Media Yu-Gi-Oh! Discussion: MK3


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Konami tried really hard to hit Tri-Brigade without actually putting any of the cards on the list. To their credit, the list is kinda creative. Barrage is a hit I wasn't expecting but don't hate, and Tenki should have been Limited years ago. The Eva Limit seems a bit soft, but I suppose it hurts grind game and makes a deck a little bit more fragile. Nothing else is a surprise given recent trends and upcoming product.
Welcome to Drytron T0 format lmao. It's going to make such a difference that now they have to go back to playing 1 Eva again. That Herald will have 4 negates rather than 6!!!!! Take roughly the list on previous page and just replace 1 Eva with Natasha or another Crossout target. Probably maindeck 3 Droll for the inevitable mirrors and maybe even maindeck a Cycle Reader too. There's also Orcust Crescendo post-siding, which Beatrice can send to search Cycle Reader. Yeah, this format is going to be "fun". Brush up on your Rock-Paper-Scissors skills everyone, they will probably be the difference maker.
Fuck Crossout.
Fuck stupid Tribrig "hits", they haven't even killed the Zoo engine. You still just normal a Zoo make Zeus brrr. Having 2 Rat Normal Summons rather than 4 is like... Why even bother banning barrage. They should have banned Rat instead so the engine is unplayable going first, if that's what they were going for. Tribrig is just going to have severe problems stopping Drytron with Crossout in the picture, that's the only reason it won't be T1.
Pranks were the one top deck that didn't deserve to get killed. Now they're a midrange deck that doesn't have a grind game. Nice. Now you don't have to bother with 3 Ash or Skull Meister in Drytron sides and only "have" to play the absurd blowouts. Ig people might switch to Ignister, but then who cares about a deck that's just praying your opponent can't out a really big body.
And Virtual World got buffed. Really? Like, it's not a cancer deck but then there is all the Beatrice shenanigans it gets up to. Looks like 3/4 top decks will be the best 3 decks next format too. No Konami, this isn't going to make us buy Myutants, PUNK or whatever garbage you're trying to sell.
Finally Nessie to 2 is slightly worrying in the context of... well, everything the Danger!s used to get up to. Should be fine. So long as we don't get any more.
I cannot put in words how much this banlist sucks. So I'll just leave what I said on Discord:

"All they have to is ban Eva or Benten and it's a good banlist. Everything else can wait 3 months. Drytron with 3 Crossout is an emergency now."

"You had one job Konami. One job."
Drytron players deserve to be fired into the sun
Space X employees preparing to work triple overtime as we speak.


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Kaiser col and zenmaity are still banned while mine is fully legal at 3. We truly live in a society.


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Kaiser col and zenmaity are still banned while mine is fully legal at 3. We truly live in a society.
It wouldn't surprise me if they give Zenmaity a HOPT erratum before re-printing/unbanning it. I know it's at 1 in the OCG but they've done weirder in the past.
Kaiser Col is banned because it makes stun monsters way too much of a pain to out without drawing blowouts, and in practice it's basically an Extra Deck lock (bar link-1s and Fusions). Think Inspector Border/Dragoon together with Kaiser, and another few generic traps. It basically was the Mystic Mine of its day.
Zenmighty is largely still banned because it's generic. If it required 2 Level 3 Wind-Ups it probably could just come back to 3, Hunter or no. Unfortunately Zenmighty is just too easily accessible by way too many decks, and the Hunter loop being extremely generic as well doesn't help (sending B-Ws from Deck to GY is not exactly something foreign to the current metagame). Zenmighty will probably remain banned for much the same reason as M-X-Saber Invoker.
Mystic Mine isn't a great card against the current metagame, but I don't think a single tear would be shed over it being hit. The card is still just dumb.


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Kaiser Col is banned because it makes stun monsters way too much of a pain to out without drawing blowouts, and in practice it's basically an Extra Deck lock (bar link-1s and Fusions). Think Inspector Border/Dragoon together with Kaiser, and another few generic traps. It basically was the Mystic Mine of its day.
Zenmighty is largely still banned because it's generic. If it required 2 Level 3 Wind-Ups it probably could just come back to 3, Hunter or no. Unfortunately Zenmighty is just too easily accessible by way too many decks, and the Hunter loop being extremely generic as well doesn't help (sending B-Ws from Deck to GY is not exactly something foreign to the current metagame). Zenmighty will probably remain banned for much the same reason as M-X-Saber Invoker.
Mystic Mine isn't a great card against the current metagame, but I don't think a single tear would be shed over it being hit. The card is still just dumb.
I've seen some absolutely ridiculous combos that a theoretical triple Zenmaity deck could pull off. That card cannot go anywhere above 1 without a HOPT erratum.

