
If this needs to be moved, then someone please move it.

Updated for better user interface

Im introducing a "new" damage calculator. Same old same old, right? well, kinda but no. This is an excel file calculator so that means that damage calcs are done way faster than on any online calculator since as soon as you type the stats you get the damage, you dont need to click on calculate, refresh or anything. This is an accurate calculator, it will produce the same results as libelldra all of the time, and as since everyone knows, libelldra is quite reliable

Aside from having a normal calculator this also has a team weakness chart, just fill the typing of your pokes on the six boxes on the right of the one entitled "team weakness chart" and youll get the results on the chart,
most weaknesses and most resists table. As well as biggest team threat based on your tier, pretty fucking cool

"speed tiers" Or, what could my pokemon outspeed with a neutral/positive/positive scarf nature

Opp EV calculator.
So, aside from having a normal damage calculator, this thing can output the estimated atk/satk of your opponent pokes, how is this useful? well different biulds of pokes invest different amounts of EVs, so knowing what particular set theyre running seems useful to me. Aside from the fact that once you get theyre ATK stat, you can calculate how much it will do to other pokes on your team

Easy stats
Just input the base stat in the "stat" box and you will get max damage, max damage with a positive nature, min damage with a negative nature, stat +1 and stat +2, and also, you can type the amount of evs you want in the "EV" cell to have the negative, neutral and positive nature total stat

still working on it, but so far its pretty useful for team building

Anyway, if you have any suggestions or questions, just ask away

Download Link:

I was talking to you on shoddy about this but my internet kept making it disconnect and fffffffff it was too much trouble to reconnect again and again lol

okay so suggestions.

- in the "stat table" instead of inputting "236" for a base 100 stat, just input "100" and have excel convert that to "236".
- for the team weakness section have it auto lookup types although this seems kind of hard to program (and tbh I don't see the point in this kind of thing anyways)
- for user friendliness clean up the "variables" section. mod1, mod2, mod3, R, etc, it just looks very industrial.
- also for the variables section, have an option to input base stat + evs instead of just the final stat. maybe have a side box for that option then have it input into the main variable box. dunno how excel programming works.
- for the opp ev calc have something that does the opposite of the suggestion right above this. give the approximate stats of the opponent but maybe next to that have something that takes the base stat and using that with the approximate stats gives you the EVs of the opponent (useful for looking up sets on smogon I suppose)

this is pretty cool because I could see myself making something exactly like this if only I wasn't lazy and figured out the damage formula. although now that I think about it my suggestions are kind of turning this into CardsOfTheHeart's Pokemon Resource :/.

I was talking to you on shoddy about this but my internet kept making it disconnect and fffffffff it was too much trouble to reconnect again and again lol

okay so suggestions.

- in the "stat table" instead of inputting "236" for a base 100 stat, just input "100" and have excel convert that to "236".
Done and done
- for the team weakness section have it auto lookup types although this seems kind of hard to program (and tbh I don't see the point in this kind of thing anyways)
Done and done

- for user friendliness clean up the "variables" section. mod1, mod2, mod3, R, etc, it just looks very industrial.
- also for the variables section, have an option to input base stat + evs instead of just the final stat. maybe have a side box for that option then have it input into the main variable box. dunno how excel programming works.
working on it
- for the opp ev calc have something that does the opposite of the suggestion right above this. give the approximate stats of the opponent but maybe next to that have something that takes the base stat and using that with the approximate stats gives you the EVs of the opponent (useful for looking up sets on smogon I suppose)
Working onj it, but the main problem here is this:

Lets say i have a base stat of 70 and i input 108 avs into attack for a final stat of 350
That stat can also be constructed from a 100 base and 52 attack evs or

90 base and 80 attack evs or
50 base and 160 attack evs or
40 base and 252 attack evs and so on

this is pretty cool because I could see myself making something exactly like this if only I wasn't lazy and figured out the damage formula. although now that I think about it my suggestions are kind of turning this into CardsOfTheHeart's Pokemon Resource :/.
I'm too lazy to post in the thread :P

what about LC pokemon, if its not too hard could you program them in and stuff? I mean i generally just do LC battling and this seems really good :P

Sure thing, but i dont know the slightest thing about LC, just explain it to me and ill do it
you could always check out the brand new subforum, it has everything you need to know about LC, ev distribution, speed tiers in the making and other random stuff. I say you dont need a threat list for LC, its really futile considering even the best of teams often have some unorthodoz thing that fucks their teams up ( first thing that comes to mind is Agilityke and often some Snover ).
I noticed a couple of things during a quick glance at the program:
- It thinks Starmie is Water/Electric and Sudowoodo is Rock/Grass. There may be other inaccuracies, those are the two I spotted.
- It neglects the effects of abilities (most notably Levitate). I hope that isn't difficult to fix, because it throws off both the weakness chart proper and the related tools, like the nifty little "top threats" box.
I noticed a couple of things during a quick glance at the program:
- It thinks Starmie is Water/Electric and Sudowoodo is Rock/Grass. There may be other inaccuracies, those are the two I spotted.
- It neglects the effects of abilities (most notably Levitate). I hope that isn't difficult to fix, because it throws off both the weakness chart proper and the related tools, like the nifty little "top threats" box.
Starmie is water/psychic, sudowoodo is rock grass, ill change it.
Ill see what i can do about abilities, but theyre a hassle to do

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