Sword & Shield **Official news only** DLC Crown Tundra 22nd October

A model is just a group of points in space and the triangles they represent. They don't have a "color". That's what textures are for.
You can use the same model for regular and shiny forms. Just use different textures or colors to fill those triangles.
Whether Game Freak did this or not, lol.
I mean, with what they did in gen7 with totem pokemon and Lillie, is it too far of a tretch to imagine that they would do that?
I mean, with what they did in gen7 with totem pokemon and Lillie, is it too far of a tretch to imagine that they would do that?
Not one bit.

So far the Steelix + cloud discussion is just educated guessing based on Game Freak's history and far from definitive.
We won't know until dataminers get the code.
If they actually did what people are thinking though, they'd only have themselves to blame for the waste of resources.

To be fair, it says depending on the weather, which I directly associated with seasons. But the weather could vary between sunny or rainny without seasons too. Hmm, welp, to me it's the same, seasons determined the array of Wild Pokémon in certain areas of the map, altho they gave you access to some restricted areas too.
Every game since Emerald has had overworld weather. Seasons actually changed the map and were exclusively a gen 5 thing -- I would be very surprised if they came back.
First: can we all appreciate the irony that after all these years of “They will retire [old gimmick from last gen]!”, it actually happened?

The new update was huge. And honestly, I’m okay with all of it. I have become disillusioned with mega evolution over the years for multiple reasons, including overly complicated designs, the power creep they brought, the favoritism, etc. It’s gotten to the point where I really only like two mega evolutions out of the whole roster, so them being gone is a step in the right direction.

Z moves are in the same boat due to the immense power creep they brought. They changed competitive pokemon so much that I haven’t played PS! seriously for the whole generation. I compare Z moves to the move Hidden Power: it’s a surprise move that nets coverage you otherwise wouldn’t have, such as Grassium Z Solarbeam Heatran. However, as much as I dislike Hidden Power for gaining free coverage, Z moves are categorically worse because they have much more power than the 60 Hidden Power has. I will not miss them.

Upon reading letters directly from Gamefreak, it has been revealed that the high quality models in SwSh take a lot of time and manpower to complete, thus the reason for them cutting some. This is a bit more controversial for me because I have some favorites that others don’t like, increasing the chances they’ll be cut out, but overall I understand the decision. I would welcome a game that doesn’t include Unown, the pikaclones, and other obvious trash mons in the roster.
I compare Z moves to the move Hidden Power: it’s a surprise move that nets coverage you otherwise wouldn’t have, such as Grassium Z Solarbeam Heatran. However, as much as I dislike Hidden Power for gaining free coverage, Z moves are categorically worse because they have much more power than the 60 Hidden Power has. I will not miss them.
I was just thinking about the possibility of removing moves aswell. They'll probably cut some of the signature moves of Pokemon that aren't in -- no way they're going to keep them in literally just for Smeargle, assuming Smeargle itself is even in. Why not cut other moves aswell?

Hidden Power seems like an obvious choice for the chopping block. It's pretty the sole reason for IVs other than 0 and 31 mattering. It interacts really counterintuitively with Max Moves (and Z-moves). It's a pain to make it work with the UI. It's by far the most mechanically complex move in the game, and the fact it's critically important to competitive increases the work involved in optimising any Pokemon that uses it (which is probably more than half of the Pokedex) by an order of magnitude. It's GF's biggest ever legacy problem. And I don't think anything other than Unown (which is practically guaranteed to get cut) naturally learns it.

So many annoying things go out of the window if they literally just remove that one move. A few Pokemon get meaningfully worse, but that's hardly the end of the world.
I was just thinking about the possibility of removing moves aswell. They'll probably cut some of the signature moves of Pokemon that aren't in -- no way they're going to keep them in literally just for Smeargle, assuming Smeargle itself is even in. Why not cut other moves aswell?

Hidden Power seems like an obvious choice for the chopping block. It's pretty the sole reason for IVs other than 0 and 31 mattering. It interacts really counterintuitively with Max Moves (and Z-moves). It's a pain to make it work with the UI. It's by far the most mechanically complex move in the game, and the fact it's critically important to competitive increases the work involved in optimising any Pokemon that uses it (which is probably more than half of the Pokedex) by an order of magnitude. It's GF's biggest ever legacy problem.

So many annoying things go out of the window if they literally just remove that one move. A few Pokemon get meaningfully worse, but that's hardly the end of the world.
Ah... yes... let's get rid of Hidden Power and turn 80% of Electric-types into slower Jolteon. This idea sounds so bad that it might happen.

