior made a great claim of Yulia and Lena, the t.A.T.u twins, but once Kumar died it also condemned junior, which is why Isy's was superior.

Worst False-claim - LightWolf

He made me write the dumbest role ever. It was like, Monkey D. Luffy, a pirate with stretchy arms. He was able to transform into different gears (???) as well as attack people with fruit. LightWolf I hope you were trolling me, that seriously was the most ridiculous thing ever.

Least Valuable Player - Earthworm

Decided to lead the village, but failed badly, lynching clean people, as well as causing godkills by rushing lynches. He also tried to abuse game mechanics, which backfired horribly, causing him to trust mafia users. Ended up being crushed under the boot of the Disney Force. Should have left Fishin in charge.

Most Valuable Player - Stoo

Reasons for Stoo's award have already been listed, I'm not gonna repeat them again. Truly a king amongst lions.

Anyway, thanks for playing MAFIA FOREVER. I know you all enjoyed it ;) One day you may even see a sequel...
shade we didnt kill you for fun, we killed you because of the lynch vote incident and your general shadiness, don take it personally :(

by general shadiness i mean the whole rev threatening to get dak to kill you, which i didnt believe for a second (which i now know to be true), and just the way you were acting, always making sure we werent killing you.

(for those of you who are curious, the lynch vote incident was in the final lynch vote, where shade could have tied it by voting with rev and the village. he claimed he couldnt access smogon, only irc, so:

[23:17:32] <WOOD> when your internet returns
[23:17:34] <WOOD> view this
[23:17:41] <WOOD>
[23:17:47] <Shade> ok
[23:17:49] <WOOD> ive been perusing it
[23:17:51] <WOOD> for sometime
[23:17:54] <WOOD> pretty inetresting
[23:18:42] <Shade> how does it regard mafia
[23:18:42] <Shade> fuck
[23:18:44] <Shade> im interested
[23:18:49] <Shade> i hate internet
[23:19:04] <WOOD> Last Activity: May 13th, 2009 11:18:38 PM
[23:19:04] <WOOD> Viewing Thread Cursive: The Ugly Organ @ 11:18:38 PM
[23:19:06] <WOOD> interesting
[23:19:09] <WOOD> very inetresting
[23:19:21] <Shade> yeah i clicked it
[23:19:31] <WOOD> mmhmm
[23:19:35] <Shade> nothing occurs
[23:20:02] <WOOD> shade
[23:20:03] <WOOD> go vote
[23:20:05] <WOOD> or you will die
[23:20:27] <Shade> fine then, i've been putting it off as i dont know what to do

we figured better safe than sorry so jedil went and killed you mercilessly. fucking jedil.

on a side note, thanks thunda and gmax :) this was a fun game, and i believe the first time ive won a game before!
Screw you Disney Force for killing me Night 1, I did not even know there could be kills in the first night. Then again I did mess over 3/4 of the Disney Force in President mafia so it's okay.

I had really hoped Fishin woild be able to use the info that I had gotten from Jedil and take him out impeach the lynch, but unfortunately that didn't happen.

Thanks to Thunda and Gmax even though I didn't get to play much.


Yeah i have learned from this mafia. I am not going to talk when i am sleepy ^_^. also sorry blue_light i guess you can call it pay back for president mafia. but this is also my first mafia won. gg isy, stoo, and dakkers.

also sorry shade but i wanted to avenge revvy!!
I guess I will explain stuff.

I was instantly suspicious of Stoo from the start but his false claim managed to trick me very well. I wouldn't have trusted him enough to give him all information but I made a (stupid) decision to make him the one I would give all the information to in case I died. Also due to my false claiming other villagers suspected me from the start. It would have been better if I had been able to talk to Fishy more frequently as I had a fairly good idea about what had happened at that point. I knew Jedil was bad from the start due to his false claim being bad and I was quite suspicious of Isy too but because of the fake role PM writing thing I decided that he was trustworthy enough, but I worked out he was obviously bad when later in the game I PMed him requesting the PM he got from Thunda and he forwarded me a fake one with two words 'He moved' or something. I knew Dak wasn't Duke Nukem and due to not having found the inspector when I first talked to him I thought he might have been inspector at that point. I did rush to lynch Toothache because at the time the alternative was to No Lynch. iKitsune dying early was a huge annoyance but it was his first game and people can make stupid mistakes like that! Stoo did really well after the first time I talked to him about the game and did manage to gain my trust until I was getting suspicious of the roles that were dying at which point I removed him from the spreadsheet.

I forgot completely about Fishin having to post so his death was partially my fault and I am sorry about that! I am also sorry about lynching Toothache based on LightWolf hookering him, that was a bad decision on my part obviously.

I think I did OK after the terrible first couple of nights/days other than Fishin dying, I definitely would have done better if I didn't attempt to use the fake role PM writing thing to my advantage though. Lynching Twash was a bad decision but at the time I didn't realise who I was lynching due to Fishy and I's lack of communication.

I basically suspected all the mafia of being fake or mafia other than Stoo and maybe Isy (not because of his role claim but because of the fake role PM thing) from the start (I would have suspected Isy more but I didn't talk to him much until the second time we talked) but it didn't help me much because we lost blue_light early and Stoo had successfully infiltrated. Stoo was the main reason we lost other than my mistakes and me being lynched for whatever reason but it was too late to do anything at that point.

