Media Yu-Gi-Oh discussion

Man, I am really excited for the Pot of Duality reprint. It is such a good card. ;_;

What are you going to be running when the next set comes out, and when you have the tins/dw structures?
I have to say that Kevin Tewart is a fucking idiot when it comes to knowing about the metagame.
I agree.

"Originally Posted by KevinTewart

Cards do not get "hit" because they are popular. Cards get "hit" because they cause a problem, or limit deck diversity.

Tengu is an extremely versatile card that goes in a number of decks. It's a facilitator card, not an end-game strategy.

We should probably stop referring to 'tengu decks' since it's really a misnomer. Adding Tengu to your deck doesn't make it a 'tengu deck' any more than adding Mirror Force makes it a 'Mirror Force deck'.

Tengu is also easy to get and was handed out for free at the sneak peeks. It's a powerful, versatile, easy-to-get card. The kind of thing that everybody is always begging us to create. If people are complaining about it, I'm not sure what to say."
I have to say that Kevin Tewart is a fucking idiot when it comes to knowing about the metagame.
probably the main reason that this game will never be 'good'

tewart has said he believes book of moon to be broken, and for that reason tsukuyomi is the least likely card to get unbanned
Awesome thread. I just got back into Yugioh a few months ago after my friends told me to, so recently I've just been watching other people play and learning rulings rather than actually dueling myself. I think I'm getting a lot better though.

First deck my friend sold me was Morphtronics, which I've since improved (IMO) so that it runs faster and funner (all deck lists below).

Since then I've also made Machina Gadgets, which I admittedly net decked. I should be making some changed sometime once I go to locals for the first time and actually duel competitively IRL.

Funnest deck I haven't made IRL, but use a lot on Dueling Network, is Mist Valley. Such a fun archetype that can make explosive plays at any moment.

You're free to make suggestions on any deck I'm running:

24 Monsters:

3 Morphtronic Celfon
3 Morphtronic Boomboxen
3 Morphtronic Remotem
3 Morphtronic Scopen
3 Morphtronic Slingen
3 Cyber Valley
2 Morphtronic Lantron
2 Cyber Dragon
1 Morphtronic Boarden
1 Sangan

13 Spells:

3 Junk Box
3 Machine Duplication
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Monster Reborn
1 Giant Trunade
1 Dark Hole
1 Book of Moon
1 Pot of Avarice

3 Traps:

3 Royal Decree

The deck is fun to use and can make big, unexpected plays, but is very inconsistent. I have been trying to make it more consistent by adding dualities (waiting for the common version), but it's so hard making a deck based around dice rolling consistent. I also don't like the lack of defense and triple decree, and I've been messing with some builds, but this is what I have so far.

Machina Gadget:

17 Monsters:

3 Machina Fortress
3 Machina Gearframe
2 Red Gadget
2 Green Gadget
2 Yellow Gadget
1 Machina Force
1 Spirit Reaper
1 Blackwing - Gale The Whirlwind
1 Gorz The Emissionary of Darkness
1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

10 Spells:

3 Smashing Ground
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Limiter Removal

13 Traps:

2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Mirror Force
1 Royal Oppression
1 Seven Tools of the Bandit
1 Dust Tornado
1 Trap Dustshoot

Not the funnest deck, but my best and most consistent deck. If I had to make changes I'd consider taking out Trap Dustshoot, Dust Tornado, Limiter Removal, and Pot of Avarice. It's meant as a control deck, so a lot of it is necessary but those. I don't like Limiter Removal because it's always a -1 for me and I never need it to go for game, which is also why I don't run Trunade. Avarice is usually a dead draw for me, but it does help me recycle sometimes and is too good this format.

And Mist Valley:

19 Monsters:
3 Mist Valley Falcon
3 Reborn Tengu
3 Genex Ally Birdman
2 Genex Blastfan
2 Mist Valley Soldier
1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
1 Vortex Trooper
1 Mist Valley Shaman
1 Mist Valley Thunderbird
1 Mist Condor
1 Shield Wing

13 Spells:

3 Divine Wind of Mist Valley
2 Terraforming
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Book of Moon
1 Giant Trunade
1 Swords of Revealing Light

8 Traps:
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Call of the Haunted

Easily the funnest deck I run. Not a lot of people play this archetype, which is a shame. This deck can make explosive plays with Tengu and Birdman, but isn't consistent enough, and practically useless without its field card. Since this archetype isn't played much, I really don't even know where to start on how to fix this deck, so any changes are welcome.
kinda old but I'm curious why you ran that over regular keepers? too mainstream =p ?
Stun + Necrovalley is even more anti meta than Gravekeeper. Gravekeeper is played more of a general control deck + anti meta.

