Smogon: Why you came here and why you stayed

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I have been playing Pokemon since I can remember. I had no idea how competitive battling would be, so on a trip to my cousin, I saw Shoddy Battle on his desktop, and decided to try it out. I was amazed by the number of people not using Empoleon. He told me to join smogon, so I did, and I'm quite enjoying my time here, mods are doing their job, and some people here are intelligent.

What did smogon for me?
Givin me lots of useful information and references about the competitive play, a world that was completely unknown for me till I came here.

How did I find the site?
Well, as this is my first post in this forum, I`ll just say that I was looking for a community that shared my love and dedication for this "little" world of Pokemon, and now that I see, is not that little.

Thank you guys, sorry for my bad english and I hope to have a nice stay here ;)
Well i originally found smogon because i googled whether pokemon had a tier list like super smash bros. I ended up on the ou list here and i started searching through the pokemon on the list and began to realise that pokemon didnt need massive attack and speed stats to be good, how tactical and fancy everything looked blew my mind a little, so i downloaded shoddy and shoddy is what kept me here. i love being able to verse someone else in real-time :)
How I got into pokémon: I was 9. Pokemon was 1. It was love at first sight.

How I found smogon: Around Q4 2006, I bought Pokemon: Ruby. It was my first game back into Pokemon since Silver(My favorite game). When I beat silver, I had done so much and put so much hours into it, I felt that I didn't need to play anymore Pokemon games ever again. I was wrong. Someone suggested smogon in a forum in the Pokemon: Ruby section.

Why I stayed: Almost Didn't. At first I viewed smogon with such a narrow-minded view that I solicited people to automatically make my team awesome. It didn't work out and I let go of it for a while. When Platinum came back, so did I. I Started playing shoddy, got a ton better, and I owe it all to everyone here. And now I make my triumphant return into the forums. Hello Everybody!
How i got into Pokemon: well, i always thought Pokemon games were nice even thouh i never played it... then i got a GBC with Pokemon Silver. Damn, i was right... got addicted.

How I found smogon: I have no idea lol. Suddenly i found Smogon, and started using it for Netbattle (which i also have no idea how i founded it).

Why i stayed: first: i don't have the slightiest idea of how i registered here lol.
Since i use M-BLADE for any nickname on every forum i use, i typed it here just for fun... and logged myself. Watahel/
Since i was inclinced to competitive battling, i stayed.
I think my Serebii user is inactive for a year or five now laughs
How I got into Pokemon: One Christmas, I got a Game Boy Advance and Pokemon Gold... Now, being a young adult bound for college, I still play them, although I've only beaten the Elite Four once.

How I found Smogon: I needed a site where I could figure out how to make my Pokemon better, and I stumbled onto this one. I'm not a competitive player, but I do enjoy the single player challenges the games have to offer... I figured that t

Why I stayed: I've asked for help in other forums and I was just insulted. People are actually pleasant and don't try to troll/flame you here.
I consider myself part of what one would call the Pokémon Generation as the first generation was introduced to America while I was fairly young. I recieved Blue Version as a gift for Christmas and the lifelong addiction (no beating around the bush here) began. I went on a brief hiatus from the fifth grade up until the eight grade, but eventually got back into it. I'm currently what one would consider a young adult bound for college, but I still retain my love for Pokémon. I stumbled upon Smogon accidentally while browsing Bulbapedia for moves, and entered the world of competitive battling and such. Why I'm staying? It's fun.
I came a long time ago as you can tell by my join date, and initially I didn't stay because I didn't want to put in the effort to be a competitive battler. Now I've been somewhat regular just because I love it here! Everyone is pretty nice, it's a great resource, and I've learned a lot.
I started playing Pokemon at age 11, among the first generation of Pokemon fans, when for my birthday I received a GB Colour and Pokemon Yellow...I was hooked, and played, collected and watched Pokemon obsessively until about a year into high school when having friends became more importan. >_<

