Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

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Poison/Dark is actually awesome if they give Muk Pursuit/Sucker Punch. It's more of the same (Drapion, Skuntank) but it has a better stat spread to pull off Pursuit trapping. Plus, I just like Muk more from a design standpoint. Grimer doesn't look very interesting, though. Perhaps it suffers from problems that plague skins in competitive games: some are bound to be lower quality than others due to sheer volume. I feel the same about Alolan Meowth.
Mess @ the CoroCoro leaker withholding the rest of the scans for some stupid reason. I really did not need this today.

I wanted Dragon/Steel for Jangmo-o, but Dragon/Fighting is cool too, I guess, and it's a new type combo so I can't be mad. Now whether or not it'll make my team depends on the design, ofc. I don't think it's the pseudo-line, though. They've never revealed them pre-release as far as I'm concerned.
Actually I wonder why everyone is taking these abilities for granted for the last stage. The change of abilities between stages is absolutely common, especially if there's a change in typing too (and here we go from a generic base Dragon type to a supposed more peculiar Dragon/Fighting). I mean, there's a 50:50 chance.
Four out of Seven Psuedo-Legendaries have an ability change. Of those two (Dragonite and Hydreigon) have radical changes compared to their prevos (Dragonite going from snek to godzilla and Hydreigon losing its legs) while the other two (Tyranitar and Salamence) have a kinda pupa-like stage (Pupitar and Shelgon)

Those that keep their typings kinda share a similar consistant theme with each other, although Goomy could be the odd one out in that case.

We will have to wait and see, and odds are they will include the abilities too, but it can't be assumed quite yet on if it keeps Soundproof or not.

The new Pokemon Centers look absolutely gorgeous.

Picture is fresh from Serebii, btw
Was about to mention this. POKECENTER CAFE HYPE!
I'm kind of conflicted about my opinion on A-Grimer, I at the same time like and hate its design. I absolutely detest how ugly it is, especially the yellow lower lip with its oily black body. It just looks like a disturbing crime against nature. However, it's supposed to be a disturbing crime against nature. It portrays the idea of living pollution better than the Kanto form. Unlike the other version which has a somewhat adorable appearance to it, I can't stand looking at this one. So I'd say I like the design from the concept and how well it works, but it may be one of the ugliest games designs I've seen in Pokémon.


Ranting & Raving!
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So it's likely Alolan Grimer's design is based on oil and the yellow is coolant. As I noted, Hawaii has a runoff problem so makes sense that the Grimer family would adapt to the most abundant form of pollution. Though I just realize now it has "teeth" so maybe it will also have some of that plastic pollution problem I mention, the two teeth maybe being oil/coolant containers. Still, I got to ask what makes Alolan Grimer's pollution worse than normal Grimer's? Okay, Alola seems like a smaller/segmented region thus pollution would probably more easily affect it, but no bigger/whole region are welcoming Grimer either. I would thought Alolan Grimer would become a Poison/Water-type, since it'll likely (and seems to have) to adapt to water pollution.

Jangmo-o becoming Dragon/Fighting is neat even though I was thinking Dragon/Steel. Still makes sense and it's a unique type combination many people have been wanting. And with it confirmed its a 3-stage evolution its likely to be the psuedo Legendary meaning it'll have a BST of 600 to play with. This thing is going to be hitting hard and probably take physical attacks like a champ, of course there's question of its Speed and how well its Special Defense will be (and how much they'll waste putting into Special Attack). As for the early reveal, as I said when they showed Jangmo-o its not a surprise if it turns out to be the pseudo legendary. Goomy was a surprise, and I liked how they kept it a secret. I hope the Alolan Pokemon they don't reveal will have just as surprising effect. :)

I did not see Type: Null getting an evolution, though it does seem to agree with everyone's idea that Type: Null might have been made to reflect Arceus. Guessing its evolution will probably remove the restraint helmet, so not an evolution but an undressing (that or it transforms its helmet into something even more convoluted. But it it does take off its helmet I hope the reveal is that its face looks like Arceus). Also its evolution having a normal name, Shiruvadi, may also hint to the theory that Type: Null's current name is a nickname and it does have a real species name.
As for it changing type, all I could say for right now it sounds interesting and fits for it being a chimera made out of multiple animals of different environments thus types. I'm curious whether the items that will change its type will be existing items (wouldn't mind another Pokemon that can use the Plates and/or give a secondary function to items like the type boosters (and maybe remind them they need to make one for the Fairy-type). Or as Malistaire33 suggested have it be the Z-Crystals (though it'll probably need a Signature Move which changes type along with what Z-Crystal it has)) or they're going to introduce another set of items (which I hope they don't. As I pointed out we have PLENTY of older items they can use). Also note the type change seems to only comes from "AR System" so, unless Type: Null has it as a Hidden Ability, only its evolution will be changing type. Though this makes me wonder if this was a planned thing by whoever made it *coughAetherFoundationcough*, like they originally made Type: Null to be very powerful/as a base and then gave it an evolution to reflect the Ability of a Legendary (specifically Arceus) and make it more capable in battle. Makes me wonder if it maybe has a 3rd evolution trying to get as close as they can to making a Legendary...

