Pokemon Generations: Anime shorts series featuring game highlights from all generations


Impressively round
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Yes, we, the player, didn't know who the 8th Gym was. We knew Giovanni as the leader of Team Rocket and then, GASP, he's also the 8th Gym Leader! However I'm talking about from the viewpoint of the Pokemon League and an intelligence collecting agency. You can't just say you're a Gym Leader, you need to be approved I'd imagine. For an agency doing an investigation on Giovanni one of his occupations should say "Gym Leader" as that would be his public persona.
Pretty sure it was not known by literally anyone who was Viridian's Gym Leader, iirc it was closed for fair while before the beginning of the games. Looker is quite shocked in the video when he finds out.

Anyways, loving these videos so far, am also among the people who would love a Suicune/Eusine episode.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Pretty sure it was not known by literally anyone who was Viridian's Gym Leader, iirc it was closed for fair while before the beginning of the games. Looker is quite shocked in the video when he finds out.
But what sense does that make? He has to have been approved to be a Gym Leader, his Badge is recognized as official. Are you telling me Viridian City didn't know who their Gym Leader was? The International Police never checked on what Giovanni's public persona was nor checked to see who the Gym Leader of Viridian Gym was when they discovered Giovanni was there? He had to have had challengers in the past, otherwise what's the point of being a Gym Leader (remember one of Giovanni's things is that he believes himself to be the strongest trainer, so wouldn't he use his Gym Leader position to prove that by beating any trainer who challenges him?). It was only closed in the beginning of the Gen I games because he started a bigger Team Rocket campaign just before the player started their journey, once he opened it back up he even accepted a challenge from Blue. And finally, being a Gym Leader is a pretty good cover for a crime boss.

We, as the player, weren't told who the 8th Gym Leader was because it was meant to be a surprise to us. We first encountered Giovanni as the boss of Team Rocket, meanwhile every Gym Leader we faced felt like upstanding citizens of their community. It was meant to be a surprise to the player to then find out Giovanni was the Viridian Gym Leader, showing how Team Rocket were able to be so influential and hide under the radar for so long. It was meant to be only a twist to the player, I don't know why it was treated to also be a surprise to anyone else especially an organization whose part of their job is collecting intel.


Robot from the Future
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Orange Islands
I wish these had been longer. Much longer. The first was basically Red just travelling around... The second we actually got some meat. Looker appearing with cops using Pokemon to bash down walls etc.

My friend and I both had a good laugh at Arcanine melting the wall, obviously then no one could get through the molten concrete hole that was left... Worst idea ever. The Machamp breaching the wall made a lot more sense, and I loved the Magnemite shorting out the lock. It makes you wonder why crime isn't absolutely rampant in the Pokeworld though.
I wish these had been longer. Much longer. The first was basically Red just travelling around... The second we actually got some meat. Looker appearing with cops using Pokemon to bash down walls etc.

My friend and I both had a good laugh at Arcanine melting the wall, obviously then no one could get through the molten concrete hole that was left... Worst idea ever. The Machamp breaching the wall made a lot more sense, and I loved the Magnemite shorting out the lock. It makes you wonder why crime isn't absolutely rampant in the Pokeworld though.
Maybe they had a Water Pokemon to cool it down...but that's my headcanon.
But what sense does that make? He has to have been approved to be a Gym Leader, his Badge is recognized as official. Are you telling me Viridian City didn't know who their Gym Leader was? The International Police never checked on what Giovanni's public persona was nor checked to see who the Gym Leader of Viridian Gym was when they discovered Giovanni was there? He had to have had challengers in the past, otherwise what's the point of being a Gym Leader (remember one of Giovanni's things is that he believes himself to be the strongest trainer, so wouldn't he use his Gym Leader position to prove that by beating any trainer who challenges him?). It was only closed in the beginning of the Gen I games because he started a bigger Team Rocket campaign just before the player started their journey, once he opened it back up he even accepted a challenge from Blue. And finally, being a Gym Leader is a pretty good cover for a crime boss.

We, as the player, weren't told who the 8th Gym Leader was because it was meant to be a surprise to us. We first encountered Giovanni as the boss of Team Rocket, meanwhile every Gym Leader we faced felt like upstanding citizens of their community. It was meant to be a surprise to the player to then find out Giovanni was the Viridian Gym Leader, showing how Team Rocket were able to be so influential and hide under the radar for so long. It was meant to be only a twist to the player, I don't know why it was treated to also be a surprise to anyone else especially an organization whose part of their job is collecting intel.
I remember that the gym guy tells the player even he doesn't know who the Gym Leader is... well, if we don't take the fact the statue OUTRIGHT SAYS IT'S GIOVANNI at face value.

