The Last Airbender

Was it really that bad? I loved the tv show, but M Night Shamalamadingdong is a horrible director. I didn't even like 6th sense that much (it was OK I guess). My sister saw it and said it was horrible, but she also said that anchorman sucks so i dont listen to her. fuck why does shamalan ruin everything. ;;D;;;;


i woke up in a new bugatti
Although I do want my own opinion of this movie, all I've heard of it has made me so sad that I don't want to ruin my Avatar experience. Should have watched it premiere :(

I mean, the thing has an 8% on fucking Rotten Tomatoes. First day I heard it being 0%. And being compared to DragonBall movie just... ugh. I don't even know what to say.
@MrIndigo: There wasn't really a "whitewash", it was more like 3 random white people thrown into a world full of Asians and Indians. I have no problem with casting white people in an Asian inspired world, but its just the fact that there's only the three of them...just in there...
I'm pretty sure the original casting of the main characters was all white, and it was only when people started to criticise this that casting was altered and some people like Dev Pattel got hired.

It's still a pretty bullshit reason to criticise the movie though, for what it might have done badly as opposed to what it actually did badly.
all I can say is that if you're going to watch this movie in theaters, buy a ticket to a different movie and walk into TLA instead so you don't support this garbage with your money.

That or bootleg it I guess
I considered just sending a check to the creators of the show along with a note of sympathy as opposed to spending the money on the movie.

But my friend got me in for free anyway...


I Like Chopin
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You guys are really acting like this is the worst movie ever? I've never seen the show, and I'm rectifying that right now so maybe I'll a follow up post but I doubt did. Didn't like a Shamylan movie since Unbreakable, and that's why I was looking forward to Avatar, because Shamylan really needed a change of style.

I loved this movie. It had some unnecessary narration, and Sokku is a pretty weak link. It had some gripping scenes, fantastic action, a beautiful premise, a really good child actor in Noah Ringer. I think Zuko and Iroh really stole the show on this one.

I've read some of the reviews and I just can't have seen the same movie. Worse than DBZ Evolution? The response to this movie is jaded even compared to Speed Racer.

But then again there were alot of white people. I guess Shamylan is a white supremacist.
Noah Ringer?
Good Actor?

I honestly can't say I see what you see, and have to ask the question are you sure you were watching The Last Airbender. e_e


I Like Chopin
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Almost done with season 1 of the show, pretty sure I was watching The Last Airbender. Sokka and Katara really got screwed in the movie, though with Sokka that's not saying too much. I prefer movie Aang, and I still really think Zuko in the movie was amazing. None of the child actors in The Last Airbender seemed amateurish, Sokka really just reminds me too much of Hayden Christianson. The movie really benefits from the lack of extremely childish humor Avatar has at some points, the show reminds me alot of early Naruto. I'm just about to watch the Northern Siege, but nothing has been cut that didn't need to be. They should have clarified Avatar Roku though. Maybe it's due to a good musical score, which the show really lacks, but some parts were done better in the movie. Like the Earth rebellion felt much more emotional in the movie to me, overshadowing what big pussies the Fire benders were. They combined quite a few parts with the "Blue Spirit" part, and it benefited. Alot of reviews said twists were unexplained, but that was the only twist I remember and it made sense immediately to me. Not like it was more explained in the TV show either. I notice in the TV show fire benders can generate fire and in the movie they cannot. I think needing sources of fire made them just a little more interesting, especially in the way it was used. Generating fire when no other bender does actually seems like a copout now that I think about it.


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So I've seen the movie and the first season. I gotta address the dialogue. Everybody hates the dialogue, from the unnecessary narration to the Yue love scenes.

The truth is that the TV show isn't Shakespeare. There's alot of things that really suck in it, and Shamylan was smart to change some things. I guess he thought the Yue subplot was important enough to keep, but it sucked in the show and it sucks in the movie. Katara and her narration is the movie's real weakpoint. Katara in the show is really cool.

The Siege of the North Pool has probably the most radical change in the movie. The last 4th of the episode really throws off the kid gloves, which plagued the tv show up that point (seriously, stink bombs in the machinist episode?). But the movie never wore the kid gloves, and the siege is much cooler in the movie. It's hard to judge the actual change without knowing where both series are going. If I had to choose one ending right now, I think the movie is better.

I see nothing bad about this movie. Shamylan has dicked around for far too long trying to write gimmick scripts when we know he's the gimmick script writer, but if you watch The 6th Sense or Unbreakable they are more than just movies with clever twists. They have real, beautiful and entertaining drama to them. I would have liked to see Shamylan do ANYTHING but what he was doing, but the man's style is just so tailor made for this kind of adventure that now I can't see him doing any other kind of story.

