Mass Effect 3

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Wow so I caught on the spoilers.

I honestly saw TIM's betrayal coming. I mean glowing eyes? Obsession with human race? Yeah definitely evil. In fact, in ME2 I had a renegade Shepard, but I went with the Paragon choice primarily to troll TIM. It's going to be fun killing him.

Glad to see Liara back (<3 Ali hillis) and it's going to be interesting teaming up with the "new" Liara. Garrus is practically a staple, so i'd be massively disappointed if he wasn't included. ME1 squadmates were weak as hell, so I honestly don't care if they come back or not.

Please, please, PLEASE give us Wrex back as a playable squadmate. If they do bring him back this should be in the game.
Reviving this thread. Curious who caught the ME3 gameplay video at E3 today. I'm a little skeptical about the Kinect involvement and I'm glad they made it optional. What are your thoughts about what you saw?
I've been googling the E3 ME3 content, found some good vids.

Apparently they released a new trailer, not a lot of gameplay but some pretty good cinematics. This would be the gameplay video, getting some mech play in there, which looks much better than the MAKO imo. I see some Garrus, Liara, Legion, and a Reaper, all of which I like. Also BioWare took a page from Halo and gave Shepard an assassinate ability. This page has the video Tsukasa was referring to. Personally I play on my laptop so the Kinect doesn't really do much for me. Mordin's back in though.

But probably the biggest thing to come out of these videos is a release date. March 6th of next year, to be precise. I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED.
>March 2012

god fucking dammit I can't wait

on the upside, I can spend that time swearing at ME2 trying to get both a perfect and completely screwed up save file
Thanks for all the links Cooper I hadn't seen the newer trailer yet and HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT I can't wait until March GAAH
Kinda refreshing that they're waiting until March to release it instead of trying to squeak it in for Holiday 2011 as had been rumored... nice to see them making sure they have enough time to do it right. If only another recent BioWare sequel had taken that approach...
Double posting because I'm cool like that, but didn't see this ME3 gameplay video posted at a glance so I thought I'd link it: Minor spoilers, but nothing too big since it's likely the first or second bit of extended footage in the game and I imagine is likely to be the demo.

Also the Kinect voice commands thing is neat although I won't have it available; it'd be nice to have a chance of my squadmates listening to me when I'm yelling JESUS FUCKING CHRIST GARRUS WHY WOULD YOU RUSH THERE COME BACK INTO FUCKING COVER SALSADDSASDSD at my television anyway.

Also there is a video Q&A/walkthrough in an hour:
That already looks far better than ME2. Those cannibal things looked really awesome. I wish that whoever was playing had used more skills so we could see more of what ME3 had to offer. Captain Anderson's movements during gameplay seemed a little weird though.

EDIT: Although this is just a trailer and doesn't show anything new, this hasn't been posted yet I really like how they incorporated live action with it, kind of like what they did for Halo 3's trailers.;img;7


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Vancouver-Seattle megacity modelled after the real Vancouver (and I'm assuming Seattle)
. Super hyped. Been waiting for this opportunity for years and years!

Bad Ass

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I have some questions about the Mass Effect series.

1. Is it really hard? I'm a pretty big RPG newbie, my only experience being Fable, some Final Fantasy stuff, Paper Mario, and Pokemon of course. Is it hard to learn what each stat does / what you probably need to boost vs. what you can probably let alone? That was my biggest issue in KoToR, I didn't really know what the hell half the stuff did, or if I'd need it later.

2. How long is it?

3. is it kotor


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It's not hard as an RPG, even Mass Effect 1 was testing your reflexes as an FPS gamer more, and the RPG elements are really toned down in the sequel.

Both games are long, especially if you care about getting the side quests out of the way.

