The hate thread

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Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
We had a terribly boring hurricane season this year though, I was dissapointed. And Florida has no smoking sections in restaurants anymore, same as Ohio, where I moved from.

Nothing is worse than Ohio.

Anywho, getting back on topic:

Ohio. :( (It still holds sentimental value for me though, but that's it.)
California is better than NY any day of the week. I just hate New Yorkers for no apparent reason. NY is like CA's biggest rival for best state, but CA is better no matter what anyone tells you. Better weather, and we actually have this thing called nature here.
True, but New York has Broadway, and I love Broadway plays. So if it a choice of Broadway vs. Nature, then I will probably pick Broadway..

But then again, it all depends on what college I want to go to. Both California and NY are fine choices. I guess I will see after high school.

And I am well aware that California has the best weather in the world... my sister lives there.

Edit: Oh that reminded me, I might go and visit my sister over the summer. That would be a good chance to see what California is like.
Just so you know, we have a lot of illegal immigrants here. I hate that they think they can just come into our country like they own it. There are great theatres in LA. None as famous as Broadway, but still. New York is also more polluted. We have UCLA, USC, Stanford, and Northridge. What does NY have to offer? Partial birth abortion and Hilary CLinton?
I can get used to the immigration thing since Miami has basically become Cuba2 (I dont live in Miami but I went there once and it was nearly 99% cuban)

You are making LA sound better by the minute, but I can't really form a complete opinion on it until I go there.
Well LA is not the best, but it has some of the best resturants in the world, the Staples Center, etc. Northern CA is definitely better. Less polution, more isolation. Skiing. We also have Lake Tahoe. San Fransisco, if you do not mind the whole gay thing. San Diego. Monterey. What does NY have? New York City?
Hmm, San Fransisco doesn't sound that great to me. I just wouldn't feel comfortable in an area where the majority of the population is gay (I dont have a problem with gays since my sister is actually a lesbian, but I wouldn't want to live in an area where an awkward situation might occur)


Sorry, I thought anteaters were real
is an Artist
You guys need to take your current conversation to PMs or something, you've derailed this thread a bit. :/
Oh crap. Sorry about that. I guess I got caught up in the conversation.. Perhaps I should delete my last few posts?


Ce soir, on va danser.
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Ever heard of the concept of "my body, my choice"?
Ever heard of "keeping it to yourself?"

I'm all for people doing what they want with their bodies, but once it starts to affect me, I draw the line. I don't care if you want to shoot heroin on a park bench or snort lines of coke off of your barstool on a Friday night, but I'll be fucking dipped in shit if I'm going to breathe in YOUR smoke.

I hate politics. It's not like it wasn't always a big joke, but now it's become impossible to deal with.
I've concluded that things are hate are at least one of these:
- inconsiderate people. Not holding doors, playing loud music, phoning really loud, laughing really loud, yelling, running around, throwing their junk on the ground, taking your spot, talking aloud when people are working, trying to freeload off others, SMOKERS NEAR WHERE PEOPLE ARE, etc
- things that should not happen because they normally don't. This is a problem of mine: I think that if you treat something one way and do that all the time, it should keep working (note how I'm not talking about humans here). Prime example: internet/computer not working. God.
I hate it when people make claims without backing them up with hard facts, their logic behind it being 'well it's obvious isn't it?'. I hate circular logic and the people who employ it.

Lately I have been increasingly annoyed at people who follow the holy book of their religion word for word, never questioning it, ever. And if you ask them to question it, they throw that 'I believe, therefore I need no reason' bullshit. How is basing your dietary restriction of animals on such arbitrary rules a matter of faith?

I hate chavs, I hate those people you meet on trains/buses etc. who act as if they own the carriage and we're just hitching a ride with them, so that if you bump into them by accident they act like you murdered their family. Those overblown reactions.
I don't think you do.. well, not in the UK anyway, we've banned smoking in all indoor public places and honestly if you're complaining about my smoking outside you're being ridiculous.


Ce soir, on va danser.
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
I don't think you do.. well, not in the UK anyway, we've banned smoking in all indoor public places and honestly if you're complaining about my smoking outside you're being ridiculous.
Fair enough, I'm just trying to stop you from making blanket statements about smoking that aren't true.

-Getting raped by Hillary Clinton
-Radical Muslims who hate the U.S. and everyone willing to kill themselves for Allah
-Getting a throat tumor and not being able to swallow

-Conservative dipshits who try to force their opinion on you
-Rednecks (where I come from, we've got plenty)
-People who act gay in public when they really aren't
-Portugueez when he makes a crappy firebot post
EWWWW!!! That bug picture on page 3 is so nasty! You could have put tags around it or something! ;-;

Ugly people (jk)

Stupid people who hate me at school =(
Animal cruelty


is a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus

-Internet tough guys. "shut the fuck up u bitch im gonna come to ur house and fucking kill u". So easy to say things when you're behind a monitor...

-Those kids on deviantArt who draw nothing but anime fanart but still get millions of pageviews. Even worse is when they can't even get basic anatomy right but everyone's still "OMG SOOOO KAWAIIIII!!!!!!11111 ^____^"

-Diaperfurs/babyfurs. Oh god, furries are barely tolerable, but these guys take the cake.

These things make me RAAAAAAGE just thinking about them.

I hate it when people post shit on the web about how they're so depressed and hate their lives. I can usually ignore it, but when people are going "OMG DID U C EM0GURL123'Z NU VIDEO?!?!" it gets really, really obnoxious. Maybe it's not that I hate the people themselves, but rather the followers. However, there are people like that whom I simply cannot stand. Those are the ones that talk about killing themselves over stuff like "my family member 1 hates me :(". Unless you're really at rock bottom (which you aren't, considering that you have access to a computer), you shouldn't say crap like that.

I also hate smiley/emote spammers, specifically those who spam one over and over again. Having ":naughty:" every other word in your post doesn't make it a good post, people. Luckily, Smogon has very few people that I've seen.
SRC and prefects at school
Annoying people that can't back up claims, and resort to swearing/bitching/etc
Beefy people who think being beefy is cool
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