I'm a connoisseur of bad dialogue, I have bad movie lines as ringtones. I saw and relished The Room for the first time last week. I didn't get that vibe with this movie. I just loved it and I want to see the sequel. I haven't looked forward to a sequel this much since The Dark Knight.
I just started watching the first episode since this thread intrigued me, and I like it a lot so far. The movie looks pretty fucking fantastic, though, so I'll probably get it when I finish the cartoon series.

Although, I might enjoy it more without the cartoon to compare it to. It's kind of one of those "the book was better than the movie" type of things...except replace "book" with "cartoon".
I can't say I see how any of the acting wasn't amateur, because most of it was horrendously horrendous. I also don't believe you like movie Aang better than tv Aang, because if you did you'd just be lying to yourself. |:<
In all fairness, the VA on the cartoon is pretty bad, too. Like, I'm painfully aware that I'm watching a cartoon. That's how awkward it is.

I just saw the part where
Aang pwns the fire dudes with a huge blast of water after he gets knocked off the warship
so despite that, I'm enjoying this.


I Like Chopin
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I can't say I see how any of the acting wasn't amateur, because most of it was horrendously horrendous. I also don't believe you like movie Aang better than tv Aang, because if you did you'd just be lying to yourself. |:<
TV show is definitely more lively. But he really suffers from TV show cliche bad decision making (like hiding the map showing where Sokka and Katara's father is, wtf?), and at other times is just an unbelievable brat. I never wanted to strangle movie Aang, but sometimes I feel that way watching the show.

Sokka's actor is really the weakest, but this is also the character who in the TV show would burst into the fakest laugh for absolutely no reason all the time.
In all fairness, the VA on the cartoon is pretty bad, too. Like, I'm painfully aware that I'm watching a cartoon. That's how awkward it is. Just keep watching...I know where you're coming from with the first couple of episodes. But it gets a lot better.

I just saw the part where
Aang pwns the fire dudes with a huge blast of water after he gets knocked off the warship
so despite that, I'm enjoying this.
Lol that's funny how you added a spoiler tag, the show is kind of 5 years Thtas great that you're starting to get into the show though.

When/if you see the movie though--DON'T see it in 3D, and don't expect it to be the next Harry Potter. This movie had a lot going for it and unfortunately was a bit underwhelming. But I went into the cinema with low expectation, and I really liked the movie.

The opening is promising, Sokka gets splashed and he's like, Can you not do that around me?! I always get wet." That got a lot of laughs from my theatre. But then the exposition starts; they basically spoonfeed you the story with narration, instead of showing flashbacks like they did in the show.

This movie was sort of doomed from the start though, like has already been said:

1. People hate shyamalan, and will hate him until the day he dies--maybe even after
2. Fans with ridiculously high expectations
3. People hating the movie because of the casting "race" controversy

vs. people who want to enjoy a movie.

All in all the movie is entertaining though. Zuko is the best character in the movie, although Shyamalans said in multiple interview that "Zuko is the real hero," when in reality its Aang

Name changing I could care less about. Like I said fans went in there and just weren't prepared for any changes. This is a good movie. I believe if Shyamalan just HOPS OFF HIS FUCKING HIGH HORSE--like not being Director AND Screenwriter AND Producer--then the next 2 movies have a chance at being kickass. The main actor, Noah, has said that he's already started his training for Earthbending, which is rooted in another type of Chines martial Arts. (Hung Fu something) So at least theyre being faithful with that--having the elements all need a different unique fighting style.


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I was honestly surprised that he wasn't acting too. What with all the other Indians in the movie. As far as racial changes go, I think the amount of Indian actors as the very complex villains was really good. The fire nation prevents the movie from being mediocre.
I still have to see this movie, and plan on seeing it, but every time I see the trailer it looks like a tremendous movie. It's strange to think about all of the awful reviews that it got.


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I've finished the whole series now. Shamylan is going to really have to step it up if he's even gonna come close to the quality of Seasons 2 and 3. The show gets at least ten times better.
I've finished the whole series now. Shamylan is going to really have to step it up if he's even gonna come close to the quality of Seasons 2 and 3. The show gets at least ten times better.
The first season was the weakest part of the animation so it stands to reason that it will be the weakest part of the film series.

I'm still waiting for it to be released over in Australia, I heard that it's going to be an August-September release which kinda sucks.

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