Worst Roommates!

So we have had a thread on the worst teachers people have had, what are some of the worst roommates you have had and why?

I just got home and have to leave for work in an hour (working 10pm to 7am for the next week) and I was looking forward to eating my leftover Chinese food from Pei Wei, which i just bought on wednesday (it is now friday), and my leftover stir fry. I open the frig to pull out my food, no Pei wei. My asshole of a roommate ate my food, again! He has eaten our pizza, butter, chinese food, sausages, oil and a number of other items that I cannot remember.

We have no working oven and have not had a working oven for over 4 months. The garage door has been broken a little longer then the oven. He is drunk half of the time and is an obnoxious drunk. Yells at us for doing the laundry at 6 in the after noon, stopped us from doing laundry one time all because we were doing laundry the night before untill 11 (stopped at 11) and our other roommate made our stuff take longer to dry. Doesn't mind his own business.

We came home this afternoon and as soon as we got in the door our roommate told us that we would have to be moving out in mid feb since he apparently no longer has the money to afford the place since he doesnt appear to have a real job and just makes a living selling belts and shoes and such and rents out rooms to other people (making them pay most of his rent no doubt). So now we have to move, again. I will give him credit for giving us more then a month's notice, that would be nice, but now im missing my Chinese food.

Would anyone else like to share about their shitty roommates cuz I would sure like to hear some stories right about now.
well, he wasn't really a bad roommate but he was definitely really weird.

i roomed with this guy my first year at the UW and probably only talked to him 5 or 6 times in that year. when he was in the room and not sleeping (very rare) he would be watching anime or playing the Wii with headphones on and the lights off. after about a month he decided to put his mattress under the bed (the beds sit about 3.5 feet high to accomodate minifridges and whatnot) and hang a blanket over the edge to seclude himself while sleeping. when i asked him why he did that his only reply was that "the dark is good". which only slightly creeped me out. i never once saw him eat or drink or actually socialize with another human being either. after around 2 months he hung 4 giant emo style hello kitty posters on his wall, which i combated with sports illustrated pin ups and a few posters of awesome bands that i found at a poster shop in pike's place market. he only came back to the room around 11pm every night on the weekdays and spent most of each weekend sequestered in the room doing the activities i mentioned earlier. his posture was also horrible, which i told him every time i saw him in his chair, a perfect quarter circle starting at teh lower back and ending at the neck. i am pretty sure i only found out his name was brian when i saw it on the sticker the RA placed on our door.

all in all he was not intrusive or obnoxious but he sure was a creepy mother fucker


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is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
By roomie she means landlord that lives with us. So no "finding a new one," the two of us are renting the place from him.
these aren't mine, but my friend eli has the best bad roommate stories i've ever heard - all typed up and on the internet right here: http://wooopedia.com/wooo/Craig

they sound a little anti-christian in parts, but eli is a strict evangelical, so really he's only opposed to the crazy shit his roommate extrapolated from the faith

anyway they are hilarious and well worth reading
My roomate at the start of the year was a real shithead.
Her name was Nicole, a med student like me, and she was from South Australia. We both needed a house close to my campus, which was situated in country Victoria about 2 hours from my house.

It started off nicely, we met a few times before hand after initially getting in contact through the univeristy. She seemed pleasant enough, had a boyfriend back home (who she tended to call every night for 3 hours at a time!) and was quite neat and tidy.
We moved into our house at the start of semester (late January), where it was the middle of the Australian summer. I first noticed things were weird when she refused to allow me to turn on the cooling for more than 30 minutes at a time. Now, when it is 35C outside cooling is a neccessity. Apparantly she liked being hot or something.

Over the following weeks, i noticed her becomming decidely cooler towards me. I would still attempt to be upbeat, and ask her 'how was your day', or 'how was work', but I would either get a one word answer, or nothing at all. Strange, I thought.

She got weirder and weirder as the weeks went on:
- She removed all the seats from the couch, and told me that i wasn't to sit on her couch anymore, even though it was the only couch in the lounge room
- She killed my Siamese Fighting Fish, as i had gone away for a weekend (and left a long-term food block in his bowl) and she couldn't 'bare to see him starve'. She admitted she did this by freezing him.
- She asked me bluntly to 'go and study in the garage', as i had a habit of studying on the couch, where i was comfortable, while my study desk was in storage in the garage. When i told her, 'it gets too cold out there' (by now it was april, getting to the middle of autumn), she called me a rude, insensitive, bastard
- She started to spread rumours amongst the other med students about how I had tried to come onto her on numerous occasions, which were totally untrue (seeing as i had a girlfriend, whom she was unaware of)

Anyway, in the end she wrote me a nasty letter just before our 2 week semester break saying that she was moving out, and that all bond money needed to be returned to her that week or 'legal action will be taken'.
I wrote her a letter back saying that she should have done her homework, as the bond money would not be made available to me until the 19th Jan 2009, and that I was under no legal obligation to give her any money until that time.

