Nintendo 3DS Discussion Thread - Mark 2

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Chiming in to say that for me Bravely Default is really everything it's hyped up to be. There's a robust Jobs system, a deceptively simple battle system, and an adjustable encounter rate so you can either rush through dungeons with ease or grind to your heart's content; plus the fast forward and the auto-battle features makes grinding for Job Points a breeze. All in all if you like old school Final Fantasy games you will like Bravely Default.
Sounds great. I already have it preordered but this makes me want it more.


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
Conception 2: Children of the Seven Stars


This game looks very intriguing. The fact that it's a sequel and the original is Japan only is strange, but Chunsoft is making this so I have to get it fo sho. Apparently it's been attributed to being similar to Persona and Danganronpa.

Conception - For anyone interested in the gameplay mechanics.
Concept is weird but "breeding" characters isn't something we haven't done before so whatever. The ultrasound trailer thing was really weird. I might get it for the vita because my vita is lonely.
Chiming in to say that for me Bravely Default is really everything it's hyped up to be. There's a robust Jobs system, a deceptively simple battle system, and an adjustable encounter rate so you can either rush through dungeons with ease or grind to your heart's content; plus the fast forward and the auto-battle features makes grinding for Job Points a breeze. All in all if you like old school Final Fantasy games you will like Bravely Default.
Might snap up a copy of it when I can, it seems like it'll be interesting.
I think I'm getting bravely default for Xmas, along with the new professor Layton and hopefully a past aa game.

I haven't heard anyone talking about the new Layton at all. Why? The trailer looks really intriguing, is the game really not that good, or is it just that the flood of other big games at around the same time (3d world, link between worlds, x/y, dual destinies etc) drowned out Layton? I'm curious on this, cos I'm personally really pumped to play it, so wondering why no ones been talking about it anywhere at all.

I had the last Layton spoiled for me which adds to the excitement I have for this game, since I didn't really experience the same level of thrill with laytons reveal of the villain last year.


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I love the new LoZ. I haven't played it often but I get hooked whenever I do. I might get Bravely Default haven't decided yet.

I am really really excited for Kirby Triple Deluxe!


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I think I'm getting bravely default for Xmas, along with the new professor Layton and hopefully a past aa game.

I haven't heard anyone talking about the new Layton at all. Why? The trailer looks really intriguing, is the game really not that good, or is it just that the flood of other big games at around the same time (3d world, link between worlds, x/y, dual destinies etc) drowned out Layton? I'm curious on this, cos I'm personally really pumped to play it, so wondering why no ones been talking about it anywhere at all.

I had the last Layton spoiled for me which adds to the excitement I have for this game, since I didn't really experience the same level of thrill with laytons reveal of the villain last year.
There is no such thing as a bad Professor Layton game, I can assure you that Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy is a satisfying conclusion to the prequels, and effectively builds upon the two games that have come before it, as well as the film. The game's world feels like the richest one out of all the Layton games since you are solving disparate mysteries in many different locales instead of being confined to one place.
There is no such thing as a bad Professor Layton game, I can assure you that Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy is a satisfying conclusion to the prequels, and effectively builds upon the two games that have come before it, as well as the film. The game's world feels like the richest one out of all the Layton games since you are solving disparate mysteries in many different locales instead of being confined to one place.
thanks, I was really worried it might not be up to scratch with the previous games due to not hearing anything about it, but now I'm keener than ever to play it. Also the film was great, more people should watch that
Got Bravely Default for christmas, enjoying it so far - just got the airship. Reminds me a fair bit of symphonia and symphonia was one of my avourite games so that can only be a good thing. It just feels so polished - the characters, the graphics, the notes etc.

Chiming in to say A Link Between Worlds is short but very sweet. I had a lot of fun with this - the "merge into walls" gimmick felt very natural and was cool to use, the game looked great, lots of memorable moments (the thieves town dungeon, skull woods dungeon and dropping from moving platforms onto other platforms while inside a volcano). The puzzles were pretty easy though - im not sure if this was me getting older or that was the games problem but i was blazing through the dungeons at a rate of knots lol. Hero mode exists though so i guess that increases the longevity.

I'm hoping for a Persona Q localization though it may be a little early.
Speaking of persona, i also got this
Thoughts? Will start on after i finish Bravely Default so i will probably have lower expectations but idk.
I haven't heard much good about the SH remake, although personally I haven't played either the original or the 3ds one. DeSu overclocked and SMTIV were good modern updates to the series, but as I understand soul hackers has neither changed much nor aged well. If you appreciate the retro rpg feel you could like it, otherwise it will probably be underwhelming.
got link between worlds, azran legacy and Hollywood crimes for Christmas.

so far all I've played is azran legacy, and its fucking good. The music - oh my god the music. Its not an exaggeration to say this is one of the best video game soundtracks I've heard. As soon as I booted up the game and got to the menu, I knew it was going to be a good game thanks to the awesome theme for the game. There's also some really hilarious parts, this game made me laugh so much. Some of the best parts were Emmys description of descole, Layton in the duck mask and sycamores line about how years of the Saturday cryptic make one good at wordplay. Some of the puzzles in this game, however, irritate me. Near the start of the game, a lot of the puzzles were difficult even if they only had 20 or 30 picarats on offer. Then later on, some of the puzzles worth 40 or 50 picaracts were really simple, and just involved counting, to the point where I thought it was a trick and wrote something else instead, only to find out my original simple answer was correct. Also, the wording on a lot of the puzzles is bad. It makes me misunderstand what the puzzle is asking. For example, on the puzzle where you had to count the number of jewels on the crown, I thought the "ludicrously sized" one was the one on the top, as it was quite big and looked heavy. But this was wrong, and I wasted a bunch of picaracts. This happened with other questions too, where the wording would put me off and give me a wrong answer, while I could easily have figured it out with the right wording. Regardless, this is a great game and an awesome ending to the Layton series (though I haven't quite finished the game yet; at bronevs office)
I haven't heard much good about the SH remake, although personally I haven't played either the original or the 3ds one. DeSu overclocked and SMTIV were good modern updates to the series, but as I understand soul hackers has neither changed much nor aged well. If you appreciate the retro rpg feel you could like it, otherwise it will probably be underwhelming.
oh boy....
ok yeah azran legacy was awesome as fuck. i thought it was gonna be the first game to not make me cry at the end but then i cried like 3 times so its ok. THE MUSIC STAYS AMAZING THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH, im probably gonna dl the soundtrack for this shit. also at the end i thought i was gonna get to play curious village in 3d ;;;

Just got a 2DS a day ago, add me on your friend list: 3368-2483-8129
Im gonna get pokemon y and im gonna have enough for another game, any suggestions? Im thinking of just getting street fighter, I prefer a game with online multiplayer but am still open to suggestions!
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