There are plenty of reasons to run IVs between 0 and 31 like Speed-creeping or Beast Boost.
Hidden Power seems like an obvious choice for the chopping block. It's pretty the sole reason for IVs other than 0 and 31 mattering. It interacts really counterintuitively with Max Moves (and Z-moves). It's a pain to make it work with the UI. It's by far the most mechanically complex move in the game, and the fact it's critically important to competitive increases the work involved in optimising any Pokemon that uses it (which is probably more than half of the Pokedex) by an order of magnitude. It's GF's biggest ever legacy problem. And I don't think anything other than Unown (which is practically guaranteed to get cut) naturally learns it.
Don’t forget the fact that Hidden Power Fairy is impossible to obtain. I’d also like to see this move cut, but I won’t hold my breath. I’ll wait and see what they do.

Ah... yes... let's get rid of Hidden Power and turn 80% of Electric-types into slower Jolteon. This idea sounds so bad that it might happen.
Isn’t the fact that *apparently* 80% of electrics need to run HP speak to more that GF doesn’t know what to do with electrics than the viability of the move itself? If the vast majority of electrics need one specific move to function, the move is not the problem.
Ah... yes... let's get rid of Hidden Power and turn 80% of Electric-types into slower Jolteon. This idea sounds so bad that it might happen.

There are plenty of Speed-creep reasons to run IVs between 0 and 31 btw.
How is it even logically possible for Hidden Power to be the sole thing keeping most electric types being outclassed by Jolteon, given that Jolteon itself learns the move?

Don’t forget the fact that Hidden Power Fairy is impossible to obtain. I’d also like to see this move cut, but I won’t hold my breath. I’ll wait and see what they do.
And the whole problem of HP Fighting being unobtainable on legendaries as of gen 6.
Every game since Emerald has had overworld weather. Seasons actually changed the map and were exclusively a gen 5 thing -- I would be very surprised if they came back.
You are correct, but this isn't a weather that appears only in the Desert or temporaly (in the late-game when Groudon/Kyogre scape, fe), it says that the Pokémon you encounter in the Wild Areas will vary depending on your positioning and weather, so I think it is implied there won't be an area with perma-sandstorm, or perma-rain, but weather will vary in the same areas in the form of sandstorm, rain, sun, storm, hail... And this hasn't happened before.

Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
I was gonna make a long, detailed post about my thoughts on the transfer debacle but I don't wanna anger the mods so I'll just say this:

Could this have been been communicated in a more timely, formal fashion, maybe even before S&S were announced? Yes, definitely. Do you have every right to be angry and not buy the game if your favorite or favorites don't make the cut? Yes, definitely. But I do not - I repeat, I do NOT want them to backpedal on this decision with a patch or a delay or whatever. I really do think it's worth giving this a chance, as absurd as that may sound to some of the more frustrated in this thread. While I do think this decision could provide a positive impact for casual play (not gonna elaborate on this unless asked, just know if you're rebuking Masuda's 'kids can't handle all the Pokemon anymore' with anecdotes about how a child you know can memorize them all or saying he's insulting modern youth's intelligence, you're missing the point), I'm primarily interested in how this will affect our very own competitive scene.

Because admit it. Even if you are viewing this decision through the most cynical lens possible, even if you think all of this has proven Game Freak to be an incompetent, greedy and lazy husk of a game studio, you can't deny that the prospect of a fresh metagame unlike anything we've ever seen before with controversial mons like Landorus-Therian, Ash-Greninja and the Ultra Beasts likely being nuked, potentially allowing for old guard threats like base Scizor and the Latis to come back to prominence with increased wiggle room for other newcomers and older mons potentially claiming newfound niches doesn't sound at least a little interesting. This is my primary reason for not wanting Game Freak to rush a patch out: I really wanna see what this approach yields. If it doesn't work out and the fundamental flaws of recent OU generations aren't hammered out, fine: We can start complaining again and (hopefully) go back to normal in the second iteration or the DPP remakes or Gen 9.
I'm pretty sure gen 7 had varying weather for any given location. Gen 5 did aswell, but I'm unsure if that was strictly connected to seasons or not.
I don't remember hail or sandstorm being possible in any route on Pre-Gen 5 games, not even in Gen 5 games. Neither in Gen 7.
I like the idea behind Hidden Power, though. It's a very unique move, but with archaic mechanics, and that it's a readily available move, though it benefits special attackers more. Nevertheless, Hidden Power isn't the problem, it's the IVs that are.

Whether you're annoyed at this feature or not. People need to seriously understand that, if not this gen, then by soon Pokemon will no longer be able to work on every single Pokemon in the upcoming games. The exact problem with the Pokemon model is that the vast majority of it is by adding something new and interesting to catch, but if you seriously expect them to work on getting over 1000 Pokemon in without making some cuts you're going to get disappointed.
That's probably true too; an ever increasing load of Pokemon to catch is being more and more unfeasible. People need to know that every added Pokemon isn't additional work, it's exponential work especially when new gens come around. I don't buy that models take a lot of work, though, since one Pokemon can probably be done in 3 days max by a professional. But honestly, Game Freak should've nipped that thing in the bud before it exploded to this. If Game Freak in Gen III, when the first two games were not compatible with the third one, just straight out made, say, every two generations confined to their own generations, then it wouldn't be as much of a problem.

