neo's crap :D

Lots of stoner artists showing up lately! Really like the Torterra and Shroomish maybe do some more grass types? I would love a Venusaur in the same style as Torterra :D

Dan Dan:
>.> I tried. I really hate this. sorry it's so crap. I'll redo it sometime D:


Update on Dugtrio
is it any closer to emulating RG's awesome style yet? :D
Wow these look great and the red around the eyes seperate your art from other similar artists' such as rocket grunt. It looks as you finally established yourself of one of the best artists on smogon. Great Job! Congragulations! I hope you recieved your well deserved artist badge soon. :)
Wow these look great and the red around the eyes seperate your art from other similar artists' such as rocket grunt. It looks as you finally established yourself of one of the best artists on smogon. Great Job! Congragulations! I hope you recieved your well deserved artist badge soon. :)
I'm not even close to being one of the best artists on smogon. xP thanks

I tried making animations today. :D I'm using the same program as Cartoons, which is easytoons.

first animation:


I ripped the idea of a dancing egg off of someone on forums, but the bird part is my idea.
it has about 124 frames and took near two hours to make. C:
the bird was definitely the hardest part. D:
lol, the badge he was talking about is the artist badge that you can get by contributing art to the site (shows you are a good artist i guess).

I'm liking some of your new stuff, especially the sceptile that looks blazed, haha. Can't really figure the batman pic though.
lol, the badge he was talking about is the artist badge that you can get by contributing art to the site (shows you are a good artist i guess).

I'm liking some of your new stuff, especially the sceptile that looks blazed, haha. Can't really figure the batman pic though.
oh right. o:

for the batman, the thing to the right of the gray blob is the helmet, turned away. the block thing is a piece of shoulder armor



Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
Tbh, I like the works in your most recent post the best. I like the grungy Rocket Grunt-esque works, but while I agree imitation is a sincere form of flattery, I like seeing people emerge with their own style because it shows us how you progress along it and improve over time.

I would very much like to see these works finished~
God, I love that first one (dunno what it is but i don't really care), and the Feraligatr. Psyduck is pretty cool too but i just can't get over that feraligatr.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
Is that first one roserade? Because if it is.... I don't know but crap it's awesome.


my god if you don't have an iced tea for me when i
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
^It's a fire type Roserade from the "What would.. Pokemon [etc]" thread.

I'm jealous of how realistic and grungy you make these things >.< is it the colour scheme?

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