It's about as far removed from Kotor as a bioware game gets, but it's still got that excellent writing and characters.
Mass Effect is not hard at all, and I have no experience with shooting games past this one. If you're really concerned about dying, play a Soldier and pop immunity every 10 seconds or whatever. You never die :D

But seriously though, it's a great game. I've logged 48 hours on my current ME1 save file trying to get my guy to max level before I transfer him to ME2. That said, I'll probably end up buying a 360 and playing through again because playing on my shitty macbook's shitty windows partition is the worst thing ever. And I need to have my perfect character ready to go.

What have you guys been doing in terms of preparation for ME3, if anything? My plan is to keep all the major characters alive (except Ashley), as well as all the minors that I can (the colony on Feros, Fist, Helena Blake and so on). I'm shooting for Colonist War Hero (alien races that I might try to recruit love war heroes) and Infiltrator because stealth sniping is OP.
Well I only made one character (just did new game+) and I killed Kayden in ME1 which I regret because Ash was just a bitch in ME2. Right now I'm replaying ME2 because on my first play through I lost Legion and I want to go into ME3 without any ME2 characters dead.

I should make a new character in ME1 and playthrough ME2 as well so I can fix what I don't like about my current file, character wise, but I doubt I'll have enough time.
Bad Ass: 30-40 hours for both ME1 and 2 is pretty normal, I think, though you can stretch it out a lot longer than that. Didn't think either of them were particularly difficult on lower difficulties, though you might have to adjust a bit when you first start playing, but since ME is kinda a hybrid of RPGs and FPSs its not a super difficult version of either. Stats in ME1 are pretty simple(you have like 10 skills per character to upgrade and that's it, and it's fairly obvious what you're using and what you aren't), in ME2 it's even easier since you don't end up making many choices for anyone but your PC. Gameplay is a lot better in ME2 than ME1 but it's way too storydriven not to start with ME1. ME2 also has the ability to be reasonably difficult if you start an Insanity file at level 1, it's not like ultra difficult but it punishes you for doing stupid shit... it's a fun second playthrough sort of thing once you get that far.

I picked ME up last summer because one of my friends was nagging me and couldn't put it down, by the end of the next week I had ME1 and 2 beaten. Have beaten them both something like 4 times in less than a calendar year, it is really good stuff.

Cooper - My original ME/2 file is probably what I'll use, I had thought it was suspicious the first time I played through ME1 that I had all these decisions that seemed to effect the future of other races, so I made sure on the file I ported to ME2 I kept as many seemingly relevant people alive as possible in case it mattered in ME3, and then did the same in ME2 when you had decisions to do so on loyalty missions and such, in addition to keeping the suicide on the suicide mission to a minimum. The only thing I thought I was going to regret was going Paragon on the last mission, but judging by what I've seen of Cerberus in ME3 trailers that was the right call, too. The second time I played through ME2 I basically made the same decisions I did instinctively the first time, just repeating everything after re-transferring from ME1 so I had an Insanity->Insanity clear to move over in case there's an achievement for beating the game on the highest difficulty all three times or something.

I'll play through ME/2 again during winter break next year just so its fresh before ME3 comes out, but I'll probably stick to my guns on the save file.
Doing my Insanity run in ME2 as a Sentinel right now. Not too bad, but it definitely fucks you up if you mess up. I'm thinking about going back and doing an Insanity run in ME1, but if you're an Adept, Sentinel w/ bonus Stasis, or Soldier, it's supposed to be ridiculously easy.
I have found Insanity in ME1 to be disappointing in general just because the combat isn't designed that well... the ways you win or lose are boring and repetitive, and once you get to a high enough level where you're somewhat sturdy it's simple again, regardless of difficulty. ME2's Insanity gameplay I really enjoyed, there weren't too many times it was frustratingly difficult, and in general I thought it was difficult in a fun way -- by the end of that playthrough I was playing a lot better and smarter than I was at the beginning. Some of the missions are just way harder than anything you've played before it -- Horizon stands out as really difficult for the stuff it is around -- but overall I thought it was a ton of fun and one of the more rewarding offline video game experiences I've had. Insanity on ME1 didn't really do it for me... but you should draw your own conclusions, obviously. ME2 definitely makes you pick your squadmates a little more carefully and use them more intelligently on Insanity... the difficult gap between the normal difficulty and the hardest was really well tuned. Usually it's a matter of figuring out what's threatening to you, and creating an appropriate strategy as far as where you're standing, how you're using your abilities, and which targets you're prioritizing, and then executing... it's nice to have to both think and play well to win.