Pokemon Center is looking good (and we get a glimpse of the Alolan Nurse Joy's design), and has a new cafe section. I'm curious whether this will be for all Pokemon Centers or just a few or some will have a different additional section. Not sure what the cafe can offer other than the better healing drinks (which would make the potion section of the PokeMarts kind of useless), if I recall in XY they had a Juice Shoppe in Lumiose City which made drinks which had different effects (increasing Friendship, increasing/resetting IVs, increasing levels) so would be neat to see that come back and expanded upon.

Boutiques are looking alright, I can tell they really wanted to show off the color changing mechanic (even though I don't think you can do it in Boutiques, unless they'll let you change clothes into different basic colors). However the color changing does bring up a question: will we now only be buying only one style of clothing? In XY we bought the same style of clothing item but in different colors, but with Sun & Moon making it so that you can dye clothes this really isn't needed. So what does this mean for the clothing variety in the Boutiques? Will we actually have less than before or since they don't have to focus on making the color combinations look good (that would be our job now) they can spend more time making many more different styles and designs?

I'm going to watch the video that deluge posted up and either make a new post if I hear any substantial amount of info I want to comment on or edit this post if there isn't.
I'm a little disappointed about yet another Poison/Dark, since with Grimer's yellow parts seeming to have something to do with water pollution there was a missed opportunity for Poison/Water.

I'm excited about the possibility to a Dragon/Fighting type though, here's to hoping we get a total beast of an Ankylosaurus.
Just came across the chinese riddler formula... and i'm no longer convinced that the "6 dark types" it mentions include Alola forms. In the line above that, for Ice, it hints at there being just 2 ice types and 6 forms. (I think the first number indicates how many had been revealed?) But since we have had four Ice Type Alola forms revealed, it seems likely that the two ice types are new. So we have five unknown dark-types after all.

What i do wonder is why it only mentions 1 pokemon in Type: Null's evolution line, and what the implications of that are.
I'm extremely excited for null's evolution, the arceus vibes are insane which is great cause I really love arceus too, I hope the leaker posts the rest later today, or somebody else gets it early and blows them away.
The original Grimer/Muk are already representatives of water pollution, being sludge created in seabeds or lakes and rivers. If they weren't poison/water, it makes no sense for the new forms to be part-water as well. The same thing goes for the Weezing and Garbodor lines. Even though they represent air and earth pollution, they aren't part flying/ground.
Those were his predictions, nothing more. I assume he had minimal knowledge for his first reveals and when that ran dry he's just been making stuff up to ride the wave of popularity.

That video re the first two hours of the game didn't really reveal anything we didn't already know. Cool pics and apparently Team Skull is cool.

Alolan Grimer...ok. Poison/Dark is fairly good typing, I guess they're trying to incorporate some of the added-later types into the Kanto dex. I'm not particularly impressed with it.

But Dragon/Fighting Yangmo-o evolutions are excellent! Hopefully they're designs are equally as cool.
I just noticed that alolan pokecentre lacks a changing room. Iirc kalos pokecentres had changing rooms. This is going to make changing clothes a bit annoying.


Ranting & Raving!
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Okay, watched the vid. Nothing much but there is some stuff I got from it:

Poke Ball hot button: During battle, on the bottom screen, you'll see there's a Poke Ball to the top left corner, its a hot button to all your Poke Balls so you don't have to go through multiple screens to do one of the main things your expected to do in a Wild Battle. Now the video says the original hot button has been replaced but that button doesn't appear until you entered the Bag screen so it could still be there. Still, a handy feature to include and hopefully they made the Bag just as easy to navigate through.

Money is abundant: The Pyukumuku Mini-Game wasn't a lie when it came to the amount of money it gave out, seems like early in-game we'll be given plenty of money to actually both buy supplies for training (Poke Balls, Potions, curatives, etc.) AND clothing from the boutique (unless they increase the prices to match this sudden money boom and that we'd only need to buy one style of clothing). Curious if they'll also have other money sinks in the game, even in previous games you'll be rolling around in money but have nothing to spend it on.