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.
The thing with Zenmaity is that people focus so much on the Hunter Hand Loop that they forget the actual Wind-Up Engine it created in the first place; Zenmaity + Magician is an incredible link engine and can just snowball so fast. You can access this thing off of a single Tour Guide, which in a world with Cherubini among other things nowadays gives BA a massive boost off the top of my head. Even one is really pushing it with how easily cards can be recycled nowadays.
The thing with Zenmaity is that people focus so much on the Hunter Hand Loop that they forget the actual Wind-Up Engine it created in the first place; Zenmaity + Magician is an incredible link engine and can just snowball so fast. You can access this thing off of a single Tour Guide, which in a world with Cherubini among other things nowadays gives BA a massive boost off the top of my head. Even one is really pushing it with how easily cards can be recycled nowadays.
This. Exactly this. A generic rank-3 that summons half-decent monsters from Deck is never healthy. Heck, Sea Dragon is a generic rank 3 that summons *banished* monsters and that's pretty borderline. Even 1 Zenmighty with a HOPT and Hunter ban would still probably make it an utterly bonkers card. Like I said, the only way to make it "fair" is to restrict it to using garbage Wind-Ups as material.


6th Best Circus Poster of 2023
is a Community Contributor
Kaiser col and zenmaity are still banned while mine is fully legal at 3.
p. sure Kaiser Colosseum is banned in part because of how much it fucks with rulings.

but i agree zenmaity to 1 (and hunter to 0) would be funny
Anyone here excited for the Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel client? I'm going to dump SO many hours into that game.


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Anyone here excited for the Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel client? I'm going to dump SO many hours into that game.
As a Edopro user, not really, for a number of reasons:

1) Konami always looked like a fairly greedy company to me, even if there are probably worse offenders. So I'm worried about Master Duel's free-to-play model, namely how much money you need to spend to be sort of competitive and whether you can viably earn in-game currency by playing;
2) Unlike fan-made simulators, official yu-gi-oh games have always had obnoxious animations;
3) Speaking of fan-made simulators, I'm worried konami may start to see them as "direct competitors" and take action to take them down.

Maybe there's already more info about the f2p model but I haven't checked yet. To be honest, I'm thinking of getting back into playing with actual cards at locals (after like 10 years since I gave away my old cards). I already bought some generic cheap staples such as D.D Crow, Foolish Burial and the Knightmares.


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The whole semi limited list feels preemptive almost, more than like actually addressing something...

Very hype for Snow, Tiger and Destrudo back, lot of my decks were affected by their ban so I just got a ton of consistency back lol.

Skill Drain at 3 is a head scratcher, esp since they put Raigeki at 3 but not Duster...

Overall this is a cool banlist, be interesting to see if Pendulums can make a bit of a comeback here