It's been inconsistent since forever.
Oh boy so I've actually watched these now, and my oh my I love 'em.

The first short had a lot of dynamic battle snippets, which is cool. I love the one where they were fighting Noivern while riding on a minecart at high speeds. That's my jam yo.

And also how Pikachu just casually flipped up a tile in the room with Volcarona to avoid its attack. I don't know whether Pikachu decided to do that on its own, or if its trainer told it to do that, but one of them is pretty smart. It also indicates that we will be seeing more of these kinds of strategies in future videos, which is great. Obviously you can't do this kind of stuff in the games because of how they're programmed, so it's always nice to see things like this once you break out of the games' programming limitations.

Not sure what was the point in having legendaries in the video, though. They don't really do anything, they just seem kinda...there. It feels like this video was about a bunch of random fights, so having legendaries randomly appear in the middle of them just seemed kinda...weird?
Oh also Probopass fighting with its multiple noses. That was cool. I liked that.


This one was...honestly, probably even better than the first one. Just seeing Looker struggling to get intel about Team Rocket is entertaining. And then the raid. That was great too. You could clearly see how the police could use Pokemon to get stuff done. Magnemite as a hacker, Arcanine and Machamp to break down walls, etc.

It was weird to see policemen without guns, as that's generally what you think of when you think police, but to be entirely fair, if you had Pokemon, what would even be the point in having a gun? So hey, not really anything too odd.

As for why Looker had so much difficulty figuring out it was Giovanni? Well the short is uh, too short to really give any context for this. But I could guess.

Looker's from Sinnoh right? He wouldn't be from the location of Kanto, so stuff going on there wouldn't naturally be in his intel.

On top of that, I'm sure the Pokemon League wouldn't really want to admit that they hired someone who turned out to be a criminal, so they'd proooooobably surpress that information. And sure there'd probably be private citizens who happen to know who Giovanni is, but see, I doubt everyone pays attention to the league info and stuff. I doubt everyone even cares about pokemon battling in general. So finding regular people who know about the eighth gym leader would be rather...difficult. It'd require you to go from door to door and go "Yooooo so dat eighth gym leader, you know 'em?" And that would assume that they knew to check whether Giovanni was a gym leader or not.

How would they have figured that out? By checking the internet? The Pokemon League wouldn't want to admit that Giovanni is one of their leaders, and they'd probably censor anything on the internet that does. Pokemon Black and White basically reveals that the Pokemon League might as well be the government, and well, governments do that all the time.

So yeah, I can totally see how they'd struggle a bit to figure out where to find the guy.

Anyway about the episodes themselves, I'm a little disappointed that they aren't just a little longer, but oh well. They're fun.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Okay, let me act something out because no one seems to be getting what I'm trying to say:

*Looker arrives to Kanto's International Police Division*
Kanto's International Police Chief: You must be agent Looker.
Looker: Yes, I was sent here to help with the investigation of Team Rocket. What do we know so far?
Chief: As you've been probably briefed while arriving here, Team Rocket is a multi-region criminal syndicate who steal and poach Pokemon to sell on the black market. They're too organized and wide spread to just be a batch of criminals, they must have a leader orchestrating the whole thing.
Looker: And whom might this leader be?
Chief: We don't know but we have a prime suspect, a man named Giovanni.
*Gives Giovanni's portfolio to Looker*
Looker: A thin portfolio.
Chief: Giovanni is very secretive, keeps to himself, but we were able to link a recent raid on a Game Corner to him after jumping through a few hoops. All our intelligence agency was able to dig up on him was any public activity and business transactions he done. He was all clean, until the Game Corner raid.
Looker: All his businesses look legit... huh? One of his occupation says Gym Leader?
Chief: Yeah, Viridian Gym Leader specifically. Though not that many know it. He's frequently away from his Gym and when he's there any trainer who challenges him he defeats, it's been so long since he needed to give a Badge the sign outside of his Gym had worn down.
Looker: Why would a leader of a criminal organization have such an attention drawing job?
Chief: We asked our psycho-analysts that and they believe he might have a superiority complex. What info we could get from arrested Team Rocket members was that their boss told them all Pokemon were meant for the use of Team Rocket and he is a master as Pokemon Battling. Giovanni believes he and Team Rocket are better than everyone else and one way he proves that is being good at Pokemon battling.
Looker: Had you asked the Pokemon League about Giovanni's Gym Leader status?
Chief: He's official. He took the tests, passed the background checks, and did it all faster than any previous Gym Leader. The head of the Pokemon League doesn't seem aware of Giovanni's involvement with Team Rocket but financial records have revealed around that time Giovanni donated a large amount of money to the Pokemon League.
Looker: So he paid his way in, Pokemon League probably not questioning or he has connections with someone on the inside.
Chief: Whatever the case going through the Pokemon League was a dead end.
Looker: If we have enough evidence to pin him as the prime suspect why haven't we arrested him?
Chief: Lately Giovanni has been away from his Gym and other businesses. Around that same time Team Rocket's activity spiked including a massive raid on Silph Co.. It's why you were called in, we believe whatever Giovanni had been planning he's finally initiating it and we need one of our best agents to help arrest him.
Looker: Then let's get started, first let's start with his last known location, also I'll need all intel gathered about the Game Corner and Silph Co. raid...

