Marvel v Capcom 3 discussion

What happened?

Anyway, really amazing Marvel stuff all-around. Didn't expect Marn and Sanford to do nearly as well as they did, considering their attitude about the game. Noel Brown getting top eight made me super happy just for his reaction alone. And I think Japan didn't even get top 32?

Pretty sad about Fanatiq though, he's such a monster and both his losses were so weiiiird.
What happened?

Anyway, really amazing Marvel stuff all-around. Didn't expect Marn and Sanford to do nearly as well as they did, considering their attitude about the game. Noel Brown getting top eight made me super happy just for his reaction alone. And I think Japan didn't even get top 32?

Pretty sad about Fanatiq though, he's such a monster and both his losses were so weiiiird.
The unthinkable happened. Clockwork was defeated by the big dumb stupidhead X-ray with his fancy combos. It was truly a traumatic moment. Really hoping for Combo to pull out a win in Marvel, and rooting for Poongko in AE, although I doubt he will have an easy time facing down Daigo's Yun.
im a big fan of clockwork too, but you cant deny than x-ray earned that. his ammy play was on the same level as clocks and in the end clocks refusal to play a non-phoenix team cost him.

as for AE i hope flashmetriod or tokido wins.
Yeah, XRay definitely earned it and he's a beast, but I'm still sad about Clockw0rk getting bodied.

Rooting for Combofiend, then Viscant for Marvel. As for AE, I'll root for the Americans with WolfKrone first 'cause he is the one man online pad wolf pack, but if America can't win it, Poongko all the way. I really don't want a Japan Top 2 or 3.


So who did buy all the stroopwafels?
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Poongko is going to have a hard time as hes paired up against Daigo already really.
Daigo is no slouch as Tokido looked mighty free when he played him.

Also I think it must be said, props to that 8 year old Noah that bodied some players basically. Got a long way ahead of him but if he can score top 48 with mvc3, yeah.
Poongko is going to have a hard time as hes paired up against Daigo already really.
Daigo is no slouch as Tokido looked mighty free when he played him.

Also I think it must be said, props to that 8 year old Noah that bodied some players basically. Got a long way ahead of him but if he can score top 48 with mvc3, yeah.
To be fair, Yun/Akuma is none too good a match and Tokido pretty much exclusively plays Akuma. Still, though, Daigo's Yun is really dominant, and he is definitely still the favorite to win.
I knew Viscant would win, but Balrog's comeback with Tron was absolutely insane. The only thing that comes close to that was Balrog perfecting Justin Wong.
Yeah, amazing by PR Rog. Mad props for that, but happy Viscant won.

EDIT: GG Fuudo, Poongko, and Latif! Such hype.

The best moment of EVO: Poongko rips off jacket, throws stuff out of his pocket, CHUGS A RED BULL

and bodies Daigo.
I actually missed that match sadly due to internet issues! I'm honestly surprised Poongko took that (perhaps naively, considering how badly he slaughtered Momochi at Shadowloo Showdown).

Latif so crazy, I'm sad he didn't win but I love seeing a totally fresh face winning regardless. I also like how both players are (well were) arguably better-known for non-SF games, Guilty Gear and Virtua Fighter respectively. People tend to focus on Capcom so much, and it's just nice that there are top players transitioning from other, non-mainstream games and destroying everyone while they're at it. Although I guess a side-effect of Latif's performance is that we all have to be sad that he had to forfeit his SBO spot, ha.

Also Fuudo: cutest fighting game player... ever??
Phoenix Wright may single-handedly ruin UMvC3 for me if he ends up being a terrible character, because I'm pretty much maining him no matter what. =)
Hahahah, well he didn't really hype Phoenix as a "good character," just as mind-meltingly insane (which is pretty much completely true).

Dark Phoenix Wright???
They will probably call him Phoenix Wright or possibly P. Wright, but he definitely won't be called Phoenix alone, that would just be stupid.

As for hype, Seth seems to really hype the characters he likes personally, regardless of how good they are. Remember, he was adamant that Thor was awesome, and that with his "secret technology" Thor could easily be high tier...

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