First: can we all appreciate the irony that after all these years of “They will retire [old gimmick from last gen]!”, it actually happened?

The new update was huge. And honestly, I’m okay with all of it. I have become disillusioned with mega evolution over the years for multiple reasons, including overly complicated designs, the power creep they brought, the favoritism, etc. It’s gotten to the point where I really only like two mega evolutions out of the whole roster, so them being gone is a step in the right direction.

Z moves are in the same boat due to the immense power creep they brought. They changed competitive pokemon so much that I haven’t played PS! seriously for the whole generation. I compare Z moves to the move Hidden Power: it’s a surprise move that nets coverage you otherwise wouldn’t have, such as Grassium Z Solarbeam Heatran. However, as much as I dislike Hidden Power for gaining free coverage, Z moves are categorically worse because they have much more power than the 60 Hidden Power has. I will not miss them.

Upon reading letters directly from Gamefreak, it has been revealed that the high quality models in SwSh take a lot of time and manpower to complete, thus the reason for them cutting some. This is a bit more controversial for me because I have some favorites that others don’t like, increasing the chances they’ll be cut out, but overall I understand the decision. I would welcome a game that doesn’t include Unown, the pikaclones, and other obvious trash mons in the roster.
I was really disappointed how they handled megas giving Charizard two of them, giving Gengar one, giving Salamence one, giving Latios/Latias one, giving Garchomp one, giving Blaziken one, giving Alakazam one, breaking Kangaskhan, giving Gyrados one, giving Mewtwo two, giving Scizor one, giving Heracross one, giving Tyranitar one, giving Metagross one...you see the problems? It looks like they just play favorites or what they see as "cool" rather than give any thought to balance or whatever. That there weren't new Megas in Sun/Moon probably should've been a warning sign of what's to come, so I'm not terribly surprised they were discontinued. Z Moves seemed like they're just extending that concept, again, not showing they know what the hell they're doing aside from "cool" appeal while adding more bloat and pretentiousness to their game. Dynamax is basically the same problem, but for a THIRD generation in a row.

Because admit it. Even if you are viewing this decision through the most cynical lens possible, even if you think all of this has proven Game Freak to be an incompetent, greedy and lazy husk of a game studio, you can't deny that the prospect of a fresh metagame unlike anything we've ever seen before with controversial mons like Landorus-Therian, Ash-Greninja and the Ultra Beasts likely being nuked, potentially allowing for old guard threats like base Scizor and the Latis to come back to prominence with increased wiggle room for other newcomers and older mons potentially claiming newfound niches doesn't sound at least a little interesting. This is my primary reason for not wanting Game Freak to rush a patch out: I really wanna see what this approach yields. If it doesn't work out and the fundamental flaws of recent OU generations aren't hammered out, fine: We can start complaining again and (hopefully) go back to normal in the second iteration or the DPP remakes or Gen 9.
I have a bad feeling they'll keep Ash Greninja and other "cool", "popular" assholes, but you might be right on addressing power creep. But I don't trust them on their competence at balance. We still have core problems with the metagame, like Stealth Rock. And I don't see having OG strong Pokemon coming back really going to be that much of a good thing.
There was indeed chance of rain in gen 7 areas, as well as i believe chance of Hail in Mt lananika, and obviously fixed sandstorm in desert + fixed rain in Po town.

Nothing else as far as I am aware
I know, I've the list. It's so limited, as I said. For example, not a single route has random sunlight after gen 3, and it's not possible for a route to be either with rain or sun.


What we are talking here is the potential possibility of raining, storming or sand-storm in any Wild Area substantially changing the wild Pokémon.
You know, since this is essentially turning into a reboot game, for the Pokémon who benefited from Megas, such as Altaria, Mawile, and Houndoom, why don’t make them regular evolutions? The problem with a lot of the Megas is that they took a mega slot, while there were just better options to use. For example, Mega Houndoom and Altaria were great improvements over their base form, but they were too weak for the mega slot compared to Charizard and Salamence. They are cases in which they would have been better Pokémon as Regular evolutions. I would simply redo the stats, adjust the abilities and movesets, and obviously change the name.
You know, since this is essentially turning into a reboot game, for the Pokémon who benefited from Megas, such as Altaria, Mawile, and Houndoom, why don’t make them regular evolutions? The problem with a lot of the Megas is that they took a mega slot, while there were just better options to use. For example, Mega Houndoom and Altaria were great improvements over their base form, but they were too weak for the mega slot compared to Charizard and Salamence. They are cases in which they would have been better Pokémon as Regular evolutions. I would simply redo the stats, adjust the abilities and movesets, and obviously change the name.
I like this, but the problem is that you'll have several 4 stage evolutions which would break the existing trend.


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Boys, I think we've all overlooked the best part
View attachment 180408
For some of the Pokemon.

If you look at the part of the video where Lucario is selected for the raid you can see Pikachu and Eevee's icons in the party. Which are the same as they've always been.

RIP old gen unevolved mon icons
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