As soon as Giovanni was pinned as a prime suspect their intelligence department should have dug up every single public activity and financial records they could on him. One of those surely would have pointed him to being a Gym Leader.

But you know what, we're beating a dead horse at this point. Let's just end this topic with saying the writer's choosing to go with what was said in the games (ignoring that what was done in the games was done so to make it a surprise to the player).

Not sure what was the point in having legendaries in the video, though. They don't really do anything, they just seem kinda...there. It feels like this video was about a bunch of random fights, so having legendaries randomly appear in the middle of them just seemed kinda...weird?
Well Legendaries are one of the staples of Pokemon so I guess they just wanted to have them show up to attract people to the shorts and show the Pokemon World is even more fantastic than these quick segments show.

Looker's from Sinnoh right? He wouldn't be from the location of Kanto, so stuff going on there wouldn't naturally be in his intel.
We don't know where Looker is from. He was a foreigner in Sinnoh and Unova as you can tell from him speaking funny, but in Kalos he was apparently speaking perfectly clear so its a possible hint he might be from Kalos or a nearby region.

On top of that, I'm sure the Pokemon League wouldn't really want to admit that they hired someone who turned out to be a criminal, so they'd proooooobably surpress that information. And sure there'd probably be private citizens who happen to know who Giovanni is, but see, I doubt everyone pays attention to the league info and stuff. I doubt everyone even cares about pokemon battling in general. So finding regular people who know about the eighth gym leader would be rather...difficult. It'd require you to go from door to door and go "Yooooo so dat eighth gym leader, you know 'em?" And that would assume that they knew to check whether Giovanni was a gym leader or not.

How would they have figured that out? By checking the internet? The Pokemon League wouldn't want to admit that Giovanni is one of their leaders, and they'd probably censor anything on the internet that does. Pokemon Black and White basically reveals that the Pokemon League might as well be the government, and well, governments do that all the time.
I addressed that all above in my little script, but to break it down:

1. Pokemon League wouldn't know he's the leader of Team Rocket. Only the player knew he was the leader of Team Rocket. The Pokemon League would just know him as a businessman and powerful trainer who signed on to be the Viridian Gym Leader. He probably has enough money and influence to his his secret and slip through the system to get certified. After that I doubt the Pokemon League cares what he does as long as he's battling trainers and giving out Badges to the winners.

2. You have a point about many citizens not caring. While other town & cities would know their Gym Leader as they probably help the community I doubt Giovanni does. At most they'd probably know they have a Gym but that's all they can really say. However surely there must be some records, be it a financial report or a tourist pamphlet, that may mention the Gym and who's in charge of maintaining it.

3. Financial reports, town/city records, news reports; we're talking about a government agency, they have access to a LOT of government records or resources to check all sorts of news and other media that would possibly link to Giovanni.

But as I said, let's just end the discussion. What has been done has been done.


Eventide (art by @kzhjp)
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Ugh, that dialogue.

Lance is definitely voiced by Ben Diskin, so all we need is Paul St. Peter as Cyrus (we need some gloriously cold ham) for the full Xehanort invasion. I think I also caught Laura Bailey as the ice chick whose name I can never remember.

