Suggest me PlayStation 1 Games

So near where i live this games shop is closing so they are having this huge sell-out at 75% off on PlayStation games, which in my currency is like 1-1.5 dollars, so i was hoping you guys could suggest me some games from the good old psx times.

I really like Rpg, action rpg, adventure, please avoid plataformers and fighting games, the only plataformer game i actually liked from the PlayStation was tombi, not so much of a fan of sports games, racing is okay. Games i loved: Digimon world (2,3), tombi 1 and 2, splinter cell, vagrant story and pacman world was pretty cool, so any ideas?
Well even though I've never played, final fantasy is pretty big on ps1. Metal Gear Solid is another one. I would say crash, but it's more of a platformer. I have the Toy Story 2 game and it's pretty good for a movie turned vg, game.


Smogon's fantastical fun-guy.
The PS1 Final Fantasy games are a must if you're an RPG fan, nothing more to say there. If you can find it, Legend of Dragoon is a similar RPG adventure; an incredible hidden gem on the PS1. Certainly a cult classic... it still has a good number of fans (myself included) who want to see a sequel. It has a great battle system and storyline, so you should pick it up if possible. LoD would be my top recommendation, followed by Crash if you want something a little different.
Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX are all classics obviously. Since you said you liked 2 and 3, I would highly recommend Digimon World 1. It is a very underrated game, and only has a few annoying glitches that can be avoided easily. Final Fantasy Tactics is a great strategy game if you are into those. Another completely unknown strategy game for the PSX is Vanguard Bandits. I have an inexplicable love for the game, and it has 5 different endings, so it can keep one interested for a while. Metal Gear Solid would probably be a good choice too, but the best MGS games are for the later versions of the Playstation.
Hogs of War is a tactical game that is frequently likened to a 3d worms (a game I played and couldn't really get behind). It has a cult following, though with the sequel being silently cancelled the community about up and died, something you should look into. Bushido Blade as well, a realistic sword fighter by S-Soft. It is famous for its system of one hit kills with properly placed shots and being a simply great game.
Final Fantasy Tactics is simply awesome, and so are Final Fantasy VII/VIII/IX (VII and IX are my favorites). Brave Fencer Musashi is one of my favorite action adventure rpgs. And finally, I am a big fan of Mega Man, so Mega Man X4/X5/X6 are good (X4 is the best one IMO).
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, platformer, but awesome

Spyro the original and Spyro 2, forget what its called.. Ripto's Rage i think?

classics ^
All the PSX Final fantasy games (7-9 and Tactics) are very good, as are Star Ocean: The Second Story and Chrono Cross.
You can also find FF6 and Chrono Trigger for the PSX. Otherwise, Fishin is right.

I will second Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. It is my favourite platformer of all time and the best in the series until the recent GBA and DS ones. And even then, Symphony still probably outdoes them.
As stated previous, get the Final Fantasy games and Chrono Cross. Chrono Trigger is a steal for the price stated, but the loading times are pretty terrible for the PSX. I also second Toy Story 2, it's a really nice game for one being based on a movie series.
Chrono Cross
FF Series
Metal Gear Solid
Crash Bandicoot

Absolute must buys.
Especially Metal Gear Solid.
I have always loved the spyro games, except the gba ones, those sucked.
Disney in the psx times was decent, now it seems it only has kingdom hearts, i loved the tarzan, hercules and toy story games on psx.
And does anybody know a good flight sim on the psx?
I'm seconding The Legend of Dragoon. The addition system is unique and the game as a whole is pretty easy. Also it's fucking HUGE, 4 discs in fact and it has some of the most beautiful FMV cutscenes on the PSX.
Rather than repeat the Chrono series 100 more times:

Breath of Fire III
Breath of Fire IV (go with whatever you can find, their stories are standalone)
Suikoden 2 (also standalone story)
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete

I can't think of more right now, but these are all worth your time if you find them.
As stated, Metal Gear Solid is a must, no excuse to not have it if you get it for that price. Then you got Spyro, which I could almost say becomes better as the series progress (on PSX). Crash Bandicoot too, though I have only played 3 and onwards. And even though you stated "No Fighting-games", I would recommend Tekken 3. It's a very solid game, and even more fun if you got a friend.

Now, I wish I knew a place close by which would even sell PSOne games :( There are so many I'd want to buy and try...
guys i'm looking for a game that's like shining force EXA for the ps2, on the psx, by far my favorite action-rpg on ps2, if anyone knows one i'll be really grateful.
The PS1 Final Fantasy games are a must if you're an RPG fan, nothing more to say there. If you can find it, Legend of Dragoon is a similar RPG adventure; an incredible hidden gem on the PS1. Certainly a cult classic... it still has a good number of fans (myself included) who want to see a sequel. It has a great battle system and storyline, so you should pick it up if possible. LoD would be my top recommendation, followed by Crash if you want something a little different.
I didn't even see this post till now but I agree with every word of it. Hell I would kill someone for a LoD sequel...maybe (I would). The only real problem I had with it is that the translation can be atrocious at times, but I love the story and battle system and the characters and basically everything about the game. Easily my favorite RPG of all time.

also Crash Bandicoot owns
I actually thought Alundra was one of the better RPGs on the PS1, followed closely by FFIX and FF tactics. Ape Escape, Crash Bandicoot and Spyro were the better platformers. Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, Crash Team racing, Toy Story 2, MGS, Tomb Raider II, SIlent Hill and ace combat were pretty great.

but yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, my opinion, man

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Megaman Legends was fantastic. If you can find Legends and Legends 2, get them.

Aside from that, I'm seconding Ape Escape, Crash Bandicoot, and the Spyro series.

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