Tournament OUPL IV - Week 1

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''GG'' was in this poor little kids head, bluffed Z with tran on hippo knowing hed go pex, get trapped, killed and then 6-0d by zor BUT OFC HiyeHaxHomo had to do it to me, ferociously, and of course skillfuly, dodges the magma.... but it is alright.... I could stil beat this little spaghetti finger man up. skip to the end of the battle and i masterfully u turn on ahaze whe he was low and all I had to do was connect my magma and win
BUT NO, HiyeHaxHomo as not havin it. He had to dodge again, just like he dodgin these FACTS and ignoring it. ''GG'' u were about to get exposed ito the shadowrealm but all u do is rob people. We gon keep it movin tho..... PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTT
I wonder why smogtours can't be a fun place for people to play the game and have fun. I just watched the whole game and reading the chat was disgusting. Sure the misses sucked, and sure its natural that you would feel annoyed but why can't people just realize that this is mons. No need to bash others just because its over a TCP/IP connection and you can blab out insults and mean things just cuz there are no consequences. I only wish that smogon tourneys have decency and basic humanity while talking to others. The mood would have been much better if the game was played in a civilized manner and with polite and respectful gg's at the end. But I think at this point it is too much to ask for..... quite the sad state indeed.
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