The shot from the trailer that people thought was showing N's Castle was actually that room in the Elite Four. They really front-loaded that trailer.
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Gotta agree with Karxrida on the dialogue. It's pretty campy.

Something I noticed about the Elite 4's building is that it looks like they can be challenged in any order, similar to how 5th and 6th gen was done. Yet, they still have the doors to each others rooms and are battled in a specific order. I know why, I just don't understand why the building would look the way it does then. Guess it was just an aesthetic choice. Or maybe they weren't actually coming out of their rooms in the beginning. I liked seeing the Elite 4 interact with each other.

The perspective flip for Boobs Lorelei's battle was a neat touch. Not really much else to say about that. Poor Agatha (and especially Gengar) got the shaft for sure. We didn't get to see either of her Pokemon in action. My baby Gengar looked so cool and then nothing came out of it. :/ Still, I guess it's made up for with the conversation they had. It's interesting seeing Blue and Agatha interact the way they did, considering that Agatha has a history with Professor Oak that went foul. From this episode, we learn that Agatha knows that Blue is Oak's grandson, and what she expects of him for being so. Blue takes offense to her accusations, which makes me wonder what their relationship is in this universe. IIRC, their relationship seems fine in the games, and Blue had no issues with trying to complete the pokedex. I don't mind the different characterization though. It just makes me interested to see more of them in this universe.

Due to having to cram the Elite 4 all in one episode, the fights weren't really all that dynamic. Kinda disappointing, but oh well. This episode just seems like a hype-up for Red vs Blue, and it succeeded. I'm really hoping that's what we get next.


Eventide (art by @kzhjp)
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Skipping ahead to Johto is more likely. They only have 18 episodes to cover 6 regions (thus 3 episodes per region), and so far we've gotten 2 stories showing stuff that happened off-screen.
Skipping ahead to Johto is more likely. They only have 18 episodes to cover 6 regions (thus 3 episodes per region), and so far we've gotten 2 stories showing stuff that happened off-screen.
Hm, I suppose so. I just assumed Red vs Blue was gonna happen because it was kind of a big event. Though yeah, looking back it, they're mainly going over stuff we don't see in the games. It's possible all the episodes are gonna be like this.
Hm, I suppose so. I just assumed Red vs Blue was gonna happen because it was kind of a big event. Though yeah, looking back it, they're mainly going over stuff we don't see in the games. It's possible all the episodes are gonna be like this.
The main reason why I don't see this happening, is the fact that that battle is already covered in Pokemon Origins. So it would imo be a waste to spend a whole episode on it, when we are already low on episodes to begin with. Plus there are so many more interesting stories to cover then just another battle.


Junichi Masuda likes this!!
This episode is soooo good! It gave me the thrill. I haven't been so excited by an anime for a long while.
Nice to see that the E4 has speaking lines, unlike Pokemon the Origin.
The E4 building is so large. I wish we could have another remake that can show this level of epicness. Even the graphics in GBA did not do it justice.

I have to watch it twice.

Oh I love Gengar's intro


Ranting & Raving!
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Click here for video
0:09: A statue of Nike/Victoria, the Greek/Roman Goddess of victory? Alright, just seems like a bit of an odd inclusion especially since Victini was based on her.
0:46: Really Lorelei, ice puns?
1:01: Ah, so this is the Kanto Elite Four and not N's Castle with the Unova Elite Four going into it (what I thought was Shauntel's collar was actually Lance's cape). Well I guess that's two more things to strike out that the trailer has showed us.
1:17: And thus began the greatest battles of egos ever, who will come out as the biggest egotist (as if we don't already know)?
1:43: Dead. Blue, you said you'll smash her ice into a million pieces (out of context that sounds a bit squicky) not her Lapras's shell.
2:06: That would have been more impressive, Bruno, if you were the one battling.
2:16: Not dead, but I'm pretty sure Bruno has a few crushed ribs and maybe a spine injury.
2:48: Hm? Does Blue have a issues with Professor Oak? I always took Blue's relation with Professor Oak being one where Blue was trying to gain approval from his grandfather, hiding behind an arrogant attitude and acting like he's the best. I guess there would be a bit of discontent between the two though Blue's response seems to indicate he may hold a bigger grudge against Professor Oak than originally thought. And yes, I know, this is probably something added onto by the writers to add more characteristics where there originally was none though since this series is more closer to the games I do wonder if maybe the dialogue and actions are more what we were suppose to take from these characters.
3:28: Yes, your army of dragons, which includes a Gyarados and Aerodactyl.
3:50: Was Blue talking to Blastoise or Lance? Speaking of which we saw in the introductory trailer that Red was using Bulbasaur so shouldn't in this adaption Blue have a Charizard? Or is this maybe meant to be a sort of add-on to origins?
4:13: Now kiss...
4:26: And now you get to sit on a throne for all of eternity. I mean, it sounded like the Elite Four were waiting for a challenger for ages how long would it take for the next one to appea... oh you know where this joke is going.

