Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

It doesn't change your frame, but you can't check your seed via coin flip. You'll either have to catch a monster to verify (and take into account the frames that doing so adds) or do it blindly.

This is also the case for the snow areas.
Hey derr.
Just curious if there is a reliable way to advance the seed other than calling Elm or something by bigger numbers (or at least 2, lol)
I have to hit frame 273 and I was just wondering if there is a better way that's reliable other than calling Elm.
Unless you RNG abused your ID and SID the probability of you finding flawless shiny spreads is pretty much zero.

Well, with that knowledge in hand, it looks like it's time to start another platinum game and RNG abuse my ID and SID. I'll still try to get my flawless Suicune from my soul silver game, but it seems like my chances of getting a flawless, shiny, timid raikou are next to nothing. (Those ARE a lot of specifics after all... -_-) Once I get the rest sorted out I'll either hope I've found someone willing to exchange that glorious raikou for something or I'll restart SS too and RNG abuse my ID/SiD in that.
Hey derr.
Just curious if there is a reliable way to advance the seed other than calling Elm or something by bigger numbers (or at least 2, lol)
I have to hit frame 273 and I was just wondering if there is a better way that's reliable other than calling Elm.
My friend told me to use the bottom left corner of the radio. That usually advances the frame by three. He found out it's pretty consistent, and it is. Other than Elm though, I don't think there's a 100% reliable way to advance the frame.
My friend told me to use the bottom left corner of the radio. That usually advances the frame by three. He found out it's pretty consistent, and it is. Other than Elm though, I don't think there's a 100% reliable way to advance the frame.
Bob Saget o.O
Also, is there any reason the RadioSeed link doesn't work...?
Okay, this is probably a really stupid question, but... I just recently downloaded the mac version of the RNG reporter, and I can't figure out how to find out the number of taps. On the PC version, you did it by opening the menu by right-clicking, so I tried control-clicking but it doesn't seem to work...
Hi, I've hit my Delay and am RNGing for Ho-oh on the Bell Tower. I'm advancing my frames right in front of the ladder that leads to Ho-oh btw.

Since I have to walk a few steps to Ho-oh, doesn't that advance my frames more?
So should I stop like 20 frames before my target so I can then walk to Ho-oh and advance the rest through Elm?

Some help would be appreciated. Sorry if it sounds confusing lol.


It's Seed Flare time.
Okay, this is probably a really stupid question, but... I just recently downloaded the mac version of the RNG reporter, and I can't figure out how to find out the number of taps. On the PC version, you did it by opening the menu by right-clicking, so I tried control-clicking but it doesn't seem to work...
Use the other method of right clicking - put two fingers on the touchpad and then click :)

My question. I am also doing this on a mac, and when i get the initial seed and click ok, nothing happens. I have to manually enter the seed. I am still stuck on trying to hatch a shiny (it isnt working). When you catch a pokemon to verify the initial seed, does the starting frame change as well?
Hi, I've hit my Delay and am RNGing for Ho-oh on the Bell Tower. I'm advancing my frames right in front of the ladder that leads to Ho-oh btw.

Since I have to walk a few steps to Ho-oh, doesn't that advance my frames more?
So should I stop like 20 frames before my target so I can then walk to Ho-oh and advance the rest through Elm?

Some help would be appreciated. Sorry if it sounds confusing lol.
The forced walking to Ho-oh takes up the same amount of RNG frames, so do a few tests of just walking straight to it, catching it, and finding the initial seed. Find the frame Ho-oh is on to see how far it advances. Then remember that number when trying to get a different seed.
oh ok thank you. I'm one frame before my target frame, should I run up to it? or call once more to hit my target frame.

EDIT: It's in my SS so theres no forced walking. It's the lv 70 Ho-oh

EDIT 2 : Never mind the capture was a success!

Well, with that knowledge in hand, it looks like it's time to start another platinum game and RNG abuse my ID and SID. I'll still try to get my flawless Suicune from my soul silver game, but it seems like my chances of getting a flawless, shiny, timid raikou are next to nothing. (Those ARE a lot of specifics after all... -_-) Once I get the rest sorted out I'll either hope I've found someone willing to exchange that glorious raikou for something or I'll restart SS too and RNG abuse my ID/SiD in that.

