Tournament The NEW SV LC UU Swiss Tour | Won by Reggg

Okay so it was slightly longer than i was expecting but here's round 3. Sorry about that

Coinflip for na-kanon69 VS MiMoHyo

Alright everyone it's time for Round 3. Remember, with this being a swiss tour you are involved until week 6 unless you officially drop out

Anyway, here are the matchups

[2-0] Bracket

Greedy_eb VS giove97(flip)
Mike Cometa VS JuanSG(flip)
zeroouttathere VS naere

[1-1] Bracket

Gaboswampert VS Phanstump
DaviDXrt VS Don Bork
Peachy07 VS Kipkluif
Albi VS teamo
reggg(act) VS MiMoHyo
Bovine Ghoti VS Joltage

[0-2] Bracket

megatyler30(act) VS HanPyol
na-kanon69(flip) VS Hys
shadowtime2000 VS BYE (formerly Camden)

  • All games must be played in the Gen9 LC UU format unless tier changes require otherwise. In such cases games may be played in the Gen9 LC format and both players are expected to ensure the legality of their teams under the LC UU ruleset
  • All rounds will be best of three, you may switch teams in between games
  • Replays are Mandatory throughout the tournament
  • Any changes to the tier that occur in the middle of a round will not apply until the next round
  • You are expected to know and follow all general tournament rules
  • VMs are only thing that matters for activity. Use this guide to ensure you don't lose via activity or coinflip.
The LC UU Resource Thread can be found here:

Deadline for Round 3 Games is Sunday, Feb11th @ 11:59pm GMT-6

Good Luck and Have Fun!
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Round 4. Remember, with this being a swiss tour you are involved until week 6 unless you officially drop out

Anyway, here are the matchups

[3-0] Bracket

JuanSG VS naere
giove97 VS BYE

[2-1] Bracket

reggg VS Greedy_eb
Mike Cometa VS Kipkluif
Gaboswampert VS teamo
Joltage VS Don Bork
zeroouttathere VS BYE

[1-2] Bracket

DaviDXrt VS na-kanon69
Peachy07 VS Bovine Ghoti
shadowtime2000 VS megatyler30
Phanstump VS Albi

[0-3] Bracket

HanPyol VS Hys

  • All games must be played in the Gen9 LC UU format unless tier changes require otherwise. In such cases games may be played in the Gen9 LC format and both players are expected to ensure the legality of their teams under the LC UU ruleset
  • All rounds will be best of three, you may switch teams in between games
  • Replays are Mandatory throughout the tournament
  • Any changes to the tier that occur in the middle of a round will not apply until the next round
  • You are expected to know and follow all general tournament rules
  • VMs are only thing that matters for activity. Use this guide to ensure you don't lose via activity or coinflip.
The LC UU Resource Thread can be found here:

Deadline for Round 3 Games is Sunday, Feb 18th @ 11:59pm GMT-6

Good Luck and Have Fun!
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Alright guys, so the program I use to decide matchups said that there was no way to create a full set of matchups for round 5 given the results of the previous rounds.... I guess we didn't have enough to run it for 5 rounds, that's my bad. Somewhat conveniently tho, we currently do have a clear top 8, so I'm just making the executive decision to roll with it... Apologies to those that didn't make the cut. So anyway...


btw here's our one coinflip of consequence for last round.

Final Swiss Standings (Opp Win%)
1. JuanSG: 4-0 (72.50%)
2. giove97: 4-0 (68.75%)
3. zeroouttathere: 3-1 (70.00% )
4. naere: 3-1 (67.50%)
5. Kipkluif: 3-1 (58.75%)
6. Joltage: 3-1 (58.75%)
7. Gaboswampert: 3-1 (52.50%)
8. reggg: 3-1 (46.25%)

Which means our bracket looks like this

JuanSG vs reggg
naere vs Kipkluif
zeroouttathere vs Joltage
giove97 vs Gaboswampert

  • All games must be played in the Gen9 LC UU format unless tier changes require otherwise. In such cases games may be played in the Gen9 LC format and both players are expected to ensure the legality of their teams under the LC UU ruleset
  • All rounds will be best of three, you may switch teams in between games
  • Replays are Mandatory throughout the tournament
  • Any changes to the tier that occur in the middle of a round will not apply until the next round
  • You are expected to know and follow all general tournament rules
  • VMs are only thing that matters for activity. Use this guide to ensure you don't lose via activity or coinflip.
The LC UU Resource Thread can be found here:

Deadline for the Quarterfinal Games is Sunday, Feb 25th @ 11:59pm GMT-6

Good Luck and Have Fun!

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