I took it up again a year ago, when, needing something to do on a long flight from Australia to Hungary I impulse-bought a DS and Pokemon Diamond...and it was still great! It was only actually about a month or two ago that I first heard about competitive battling after stumbling upon a link to Smogon on Bulbapedia, and have spent much of my time since reading about strategy and movesets and watching wifi just seemed like such a great and natural extension of the already awesome games. I'm sticking around because I'd really like to learn how to do this well, and gain enough skill to enjoy battling to the fullest!
I started playing Pokemon back with Blue version, when I was in kindergarten. I played obsessively until about halfway through third generation, where I lost interest because third gen was a massive celebration of mediocrity. But when Diamond came out, as I was starting high school, I picked it up again and never looked back. That's when I found Smogon. I was finally old enough to realize there had to be /some/ sort of metagame to Pokemon, and figured if it existed, the internets knew about it. I found Smogon while it was down, if anyone remembers that, almost four years ago when this site was going through a transition and was only forums. But I was blown away by the level of detail. This was Pokemon as I had wanted it to be played. I've been lurking around now for four years so I figured I'd post. I've stayed because this is /the/ place for competitive Pokemon battling. Good effort, Smogon.
I have been a fan of Pokemon since the first episode aired in the US. I only played the games sparingly, usually battling against friends with other copies they may have had, since I didn't own the game yet. One day, I finally picked up Pokemon Blue from a used game store and played through it, then did the same with Leafgreen when those remakes came out. Then I dropped out of the Pokemon scene for awhile, before getting back into it when Pokemon Platinum came out. I'm currently playing through Soul Silver, and I plan on getting either Black or White when those games come out.

I found out about Smogon when my friend (who goes by Rioluke on this very forum) got me into competitive battling and recommended joining. I've been experimenting with different teams on Pokemon Battle Revolution lately, in hopes of one day building a great team whose members play off of each other well, like any good band.
How I got into Pokemon:My first Pokemon game was Blue. When I started playing it, I fell in love with it, and later on I start getting the later ones. I still even got my old Gameboy Color.

How I found Smogon: I was on AiB and some of the users kept mentioning it, so I just joined it.

Why I'm staying: Why not? I see familiar people here. I just joined 3 days ago, and so far it's alright.

I was always an avid player of Pokemon. And inadvertently, I played competitive before. First game I ever owned was Crystal, but I was too young to comprehend any of the complex game mechanics. It really was useless, to me.

But then, the ADV generation came out. That is the only generation where I have all three of the games, albeit the fact that I lost Ruby because I am a ditz. I didn't get into competitive battling in terms of EVs and IVs, but I was the first of my friends to learn that natures affect stats in a positive/negative manner. I also was pretty big on movesets, and was the only one in my group who didn't have a Flamethrower/Overheat/Fire Punch/Sky Uppercut moveset on my Blaziken. I still wasn't amazing at the game. Gen IV came out, and I played like any normal kid would. Choose Piplup, since Grass-types suck and Chimchar was ugly. It took awhile for me to get into competitive battling, when a person on another forum told me about it. Smogon was my secret indulgence, as this isn't a popular hobby at all. Most of my school doesn't even play Pokemon anymore. I've lurked Smogon for about a year now, but never got into joining. So, I joined today, Cool, huh? <___<

I came here pretty much to get more into different metagames, and just learn. Not anything more than that. I don't know if I'll stay, and I really hope that I do. This forum probably has the smartest and best community of 'em all, outside of some nerdy physics or calculus forum which no one in their right mind would join. xD
How I got in to Pokemon: I remember my best friend playing Blue back about nine or ten years ago, so for Christmas I asked "Santa" for a Pokemon game. Ended up getting Yellow and I've played it ever since (along with the other games).

How I found Smogon: NikLink told me about competitive battling a few months ago (I think it was late February or March) on a chat room and I kind of just lurked up until now.

Why I stayed: Competitive battling interests me and I am trying to learn more about it.
How I got in to Pokemon: I got into Pokemon just before Gold and Silver came out. My first game was Blue and I have been hooked ever since. I've taken time off between generations here and there, but I have always been very interested in Pokemon.

How I found Smogon: I stumbled upon Smogon a few years ago, while trying to assemble a good team. In the past, I relied on the site solely as a reference, but I never joined until today (this is actually my first post).

Why I stayed: I enjoy competitive battling, and I want to continue to get better and learn as much as possible.
How I Got in to Pokemon: The first pokemon game I ever gotten was Pokemon FireRed and shortly after that I got Pokemon Emerald. Those were the two pokemon games that got me hooked.

How I found Smogon: Well over the years when D/P came out I decided I wanted to get into competitive battling and well I lurked for like half a year on these boards assembling teams and reading Pokemon analysis's and such. Eventually I decided to join.