Well, I'll get my flawless shiny legendogs by hacking the wondercard.
Someone help me please

I am trying to learn rnging in ss and here's what I did
I got a delay between 485-501 the seconds I got 57 as the only common seconds two times,so I tried it to see if it would work,and got my seed and everything then put it in the "seed to time" and i got a target time of 10:57:45 now I don't know when to reset after I set my dsi clock and my vista clock to the same min and seconds,but I don't know what Time I should reset and enter the game.maybe am messing up the entire thing
and yeah this part is just for getting the shinny egg.
I was talking with my buddy and he mentioned that while advancing the RNG, it's possible to call Elm in the middle of advancing to check what frame you're on.
He had to leave before I could get a better explanation, so I'm wondering if someone could help me figured out what he meant :S

EDIT: Figured it out, lol :P
@Sudo: I tried the 67 flips and the game still advances the frame that i got from method 1

Entered the game with the right delay (4009)
My seed is 250B0FB3 my method 1 frame is 145 and for method j im going for 136
Since im going for frame 136 I did 67 journal flips which advances the frame to 134
Entered the game and quickly pressed X to make sure the Uncontrolable NPC didn't move
Sweet Scented for frame 136
Didn't get the frame 136 for the poke i wanted, instead i fell in method 1 frame 152 (145+7 for the battle=152) and got the spread i wanted but with the wrong poke.

I have done this with the other spreads and the game always advances to method 1 frame :S Does anyone knows why this is happening?

EDIT: There's only one Wandering NPC the one i can't battle and i make sure he doesn't move so that can't be the reason
So I'm trying to RNG the a fossil in Pearl. Please tell me if I'm doing this right.

Target Frame-42
Pokemon in party- 5
Monster Frame 1


I have to do 17 Journal flips(34), add the roamer(35), walk 128 steps with 5 pokemon in party(40), add the monster frame(41), and i start on frame 1, not zero, so(42).

Did anyone ever figure out how to use numbers from the Radio Tower's lottery to determine your SID? I recall some discussion about this in the research thread. If not, I can still find my SID by using the "Chain to SID" function with the Red Gyarados, correct?

Speaking of which, to do that, do I need to find my seed by catching a Pokémon other than Gyarados (since his PID is determined by an unusual method), or can he be used in the Seed Finder if I level him up enough and/or determine his exact IVs?
@Sudo: I tried the 67 flips and the game still advances the frame that i got from method 1

Entered the game with the right delay (4009)
My seed is 250B0FB3 my method 1 frame is 145 and for method j im going for 136
Since im going for frame 136 I did 67 journal flips which advances the frame to 134
Entered the game and quickly pressed X to make sure the Uncontrolable NPC didn't move
Sweet Scented for frame 136
Didn't get the frame 136 for the poke i wanted, instead i fell in method 1 frame 152 (145+7 for the battle=152) and got the spread i wanted but with the wrong poke.

I have done this with the other spreads and the game always advances to method 1 frame :S Does anyone knows why this is happening?

EDIT: There's only one Wandering NPC the one i can't battle and i make sure he doesn't move so that can't be the reason
Couldn't have done it better myself, bud. This is WEIRD.


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1. You likely didn't get the method J frame you think you did. Which is why you didn't get the pokmeon you wanted.

2. Just because you don't see an NPC move does not mean the RNG wasnt called. Imaging the results for the rng call are turn left/right/around, move up/down/left/right, and DONT MOVE. RNG is still called. NPC doesn't move.

3. Trying to RNG in an area where there is an NPC who can't move is just a trial and error process. You can ask here a million more times and no one is going to have a good answer for you.

Suggest you forget RNGing in that area and hatch the pokemon, because at this point you are wasting loads of time .... so you can get something in a cool pokeball. It's your time and you can waste it how you see fit, but I'm not going to go have some special investigation to help anyone do what I consider a waste of time (responding to the VM here)
Quick questions about this, i tryed it for the first time about 10 minutes ago and no joy.

1. Do the parent pokemon have to be in the computer or in your party?

2. Does a ditto suffice as one of the parents?

3. If i didnt soft reset it, would that F up the whole thing?

thanks in advance,

1) It's generally suggested that the parents be in your party, but it's not supposed to matter I don't think.

2) Yes, dittos are fine.

3) Soft reset what? I'm assuming you're still in the process of trying to get nature/gender/ability and not in the process of soft resetting for IVs yet? If so, there is really no soft resetting involved in that step. You synchronize your time with an external clock and note when you enter the game. Catch a pokemon and enter the required values into seed finder.

If you mean is soft reset vs hard reset, then it doesn't matter.
Quick questions about this, i tryed it for the first time about 10 minutes ago and no joy.

1. Do the parent pokemon have to be in the computer or in your party?
doesn't matter.
2. Does a ditto suffice as one of the parents?
3. If i didnt soft reset it, would that F up the whole thing?
no, but you need to know the time and date you hit continue.
thanks in advance,

also, make sure you do not start with the happiness checker on or leave it on when you do this. only go to it to do the taps and switch to a different app when you're done.

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