Done Quote Suggestions

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is a Battle Simulator Staff Alumnus
1. /quote shouldn't allow you to quote a sentence (even if it's funny for trolling people), it feels better if it's just /addquote like it already is or /quote add

2. The /quotes page should show each quote's index, so there doesn't need to be any counting done (show the 1st quote, 2nd quote, etc...), just make it more obvious what position each quote is in, this will make it easier to remove a specific quote.

3. Along with that, /viewquote [number] should pull up a specific quote from that index.


Be the serpent under't
is a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Community Leaderis a Programmer
PS Admin
Second 2 seem reasonable enough. Will do in a bit.
As for the first one, why? /quote is what most people are used to (/addquote is actually just an alias).


is a Battle Simulator Staff Alumnus
Second 2 seem reasonable enough. Will do in a bit.
As for the first one, why? /quote is what most people are used to (/addquote is actually just an alias).
That one was probably the one I wanted the least, but my reasoning was that it's rather annoying to have some commands that require a more specific function (like /hangman create, /modlog user=, etc. excuse my lack of coding terminology lol), while others don't.

Unfortunately it's somewhat of an issue when looking up help for these commands, since using /staffintro help or /quote help will have the major opposite effect of what was intended. It's probably a me thing since these mix-ups have actually happened to me, but it's not like a pressing issue :P


Be the serpent under't
is a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Community Leaderis a Programmer
PS Admin
I see. I'm going to leave it as is for now since that's the pattern a lot of people are used to, and I haven't heard of it being a problem before now.
I did the rest here. It'll be live on next chat patch (will try to get one in today).
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