The Physically Unfit Thread

Yeah like all you other guys I have a fast metabolism, and usually don't work out, save for the summer sometimes.
It's pretty much impossible for me to put on weight by eating; when the health department said I was (extremely) underweight a couple years ago I had to hit the gym. I pretty much eat whatever the fuck I want how often I want.

I'm now about 110 pounds, and somewhere between 5'6 and 5'9, I haven't really bothered to check.

Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
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morm i hate to break it to you but

  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  • Overweight = 25–29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
you clock in at 29.7. maybe ease up on the macdonalds huh
I'm surprised I am beating Morm to the "BMI is massive fucking bullshit goddamn" post. Especially since he had opportunities to do so.

Height over Weight has to be one of the dumbest conventions for determining fitness ever created. Every bodybuilder on the earth is obese according to BMI because they used Bulk Up 3 times and guzzled down Protein, Iron, Calcium, Carbos, and Zinc. Probably a few HP Ups too.

Now when I was growing up all I ever drank was milk and juice (and soda at restaurants for the most part). It's still all I ever drink, as I've switched over from drinking soda at work to Vitamin Water. If I'm going to pay a buck for a bottle of water it better be some good damn tasting water.

I used to have a super fast metabolism and be underweight. Now I need to finally use my damn gym membership at some point, sooner rather than later. I refuse to ever wear size 38 pants. Not fucking happening. And if I keep to it I should get from 36 back down to 34.

Speaking of Morm:

Lanturn314 said:
Yeah, I sit on my ass all day studying and going on the internet... and I eat desserts all the time. I've only been to the gym once in my life, and that was just because my friend needed someone to go with her and I was the only one around, so I went reluctantly. I'm a fatass at heart-- if the world were just at all, I'd be about 300lbs by now. Luckily, I have an awesome super-fast metabolism ^_^
Won't last forever, but hey, by the time I get fat, I'll be old anyway, at which point it won't really matter :P
This may be an issue that might concern you at some point in the near future.
jesus christ you people are all just sheep following whatever everyone in your life tells you

maybe 1 / 10,000 of you have a high metabolism that actually keeps you skinny as for the rest of you


when you're eating 4000+ calories per day and you're staying skinny, okay, maybe you have a high metabolism

when you're eating 2000, maybe, then no, you don't fucking have a high metabolism. write down everything you eat in a day and you'll figure out you actually eat ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, at least compared to what you thought you were eating. there is a reason you gasp when you hear someone say 'i eat 5000 calories per day'. there is a reason you flipped your shit when you found out michael phelps ate 10000 calories per day. guess what, you're probably a teenager who is active, you at least are walking around for a while (read: school, especially mall, general hanging with friends), and you are just fine.

god damn i hate people who say 'oh i have a high metabolism' because no you fucking don't. metabolism is improved if you're active. metabolism is improved if you're stimulating your body. muscle improves your metabolism. sitting around and eating just enough to maintain your motherfucking weight and sometimes going to hang out with friends which involves walking for a while doesn't qualify as any of those. so fuck off.

also there is no such thing as lean muscle there is only pure, raw, excellent, heavy non-fucking-lean muscle oh god where is vespa

ya i'm mad bro. you skinny people are skinny because you don't eat a lot, you fat people are fat because you eat too much. yes, a little bit involves your metabolism, but not really that much at all. so shut the hell up about how 'i have this ridiculously high metabolism' because who the fuck told you that? your mom / dad / media, but certainly not your motherfucking doctor. and if he did, you're one of the 10000 people i mentioned earlier. good day to you sirs and madams.

oh by the way i especially hate those of you who think you have really high metabolisms and are like 6'0 and 150. jesus you're fucking average how did you come up with 'i have a high metabolism' oh wait you're a sheep

this post was not directed toward anyone in particular, just my hatred for people who inaccurately claim they have high metabolisms when they have never tested themselves or had themselves tested for an accurate result (which would need to be monitored over a year for an accurate result probably). maybe some people really do but for the rest of you, fuck off until you have proof. if you're active / workout yes you have high metabolism probably good day sirs and madams

also bmi is bullshit just like lean muscle
This may be an issue that might concern you at some point in the near future.
People need to understand this. Nobody cares about your having a fast metabolism, (yeah I have one too big deal,) because it will almost definitely slow down and force you to actually work to lose weight and keep it off. In other words: Get in the habit of not being a fatass while you can. If you continue to neglect eating healthy or exercising, you definitely won't want to get up and lose weight when you're fat. I'm 6 feet tall (182.9 cm) and 140 pounds (63.5 kg), but I have <5% fat index. And even though I'm in decent shape and only 16, I still make a point to eat healthy and exercise so I don't become fat and too lazy to do anything about it

I thought your entire post was inaccurate but this statement stuck out. I eat an average teenage male diet, and I know a huge amount of teenagers who eat nothing but fats and sweets and lots of them, and they aren't fat whatsoever. Sorry but it's not that you're just smarter than everyone and nobody knows how much he or she eats