I don't think I deserved a 1/10 rating but whatever :pirate:

Thanks for a great game Thunda and Gmax, and Congrats Disney Force!
I tried getting the village to contact me, but judging by the fact that the only ones to do so were Jimbo and Bluelight, I don't think any of them got the message, though with a role that could come off as suspicious so easily I guess that might've been for the best. Both my dying and forgetting about the fuck tiger claim were completely my mistakes. I think on the day I died I tried to think of a post right at the start, but couldn't come up with anything to post and decided to do it later, then I forgot and woke up dead. Overall pretty stupid of me, I wouldn't blame anyone else for it. Same thing with Jedil, it completely slipped my mind, though I wasn't really talking to anyone at that point anyways since I sort of doubted anyone would believe my role. My score should probably be a lot lower :x
hahahaha jimbo

gg everyones im proud of you. nice luckfuck but w/e, one of the most fun games in awhile and i wouldn't expect less from you two.

p.s. sorry about killing you jimbo, you may blame earthworm hahahahhaa


be sharp, say nowt
is a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
fuck you disney force, i didn't lie about the threatening

anyways, i was going to thank rev in a victory speech, but i suppose that has been dashed. but anyway, rev helped me in numerous ways and was an excellent sport when i lynched her. props to rev here.

this was a cruel way to lose a mafia


is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
While I do think that I deserve my rating, but there are few things that I would like to point out.
Ace newer got in contact with Fishy till I died, I was the one in cantact with Fishy and hiding her from EW, I did hide it from Ace too because he did the little mistake already to tell someone that he or I should get reported to when I asked him to keep our connection a secret. Also fooled Stoo a bit by making Ace say ok to him targeting Fishy and latter making him change the target, so he did not suspect Fishy being inspect then.

Just wanted to clear that up
This was the mafia game I've had most fun in, so props to Thunda & gmax for running it so well, probably because I think I've done more lying in this game than any other.

At the start I was just randkilling. I got in touch with Earthworm claiming Harry Potter (fake roles are below, by the way), and apparently there was a mishap and Earthworm started to think I was the bodyguard..I insisted I was not (it was not really a role I wanted to false claim), and then he kind of let slip that Ace Matador was:

<Earthworm> jimbo says you're the bg (or i infer it from his statements)
<Twash> erm
<Twash> i havent spoken to jimbo...
<Twash> [21:44:10] <Jimbo> Yo
<Twash> [21:44:25] <Twash> [21:43:03] <Earthworm> jimbo says you're the bg (or i infer it from his statements)
<Twash> [21:44:30] <Twash> mafia forever
<Twash> [21:44:36] <Jimbo> lol I did not earthworm assumed
<Twash> [21:44:36] <Twash> something you want to tell me? i havent even spoken to youu
<Twash> ...
<Earthworm> lol
<Earthworm> i see
<Twash> so
<Twash> what's REALLY going on .-.
<Twash> ...
<Earthworm> never mind
<Twash> no
<Earthworm> he told me it was someone that posted
<Twash> i do mind
<Earthworm> but it was ace matador

I kind of presumed Earthworm was using Ace Matador to trick me and see if he would die the next day, but obviously that was wrong...Later on in the game I thought Ace was the inspector (from the way he was talking & posting), but again I was wrong, but whatever. It was a really fun game, here are my fake roles:

Dear Twash,

You are Harry Potter.

You are the boy who lived. As the only wizard to ever invoke the wrath of the Avada Kedavra and survive, you are a living legend. Everyone knows who you are, and you will be forever remembered as the one who defeated he who must not be named. You were just a baby then, but you are now a teenage wizard, and you will do your best to help protect the magical AND the muggle world.

As of now you have no night role, but you may develop new powers and skills later in the game. Be sure to pay attention during your lessons at Hogwarts! The approaching danger is far worse than any Death Eater or Dementor...

You win if the Real World wins.
which developed into..

You have just won the Triwizard cup, alongside Cedric Diggory. After Cedric's death at the wrath of Voldemort, he turned on you, yet his Avada Kedavra spell failed to break past your Expelliarmus spell which met it in the air.

Now you have matured, you may use your signature spell more often. During the night you can send a PM to Thunda and Gmax stating "Night X - Expelliarmus USER." Any items this user may be holding will be forced away, into the distance where they can no longer be used during the game.
Ironically, I actually went to Earthworm saying it had developed on the day of my lynch..but before the first lynch vote. Typically it didn't matter! I thought about using Avada Kedavra but obviously you have to be evil to use it etc.

There was another role PM Earthworm made me make (lol pirates), but I didn't use it once so whatever!
Also fooled Stoo a bit by making Ace say ok to him targeting Fishy and latter making him change the target, so he did not suspect Fishy being inspect then.
not really, when he asked me to change the target any notions i had of fishy being suspected were gone, and dak role inspected her the night after (or maybe the night after that, i dont remember exactly when that happened) anyway and by that point we knew she was inspector

we left ehr alive because a.) she couldnt ahrm us
b.) we wanted her to inspect dak
c.) if she inspected me, as she did, i was lynch protected anyway should things have gone wrong

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