It was just cold between us, and i could never understand why. She seemed so nice, but i think that being in a new state, combined with living with an eternally happy guy (and another girl, who was also constantly cheerful) made her realise how much her own life sucked. I think she took out her problems on us, so thank goodness she moved out. I still haven't given her the bond money, she had gone back to South Australia over the summer and I (most likely) will not see her for another 4 weeks at least.

Last I heard, she was one of 3 people in the entire course who had done poorly enough to have to take supplementary examination. No idea if she passed or not, but personally I think she will make a terrible doctor.
after about a month he decided to put his mattress under the bed (the beds sit about 3.5 feet high to accomodate minifridges and whatnot) and hang a blanket over the edge to seclude himself while sleeping. when i asked him why he did that his only reply was that "the dark is good". which only slightly creeped me out.
lmao sorry I don't have anything to contribute to this thread
these aren't mine, but my friend eli has the best bad roommate stories i've ever heard - all typed up and on the internet right here: http://wooopedia.com/wooo/Craig

they sound a little anti-christian in parts, but eli is a strict evangelical, so really he's only opposed to the crazy shit his roommate extrapolated from the faith

anyway they are hilarious and well worth reading
funny stuff. craig was fucking mental.
i found my self laughing for most of the stories. took about an hour and a half, but it was definitely worth it.


Have a nice day
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these aren't mine, but my friend eli has the best bad roommate stories i've ever heard - all typed up and on the internet right here: http://wooopedia.com/wooo/Craig

they sound a little anti-christian in parts, but eli is a strict evangelical, so really he's only opposed to the crazy shit his roommate extrapolated from the faith

anyway they are hilarious and well worth reading
When I started reading this I was pretty sure that this dude being described was CaptKirby, but then I realised he was an atheist..

It's what CK would have been had he remained a Christian.

Have a nice day.
The only roomateIve ever had is my gf (christ the shit I could go on about concerning her crazy shenanagins) but our old next door neighbor (to our apartment), they have a 2 year old son and he would unlock the deadbolt in there house and run up to our door and open it and barge inside and we'd go into the living room and see him starting at the tv or some shit.

Whats weird is that we very rarely left the door unlocked (the people below us were super nazi white supremist people who stole shit from anyones house they could get into), so pretty much everytime we forgot to lock thedoor the neighbor kid would come over..it was creepy to just see him sitting there like he owned the place.


is a Contributor Alumnus
My housemate was a slob and cleaned as little as possible. He also regularly brought home random emo/insane fuck buddies with whom he would have loud sex. Sometimes, they would try to hide it with loud drum 'n' bass. Either way, it was loud.

He was a nice guy though, and we got on well.
these aren't mine, but my friend eli has the best bad roommate stories i've ever heard - all typed up and on the internet right here: http://wooopedia.com/wooo/Craig

they sound a little anti-christian in parts, but eli is a strict evangelical, so really he's only opposed to the crazy shit his roommate extrapolated from the faith

anyway they are hilarious and well worth reading
To be honest I was terrified to think that Anyone might ever have to live with a roommate THAT crazy! But it definitely kept me interested.

The link didn't work for me. I had to go to Google and type wooopedia and craig then read the cached page.


Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhh, Kate.......
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Championis a Past WCoP Champion
Syberia lives with another smogoner? Man, that is the kinda stuff sitcoms are made from. Well, best of luck finding a new place to both of you.

I never had any roommates that bad, I've had squabbles with all of them, but nothing worth mentioning.
Hooooboy, bad roomates. I've had those.

Though not the first kind of roomates that come to mind.

I'm a high school marching band member, therefore I travel. A LOT. During our regular season, I'm very rarely home when I'm not in school. But every year in our off season we go to Disneyland in Florida, as a "vacation" for us and also for a parade. Just to show off.

My first year, my best friend and I made the huge mistake of rooming with two colorguard girls.

The first wasn't very bad, but occasionally got drunk in her boyfriend's room and almost had sex with him in our room once. >_o Though my friend and I confronted her about that (we were fourteen anyway o_o). Set aside those isolated incedents, she was sweet and we got along great.

The other one was a big reason my friend and I called that week "The Week From Hell." She was loud, obnoxious, and worst of all, a whore. ._.
First night there, the night before our parade, she stayed up until three in the morning banging on the walls and swearing at the room next to us, by default keeping both rooms wide awake. At one point or another she did all of the following.
-Dropped my phone in the toiled after reading all of my messages.
-Sprayed a whole can of our hoarded cheese-in-a-can into said toilet (after I had retrieved my phone -_-).
-Phoned the room of the two boys my friend and I had crushes on at the time and said over and over "I know who liiiiiikes you."
-Hogged our stockpile of candy that we'd worked on for weeks in advance.
-Locked us out of the room. Twice.
-While everyone else was out, she threw a party.
-The list goes on and on and on......