Stun + Necrovalley is anti meta to the extreme. It is specifically designed to destroy the top decks. Gravekeeper's on the other hand is more of a theme deck, while it is inherently anti meta.

So I think that might be why, but I could be wrong. =x
kinda old but I'm curious why you ran that over regular keepers? too mainstream =p ?
i was too scared of trunade/water synchro. everyone was hyping water synchro and i expected there to be a ton of it. played a bunch of test matches and i didnt get a single match on it with keepers, with/without siding. there were 3 games where i royal tributed for 5 turn 1 and still lost. matchup is crazy lopsided. however, i didnt consider the fact that in a field of close to 1800 people, worrying about one deck is not a good way to play yugioh.

i definitely could have gone a lot farther with keepers.
I'm hatin my ass for playing this game again after, like six or seven years. The game sucks (why should you sit there while your opponent gets to special summon stuff 50 times a turn?), but what're you gonna do about it, haha. Anyways, I decided to use a Macro Deck, but I'm finding it hard to keep up with the Synchros I keep running into.

Maybe the OP should be updated with people who have DN accounts.
24 Monsters:

3 Morphtronic Celfon
3 Morphtronic Boomboxen
3 Morphtronic Remotem
3 Morphtronic Scopen
3 Morphtronic Slingen
3 Cyber Valley
2 Morphtronic Lantron
2 Cyber Dragon
1 Morphtronic Boarden
1 Sangan

13 Spells:

3 Junk Box
3 Machine Duplication
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Monster Reborn
1 Giant Trunade
1 Dark Hole
1 Book of Moon
1 Pot of Avarice

3 Traps:

3 Royal Decree
Do you have an extra deck to go with that? If not I'd get rid of Remoten and Lantron personally, they're fairly useless without Tuning.
Do you have an extra deck to go with that? If not I'd get rid of Remoten and Lantron personally, they're fairly useless without Tuning.
I hate Lantron with a passion and it's only usable because it's level 1 with "Morphtronic" in its name, meaning I can go for Formula with Celfon. Usually I just use it as stall fodder and if I need to use it later, can just use Junk Box.

I don't like Remotem either, but it's effect can be useful and I run it in 3's because of its combo with Machine Duplication. You play Remotem, Dupe it, and Synch into Xx-Saber Gottoms.

Extra Deck is:

2 Formula Synchron
2 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Gaia Knight
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Scrap Archfiend
1 Ancient Sacred Wyvern
2 Stardust Dragon
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Xx-Saber Gottoms
1 Shooting Star Dragon
1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Not much I would change about my extra deck. Gaia over Brio because I rarely have a hand. Hyper Lybrarian and Trishula aren't cheap and aren't really necessary. Scrap Archfiend is surprisingly useful. Ancient Fairy Dragon to usually attack for game, and I can get a fairly consistent OTK with first turn Wyvern + Red Dragon Archfiend.
How does Chaos infinity give you extra cards? Either I'm missing something here or you're thinking of something else.
Other than that I agree. Komachi makes averything so much smoother too, I think she's my favourite card in the deck.
Do the standard Karakuri combo. Gearframe, Fortress, Glow-Up, synch Bureido, get Komachi, synch 7 for Burei, get Watchdog, bring Glow-Up back, synch 8 for Burei, get level 4 non-tuner Karakuri, synch 8 for Bureido, get Strategist.

Now you've got triple Bureido and Strategist. Strategist's own effect turns it's position - draw 3 cards from Bureido. Set Chaos Infinity. Next turn, activate it and draw another 3 cards after activating Chaos Infinity - this makes D.D. Crow or Veiler super strong cards to run because it's easy to draw into them and stop counter-plays.

Oh, and Chaos Infinity can get a teched Granel which can run over boss monsters and synchro.
Oh I see, use it in their turn.
I don't use a lot of those cards though, I run pure Karakuris save for two Cyber Dragons.
My deck is this:
21 Monsters
3x Karakuri Komachi
3x Karakuri Ninja Kuick
2x Karakuri Strategist
3x Karakuri Merchant
2x Cyber Dragon
3x Karakuri Soldier
3x Karakuri Watchdog
2x Karakuri Ninja Nanashick
15 Spells
Monster Reborn
Pot of Avarice
2x Machine Duplication
2x Solidarity
Limiter Removal
2x Karakuri Cash Cache
3x Karakuri Showdown Castle
Giant Trunade
Lightning Vortex
Book of Moon
6 Traps
Mirror Force
2x Karakuri Trick House
2x Karakuri Cash Shed
6 Extra Deck
3x Karakuri Shogun Burei
3x Karakuri Shotgun Burrito*
Total: 42, 6 Extra Deck

*An affectionate nickname. :D

Seems to work pretty well for me though I haven't had a preferable amount of time in the recent meta...
I'm thinking of swapping out machine dupes. They work beautifully sometimes but other times I already have a full field, or the wrong monsters, or Solidarity up and running and its just a dead weight. I'm thinking maybe Assembly Line/s or a third Trick House/Cash Shed in their places.
I also want more extra deck of course, but I'm playing in real life, so money etc. I'd like Catastor; merchant is a dead weight after its effect, but tuning it with Komachi/Strategist would be nice, especially since Catastor is a machine meaning it gets/doesn't fuck up Solidarity and can be used in further synchroing for Bureido. Oh and its effect is good too of course.
God, I haven't actually played in ages. Maybe I should start again. I better learn all the new strategies. I used to play, but I quit ever since Breaker the Magical Warrior was banned.

