Who Moderates the Moderators?

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I'm kind of tired of every forum in existence being ruled with a totalitarianistic iron fist.

So I find the relevant thread I'm looking for and post a question in it, it gets removed by a mod, with a quick note saying it's in the wrong spot and a vague idea of where I should post it... ok fine, but was this discussed with me? Did I even get a message informing me of the deletion? No. So my question goes unanswered, but fine, wrong spot, so I'll keep looking where it was suggested. I find nothing, turns out the page I'm looking for DOESN'T EVEN EXIST! Gee thanks mod... so I create the page asking my question in more detail and my various thoughts on it. The first response again tells me I've posted in the wrong spot, but I was very careful and posted in the right spot this time, it basically comes down to a matter of opinion, OPINION for christ's sake. The next response basically said that the thread wasn't worthy of existing, again, opinion. After that comment, the thread was LOCKED! No discussion, no notice, no chance to defend myself, no logic or reason, just "hey, I disagree with this, lock". Worst of all, once again my topic of curiosity goes unanswered. Now I don't even care anymore, I don't wanna know what a bunch of rude jerks think! This is not totalitarianism, you shouldn't just be able to make decisions like that!

Who moderates the moderators?

Does no one else ever have this issue?

And the sickest bit is this will likely get removed and I'll be banned faster than I can say Alomomola! I'm disgusted right now.
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Tastes Like Candy
Wrong section.

Anyways, the best thing to do would send a Pm to the mod involved and try to talk to him. I'm sure if you do that, politely, you'll get an answer. We also have super mods and admins, but seriusly, talking works 99% of the time.


of the Distant Past
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direct all inquiries to Birkal

And to answer your question, it is likely a product of XY. We have more users than ever before, meaning moderators have less time to dedicate attention to smaller issues. It also doesn't help that users can no longer see deletion messages... If you have a complaint about a specific moderator (something you think is actually worthy of demodding), you can send it to me or another Super Moderator. I expect things to settle down over the next few months.
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In all seriousness lexgamer you'll have a better time here if you just chill a bit. If you PM a mod I am sure they would respond nicely to your concerns. Nobody here is 'communist' (whatever that means, since we aren't a nation state)
Naw I know guys... I was just super grumpy, thanks for not pissing me off more about it haha. I went for a run and calmed down. Helped alot.

The first thing just agitated me a little, but the second thing then was enough to push me over the edge. So I had posted on the Marowak page, the only Marowak page I could find, so I thought it was fine, found it through google rather than the site, silly me. Turned out to be the research thread, so not quite the right spot, my bad. My post was removed, so I looked more, and realized the page didn't exist for general Marowak discussion, so I made one, to discuss the changes to him this gen, I mean, he's my favorite and all, but then that thread is locked, one post said there is a thread for old Pokemon discussion, but I for one would prefer to have it as it's own topic, less mess, more organized, and it fits where I put it, with the other Pokemon discussions of gen 6. Just because it could be discussed in one spot, doesn't mean it can't be discussed in another if it fits, opinion stuff. The next comment said Marowak wasn't good enough for his own discussion, /thread. What!? There are tiers, every Pokemon is good enough for one of em! And he's my favorite, so he's good enough for me! Don't salt my wounds, haha.

Anyhoo, like I said, I'm chill now, over it.

HA! And man, that Weredrud thing was a long time ago, I forgot about it; what's said on the internet, stays on the internet. Seems to me I was flamed for that too...

EDIT: Looked at the Weredrud page, I remember the problems I had there now... I would post it in one spot, get told that was the wrong spot and where to put it, then once I put it there would be told by someone that was the the wrong spot, eventually was told to put it where I started, at which point I pulled all of my hair out, hahaha. I wasn't really interested in the create a Pokemon thing, just wanted to share it, ended up embarrassed and that's why I left for so long... and I forgot about all that...
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To be honest, I have noticed a general sort of "I'm better than you act" coming from a lot of the older members, and being directed to newer ones. it's been done to me, and I've seen it done to others. I'd personally like to discuss this more, but I feel it may warrant its own thread since its slightly different from the topic here. I'd appreciate it if an admin or mod would let me know whether they think it deserves it's own thread or not.


Nexus is literally the worst.
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Honestly, such a thread would draw a lot of negative attention and not do anything to solve it.

You're better off just hanging out and getting to know people. Some of those members you're referring to are probably coming from a place of experience rather than superiority. Others are definitely asses. You'll have that in a community this big. It's easy enough to just avoid those people.

At least until you can destroy them.
/ban macle
I don't know this probably isn't a good idea but when we have the smog awards once a year maybe the normal users of smogon should be able to nominate and vote for other users to become a mod or in relation to this thread "moderate the moderators". Please don't go crazy its just a wild idea.
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