Needless to say, we were lucky to get out of Florida alive.
My housemate was a slob and cleaned as little as possible. He also regularly brought home random emo/insane fuck buddies with whom he would have loud sex. Sometimes, they would try to hide it with loud drum 'n' bass. Either way, it was loud.

He was a nice guy though, and we got on well.
He was straight, right?..
My roommate bob is a cool guy but man is he hard to live with. He has no sleep schedule to speak of, so he sleeps until a half hour before he has to go to work, then comes home, sleeps until 3 AM.

Then he wakes up and tries to hang out with people, like "cmon, you can't sleep now" and stuff. He came into my room while I was sleeping and turned on my xbox! How rude. He also falls asleep whenever you go somewhere with him, be it a restaurant, or a party, he's always sleeping.

My other roommate, jordan, he just makes a huge mess, never cleans it up (we have a laundry basket full of his dirty dishes lol) but when inspection comes once a month, he whines and complains that he does all the cleaning... he also let people SLEEP IN MY ROOM while I was away on christmas vacation.

I've given up all hope on the living room area and bunkered into my room as much as possible, I have all my food and possessions down here now, it's pretty comfy.
Wow these stories suck, I feel bad for you guys, epically you Duke, I’m really sorry about your fish, epically since fish can go for about a week and will not starve epically not over the weekend.

I had some roommates down in Long beach that sucked a lot. These were the first roommates I moved in with back when I was 18. There were two girls to start with and one was added later. The first two would smoke pot all the time and invite people over to smoke and throw loud parties when I would have to be up at six the next morning. I asked the girls to keep the pot in their room since the smell bothered me, and they did most of the time.

They would throw parties often and play beer pong in the living room and spill beer all over the room which made it smell awesome. At one point they moved another girl into my room. This girl was Indian and didn’t wear deodorant for at least a few months. Finally we got her to wear deodorant since she lived in my room and I could no longer tolerate the smell. At one point she had her boyfriend come over and stay for a week, I walked into my room and there they were. Now we had a bunk bed and I really felt uncomfortable sharing the room with the two of them in there. So for that week I slept in the large closet next to the room (I think I only heard them having sex once or twice from in there). He was suppose to stay for the week but stayed a little longer and he finally left after eating some of my food. She then broke up with that boyfriend and had another one coming over very soon after, he also stayed in the room and I stayed in the closet. This new boyfriend smelled very bad as welll so my room constantly smelled like ass, but my closet smelled great.

One night the roommate kept saying that she "needed to go get drunk", "she really needed to go and get drunk", she was desperate to go and get drunk, and so she went out and drank. She came home in the middle of the night, was loud enough to wake me up (as the other normally did as well), I was laying in bed in my closet and I could hear her moaning, great I though, she is in threw having really loud sex, finally I got back to sleep. I wake up in the morning only to find out that she wasn’t having sex, she was throwing up ALL over the room, and some of the shit was still on the carpet, I told her very sternly to clean it up, and she did. Great, she really had to go and get drunk just to do that all over my room. I never did leave my closet; I spent the next few months in there.

Two or three months before I was going to move out the apartment got fleas. Now I work at Petco, so I should know what flea control works and what doesn’t. The roommate had an indoor cat (the cat was very sweet but they smoked her out a few times and I think she was a little messed up from that) and I told my roommate to use the good flea stuff since the cheep crap does nothing. Needless to say she used the cheep crap and moths later the fleas had taken over the house and were now feeding offs my roommates (I was safe in my closet). My roommates flea bombed the house twice in a month, I shampooed the carpet, I flea powdered the carpet and we vacuumed, she even got rid of the cat a month before we moved out. The fleas were on the couch, on the floor, on their beds in the rooms (my closet was the only [almost] flea free room in the house). When the second flea bomb was set off, fleas could still be seen jumping from the carpet only 10 hours later only five feet from where the bomb was set off. The roommates were prissy and really sucked by this point and I was happy to move out. As I moved out the fleas were still there and going strong but I did learn to like living in my little closet, it was quite cozy.

I then moved into a house that had dogs that shat everywhere and pissed on the couches. The guy was nice and I really felt bad for him since he was engaged and the girl decided that she didn’t want to be tied down and didn’t want to get married, so she left him after he paid for her boob job. The three of us (Syberia, I and the roommate) were happy for the next year until the guy suddenly told us that he was out of money and we all had to move out, the poor guy even lost his cats. So we had a month to move and we finally found this place we have here.

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