And my doctors have told me that I have a fast metabolism

And you contradict yourself in that post. You say that 6 feet 150 pounds is average and later go on to say that BMI is bullshit, so who are you to say that their height and weight give accurate representations of how much fat they have?

bmi doesnt take into account body fat percentage.
Which is exactly why it's inaccurate
bmi doesnt take into account body fat percentage. at my most i was about 180 and 6 feet, which is almost overweight. and yet i went to the gym 5 times a week and had about under 10 percent body fat

anyways smug fit person dropping by

hows it being unfit? wouldnt know

what with all my muscle

edit: umm yeah that was my point zacheaus

you sure are an 'insane' dude lol
jesus christ you people are all just sheep following whatever everyone in your life tells you

maybe 1 / 10,000 of you have a high metabolism that actually keeps you skinny as for the rest of you


when you're eating 4000+ calories per day and you're staying skinny, okay, maybe you have a high metabolism

when you're eating 2000, maybe, then no, you don't fucking have a high metabolism. write down everything you eat in a day and you'll figure out you actually eat ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, at least compared to what you thought you were eating. there is a reason you gasp when you hear someone say 'i eat 5000 calories per day'. there is a reason you flipped your shit when you found out michael phelps ate 10000 calories per day. guess what, you're probably a teenager who is active, you at least are walking around for a while (read: school, especially mall, general hanging with friends), and you are just fine.

god damn i hate people who say 'oh i have a high metabolism' because no you fucking don't. metabolism is improved if you're active. metabolism is improved if you're stimulating your body. muscle improves your metabolism. sitting around and eating just enough to maintain your motherfucking weight and sometimes going to hang out with friends which involves walking for a while doesn't qualify as any of those. so fuck off.

also there is no such thing as lean muscle there is only pure, raw, excellent, heavy non-fucking-lean muscle oh god where is vespa

ya i'm mad bro. you skinny people are skinny because you don't eat a lot, you fat people are fat because you eat too much. yes, a little bit involves your metabolism, but not really that much at all. so shut the hell up about how 'i have this ridiculously high metabolism' because who the fuck told you that? your mom / dad / media, but certainly not your motherfucking doctor. and if he did, you're one of the 10000 people i mentioned earlier. good day to you sirs and madams.

oh by the way i especially hate those of you who think you have really high metabolisms and are like 6'0 and 150. jesus you're fucking average how did you come up with 'i have a high metabolism' oh wait you're a sheep

this post was not directed toward anyone in particular, just my hatred for people who inaccurately claim they have high metabolisms when they have never tested themselves or had themselves tested for an accurate result (which would need to be monitored over a year for an accurate result probably). maybe some people really do but for the rest of you, fuck off until you have proof. if you're active / workout yes you have high metabolism probably good day sirs and madams

also bmi is bullshit just like lean muscle
smogon fitness post of the year

the year

i hate it when people claim to have high metabolisms. they're as common as thyroid conditions. fucking idiots
words were here now i deleted them

aw man why do you have to do this to me this is why i wish i didn't come on forums. all these people want is to talk about shit on a forum about how they are unfit and be proud and you decide to make a fool of yourself with me here we go then i guess huh

if you eat 2000 calories of pure fat, you're going to look like 2000 calories of pure fat. you aren't going to be some huge weight, but you're going to look fat. if you eat 1000 calories of fat and 1000 calories of healthy, you're going to look like what most people think is normal probably. yeah you could be skinny and eat a ton of fat shit, but jesus you aren't going to be healthy. the people you know eat more than fats and sweets or they're going to be chubby / fat.

and congrats at being one of the 10000 people who have a fast metabolism, and congrats on having yourself tested. that applies to absolutely nothing.

6 feet 150 i say is normal and i think it is? average i meant as you're an average looking person? they way you're saying it makes me sound like some fucking hypocrite, i think you're going to look normal at 6 feet 150. even if you eat half fat, you're just gonna be a little chubby but not fat.

bmi is bullshit, that doesn't change the fact that what i think is normal is what i think is normal. i think that's normal for a guy. i also think that eating 25% of your meals as junk and still being skinny is normal. congrats on nothing with that one haha.

surely however i will have said something else wrong that is totally inaccurate to you who of course is the god of all knowledge and knows that your friends only eat fat and sweets and you eat a diet that average teenage males eat because everyone is in the same financial situation and can afford to eat the same way and other such assumptions

just to sum this up for you: you can eat unhealthy and look healthy, that doesn't mean you're healthy. i know people who eat unhealthy (i won't say all they eat is shit because i don't fucking know what they eat all the time) and they are skinny. high metabolism could be a factor. so could having a little fat that's hidden.

the number one thing i say to people is this: look at your gut, thighs, and ass. you can be skinny everywhere but there and look skinny. your gut can poke out just a little. your thighs are never as skinny as the rest of your legs (have you ever looked a girl you know to be skinny when she is wearing jeans and you notice her thighs are just a little big?) and your ass is probably all fat anyway. 15% body fat is healthy and you can look skinny with it. kthx, if i'm wrong here go ahead and point it out because i know you people on forums just god damn hating changing your mind about anything (no offense forum-goers!)

