Metal Gear Solid Tactical Game: Sign-ups

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be sharp, say nowt
is a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
priority two matey :)

rey told me to post p2 in his, so because this is hand picked, i'll leave it as p2 here. (even though i'd be p3)
Shade, you wouldn't be p3...

+1 if you're in Unicycle
+1 if you're in DotA

+1 if you're in DotA
+1 if you're in Superstars (we'll put you in the special category and edit it when the player list for that game is announced)
Well I have a reserved spot but... this is kinda a bad time for me, I leave tomorrow (Tuesday) and will have very limited internet access and no IRC until Sunday night my time (GMT -5) which is when I get back. So I guess I'll have to pass on this one, sorry!
This is pretty ridiculous guys.

imo you have to sign up as priority 1 for the one you want in the most, and priority 2 for the other...and if you don't get in as priority 1 in the first and the sign-ups for others are still going you can change.
If you're signing up for Superstars just put Priority 2 here. It's been stated that priority does not matter for this game so why not make it a hell of a lot less confusing for the hosts? When Superstar signups are over and this is still open, just change your post or post again (edit your original still). It's not that hard and is so much less of a headache.
P2, or 3 if in Superstars. 1 if I don't get into Superstars, and Unicycle Mafia ends before this game begins.
It's been stated that we start after uni ends. And we have to; 3 games are open if we count superstars (DotA, Uni, SS).

Also, just so it's said (again): IF you sign up for Superstars, put p1 there and p2 here! (assuming you aren't in dota) If you don't get in there, just edit your post here! We will leave this thread open for a while after it ends, so everybody gets time to edit in their correct priorities.
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