Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v3

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They are not broken by virtue of being legendaries (or sublegendaries in this case) but due to their specific toolkits and stats (otherwise wo-chien would be OU/Ubers)
How would Wo-Chien be in a meta without other Legendaries? This isn't a case of it being weak, but because, again, the meta is centralized around the purposely strong.
How would Wo-Chien be in a meta without other Legendaries? This isn't a case of it being weak, but because, again, the meta is centralized around the purposely strong.
Wo-Chien has more problems than just being outclassed by other legendaries such as a 4x bug weakness and no reliable recovery which would still hold it back even if all other legendaries were banned
To be fair, ever since Uber has been recognized as a competitive tier and AG has been created, I don't even understand (apart from the fact that this is historically what has been done and people want to stay true to a pre-established order and are naturally against big changes) why Uber is still to this day considered as a banlist and not a tier. What I mean is that it "should" and could be the actual OU (given the fact that at this time MRay would have been the banlist of this tiers just like M2 was the banlist in 1G) and then UU would be based on the 4,52% cutoff of this new OU tier.

Obviously it is not advocating for everything to come back in OU (which would almost be the UU of this new way of tiering, minus some really good mons like great tusk and gholdengo if I am not mistaking) as the banlist (UUBL) of this tier could literally be the same as current Uber if it deserves to be like this.

You may be wondering what would be the point, to me it would essentially be homogeneity, every tier treated the same way because currently Uber is an exception. It would really be the natural way of doing things, because currently we just apply the historical way of doing things without thinking twice about it. Also, it would almost prevent the eternal question "do we unban things / do we immediately ban this thing" that is entirely subjective when DLC drops (even though unbans from UUBL could technically still happen) as it would entirely be based on usage stats and quickban could still happen just like they happen in lower tiers.

Yes, I am aware that this new way of thinking OU/UU would lead to completely different metas and that we may not have access to most spinner or defoggers for instance. Just a reminder that this is what lower tiers have to play with and noone is complaining about it (actually they are when they implore OU player to drops some spinner/defoggers) but that would simply mean a different kind of tier that would have to go through a whole retiring once again and reshape the face of OU (rather UU if you followed me), which is neither good or bad, it is just doable.

Seeing as how current UU is now the old OU it is clear that tier are only prone to evolution forever and most likely power creep and current OU could almost be an old Uber, hence why I think treating Uber as the OU would not be that big of a deal.
Ubers doesn't ban mons for being overcentralizing, which leads to the tier centering around 1-3 mons every generation.
Ah. So you mean to tell me that Gliscor

Even though it lost access to Roost

Is the cause of HEATRAN FALLING TO UU. Gliscor in gen 7 wasn't even all that. Now supposedly is a monster and a half
It got access to both toxic spikes and spikes. It is one of the few Pokemon to have both knock and toxic in the game currently. It can absorb status and knock off. Beats pretty much every other ground type bar Tusk in sheer utility especially Lando who now has none of those options.
this is true, i think the hazard meta is centralized around a handful of mons and i don't think that's healthy, but i'm still skeptical of some people's proposed actions against it. specifically, banning gholdengo won't change jack diddly shit except for centralizing the meta around corv instead. i do agree now, though, that gliscor and hamurott both should be suspected, and i think banning those two would cut down on things a lot—that's where we were pre-home in terms of hazards, and they felt a lot less overbearing there. banning ting-lu is a fucking joke though, that's never happening and frankly doesn't need to happen
Yea, as many people say, Pokèmon teambuilding is mostly about the team synergy, and compared to the NPCs, we would switch our mon if we are in a type disadvantage or a not favourable matchup, and being able to block the switches, is so big that is why we got Shadow Tag and Arena Trap usually banned. Hazards instead, even if still allow the switches, it can chip them, poison or even slow the enemies, and in a hyper-offensive meta this is it's incredibly powerful, even more that we got Pokémon as Hamurrot which can both attacking, so ignoring Taunt, and even setting Spikes, which since it's the effect of the move, can't be countered by Magic Bounce, and all of this with also Sharpness which allows to do great chip and maybe even finishing some Pokémon with Aqua Jet.
But at the same time isn't so easy to resolve; you wouldn't ban the entirety of the hazards, which are required to progress the game and also beat some teams as Stall (even if some teams run 6 HDB and this meta exist but anyway) as sounding incredibly dumb, but also banning some mons is complicated, as banning Ghold would probably make some mons return, with also the meta incredibly changing, and as you said, Corv will just be dominant with also its typing, while Ting-Lu even if can make progress with Ruination, most of the time is passive as most of the common sets include Spikes + Whirlwind to chip the damage and also remove possible boosts, and it's currently one of the few defensive mons that is in a good position in the offensive meta. Gliscor and Hamurott would be the only ones that make sense to test, as one is currently on the radar while the other got many voices of negativity on it.
Suspectingin the future them would be a great start to see if them removed could slightly help the meta to get healthy, even if in the current state it is now is probably impossible
I must say I'm really glad that Dragonite has weathered the storm where so many of the older pseudos have failed. (Haha Salamence how does being the worse Dragon/Flying pseudo for four gens taste)
Also I'm happy to see Blissey back in OU even if she will disappear the second BM Ursa goes bye bye. Though I wish they gave her back Toxic. Let the nurse do euthanasia Game Freak.
Yeah, fuck Bloodmoon Ursaluna. I honestly can't even begin to imagine that the guys at gamefreak who added them are sane people. I really hope it gets banned but after the Kingambit suspect, I would be more surprised if it does get banned

