Tournament NU Minitour III - Black STABbath [Won by FLCL!]

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predicting brawlfest loses
The Eevee General vs Brawlfest - TEG created STABmons I think. Brawl has no chance either way
Davon vs lolazo
Lasagne vs atomicllamas - surely llamas can beat his own teams
FLCL vs Rob.
Robert Alfons vs NotAGymLdr
Dat Blast vs Can-Eh-Dian - nice matchup but if I predict against Can-Eh-Dian again he'll murder me
galbia vs bye

Hax > Knowledge of the Meta SMH!!!


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if you increased the amount of byes in an earlier round to fix the amount of participants like how the ps tour bot does it then you wouldnt have this problem in the more important rounds

edit: won gg
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Brawlfest vs NotAGymLdr - No bias

galbia vs @FLCL - god level

Davon vs @atomicllamas - qt pi user and will innovate stronk

Dat Blast vs bye! - Really tough decision. Bye definitely has more skill, and will be able to outpredict Dat Blast. However, if Dat Blast has a good team matchup, I'm confident he will have a solid chance of pulling through. If Bye ends up bringing the CB Wurmple, it will force Dat Blast to counter by bringing the physically defensive Typhlosion in hopes to tank a bug bite, but if its the specs variant Typh will be crippled by Electroweb. Instead, Dat Blast has to double switch to a ground type preferably Trapinch to scout. However, Bye may predict Dat Blast's Typh + Ground defensive core and end up bringing a strong water type such as Feebas or Magikarp. This will be a huge issue, as with their powerful typing they will be able to muscle their way through the defensive core Dat Blast will attempt to bring. For this reason, Dat Blast must bring a water absorber such as Tympole, and conserve it throughout the entire match, or he will be sure to lose. However, if Bye brings TWO water types e.g. the double Magikarp core, Dat Blast will for sure get bodied. overall, I think both players have a solid chance at winning, but it ultimately comes down to team matchup and predictions, hopefully hax won't be too large an issue, although if either player brings the Razor Claw Super Luck Pidove we may be thrown into a very interesting match, but hopefully the other player is smart enough to bring lucky chant togepi :]
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