I'm hearing a lot of talk about Plants. Why? Is it because they beat zombies?
ok i was bored so here is my proposed banlist (this is not what i think will actually happen, but what i want to happen to help the metagame)

Mind Master (from Limited)
T.G. Hyper Librarian (from Unlimited)
Future Fusion (from Limited)
Gateway of the Six (from Limited)
Giant Trunade (from Limited)
Mind Control (from Limited)
Monster Reborn (from Limited)
Royal Tribute (from Semi-Limited)

Grapha, Dragon God of Dark World (from Unlimited)
Lonefire Blossom (from Semi-Limited)
Rescue Rabbit (from Unlimited)
Treeborn Frog (from Unlimited)
Formula Synchron (from Unlimited)
Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (from Unlimited)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (from Unlimited)
Heavy Storm (from Forbidden)
Mystical Space Typhoon (from Semi-Limited)
Pot of Avarice (from Unlimited)
Shien's Smoke Signal (from Unlimited)
Solemn Warning (from Semi-Limited)
Ultimate Offering (from Unlimited)

Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (from Unlimited)
Reborn Tengu (from Unlimited)
Destiny Draw (from Limited)

Magical Stone Excavation (from Semi-Limited)
Overload Fusion (from Semi-Limited)
Bottomless Trap Hole (from Semi-Limited)
Magic Cylinder (from Semi-Limited)
Ojama Trio (from Semi-Limited)

also some of these are probably obvious, but if anyone wants me to explain my choices just ask
I'll post more thoughts on that later, but why would you ban Trunade and allow Heavy Storm? Heavy Storm was never good for the game.


is a Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
At my local Magic: the Gathering events, there is YGO right alongside, and I got roped into playing...

My friend is sorting out a deck for me, it basically revolves around Gadgets and XYZ stuff. I am on an extremely tight budget, and I don't have the deck and the list yet, but any opinions on the archetype in general? Any suggestions as to stuff I should get for the deck?


is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnuswon the 10th Official Smogon Tournamentdefeated the Smogon Frontieris a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
At my local Magic: the Gathering events, there is YGO right alongside, and I got roped into playing...

My friend is sorting out a deck for me, it basically revolves around Gadgets and XYZ stuff. I am on an extremely tight budget, and I don't have the deck and the list yet, but any opinions on the archetype in general? Any suggestions as to stuff I should get for the deck?
get ultimate offering + any gadget = 3 utopia and 2 gadgets
ok i was bored so here is my proposed banlist (this is not what i think will actually happen, but what i want to happen to help the metagame)

Mind Master (from Limited)
T.G. Hyper Librarian (from Unlimited)
Future Fusion (from Limited)
Gateway of the Six (from Limited)
Giant Trunade (from Limited)
Mind Control (from Limited)
Monster Reborn (from Limited)
Royal Tribute (from Semi-Limited)

Grapha, Dragon God of Dark World (from Unlimited)
Lonefire Blossom (from Semi-Limited)
Rescue Rabbit (from Unlimited)
Treeborn Frog (from Unlimited)
Formula Synchron (from Unlimited)
Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (from Unlimited)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (from Unlimited)
Heavy Storm (from Forbidden)
Mystical Space Typhoon (from Semi-Limited)
Pot of Avarice (from Unlimited)
Shien's Smoke Signal (from Unlimited)
Solemn Warning (from Semi-Limited)
Ultimate Offering (from Unlimited)

Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (from Unlimited)
Reborn Tengu (from Unlimited)
Destiny Draw (from Limited)

Magical Stone Excavation (from Semi-Limited)
Overload Fusion (from Semi-Limited)
Bottomless Trap Hole (from Semi-Limited)
Magic Cylinder (from Semi-Limited)
Ojama Trio (from Semi-Limited)

also some of these are probably obvious, but if anyone wants me to explain my choices just ask
Maybe semi Call of the Haunted?
I very recently got back into Yugioh and made two decks: a serious Red Eyes Zombie Zombie World deck, and a fun Calculator deck.

Unfortunately, I don't actually know what all of the new cards do, but I'm definitely going to be trying that simulator soon.

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