Overall it was a nice and quick synopsis of Blue's run through the Kanto Elite Four to become Champion, seeing a bit of what was going on through his head like proving he was the best, some insight on his relation with Professor Oak, and then his eagerness for Red to appear. If I had any complaints I would have liked to see him do the finishing blows against Agatha's Gengar and Lance's Dragonite but that time was spent on developing his character so it wasn't wasted.

Though thinking about, while it was nice seeing Blue's Kanto Elite Four run, I'm more curious about what happened after Red beats him. What did he do after? How did he eventually become Viridian Gym Leader? I don't think we'll see that now, but maybe for a future project they may explore that missing gap in Blue's character.
Episode 3:

Right off the bat we see the four E4 members. This actually reveals they know when a trainer has collected all the gym badges, which is a pretty neat touch. Therefore they can actually prepare for them. They also highlight how long it's been since they last had a challenger, which is also a neat touch. Bruno looks rather weird, but I can live with that.

We then see him battle and defeat Lorelei's Lapras and we see how much he loves to brag. Even more than his game incarnation, from what I can tell. Short but sweet sequence.

Bruno, of course you lost, he used a Flying Type! We see him brag even more here. "We haven't even begun to get serious".

We then see him fight Agatha. While we didn't get to see him defeat Gengar, the conversation they had was quite interesting. Apparently Blue is very adament he does not want to be compared to Oak. Also, can I take a moment to say how much I LOVE GENGAR COMING OUT OF THE POKEBALL ON THE STAFF AND HOW MUCB THE SHADOW SLIDES ACROSS THE FLOOR AND ITS SO AMAZING.

Blue seems less cocky against Lance, but...come on Lance...you're the leader of the E4, why did you use a non stab, not very effective move that comes off the inferior SpA stat...come on...oh well, the battle looks cool, and we don't see Blue insta-wrecking Dragonite like we see Lapras/Machamp/Arbok. Neat battle.

Then we see how he anticipates a battle with Red. Not much to say here.

All in all a good episode, I prefer it over the Region Montage of Episode 1, but I find Looker and Episode 2 to be edging out this episode for now.
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Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
We then see him battle and defeat Loreli's (plese correct spelling) Lapras and we see how much he loves to brag. Even more than his game incarnation, from what I can tell. Short but sweet sequence.

Blue seems less cocky against Lance, but...come on Lance...you're the leader of the E4, why did you use a non stab, not very effective move that comes off the inferior SpA stat...come on...oh well, the battle looks cool, and we don't see Blue insta-wrecking Dragonite like we see Lapras/Machamp/Arbok. Neat battle.
Lance was known for his use of Hyper Beam in Gen I even though it doesn't get STAB (though it did go off the Attack stat until Gen IV). I don't criticize him using it here as these are based on the Gen I games. I will, however, criticize Lance using it in the Pokemon World Tournament though.
I really liked how the Rival (Blue?) is depicted as more arrogant than his character in the games, and acts more like his interpretation in Origins. It reminds me of the end of Origins' Cubone episode.
I really liked how the Rival (Blue?) is depicted as more arrogant than his character in the games, and acts more like his interpretation in Origins. It reminds me of the end of Origins' Cubone episode.
He's pretty arrogant in RBY/FRLG. He even claims he's the "best pokemon trainer in the world" (or something along those lines) after becoming champion. He just tones it down after his defeat at the hands of Red because character development.
This would have been so much better if that was a 20 minute episode. Just glance over the first 3 members and show the whole fight with Lance.

Lance was known for his use of Hyper Beam in Gen I even though it doesn't get STAB (though it did go off the Attack stat until Gen IV). I don't criticize him using it here as these are based on the Gen I games. I will, however, criticize Lance using it in the Pokemon World Tournament though.
But he's the leader of the E4, in Gen 1 KOing with Hyper Beam doesn't get you a recharge turn so it makes sense but here...come on he should know better than to use Flamethrower of all things.

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