Why I joined: Lurking one eventful night I stumbled around in the trade thread looking for free stuff(Yes I mooch) and I found a perfect IV'd RNG Abused Timid Ditto that they were giving out for free and thought, Heck I could sure use one of those.
First of all i want to thank all the smogon community, and specially the staff for the great work they're doing on mantaining this site as what probably is the best competitive pokemon site ever. Although i've played pokemon since it first came out with the blue and red editions here in spain, i didn't get into the competitive world until the third gen was quite established and almost to die.

I always liked the game and tried to be better than my friends, so i googled to find new movesets and teams i could try, or at least ideas to further develop. It was when the fourth generation came out when i discovered smogon. I was searching for movesets for some of my pokes and google returned me "". When i entered here and saw the emblem i thought it should have been some kind of error, but then there was the info i was looking for. I lurked the site for a while and saw it was really complete, so i kept it in my bookmarks. With this site, i learned about EVs, IVs, natures, and what interested me the most, the tiers and tiering system (mainly because of all the criticism around it, i wanted to know how it was internally, and i'm pretty pleased with what i've seen so far). Afterwards i transmitted the info to my friends so we could build a small competitive group. We haven't been active at shoddy, we mainly play in local wireless as i'm the only one with wifi, and the other guys don't like sims at all.

Since then, i have been using this site as my main reference site for everything, and a few months ago i learned how to RNG thanks to the great guides that are over the place. After so much time, i felt i needed to thank for everything and collaborate in the community when i could, so finally i started posting :P
How I got into pokemon: It all started in the very begining, with pokemon blue. I then played every single generation except for the second one. (I was still playing blue when r/s came out.)

How I found Smogon: I was browsing guides on gamefaqs one day when I joined. On the forums I quickley got directed here.

Why I stayed: I was a noob at competitive battling and this is a great place to learn
How I got into pokemon: started when pokemon silver was released here in germany

How I found Smogon:
i have no idea

Why I stayed: competitive battling is very interesting, before i came here i didnt even know that there exist EV's, IV's and such things... just figured out that pokemon is some complicated game, and i like complicated games!


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How I got into Pokémon: In 4th grade, we had a "current events" day where we read some article on these Japanese kids watching a cartoon and having epileptic seizures. At the end of 5th grade, on the verge of the summer of '98, Nintendo Power had some vague mentions of this thing called Pokémon, which showed Pikachu, the three starters, and the Pokémon Pikachu. I started watching the anime that summer, and was only a tiny bit shocked when I found out that this was the show that caused those seizures. When 6th grade came, I was surprised to hear people talking about Pokémon and I instantly "came out" since I had a common interest with people. On Christmas day, I finally received Blue Version, and when I returned after Christmas break, for some reason everyone in my class bombarded me with questions about how to get past Lavender Town (what?), Silph Co., etc. Like I was some sort of Pokémon Master who had just received the game like two weeks earlier.

How I found Smogon: I remember I commented on a battle video on Youtube and saw someone sweep a whole team with a Breloom and thought "Hey, I didn't know Breloom was capable of that." I left a comment on the video saying something along the lines of "That's an amazing Breloom, how did you think of that strategy?" He PM'd me and invited me to Smogon. I wish I knew who it was -- I just dug through my Inbox and couldn't find anything. I wanted to PM said user and thank him, but I just can't put my finger on it.

Why I stayed: I read a few analyses and really liked them, so I've pretty much read most of them head to toe by now. I didn't join the forums until I started learning about RNG abuse, and my first comments were on Jibaku's Emerald RNG Abuse thread. Since then, I became more and more active with RNG abuse and hence have been a lot busier on the forums. The first thread I really put my heart into was Arseus' FireRed LeafGreen RNG Abuse Research. It was then where I discovered my penchant for RNG abuse, and I do much more of that than actual battling. My post rate is noticeably lower than most of my friends on here (who joined much later than I and have almost 3 times the amount of my posts at minimum), as I am pretty much still a lurker at heart. I still stick around to browse through trade threads and have recently had a fun time making my own. It's also cool to see people eager to learn RNG and I try to help with that as much as possible, even though it is slow at times.
How I got into pokemon: I used to watch the shows so much when I was a kid. The first ever video game I EVER got that had "Pokemon" in the name was Pokemon Ruby... Oh god memories. However, this cart eventually got traded with a Pokemon Pinball cart... WTF :| And then out of nowhere, I somehow acquired a Sapphire cart. Don't know how/ why. Since then, I've pretty much been obsessed.