i am liking this thread. although i would rather it go back to the other people talking about their experiences and shit because man this feels intrusive as fuck
surely however i will have said something else wrong that is totally inaccurate to you who of course is the god of all knowledge and knows that your friends only eat fat and sweets and you eat a diet that average teenage males eat because everyone is in the same financial situation and can afford to eat the same way and other such assumptions
Is talking about food in social situations such an odd concept? And I really have no idea what you're trying to imply with the last half of that paragraph (and pretty much your whole "I'm mad again because somebody has an opposing opinion" post) but I said "average teenage male diet", average here being the mean of statistics taken that are geographically relevant to me

edit: umm yeah that was my point zacheaus
Yeah and you posted below me so to me it looked like you were trying to fix what I said

you sure are an 'insane' dude lol
so this one time, on wii fit, I beat all my friends
i'm not entirely sure, but i'm pretty sure that nobodyhere could probably get the same score as me
so I am the fittest


Banned deucer.
oops looks like the "a" key on my keyboard broke due to the strength of my awesome muscles

good thing I have a spare keyboard lying around from all the nerds I beat up and steal from with said awesome muscles
I am underweight, with a BMI of 18.3 according to the calculator Lanturn posted. Not THAT underweight, but still underweight. 6'0 135 lbs. btw.
I snack on junk food a quite a bit but I have only really been eating one proper meal a day for the last year or so and I haven't really gained or lost any significant amount of weight or fat. I rarely work out or do anything physical besides going out for a walk, I havent been near a gym in the last three years save to earn a badge (derp) although I do work at a job that requires me to be walking around, lifting stuff, and generally being on my feet for at least six hours a day so i guess that kinda helps out a little bit

I do want to get myself fitter but its haaarrrd. Superfluous effort is not one of my strong points. I'm always telling myself to start doing stuff but i always put it off "until next week" or whatever and then i forget or put it off again or i dont know maybe i just need some better motivation.


Two kids no brane
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yikes people calm down.

Yeah, I think that calculator is pretty inaccurate. According to it I am 25.7 which is in the "overweight" range, and anyone who has seen me knows I am far from overweight. 6'2" and 200 lbs seems like a pretty ideal weight combination to me. Last year I was 180 and people said I looked too skinny, so I don't think an extra 20 lbs is going to magically catapult me into the overweight range, especially because I don't look visibly all that bigger. A better indicator of your muscle health is to check your body fat percentage, which can be obtained a couple of ways: underwater weighing, and that little fat clamp thingy that goes on the tricep. Obviously the underwater weighing is more accurate, but the fat clamp can give you at least a ballpark reading. A fit range for males is 7-13%, a normal range is 14-23%, and once you get over 23% you're getting into the unhealthy range. Females have a naturally higher body fat % than males because of how their bodies are designed, so their ranges look more like 12-18% for fit, 19-30% for normal, and 31%+ for unhealthy. These percentages might be a little off as I haven't looked at the chart in a really long time, but that's generally how it looks. Can someone less lazy than me look up the actual chart and correct any errors I made?

Regardless of all this, you should always do what makes you happy. If you don't want to exercise, don't. If you want that second piece of cheesecake because it's friggin delicious, go for it. If you want to stay healthy and fit, fine, but do it because YOU want to, not because someone else said you should. Nobody should be making themselves unhappy just because some magazine or tv commercial said we have to be a certain size.

Bottom line: Love who you are. Fat, skinny, tall, short, whatever. Don't let others judge you, and don't be one to judge. Your life will be outstanding if you can learn to do this.
yeah man! I fucking love hogging out at mcdonalds!

BMI is shit, what if what I'm bulging with is MUSCLE?

Happy, Deck? I actually just wanted to joke about being a fatass a bit but you ruined it for all of us
I'm 5'8 and 198 pounds, clocking in at 30.1 BMI (bottom edge of obesity). Just lost 12 pounds, dropping from 31.9 BMI. I can attest to its inaccuracy, though. Even at 180 lbs (my target weight, and rather healthy for my stocky build), my BMI would be 27.4 (halfway through overweight). Bad system is bad. Fat Turkydor is fat.
With the joy of responsibility comes the burden of obligation. I suppose I gotta step up and feed it to Lanturn as her BMI is way too low.
Regardless of all this, you should always do what makes you happy. If you don't want to exercise, don't. If you want that second piece of cheesecake because it's friggin delicious, go for it. If you want to stay healthy and fit, fine, but do it because YOU want to, not because someone else said you should. Nobody should be making themselves unhappy just because some magazine or tv commercial said we have to be a certain size.

Bottom line: Love who you are. Fat, skinny, tall, short, whatever. Don't let others judge you, and don't be one to judge. Your life will be outstanding if you can learn to do this.
that's all well and good but if you're in a country with socialised healthcare then taxpayers will be footing the bill for their life choice when they inevitable end up with diabetes or a heart attack

as an aside i find it pretty interesting that humans are the first species to have the problem of eating too much
We aren't the first cookie, it's a legit survival strategy for anything that hibernates. We are the first to do it just because we can. an raccoons. They get fat as fuck in the city!

Just saying

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