ALSO master duel is cool as fuck, what's everyone focusing on? I ended up going with a Skull Servant zombie deck since I opened a unizombie and balerdroch on one of my first packs. Building the deck was a little painful with so many URs and SRs but I'm pretty happy with it overall
I've not played in a while, so these thoughts might not be totally accurate:
Protos: Thank Fuck I never had to play against this.
Eva: Oh so NOW you want to do what you should have done last list?? Now Drytron isn't even the best combo deck.
Simorg link: lol. Pretty sure this isn't the problem card of that deck. Ah well, back to Revolt.
Imperial Order: THANK FUCK THIS IS GONE ON MY GOD. For those who aren't totally familiar with high-level play, basically Imperial Order had reached the point where it was getting played in basically everything as a free-win-button.
Destrudo: This is not a good idea. When this was banned we didn't have Romulus to search Dragon Ravine from deck. Synchro monsters were a side-grade to Links rather than an actual strategy. Like, what are they thinking letting this card anywhere near MR5??? When actual Jet Synchron is banned.
Fairy Tail Snow: This is an even worse idea. "Hey guys, what if every deck that had effects on banish got to trigger them for free while getting a potential interaction/free body???" What are they on up there at Konami HQ.
Astrograph: WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY ON??? Like, have you read this card lately? Search ANYTHING. Oh and Beyond the Pendulum is coming soon so have fun watching Pendulum do bullshit. The correct way to handle Pends was to unban Servant of Endymion and print new cards that aren't broken.
Lunalight Tiger: Ok now this has to be someone's idea of a sick joke. I get it, Lunalights as a deck are not that impressive. As an engine? Whoooo boy. Especially with another certain Beast-Warrior deck in the meta right now... Have fun getting Dwellered I guess.
Recital: No idea what this does tbh. Pretty big hit though, since the deck could power these out for fun. All I know is they haven't hit Tribrig... Again.
Monster Gate: People played this? Is this just me being out of touch? The last time I saw this card played was in Infernoid Lair lol.
Pot of Desires:...If you hit this, you HAVE to hit Prosp, I'm sorry this card has not been a problem card ever. Prosp for 6 add Order to hand gg has been a problem card.
A Hero Lives:Sure.
Fusion Destiny: HAHAHAHAHA, they think this addresses anything HAHAHAHAHA jokes on us I guess, 3 more months of DPE in everything!!!!
Nadir Servant: This is the single most wimpy hit to a deck of all time. Given IDS has returned to the meta recently, you'd expect them to do something more?
Scapegoat: On one hand, this card is utterly cracked. On the other, no-one has played it in forever. Worth a try I guess.
Nessie: "One more Upstart in the FTK, one more Upstart in the FTK, take one off, unban it around, Two more Upstarts in the FTK!"
REDMD: Since it's HOPT now I don't see when you'd play more than one tbh.
Joker: Sure
E-Tele: This is the worst idea ever. FIBRAX STILL EXISTS GUYS. You can now play 3 E-Tele 1 PUNK Imperm Trap 1 Level 3 Tuner PUNK Trap Searcher as a pretty dumb Tuner engine that gives a free backrow. Or you can just throw 3 E-Tele into any deck that plays Gamma. Or you can start playing Virtual World again.
Raigeki: 3 Years overdue at least lol. This card is baaaaad.
Overall: Worst. Banlist. Ever. Two of the bans were good. A couple of the hits were ok. The rest was made by someone on crack.


6th Best Circus Poster of 2023
is a Community Contributor
Hey guys, I made a Bird Up deck in Master Duel. Isn't that cool? Boy I sure hope nothing bad happens to it.

Mr. Uncompetitive

She had a habit of meeting all of the artists...
is a Contributor Alumnus
Striker gang, we keep winning


This banlist wasn't a bad list, an amazing list, a list with no changes, or a list with drastic changes. It was, however, a very funny list that doesn't really affect my decks that much, and that's what counts.
Thank god I didn't finish building Bird Up in Master Duel.


is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
ALSO master duel is cool as fuck, what's everyone focusing on? I ended up going with a Skull Servant zombie deck since I opened a unizombie and balerdroch on one of my first packs. Building the deck was a little painful with so many URs and SRs but I'm pretty happy with it overall
I made an Elementsabers deck and I have no idea how I hit plat with it.


i am alien
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I watched the anime from 2002 on Sky and played locally with friends from 2003 to 2007. During Jinzo and soon before the Chaos Invasion era I was winning small 32-man shop tournaments and managed to win Sheffield tour with 128 participants! This was when you could play a starting hand such as Confiscation, Forceful Sentry, Delinquient Duo, Pot Of Greed and Graceful Charity and your draw card being something worth milling like Sinister Serpent so you were literally starting the game with +1 and your oppponent having half a hand to start their first turn.

I didn't have money to be travelling much. A train ticket cost 5 pound and I had 10 in total to spend the entire day. So it was trip to Sheffield for £4, Greggs and Mcdonalds could both be bought with £5 and if I was lucky to make a couple of quid, I would have myself a booster pack or two with the remaining £1 for a coke lol.

Cyber Dragons were out and Destiny Heroes were coming in 2007 and I hadn't the time or money to travel on my own once some friends stopped playing to work/study.

Now I just play Duel Links and KOG or get DVLMax with a Stratos/Plasma/Change Hero deck that I have kept the same for 2 years.


Texas Cloverleaf

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I've been rocking Tribrigade Zoodiac in master duel with no complaints, definitely the best midrange deck available and not tooooo pricy to build, quite light if you already have your hand traps or droplets in place.


Top 4ed an 80 man tour a couple weekends ago with Invoked Dogmatika, going to have to tweak the list a little bit with the new banlist in place now though.

Biggest thing I'm looking forward to in the future is the Marincess support to drop, I've built it out mostly in Master Duel already but there's a bunch of OCG only cards still waiting on, not the most competitive deck but should be rogue capable, and it's a fun playstyle too.



6th Best Circus Poster of 2023
is a Community Contributor
Ah, Master Duel season ends and there are 0 end of season awards. Also you're locked out of a bunch of gems at the lower ranks if you placed too high.

Plat 1 is still the highest rank even though we know there's a bunch of ranks afterwards in the game files...

This game is a fucking joke.

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