Sharkpups, Grassdinos, and Playbunnies [GTS giveaway]

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Couldn't find it or it's been sniped. Again? After only 10 minutes? A direct trade may be better. Let me know when you've added me.
Lol someone's trolling us. I've added you and coming online :) Take a look through my thread and let me know if you like any female spitback :p

edit: online :D
May I have a female Chikorita, please?

Orange Flabebe is up, though asking for Chandelure because no Chikorita's to select, and my IGN is Kei.

Thank you!
May I have a female Chikorita, please?

Orange Flabebe is up, though asking for Chandelure because no Chikorita's to select, and my IGN is Kei.

Thank you!
Aaaaaaand I just realized (two hours later) that picking Chandelure completely defeats the point. I'll watch a little and put it back up later when I can select it. Thanks for your patience!
Aaaaaaand I just realized (two hours later) that picking Chandelure completely defeats the point. I'll watch a little and put it back up later when I can select it. Thanks for your patience!
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Either way, couldn't find it.
Pretty sure its because of my total noob-ness. I've gone to the GTS and I can't select Chikorita as the 'mon I'm looking for. Fairly certain I'm just being dumb.
That's because you haven't seen it in your dex yet. When you have to select the first letter of the Pokemon, just scroll down until you get to 'What Pokemon?' and type in the Pokemon's name.
That's because you haven't seen it in your dex yet. When you have to select the first letter of the Pokemon, just scroll down until you get to 'What Pokemon?' and type in the Pokemon's name.
Pretty sure you're my hero. Done, and I attached a small token of my appreciation.
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