How I found Smogon: I have no idea.

Why I stayed: It's a nice place. I like the light blue backgrounds of the forums... (;
How I got into Pokemon: Since I was born in 1997(around the time pokemon came out), I never really got to play RBY/GSC. In fact, my first pokemon game EVER was Pokemon Diamond(yeah, lame... I know). But, I got into it because of my cousins. I'd always see them playing RSE on their Gameboy Advance SP's, and I asked them if I could play from time to time. They said yes, but only if I didn't save x] And when I played, I discovered that it was really cool! Battling pokemon, catching them, etc etc. The show was always really cool, too.

How I found Smogon: I wanted to get into the competitive battling scene of pokemon, so I searched for some pokemon sites where I could learn about the battling aspect. Then I reached Smogon! After lurking for a bit, I decided to make my own account. Somehow though, I became a breeder instead of a battler. I guess it was with the somewhat recent advent of RNG abuse that I became interested in getting shiny flawless pokemon.

Why I stayed: I really like this community, especially since everyone is so nice. My whole time on Smogon has been an enjoyable experience, and I hope it continues to become more enjoyable as I contribute more and more to the community, hopefully leaving my mark someday.
How I got into Pokemon: I first started Pokemon with Pokemon Gold, which my friend had bought for me along with a GBC (infrared ftw), around when I was 6 years old. Being your average little kid, naturally I was excited and had no clue what I was doing, although I picked up on the basics quick. Soon, I obtained RBY and watched the anime like almost every single other kid I knew; however, my interest in the video games only really picked up when 3rd gen was released, and hasn't waned since. Competitive battling for me didn't come around till the beginning of 4th gen, however (and I still curse myself for having accidentally deleted the save file with Jirachi on my Ruby)

How I found Smogon: If my memory is correct, I managed to get to Smogon through somewheres in Serebii. Nothing really complicated. Been lurking for some years now.

Why I stayed: I was impressed by the thorough details of the movesets upon my first visit to Smogon (I think it was Salamence I had looked up), and was quite surprised to see all these items I hadn't heard of, not to mention the usage of certain moves (having had only in-game experience with the storyline before, I thought set-up moves were a complete waste of time, and anything that could hit SE was a win); the stats also surprised me, and pretty much put rewrote my mindset about what was good and not (lol special gyara, no LO, no specs, EVs messed up, -SpA nature...)

For me now, Smogon is a highly-useful resource, even though I don't always simply carbon-copy the movesets anymore, whether it be EVs or the usage of a less-popular move(s). RNG abuse has recently captured my attention and is something I wish to read up on. The warstories are also very interesting to read on all tiers, and especially of the VGC Nationals (props to all who made it!)
How did I find Smogon?

Funny you would ask, not really. I've been playing Pokemon here in the U.S. since Generation I came out, but around Generation III I stopped playing so much, mainly because I'd stopped watching the anime when I chose to sleep in on the weekends and stopped playing the card game as well. It just wasn't cool to play Pokemon anymore by the time I was 13, and unfortunately for me, most of my friends weren't playing the games anymore either. Had I known about the wireless adapter that came with the Generation III games, I probably would've kept on playing, but then again, being the studious person I was back then, I probably wouldn't have had very much time to play at all.

When Platinum came out though, I just couldn't handle it. Upon seeing the first screenshots of it, my brain completely overloaded, and I jumped up from the table and scared the crap outta my little nephew. When I showed him the screenshots too, he could barely contain his excitement. We both ended up getting Platinum when it came out, and since then, I've been following the news on Bulbapedia and the PokeCenter thread on GaiaOnline, which is where I do most of my trading, breeding, and exchanging of Friend Codes.

Recently though, after finally making my debut in the Hall of Fame in SoulSilver (I haven't even opened HeartGold yet), I decided that I really wanted to get into competitive battling, and apparently a lot of people on GaiaOnline like to use the information your website holds. I've tried watching tutorial videos and reading how-to guides written online for the breeding/training newbie, but I still play Pokemon like I did before Generation II.
Everyone was getting into pokemon, so on my 10th birthday my Mom got me firered. Go figure. Then i got ruby and emerald, and one day I needed a moveset. I did a google search, found serebii at the age of 11, found smogon at 12, lurked here for a year before registering. Apparently, a year wasn't enough.
Why I stayed: I have no clue.
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