Battles are slow: Battles are still as slow as they were in XY with the turn having a slight delay to initiate or a move's animation being a tad long (though that can be fixed by turning off battle animations). Looks like they were more focused on improving the presentation than making battles feel fast.

Route 1 is varied: No longer just a field near a forest (or in XY a very short path surrounded by a forest), Alola Route 1 has various visuals and environmental set pieces. It's also multi-leveled which is one of the things which has me excited about exploring the Alola region: full 3d environments. Yeah, XY had them to an extent but it was still pretty much flat and straight forward. But look at something like this screenshot:

Look at the the ramps, caves, and possibly overpasses & underpasses. While probably mainly use to hide items (or sneaky trainers) it'll make the Pokemon world feel like a 3D world, something not done with Pokemon since I'd say the Colosseum games. And we've seen the images of Route 1, especially the ones with the player running alongside a cliffside and we see the beach and other location below. They can use that to give us hints where to go and foreshadow something to build tension.

Team Skull are VERY extravagant: Already we kind of figured Team Skull were out there with their hip-hop gestures, rap talk, and their silly skull pose; though apparently that's just the tip of the iceberg. I'm looking forward to it, but with that said I do hope that Team Skull does prove to be a threat. Team Flare I never was able to take seriously and felt was a downgrade from the developed Team Plasma who, while wacky with their Knights Templar behavior, still provided a sense of a threat with some of their actions. Hopefully Team Skull can do the same, balancing out their most wacky moments with serious/threatening ones to show that they're not playing around.

Finally there's something I forgot to bring up. So Type: Null's evolution, Shiruvadi, has the ability "AR System". As in "Augmented Reality System". Now who do we know in Pokemon that had dealt with augmented reality?
I hope to god they make it so that if you're facing 2 people who have battle animations turned off it finally turns them off. It's a ridiculous time saver and would turn a lot of people back to wifi.
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The "AR System" ability is a bit interesting. My thoughts immediately jumped to augmented reality, but the AR part could be simpler in that it stands for Arceus. An ability that allows the user to change type based on item sounds far more closely tied to that than anything regarding augmented reality .

(Other forums were also pointing out that AR system can sound like Arceus, but I think that's purely coincidental).

Can't listen to the GameXplain videos about their SuMo preview at the moment, but the new Pokemon center looks great. My only question is... is that little holographic stand on the side of the counter the PC? If not, are our PC boxes purely regulated to a menu function now like what happened with trading between Gen 5 -> 6? That'd be a pretty massive convenience, provided they prevent healing with the PC on the fly to avoid it being almost game breakingly good in game.
I thought that Alolan Grimer was based on an oil leakage, looking at the color scheme alone. It even uses the same pose as the Kanto variant's official artwork.
The "AR System" ability is a bit interesting. My thoughts immediately jumped to augmented reality, but the AR part could be simpler in that it stands for Arceus. An ability that allows the user to change type based on item sounds far more closely tied to that than anything regarding augmented reality .

(Other forums were also pointing out that AR system can sound like Arceus, but I think that's purely coincidental).

Can't listen to the GameXplain videos about their SuMo preview at the moment, but the new Pokemon center looks great. My only question is... is that little holographic stand on the side of the counter the PC? If not, are our PC boxes purely regulated to a menu function now like what happened with trading between Gen 5 -> 6? That'd be a pretty massive convenience, provided they prevent healing with the PC on the fly to avoid it being almost game breakingly good in game.
AR stands for Action Replay. By cheating, it changes its type.


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
I just noticed that alolan pokecentre lacks a changing room. Iirc kalos pokecentres had changing rooms. This is going to make changing clothes a bit annoying.
This is only the center, the changing rooms could be on the far left/right. Or they could, you know, let us change clothes any time we want.

Can't listen to the GameXplain videos about their SuMo preview at the moment, but the new Pokemon center looks great. My only question is... is that little holographic stand on the side of the counter the PC? If not, are our PC boxes purely regulated to a menu function now like what happened with trading between Gen 5 -> 6? That'd be a pretty massive convenience, provided they prevent healing with the PC on the fly to avoid it being almost game breakingly good in game.
I think that's the PC, it looks like a PC. Its easier to fully heal a Pokemon when its placed in the PC so I don't think they'd change it.

It even uses the same pose as the Kanto variant's official artwork.
All Alolan Pokemon use the same pose as the normal official artwork for comparison purposes.
According to Serebii someone noted a move change: Tackle is going from base 50 to base 40 power.

Wut? Why? Oh. Pound and Scratch are also Base 40 power, so none of the starters really start with an advantage in that department in Sun/Moon.
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