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I'm thinking about going back and doing an Insanity run in ME1, but if you're an Adept, Sentinel w/ bonus Stasis, or Soldier, it's supposed to be ridiculously easy.
Insanity in ME1 is just tedious, honestly. The class balance is still wonky and the AI is still fucking idiotic, except now they have like 20x as much health.

Insanity on ME2 is much better, because it's challenging without being unfair or boring. I still hope they pump up the difficult and tweak class balance a bit for the sequel, because in ME2 I played as an Infiltrator and usually had Legion and Thane as squadmates, and even on insanity enemies would pretty much die as soon as they came into line of sight (seriously, give Legion his upgraded sniper rifle and he will actually compete with you for kills).

People who have not played ME2 and people who aren't familiar with the currently released ME3 spoilers should stop reading here.

I'm really hoping they don't transparently fuck over Renegade players in ME3. The whole "illusive man is evil" thing really fucks with people who chose the possible pro-cerberus options from ME2, and while you could say that they deserved it for siding with an obviously evil/xenophobic organization, I was really really hoping for more moral ambiguity than that. I'm especially hoping that the final choice at ME2 isn't as horribly bad for renegade players as it would seem to be given the information we have now...because, given the information at the time, I can see how some players would think it was a good idea (I never did, even on renegade playthroughs, but I have trust issues in general!)

I have a ridiculous amount of theories regarding how Renegade/Paragon is going to play out, but I get the feeling that a Renegade player is basically gonna go 'lol nope', protect Earth and the colonies, then let the Reapers kill everyone else.

Meanwhile, a Paragon player is going to be running around trying to save everyone from everything. The difference here is that you actually have friends to work with (the Citadel Species, obviously, but depending on your other choices I can totally see either rachni or krogans being on your side, along with something similar regarding quarians / geth).

I get the feeling that playing a Paragon will ultimately be more rewarding and give you more things to do, but that could just be me.
I still have yet to do any insanity playthroughs. I planned on working my way up the difficulty ladder. I finished hardcore ME1 and I'm almost done with ME2. I also play as an infiltrator and ME2 definitely forces you to play smarter and pick your team mates better.

Back on ME3: At first I thought this was just another video with just extended things of stuff we've already seen, but this video shows a lot of changes ME3 is bringing. I don't know if any of you have seen any of this before but:

That new skill upgrade system looks insanely awesome and I really want to see the new skills that Liara and Garrus both have: Lift Orb and Proximity Mine. ASSASSINATIONS.
My theory on the Renegade in ME3 is that all it'll do is give you different missions from Paragon. Whereas Renegade will be running to different Cerberus bases trying to destroy advancing Reaper technology, Paragon will be running to different Cerberus bases trying to destroy weird genetic shit that TIM is now funding (similar to the Cerberus missions in ME1). What I'm driving at is that TIM is NOT going to suddenly side with the Reapers and give them the Collector base back. Regardless of all the betrayal, I'm positive that his pro-human anti-Reaper stance still stands.

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The overall plot of Mass Effect 3 has been leaked. (!!!)

Now Bioware has done their damnest to delete and curb stomp info, they basically shot themselves in the foot when they sent neogaf a C/D.

Here's the entire plot overview below. Some of this info is outdated, but most of it is assumed to be correct.


You are retarded if you click into these and complain about being spoiled.
My first instinct was to dig right in but ultimately I choose suspense. Mass Effect is too good a game to me to spoil it. I've gathered tactical information, assisted my squad mates, and shot Geth, Krogan, Mercs, and all sorts of other creatures in the head right beside Commander Shepherd, and I'll be damned if I learn how his story ends without him.

/end loregasm

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