Board Game Late Summer Diplomacy - GAME OVER - UncleSam (Turkey) wins


Alternate map link.

Walrein - England
A Edi-Nwy
F Nwg C A Edi-Nwy
F Nwy-Ska
F Nth S F Nwy-Ska
A Hol S A Ber-Kie
F Eng H

Drawesome532 - France
A Sav-Mil *bounce*
F Mar-Lyo
F Naf-Wes
F Mao-Naf
A Par-Pic
A Bre S A Par-Pic

LonelyMills - Germany
No moves received
F Swe H
A Kie S A Ruh H *cut*
A Ruh S A Kie H

Stratos - Italy
A Apu-Rom *fail, cut support*

Kiritsugu - Austria
A War-Lvn
A Stp-Fin
A Lvn-StP
A Tri-Ven
A Bud-Gal
A Vie-Boh
A Mun-Bur
A Trl-Mil *bounce*
A Ber-Kie *fail*

UncleSam - Turkey
F Tys S A Rom H
A Rom S A Trl-Mil *cut*
F Ank-Bla
F Con-Bul(sc)
F Aeg C A Smy-Gre
A Arm-Smy
F Ems-Ion
F Tun S F Naf H *fail*
A Smy-Gre

And thus Finland lost its independence.

It is now Fall 1905. You have 48 hours.

Alternate map link.

Walrein - England
F Eng-Bel
A Hol S F Eng-Bel
F Ska-Den
F Nth S F Ska-Den
A Nwy H
F Nwg S A Nwy H

Drawesome532 - France
A Sav S A Apu-Rom *fail*
F Lyo-Mar *bounce*
F Naf-Tun *fail*
F Wes S F Naf-Tun *cut*
A Pic-Par *bounce*
A Bre-Par *bounce*

LonelyMills - Germany
A Kie-Ber *fail, cut support*
F Swe-Den *fail*
A Ruh-Bel *fail*

Stratos - Italy
A Apu-Nap *bounce* --> Removed in winter

Kiritsugu - Austria
A Bur-Mar *bounce*
A Trl-Mil
A Boh-Mun
A Ber S A Boh-Mun *cut*
A Gal-Sil
A Stp-Nwy *fail*
A Fin S A Stp-Nwy
A Lvn-Stp *fail*
A Ven-Rom *fail*

UncleSam - Turkey
A Rom-Nap *bounce*
F Tys-Wes *fail*
F Tun S F Tys-Wes *cut*
F Ion S F Tun H
A Gre-Alb
A Smy-Con
F Aeg H
F Bul(sc)-Gre
F Bla-Rum

Stratos - Italy has been eliminated!

Walrein - England
Build 1

Drawesome532 - France
No adjustments

LonelyMills - Germany
Remove 1

Kiritsugu - Austria
Build 1

UncleSam - Turkey
Build 1

It is now Winter 1905. You have 24 hours, so send build orders in right when you read this.
Last edited:

Alternate map link.

Walrein - England
A Hol S F Bel H
F Bel S A Hol H
A Nwy H
F Nwg S A Nwy H
F Den-Bal
F Nth-Den
F Edi-Nth

Drawesome532 - France
A Sav-Mar
A Bre-Gas
A Pic-Par
F Lyo S A Sav-Mar
F Wes S F Naf-Tun *cut*
F Naf-Tun *fail*

LonelyMills - Germany
No moves received
A Kie S A Ruh H *cut*
A Ruh S A Kie H

Kiritsugu - Austria
A Bur-Mar *fail*
A Mil S A Rom-Sav
A Ven-Trl
A Vie-Boh
A Fin-Swe
A Stp-Nwy *fail*
A Ber S A Mun-Kie
A Sil-Mun *fail*
A Mun-Kie *fail*
A Lvn-Stp *fail*

UncleSam - Turkey
A Rom-Sav
F Tys-Wes *fail*
F Tun S F Tys-Wes *cut*
F Ion S F Tun H
A Alb-Tri
F Gre-Alb
F Aeg-Gre
F Smy-Aeg
F Rum-Bla
A Con H

It is now Fall 1906. You have 48 hours.

Alternate map link.

Walrein - England
A Hol S A Kie H
F Bel S A Hol H
F Den-Swe
F Bal S F Den-Swe
A Nwy-Fin
F Nwg-Nwy *bounce*
F Nth S F Nwg-Nwy

Drawesome532 - France
A Par-Bur
A Gas S A Par-Bur
A Mar-Sav *fail, dislodged* → Retreat to Spa
F Naf-Tun *fail*
F Wes-Tys
F Lyo S F Wes-Tys

LonelyMills - Germany
No moves received
A Kie S A Ruh H
A Ruh S A Kie H

Kiritsugu - Austria
A Bur-Mar
A Mun-Bur *fail*
A Boh-Mun *fail*
A Ber S A Boh-Mun
A Sil S A Ber H
A Trl S A Boh-Mun
A Mil-Rom
A Swe-Nwy *bounce, destroyed*
A Stp S A Swe-Nwy
A Lvn S A Stp H

UncleSam - Turkey
F Tys-Lyo *fail, dislodged* → Retreat to Nap
F Tun H
F Ion S F Tun H
F Alb-Adr
A Tri-Ven
F Gre-Alb
F Aeg C A Con-Gre
A Con-Gre
F Bla H
A Sav S A Bur-Mar

I took the liberty of doing retreats for you. If you don't like my relaxing choices of Spa and Nap, they can be retconned to disband instead.

Winter adjustments:
Walrein - England
Build 1

Drawesome532 - France
Remove 1

LonelyMills - Germany
Remove 1

Kiritsugu - Austria
Build 3

UncleSam - Turkey
Remove 1

It is now Fall 1906. You have 24 hours. Send the builds/destroys in ASAP. This late in the game I will show no mercy in deadlines.
Some neat defense of the Front Line by England and France is doing his bit too. Almost want to support England's comeback (everyone loves a Walrein comeback no?), but I don't think it is going to be hear soon enough.

This builds phase will also be interesting considering that US is probably removing a unit for the first time this game?

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