I think so as well. Garchomp with scale shot is still nothing to scoff at really and I've been using it with liquidation as the fourth move. It works well with Kingambit because either Garchomp sweeps or takes out a brokenGambit check, one of them anyway. I've also thought that Gliscor and Garchomp never really competed with since forever as Gliscor always leaned towards utility or defensive while Garchomp has always focused on its better offense like they did in gen 7. Defensive Gliscor and z move Garchomp. It was only last gen Garchomp began leaning more towards its defensive abilities because Heatran is annoying, and I guess gen 6 tank Garchomp as well

I hope that Tornadus returns. It's actually ironic that it dropped considering that it finally has slightly better stab that still never hits when you need it to. I never realized how big of a deal knock off was for it. Always thought that was the most expendable move it had last gen on its defog set

Bruh, the people who says this sort of thing should really play Ubers. Arceus is not easy to kill at all. You would need a lot of hazards just to wear it down and even then, it can always recover in your face and find a way to screw you over since it now has taunt and dragon dance. It also has extremespeed so any set can become extreme killer with tera
People at gf were probably thinking that it would be fine in vgc and they didn’t think about all us singles players.
I must say I'm really glad that Dragonite has weathered the storm where so many of the older pseudos have failed. (Haha Salamence how does being the worse Dragon/Flying pseudo for four gens taste)
Also I'm happy to see Blissey back in OU even if she will disappear the second BM Ursa goes bye bye. Though I wish they gave her back Toxic. Let the nurse do euthanasia Game Freak.
Never thought I would say it but actually I really miss Teleport. I'm of the opinion that half of the monsters of the generation would be infinetely more managable if only we had good fat pivots. Unfortunately Ferro is gone to get milk, Slowbro, Blissey and Clef are now sitting ducks, Torn, Lando and Corvi are much less viable and even the mighty Pex got its kneecaps broken

Edit: Only half, still wouldn't help much for the ones that only need one free turn to pretty much win the game
People at gf were probably thinking that it would be fine in vgc and they didn’t think about all us singles players.
It's funny how Ursaluna was a worry before home and it now is solidly UU meanwhile people underestimated BM at first and now it's likely to be banned. It's almost poetic how the two forms are having mirrored trajectories.
Edit: Adding to the lack of bulky pivots if DeX leaks are to be believed we will not get Ferro back at all. Which may have had a pretty good effect on dealing with several of the biggest problems in tier
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Now. Just a thought experiment. Nevermind darkrai, with Lando-T being on the cusp of being UU, could we even consider Lando-I for OU? Is it that much better than the wallbreakers/threats we have this gen?
it probably is, I just find it funny if we could literally just shifts all tiers up one spot from last gen and have Lando-T as glue in UU and lando-i as a wallbraker in OU.
Lando-I got nasty plot this gen why on earth would we consider it for OU
missing the cutoff by less than .1% is a technicality

change my mind
Challenge accepted, the Oxford definition of technicality would be "a point of law or a small detail of a set of rules, as contrasted with the intent or purpose of the rules". So Mega-Chomp being OU in Gen 6 and 7 because regular Chomp is OU would be a technicality, while a Pokemon becoming UU because it fell under the required usage, even if by very small margin, wouldn't be a technicality because it literally is the purpose of the rule (IMO)
Never thought I would say it but actually I really miss Teleport. I'm of the opinion that half of the monsters of the generation would be infinetely more managable if only we had good fat pivots. Unfortunately Ferro is gone to get milk, Slowbro, Blissey and Clef are now sitting ducks, Torn, Lando and Corvi are much less viable and even the mighty Pex got its kneecaps broken

Edit: Only half, still wouldn't help much for the ones that only need one free turn to pretty much win the game
bro didnt get the memo that ferro is cancelled
i feel like some people weren't here for the gen 8 dlc tier shifts. just because a mon drops after a big release doesnt mean its now forever ass, kyurem literally spent multiple tier shifts in ru last gen lol
So I may have missed it but did we ever get the Survey results for the follow-up survey after Bax was banned? I know it hasn't been posted in the Survey thread but I can't remember if it got posted here and if not then where are those results? I wanna see how badly BM scored on the survey.
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