Saw Mafia

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formerly david stone
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You awake with a splitting headache in a strange room. You find a tape and a tape player in your pocket (what you received via PM). After listening to your tape, you begin to explore. You meet other people in this strange house, and you all begin to gather in one large area. You count 41 people in the room. Finally, one last straggler enters, and a tape begins to play.

Hello, Smogon users. Every one of you has an illness, something for which you deserve to die. But you have all been given an opportunity to redeem yourselves. Humanity, it seems, is a victim of its own "success". Having destroyed all natural competitors, the only thing capable of truly undermining human civilization is humanity itself. And what a fine job it has done so far. People engage in self-destructive behavior every day. Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you... not anymore.

By now I'm sure you are wondering where you are. For many of you, you are in the house that you die in. This house is full of traps, and to get out alive, you'll have to work together. But who can you trust?

You all have common bonds, and discovering these bonds will be the key to your success. However, rather than letting you discover just what the ties that bind you are, I shall tell you. You have been divided based on the sin that controlled your life.

Many of you have lived your life full of lust, absorbed by physical appearance. To survive, you're going to look past your shallow perception of your fellow 'volunteers' and discover who truly deserves your trust.

Some gain the trust of others, only to betray them when their help is needed most. Now the tables are turned, and to survive this test, you will need to put your trust in those who are as undeserving of it as you are.

Others are dominated by wrath. Too worked up by the perceived slights of others, you are unable to realize when you are at fault. Now is your chance to prove that your anger is justified.

If you want to survive, you'll have to play a game. But there are rules.
During the night, many special roles get to do their thing (for instance, the two "mafia" groups get to select one person to kill). Everyone else just sits tight and waits to see what the day brings.

During the day, people get to discuss the game, and decide who to lynch. To vote for a player, you type something like Lynch Hipmonlee or perhaps color it. Votes that aren't in bold or colored will not be counted. You cast your lynch vote only during the day, and you do it in this thread.

Days will last 48-72 hours (I say how long each day will last). Nights will last 24-48 hours (I say when it ends). Day ends at the time limit for sure. Generally, day also ends when there is a majority vote to lynch someone (if a majority isn't reached, then the person with the most votes at day's end is lynched).

You can talk to whoever you want, day or night.

There are 10 people aligned with the Wrathful. There are 13 aligned with the Betrayers. Everyone else is aligned with the Lustful. I make no promises that your math will work out, however.

Night time deaths are night time deaths. In general, there is no way to distinguish a person killed by group 1 from a person killed by special ability a.

When your group is the only group left, you win! You win with the group. Even if you are lynched day 1 and are part of Mafia A, if Mafia A ends up winning, you win as well.

When you die, you are dead. If you say anything relating to the game after you are dead in the thread, in another thread, on IRC, in PM, or anywhere else, I will personally hunt you down and give at as severe an infraction as I can. Do not ruin the game for everyone else just because you're bitter over losing / are generally a bad human being. This includes stuff like "Oh man now that I'm dead Lesm is going to eat you all because he's the wolf!". There are no "last words"; you don't get a "dying breath". You die when I post a message saying you are dead.

Do not copy + paste anything I send you in PM (in other words, what I send you the first night, for most of you). The exceptions to this would be all members of both mafia (they can copy and paste only to each other) and anyone I expressly allowed to do so in PM.

If you have any questions about your roles, don't hesitate to PM me. If you are in a group with a leader, you may want to ask this leader questions first, as they may have the relevant information.

This night will last until 2008-Jan-03 at 00:00. However, there is one more thing which you may want to know. Attempting to use any special role abilities tonight may have a higher price than you are willing to pay for the results. Use your powers wisely.

This day will last until 2008-Jan-06 00:00. Day 1 began here.

This night will last until 2008-Jan-08 00:00. Night 2 began here.

This day will last until 2008-Jan-11 00:00. Day 2 began here.

This night will last until 2008-Jan-14 00:00. Night 3 began here.

Game over.

You can go to #saw for real-time chat, but all final decisions must be posted on the forum.

The following players are in this game:

1. Max
2. Lord Gloom
3. Gormenghast
4. Shiv
5. Jackal
6. StrangerDanger
7. BlueKirby
8. Fishin
9. Mr .378
10. Thunderpup
11. m0nkfish: Wrathful
12. SePh
13. Pidgeot79
14. Lord_Sunday
15. Hipmonlee: Lustful
16. Dak
17. Mekkah
18. Hyra
19. Venom
20. cookie
21. CaptKirby
22. Judgement
23. Basics: Lustful
24. the Lexx
25. gmax
26. West
27. Zephyrman
28. Portugeez
29. cook
30. WER
31. gsumbreon
32. GetThunderStruck
33. R2-D2-Rules!
34. Bioshock: Lustful
35. Minwu
36. Isy
37. Bulblax
38. zerowing
39. JimBob
40. koalakid
41. Havak
42. Pillowrath

It is currently day time.

Let the game begin.


I'm not retarded I'm Canadian it's different
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this is amazing, obi you are awesome.

He left out a rule though: dont kill Jackal night one. I'm just trying to live my life.

actually i might not die night one, alex isnt playing it appears!


formerly david stone
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Just to clarify this even further to avoid any confusion...

If you have a special night-time ability, you want to PM me with your target, you don't want to PM the target.


formerly david stone
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Sorry for the poor audio quality, I had to pass it through 2 devices. I"m working on making improvements, though. I have no idea what's up with that second paragraph lol.


formerly david stone
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Programmer Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
To clear some confusion and to save me from sending out multiple sets of mass PMs, allow me to explain some dynamics.

Day-time votings are done by bolding or coloring the name of the person you want to vote by saying Vote Obi. No other method of voting is counted.

Night-time kills are done by PMing me. However, for the two major mafias (Wrathful and Betrayers), because there are so many of you, and you only get one kill during the night, it is up to your leader to choose the kill. You have to convince him who you want to kill, and then he PMs me. If you PM me with a decision of who to kill, it will be ignored. However, I will give you one more warning about making hasty kills this first night.

If the leader of one of the mafias dies, he is replaced by a random 'regular' mafioso. (Mafia = Wrathful or Betrayers)

Hint: do not reveal your role to anyone. Everyone wants to be seen as one of the Lustful (a villager).

If you are one of the Lustful, don't fret. You may be what is called an "activated <other role>", meaning you may get special powers later when certain conditions are met.
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